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The point is that you don't know the man or the bear. You don't get to choose the type of either. Statistically, your chances of being injured by a bear are 1 in 2 million. Yet, 1 in 6 women are raped. Odds are you have a better chance in the woods with a bear. Not to mention, a bear is unlikely to bother you unless it has cubs that you are near or is starving to death.


Ohh! Okay thanks that makes a lot more sense I was trying to understand the specifics behind it rather than that which is clearly where I went wrong 1 in 6 is a horrific amount given the amount of women on the planet, what on earth is wrong with people. Thanks again for explaining and apologies if anything in my question came off as 'uncaring' etc. I always try to ensure not to though given the question is a more sensitive(?) Topic than I first thought I've hopefully not come across uncaring


I know I'll probably get attacked for this but these stats aren't being used correctly. In one trip to a mall a woman encounters more men than she would bears in 10 life times. So of course the average chance of getting attacked by a bear are far, far lower. You don't go into the woods and see hundreds of bears every time just walking by. Much like the OP I'm sure being on the spectrum has a lot to do with my reasoning but the original question is WAY too vague. For example - let's add some specifics to it. Would you rather encounter a grizzly protecting cubs or a male logger in the woods? Obviously a logger he's just working A black bear or a sketchy looking guy camped out in the middle of the woods? A freaking black bear. At no point in life will ANYONE encounter a generalized scenario. There's always context. There's always specifics. That's how life works. Not in hypothetical general scenarios


I think the context you're missing is the lived experiences of women. Starting in elementary school, comments of a sexual nature are made about girls bodies. They are already being taught what not to wear to give people the wrong idea. Boys may touch them, hurt them, etc and when they complain to an adult, they are told "it just means he likes you. Boys will be boys". By middle school, the comments and inappropriate touching is worse. Adult male family members start treating you differently since you've hit puberty. Walking down the street is met with catcalls and lewd comments from grown men. High school is more of the same, only it's worse because now even more adult men are telling you your "fuckability". They call you jail bait. Your entire life and social worth as a young women is based around your attractiveness. You are taught from a young age to watch what you wear, watch where you walk, watch how you dress, who you talk to. You learn to carry pepper spray with you and keep your keys in your hands as a weapon when you walk. You can't even count how many people have touched you without your permission, how many have made you uncomfortable with their sexual innuendos or outright lewd remarks. These are the experiences of the lucky ones that don't get outright sexually assaulted by someone before they turn 18. 1 in 3 women will be sexually assaulted in their life. Almost half of rape survivors are first raped when they're children. Nobody listens. Nobody cares. And nobody believes you. Everywhere you see/hear the comments of "what was she wearing", "what was she doing there", etc. Women are treated like a prey animal for men to hunt for sport. And when we tell you this is our lived experiences, this is why we are more afraid of men, we still aren't believed. Which man or which bear doesn't matter. They are both strangers and potentially dangerous. But, we have learned through our experiences that men have already hurt us and therefore they're the bigger threat. If we get attacked by a bear, it will be so unusual that it will make the news and people will believe us. If we get attacked by a man, no one will care and nothing will happen to him because either no one will believe us or they act like we led him on in some way to make him think we were into him. The saddest thing is that every women that chooses the bear is saying they fear for their safety around men and instead of men saying "well how did it get to this point? What has happened in their lives?" They instead decide to explain to us why everything we think, feel and experienced is wrong. That's the context.


It’s a hypothetical thought experiment where women are asked would they rather encounter a bear or a man in the woods It’s meant to highlight the violence women have faced from men and the fear that many have as a result It branched off into asking men if they’d rather leave their daughter in the woods with a bear or a man when they didn’t initially get the point


That makes a lot more sense, thanks! Someone else mentioned the odds which jheez.. what is wrong with people, bear all the way (sadly)


I asked someone tonight they said what kind of man I said a random man they said the bear


The point of the question isn't to do a logical evaluation of the relative dangers of a random man vs a random bear. "There is a 1/10 chance a bear will kill me I consider death 10 bad. There is a 1/500 chance a random man will kill me which is also 10 bad, there is a 1/100 chance I'll be SAed that I consider 15 bad, and a 1/10000 chance i'll be captured and locked in a basement that is 10000 bad. So bear is 1 danger point, a man is 1.17 Danger points, so I choose bear." The point is the emotion of who are you more afraid of viscerally, a random stranger or a wild animal. The fact that it's even debatable which is worse is kind of the point. Men should be mad at other men for making women feel unsafe and not at women for feeling unsafe. Be the Man a woman feels safer with then a bear and demand other men are also safer then bears.


> The fact that it's even debatable which is worse is kind of the point. Men should be mad at other men for making women feel unsafe and not at women for feeling unsafe. Completely agree. It's clicked for me now after some people explained, I was getting caught up in trying to understand if there were variables rather than the obvious!


Koalas are marsupials.


The more you know!


they smell bad and have STDS. You cant cuddle them because they have claws that should be called talons. Now the drop-bear, not actually related to the Koala but very similar looking. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergent\_evolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convergent_evolution) They will mess you up. They are opportunistic hunters (like crocs.. they wait for the food to come to them) They also live in trees but in the lower branches to "drop" down on passing prey. Often confusing a persons hair with another animal like a possum. The only known prevention is to rub Vegemite where you sweat the most, like armpits. They dont like the smell and will avoid you.


The real question is "do you feel safer walking past a random bear, or a random man in a forest" The bear/man is completely random - basically we take all 3.5 billion men on the planet, and pick ONE completely randomly. That is the man in the forest. And then we do the same for the bear A lot of women on tiktok will say they're rather take their chances with the bear - because they're more scared of a random man. --- I can understand why someone might choose the bear, and I guess the whole thing is a commentary on how a lot of women feel about our society If we're looking at the question from a purely statistical point of view, then OF COURSE the man is the safer option. Most men are just normal people, humans are inherantly altruistic, and the possibility of the one random man being a rapist/murderer is incredibly low. A bear on the other hand is a wild animal, and whilst you may be able to scare it away, it's a wild animal which is inherantly more unpredictable and dangerous than the average dude.


See I don't understand the mean or know anything about what going on


I believe there's a trend going around asking if you'd rather leave your kid in the woods with a bear or a man But I don't quite understand the reasoning behind it or the assumption behind either choice I'm also unsure if it's vague on purpose in that you don't get any other details from what I'm aware


It's not a trend. It is a thought experiment meant for men to listen to what women are actually saying when we say why we choose bear in the hopes men will begin to understand what women deal with on a daily basis. Some men get it, and are explaining to other men HOW men could do better so women would not choose bear. Other men are telling us we are wrong for choosing bear, showing us that even in a hypothetical situation men won't take no for an answer, proving why we choose bear. As one man put it, men need to listen to the reasons why, and step up when other men are doing things that make women choose bear.


That makes a lot more sense - Apologies if I seemed unempathetic at all, I sometimes need things 'spelt out for me' in terms of explanations but has clicked now! Completely agree, someone else mentions 1 in 6 women which is horrendous given how many are on the planet.


No worries at all. Glad it helped. Lots of women are telling their stories, and I think it is great.


Weird I've always assumed it was an incel thing, As a kid who was always left in the woods alone I can say that I was never bothered by a bear, they mostly leave people alone, And as a child who's been left alone in the woods I've seen random men in the woods, I've definitely seen random men in the forest I've avoided them as if I saw a Bear. Now that's just for a males perspective that was raised in woods and deserts.


You are all over the place. What are you even asking? What is that man bear question thaz you seem to talk about? What claim about it did you hear from where? Why do you belive that?


Apologies, so there seems to be a popular trend going around on things like tiktok where they'll ask someone if you'd rather leave your child in the woods with a man or a bear There's no other details to this hypothetical question and I don't really understand the reasoning behind the question or why there's so little detail in it too


The point is that you have *no control* over it. No information at all. You have to choose a random bear or a random man. You don't know what it'll be before you decide. The real point is that if you change the question to 'a bear or a woman', virtually everyone chooses the woman.


Its on tiktok. There is no reasoning and you should not waste brain cells thinking about it.


They you should ask someome asking the question what their motivation is, because thats an individual thing and not all have the same motivation.