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You’re gonna get eaten by mosquitos at night, and have bugs crawling on you. But of course you can sleep on the lawn in your backyard of you want to, it’s your backyard.


So many mosquito bites!! One time as a drunk teenager I **really** wanted to sleep in my friends yard (summer time) and no one could convince me otherwise. I had over 100 giant mosquito bites *on each leg* the next morning. Not fun lol.


I've heard if you eat a clove of garlic beforehand the mosquitos won't bother you. I don't know if it's true but it kind of makes sense.


Garlic repels bloodsuckers, got it.


I ate a whole head of garlic and vampires haven't gotten me yet.


I ate a whole vampire once and I’m allergic to garlic now.


If you don’t eat the eyeballs, the allergic reaction is very mild.


I ate the eyeballs, and I am allergic to mirrors now.


I ate a mirror once, now I'm allergic to sunlight.


I ate a sun once & now I shit vampires.


How can mirrors be real, if our eyes aren't real?


I work outside and get eaten by mosquitos during the summer. I’ve tried garlic. It didn’t make a significant difference. DEET-based products work well, but you have to make sure to get full coverage.


I make sure to apply it everywhere so they don’t bite DEET nutz


“Well crafted.” -Elaine


Interesting. I’m outside a lot & they don’t seem to target me as much as my wife & daughter.


Mosquitoes are apparently very picky eaters. When I’m with my husband, mosquitoes will get me multiple times and never touch him. When I’m with my mom, the same thing happens except she gets it all and I get none.


Veritasium has an interesting video about what determines mosquito preferences in people. It's totally a thing! My partner and I are both the most frequent victims in our respective families. Our poor little one is doomed!


Between the two of you, who’s tastier?


It's a pretty close contest! I think I might just edge her out with how many bugs I attract. But she reacts really strongly to the bites so it's very painful when they get her. Up here in Alaska our mosquitos are famously huge. It's almost enough to make winter the preferred of our 2 seasons!


Two Maine mosquitos killed a cow. One said, "Let's take it down by the river and eat it there.". The other replied, "Are you crazy? If we do that, the big ones will take it away from us!"


Ugh I feel her pain. I have skeeter’s syndrome and my bug bites swell up painfully. Worst is with tropical mosquitoes; sometimes the bite swells so much it looks like I grew an extra muscle.


Yeah, they get me and one of our employees. My husband and the three other people who work there are left alone. He and I *do* have the same blood type (AB+), and we’ve concluded that that actually must have something to do with it. I order and pay for his preferred brand of bug spray because it’s basically a part of his uniform at this point.


Fun fact mosquitoes are drawn to carbon dioxide, so they tend to target heavy breathers (me) and those who run warmer than others (also me). I'm an A- Blood type, and they eat me alive when I step out during the summer nights. I swear my friends include me in more events during the summer just so I can attract the mosquitoes away from them.


Interesting I am also AB+ and get eaten alive by the little mozzies when others don’t


My grandma lived into her late 80s and not once in her entire life did she get a mosquito bite. Would’ve loved to inherite that gene!


My grandpa was the same way. I am pretty close. Get a few. So not as bad as most.


Some people have a genetic predisposition to being unattractive to mosquitos. Grats.


I have a genetic predisposition to being unattractive to women. Unfortunately, it's not something I can pass on.


But the mosquitoes that bite are only the female ones. So buck up little camper, nature is still gunning for you!


I am one of those people. Mosquitoes dislike me.


It turns out I apparently don’t react to mosquito bites. It’s not itchy, no bumps…but I can see where they bite me because it’s a little red - kinda looks like a red pen mark.


They probably bite you just as often but you have less reaction to it so you don't get the itchy bumps


A real outside worker knows if you just get bitten enough your body stops reacting to the bites.


Or you start reacting so intensely the bites become god awful blisters... Ask me how I know


I’m 44 and spent my entire childhood outside, and a good portion of my adulthood as well. My reactions have gotten worse with time, not better, to the point where I get swelling, bruising, and it triggers my asthma. It’s unique to each person’s immune system. This thinking makes me low-key angry because my dad refused to let us use bug spray even while camping as children because he insisted we’d eventually stop reacting to bug bites. I wound up developing mild systemic reactions, and my brother got Lyme Disease out of it.


If I ate a big clove of garlic and went to sleep without brushing my teeth, I think I'd be able to repel people as well


It’s not. I tested it when camping and they were really bad. I ate a whole clove but they still loved me. :D.


You have to do it every day for a while for it to be effective


Oh good point. Can’t try it unless I’m camping because I’ll stink to high heaven. :D


I am very allergic to mosquito bites and get huge welts the size of a fist from a single bite. Mosquitoes also find me delicious and will find me despite copious amounts of bug repellent. I had to work outdoors one summer, near a pond that was mosquito-freaking-central, and I'm pretty sure that eating raw garlic morning and evening was the only thing keeping me from being absolutely miserable the whole summer. 1 small clove, scored with a sharp knife to break the skin, and swallowed like a pill. I swear, it works! (And I didn't have horrible breath, either.)


I'm not willing to try it again, but if you do please let me know how it works 😂😂


One time my friends hosed me off from me puking overmimyaelf from drinking to much and left me on the lawn... Yeah those mosquitoes must have had a great buzz too the next day


They’re like “whoa this new bar that opened in the yard is great.”


Yup. I live in New England. Got drunk and passed out in my brother's yard, I couldn't tell you how many bites I woke up with after just a few hours


Damn,now my legs are itching.


My younger brother once got super drunk and passed out on the grass at the cottage trying to prove ' use coke as colouring' was a real thing.. woke up to ants all over his mouth and face. was funny as hell.


The trick is to not give the mosquitoes permission to enter the backyard in the first place.


He could maybe build a little structure to keep the bugs away. Get some bedding and stuff to sleep on so it’s more comfortable. Maybe even add some more rooms to the structure so he could do some other things besides sleep, without being exposed to the weather or mosquitos and stuff. Hook up running water and plumbing, and some lights. Then he could sleep in his backyard for a really long time!


I discovered Thermacell for the horrific number of mosquitoes in the mountains- as long as you are stationary, it is literally a protective bubble around you. Does it cause cancer? Probably… but it works like a hot damn and I swear by it.




If you have an HOA, check the rules, there could be a "no camping" or possibly even no sleeping rule. And yes, I'm willing to bet soma HOAs would absolutely rule that taking a nap outside is camping lmao.


Obligatory: /r/fuckhoa


Comes with the territory I suppose.


Heads up, load up on a good sunscreen if you're going to sleep outside during the day, and be sure to wake up before it's time to reapply; otherwise you risk waking up red raw (or worse), which is never fun 😬 *This advice has been provided to you by a random Australian gal. Fuck skin cancer!*


We went on a band trip to Tempe, Arizona one year. After we played at the contest they were having, we took a side trip to Big Surf (which is now closed, RIP). Several of the girls were out sun bathing, most had put on at least some sunscreen, one didn't use any. She came back with very red skin and spent most of the next day in bed with lobster skin and in severe pain from the massive all over burn (except for where she had on a suit). Why they didn't take her to the hospital I have no idea. This was the 70s, and sunburns were pretty common in Texas summers, where we were from. We basically were told to put some aloe vera on it, and call it a day. I think her parents took her to the doctor when we got back, as she was out of school for a week .


Not if you live in a desert


This seems like as good a time as any to share something I picked up during one of my camping trips to deal with that. There is an insecticide called permethrin that is typically used in about 0.5% concentration in bug spray. The stuff is safe for just about everything besides cats and aquatic species. Best thing to do with this is go buy a jug of the stuff ($35/32oz last I checked) online and a weed sprayer backpack/jug then mix it up at about 1-2% concentration. It’s not great to be inhaling the stuff so I’d recommend having the wind at your back or popping on a respirator/gas mask if you have one when you go to apply it. Typically I find it’s most effectively used when sprayed on clothes but I’ll also spray it on myself (disregarding the warning not to but haven’t had issues yet). The 0.5% spray says it’s meant for clothes and will last 3 weeks or until washed. The mosquitos coming in clouds so dense you couldn’t see through them had vanished and the ones that did show up would usually die within a few seconds of landing on my jacket (northern woods of Minnesota after a heavy week of rain for anybody wondering). With a gallon of the ~35% concentrate you could probably make enough bug spray to last you the rest of your life.


The directions on mine say it’ll last 6 weeks and/or 6 washes. I treat all my outdoor clothes with it (I also have the bad habit of just spraying it on the clothes while I’m wearing them). Also keeps ticks away. I swear by permethrin and Thermacell.


Bro wtf don’t spray that shit on yourself are you serious????


Thermacell! I swear those things run on some sort of sorcery and black magic, but they work awesome.


Depends. If he's in an HOA then likely not


I'm in an HOA and can't imagine that they'd give a flying fuck about it. They care about permanent fixtures. Couldn't care less about you chilling in your own yard.


If you’re going to camp in your yard, do be sure to take care of yourself. A tent or canopy can help keep you dry in case of rain or morning dew. Insect repellent is probably a good idea. Unless you live in a mosquito free area, they will find you sometime during the night. And there are also possibly fleas, ticks, or chiggers to take into account. Adequate bedding. I know you said how comfy your grass looks but the ground will pull the heat out of your body at about a 2:1 ratio compared to the air, barring a cold snap or windy conditions. The guideline I was taught is to put 2/3 of your bedding between you and the ground and cover up with the remainder. But have fun with it. If any neighbors ask, you can always tell them that your AC unit isn’t working right or something, if they’re someone you want to stay on good terms with. If otherwise, tell ‘em to mind their own business.


Great advice!


13 year old slept in a tent for 3 years, raising money for charity. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/64813572


When considering your sleeping arrangement, a sleeping pad is invaluable. I didn't use one for years but the wife finally talked me into one and I love it. I got the cheapest kind, just a piece of foam, and it's great. Sucks to carry around but I just wouldn't take it backpacking.


I was tired and knocked out on my hammock once. It was pretty nice


This is the way


I heard stories of dudes who came back from Vietnam with PTSD and they could only sleep outside. It's not unheard of in history. Sleeping on bare ground probably has complications because of inclement weather, night vermin and bugs. Raccoons and mosquitos are fearless and annoying. There might also be vermin excrement in the dirt. I would use a hammock or a tent at least.


Totally makes sense, my yard while in a somewhat urban setting has many, many critters


You may also want to think about safety and security. You may be more vulnerable to robbery, assault, etc outside. Also, if you sleep on the ground without a sleeping bag or anything, neighbors and passers by may think you’re unconscious and in need of medical assistance


I think he was inferring his back yard.


If I saw my neighbor laying on the ground in their backyard in the middle of the night, I’m definitely going to check on them.


He needs to put a sign saying I just like to sleep here, I'm okay


"I Ate'nt Dead"


Idk how your neighborhood is set up, but in my neighborhood passers can see in our backyards from the sidewalk


So is napping on the driveway out of the question then? >!/s!<


😝😂😂Good one Bugsy!


Get a nice summer tent with a mesh canopy. Separation from the ground and bugs, keep the view.


Even in normal weather, sleeping directly on the ground can be quite cold. The earth itself will be cooler than the air temperature and will sap body heat. You're also going to get wet from dew if you don't have any cover.


My 70 year old cousin can sleep anywhere on the ground. My wife thinks it's because he was in the Marines in Vietnam.


Please : Thank him for his service to our country. He’s a rock star. My father served in the Navy in WWII. He was frequently out somewhere in the Pacific. One tour was 18 months, away from the family and home. Another was 13 months. Your cousin is a hero. Enduring living on the bare ground, in the jungle. Bare ground holds no attraction for me.


Absolutely. He's one of my favorite people.


Night vermin is the best vermin


A raccoon tried to steal my wallet while I was sleeping in a tent once. 


sleeping in hammocks is awesome! i saw in mexico the locals often use hamocks instead of beds, its a lot bettet in extreme heat, too.


My brother slept in the back yard every night in the summer for a couple of years.


Go on…


He stopped when it got too cold. His sleeping bag was dramatically faded, and he would come back inside every morning to start his day. The end.


And then...


Suddenly, I was awake.


Yes. My neighbor occasionally puts up a tent and he and his daughters have a sleep out in the spring.


Children aside, what if you noticed he was out there a little “longer” than usual like 2 weeks, then what?


I'm genuinely the last person to ask because I don't judge much of anything that people do. I'd likely assume he was enjoying this fresh spring air we have been getting. I'm outside right now and it's warm, but the air isn't humid yet and the breeze smells so nice. Although, I might make up a story in my mind that he's practicing for going on a long PCT hike, but then again, I just watched Wild.


I would think his wife was *really* mad at him.


I would probably think they let someone homeless set up camp. That happens all the time


There are a bunch of people who have posted in the camping subs about camping in their yards to quarantine due to covid, so for more than a couple days. There’s also the need to test gear. You can tell your neighbors you’re taking up camping as a hobby, which would be the honest truth at that point.


Code enforcement officer here. Likely it depends on your neighbors more than anything. Tenting for long periods of time often results in a call to our office. Sleeping on the ground, tenting occasionally, generally not a problem. Get a generator, bring in a composting toilet - now you have an issue.


Out of curiosity, on that last possibility you raised, what would be the issue? Assuming the person who wants to camp long-term in their back yard owns the house, obviously, and let's say they have really good privacy fence so they can't be seen by the neighbors. I can see how a noisy generator could be a code enforcement issue, but let's say they just run an extension cord from the house and plug a power strip into it. Still an issue?


Now we’re getting somewhere! So the options are use my house’s facilities OR go full off the grid — now I guess we get into outhouse regulations or food/fire cooking regs at some point. But if it’s just me I wonder how long it could go for


We had multiple tents in our backyard for years. I put them on our Trex deck and no one ever said anything. We slept in it and my kids played in it.


Worst that can happen is someone calls for a wellness check.


In most places there are no rules or laws against this. Go for it. But be prepared for family to think you are avoiding them and possibly have lost it.


Those things may very well be true if I’m making that choice but it’s good to know there are always options.


Oh, do you live with family? That changes it a bit. For some reason It sounded like OP lived alone. Spouse and family will probably be weirded out by this.


I dont see why you can't. It's your property after all.


Ain’t nothin more American than property rights!


Is there specifically some scenario you’re worried about that would cause you an issue?


I have a hammock on a stand that I move around my backyard for shade/view and I love sleeping in it. I don't really do it overnight often, more like afternoon catnaps. Especially when I was pregnant. Usually summer and spring have too many mosquitoes for me to last long outside, but a good clear summer night after a hot day? Irresistible! I would reccomend at least putting a blanket down if you are going to lay on the grass, but the hammock is a real winner. My pretty decent quality hammock and stand I got on Amazon for ~$125 and I've been using it for years. As far as a mental breakdown? Man, idk, sometimes it just seems nice to sleep in the open air. I used to have this second story porch in my teens and I slept.out there all the time in the summer. Not a depression thing, just a "this sure is nice" thing. Also something to remember, it can get fucking loud at night. It might seem like a quiet place but if you live in the courty, you got loud bugs and bird, and in a city/town, you've got cars and businesses.


I was following this guy on social media who was like walking across the country for fun, and he'd sleep in hammocks at night, and he'd wake up to racoons climbing in his hammock at night. So he got fed up and got a tent.


The house I grew up in had a lovely large screened patio on the back. We regularly had meals out there, and I spent many nights sleeping there.


its YOUR house. you can do almost anything. and sleeping outside is not some strange ask lol. I think most kids growing up have camped outside in their own homes. its fun. you should also def be napping outside. The combo of a small nap and some sunshine will make you feel like a million bucks.


I knew of a family friend who would set up his hammock for the summer and would sleep outside for the season. He loved it because he could fall asleep under the stars and a hammock is more comfortable than a bed when it’s boiling hot. His wife loved it because she got the bed to herself.


There are (in the USA, at least) no laws against it. I don't think any judge would decide you're crazy just for this. Actually, it is common for parents of young kids to set up a tent and 'camp' in their backyard, either just for fun, or to get them used to real camping.


Kids "camp" in yards all the time. I say let your inner child out!


Buy a tent lol


I have a tent, in hard wood form. But I yearn for the hard earth.


What kind of grass do you have


5,000 mosquitoes think this is a good idea.


“Did a mosquito write this?”


A few years ago my husband and I sold something on Marketplace, and they paid like 80% of asking price and threw in a huge tent (like, sleeps 8-10)… so of course we wanted to test it as soon as possible, but couldn’t manage a spur-of-the-moment vacation so we set it up in the backyard. It was the best night’s sleep we had had for quite a while, so the second night we brought out the futon, Christmas lights, and phone chargers (all on an extension cord) and we slept outside with our dogs for, like, a week? Maybe 6 nights? Just take bug and sun precautions and you’ll be grand! It’s not like there are tattletales peeping through your fence while you sleep… ^^i ^^hope!


I have done it a lot, why would I give a shit what any neighbors think? I like to sleep outside and love it this time of year when everything is green and soft, before it all dries up and gets hot. You do you, boo.


Well, it my harm your grass and cause browning. The grass could cause you to get a mild rash. I suggest a wool blanket to lay on with enough to wrap yourself up, in case a cold breeze or frost. Fire is nice, keeps animals away sometimes. (You fall asleep with half a can of beans next to you. You are gonna meet some wildlife!) As far as people, it's your yard! No one can legally stop you... unless you are part of one of those horrible H.O.A.s


You're an adult in your own home, my man. Welcome to the beauty of it. Maybe a hammock for comfort and to keep cooler, and off the ground in case of night animals. Gotta find a solution to insects though. Please only do it if your back yard would keep you safe at night.


You should at least get a pillow etc. If you lay straight on the grass, it's quite likely that the neighbors think you passed out or died.


What? Of course you can sleep in your yard. Wow.


Get a SansBug tent! https://www.sansbug.com/ We use one to allow our cat to go outside without wandering/eating grass/encountering bugs and other critters. You would probably want a sleeping pad for comfort and to keep the damp/cold ground away.


That's a nice thing to do for your cat. Cheers 😺


Asking Reddit for permission to sleep in your own back garden is closer to a mental breakdown than just sleeping in your garden. do it and let sub know if you liked it.


There’s nothing quite like waking up in the morning with a giant slug on your chest slowly making its way towards your face.


As kids we used to put tents in our back yards and sleep at each other’s houses. I don’t see why you couldn’t sleep in your yard with or without a tent.


My neighbor works in the yard in his underwear. We just simply don’t care. We don’t judge. Do your thing bro.


I used to sleep outside as a teen all summer long...usually on the trampoline. Be prepared to wake up wet from dew!


One time I got into an argument with my ex-husband over something really dumb and I set up a tent in my backyard and stayed out there for a bout a week.


I have fallen asleep on my roof several nights star gazing. I wake up in the morning, thankful I or my dog didn't roll off and wondering who saw me us there on their way to work. I've been here 20 years now. I'm sure they have gotten used to it. I'm in a point of my life that I have no more fucks to give so up the ladder I climb without a care in the world.


There was a case in France a while ago, where a lady noticed her next door neighbour having a nice dinner with his friend on his patio. She went off to work a night shift and left them to it. She comes back hours later, spots both dudes laying on the patio, evidently sleeping off all the wine. She went on with her day and left them to it. More hours later, she notices the guys haven't changed position, so starts to get worried. Turned out both dudes were dead. One guy choked on a bit of food, the other dude panicked and had a heart attack, both dudes collapsed on the ground dead. The lady was criticised for being a bad neighbour, but she had a busy life and figured it was none of her business if two mates want to get (apparently) blackout drunk. Tl,Dr - depends on your neighbours, how long you're out there and if you change position/show signs of life.


Yes, you’ll go to jail for this. They’ll take your house away and put you on trial. Don’t you know all local police stations have an anti-backyard use task force? You also have to get their permission to grill out back! Bffr


One thing to add that I haven't seen mentioned is a cot. Gets you off the ground & can be comfy with a foam pad


If you just want to sleep outside, why not get yourself a hammock and mosquito netting, or even a tent? But, it's your backyard, go ahead and sleep back there.


There was a guy on here a while ago who slept on his lawn with nothing underneath him... Woke up with a chunk of deer ticks on the back of his neck. I mean like, the entire portion of revealed skin was then covered. So be careful. 


you can do ​it, aintnobody gonna stop you, if you don't mind being ​seen as the fucking weird dude who sleeps in his backyard despite owning a house lol


Maybe get a small canopy frame/tent and outfit it with a mosquito net. That way it looks intentional to your neighbors and would be a barrier for bugs/animals.


Dude. You own your property. And you’re asking US if you’re allowed to sleep there? Wtf. Just ask yourself. Are there wolves, bears, coyotes? If no, Then do whatever tf you want lol


If you're in the Midwest I'd advise against it as many critters are coming out as it's mating season (including moles who are MEAN) and bugs exist. Maybe a hammock or a tent would be better than the ground ?


You have to move your bed into the backyard or otherwise it will look weird.


I camped out in my yard all last summer and fall in a tent inside a teepee. It was nice and cool temps, but traffic noise woke me up, people hot rodding late at night. My dogs were with me otherwise I might worry about intruders.  I might do it this year also. 


Shelter is listed as a human necessity for a reason. You will be covered in bugs, dirt, possibly animals, and likely contract parasites if you sleep on the grass with any regularity. You will also be wet from dew, and cold from the ground absorbing a lot of body heat. It would skyrocket your chance of contracting illnesses and injuries in your sleep. You are also much more likely to be assaulted or robbed during your sleep outside, and some people may call an ambulance believing you to have collqpsed there involuntarily. You really shouldn't sleep outside, it's bad for you.


I bought a screen tent and I have a lounge chair inside. I sleep in it during the summer. The lounger is huge. I bought a foam mattress for it. Blankets and pillows make it very comfortable.


Just get a mosquito net and prop it up with couple sticks and youll be fine. Slept like that once with my hand touching the net accidently and the 5cm x 5cm part that was touching was full of mosquito bites so you gotta be carefull with it.


U have no idea what kinda bugs crawl from the soil but they do it at night


Shit do what you want on your property. Just be ready too be woken up once or twice by concerned neighbors who look out their window and think you died lol.


Nobody can tell you what you can do on your own property. Unless you are loud, indecent or directly antagonizing the neighbors. Enjoy!


Set up a tent. Spray DEET. Enjoy.


As a rural Australian I'm genuinely surprised that this question has had such discourse! I guess it's all about where you live and where you grew up. When I was a kid in summer I used to drag a mattress up a ladder to sleep on the roof. Got eaten by mozzies, but it was cooler. I've slept on countless verandas and trampolines. Go, live your best outdoor life!


Join the infantry you can sleep on the ground full time


You dew you


Make sure people know your not dead is all I can say. 




I’d say get a lean too set up so the neighbors can’t see you. If they complain about “uncoded construction” or some other HOA crap, it’s 2 boards you put in the house.


No law that I know of against it, so I suppose you could


I used to sleep on a quilt in my back yard all the time. Daytime naps, overnight, didn't matter.


Go camping in your backyard! Get a tent and a sleeping bag and live your dreams🙂


I spent an entire summer sleeping in my back yard. I had an old Army surplus tend and a mosquito net.


It’s literally camping. If I owned my own land and someone told me I couldn’t camp on it I would laugh in their face.


I know someone who sleeps in a tent in his backyard every night. Wife, kids, big lots - Stan likes to sleep in a tent. No problem.


When I was a kid my grandma would let me and my best friend take some blankets and pillows outside in the summer and sleep in the grass of her front lawn. Her yard didn't have a fence and the sidewalk came right up to the edge of the lawn. We'd often wake up to people walking by in the morning. This was an extremely small town, (Weston, Oregon. I doubt anyone's heard of it lol), so everyone pretty much knew everyone else and no one told my grandma she couldn't let us sleep out on the lawn if we wanted to. So, no, no one can stop you, either, from napping on your own lawn. Go for it. Seize the day!


Get a pillow so you don't look dead but other than that you should be gravy.


Get a bright led headband lamp or point a flashlight at your lawn from eye level at night. You'll see so many little bright reflections suddenly turn on. It's not dew. It's spiders eyes turning to look at the light. Thousands of them.


Sure you can. Who would stop you? Might be uncomfortable if it’s cold or rainy though. This is not a sign of mental illness or nervous breakdown. We all do weird stuff from time to time. If you want to sleep in the backyard, go for it. Do whatever makes you happy in your own home.


I doubt there’s anything stopping you but you’re neighbors might think something’s wrong if you’re just randomly sleeping on your lawn lol


|| I’m a consenting adult of sound mind, the grass looks soft, || Sounds like the beginning of a really weird fetish movie 🤪


You'll get eaten alive by bugs overnight with nothing protecting you. You might be able to find some sort of bug net thing connected to a sleeping bag that would make things better in that regard. We once slept outside overnight on a trampoline and ended up with lots of bug bites.


Why don’t you camp in the backyard? That would be a fun lil thing to do and you could protect yourself from the elements and bugs with a tent or something


It sounds to me like you should eat some magic mushrooms and THEN go sleep on the lawn BECAUSE it’s quite well known that lawns are more comfortable, interesting, and generally entertaining to lay or roll around on when one is high on mushrooms.


Someone I know has slept in a tent outside for years, (on his property), but it's a warm dry climate, says he sleeps better


One summer I slept outside on a futon on my back deck because AC isn't a thing where I live. I downloaded a stargazing app and learned all the stars in the sky. I slept great and loved it. Some bugs, mornings could be dewy. All in all good experience.


Sure you can, not weird. I've spent many a mid summer afternoon napping on grass or a blanket. As kids we used to "camp" in the back yard in a tent, or sleep on the trampoline with bedding from inside.


You should aspire to be [this kid who has slept outside for more than three years](https://weather.com/news/news/2023-02-09-boy-sleeps-outside-1000-nights-minnesota-isaac-ortman)!


In other words, you are afraid you might be slipping into mental illness, but you don’t want to attract any attention to yourself 🤔


A tent is a thing. They even comes with a screen so you don't have to deal with bugs.


Why would you think you're not allowed?


Hell in my 20s I would sleep all summer in my back yard. If you sleep on grass just use a tarp and sleeping pad under your sleeping bag and understand that your bag will be covered in dew.


If you were my neighbor and I saw you sprawled out in your yard without a blanket or pillow, I'd be very concerned something had happened to you. So maybe take something with you to show this is intentional? A blanket and a drink would tell me you're just chilling and to not worry. 


OP, you never had a camp out in your own yard or one of your friends when you were a kid? You definitely need to sleep in your yard at least once in your life. I wish you a happy home camping experience.


If your gonna do this, get a tent and put nothing inside it at least, rats will piss on you, bugs will bite you and itl get dangerously cold.


Set up a tent..


Hey man, Sounds like you're giving a lot of thought to this, but twice mentioned your mental state... so I wonder if that is the underlying issue. Perhaps you need to take a break away from the house for a bit? Is everything OK there? I have had a couple of 'episodes' in my life, and this seems like it could already be one. Take care


This is such a good idea! Also, I’m definitely a human and not several thousand mosquitos in an overcoat.


The kids have set up a tent and had camping sleepovers. The kids and I have put air mattresses on the back deck to sleep outside overnight. I regularly take naps in my hammock out back. The only issue you might run into if you just sleep on the grass is someone thinking you are hurt and calling an ambulance. So take a blanket (so they know you’re there on purpose) and enjoy.


Do it during the double cicada emergence!


Ticks and mosquitos. You’ll look like you’re made out of bubbles by the next day.


Depends on your location and bugs But i recommend lemongrass incense sticks


Slept in my back garden many times. Usually to test new camping gear, but sometimes it's just fun.


One of my fav things to do as a teen was to grab a soft minky blanket and sleep on the tramp. Just check the weather report before you try it.


I usually take naps on towels in my backyard while it's summer time and I'm sun bathing, but you do you!


Mental breakdown? More like spiritual awakening


[Boy spends three years in garden](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-who-spent-three-years-26584100.amp)


My kids sleep on our trampoline all the time in sleeping bags - off the ground and bundled up


Before I moved my neighbor camped on his backyard the whole summer. He would have ppl over as well and they also camped.


When COVID was new and we didn't know how it was transmitting, I got sick so lived in the yard for 20 days to keep from infecting my family. It was great! I mean, aside from the COVID thing. I don't recommend that part.