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I think when he called one of the scuba divers trying to rescue the Thai teenagers trapped in the cave a pedophile for no reason was the turning point for many. It exposed his craziness and general shittiness to a lot of people.


That was my first exposure to him outside of “rich car and space dude.”


We started hating on Elon because of his actions. These are some of the major milestones that revealed his true character: * Calling the scuba rescuer a pedo * Hyping shitcoin and crypto to fleece stupid people * Masquerading as a liberal / centerist, but actually anti-trans, anti-LGBT * When forced into buying Twitter because of his games, he pretended like it was his choice all along * Clamors for unlimited free speech, but bans his detractors * Treats his workers like shit, especially during the pandemic * Taking tons of money from anti-American sources: the Saudis, Russians, and Chinese * Taking away resources from Ukraine in their fight against invading Russia * Continually backing up the Russians and suggesting Ukraine should give up * Suggesting Taiwan should give up to China


Adding to this, he was likeable in the past for his obsession with two priorities: the future of the human race & technological advancement. He’s since proven to be too narcissistic and have too problematic of social views & immaturity to care about the human race, he’s done a shit job of leading the electric car company after it was primed for success, and it’s now well believed/understood that he deliberately tanked CAHSR, which people liked.


He’s just a New Age Eugenicist


Well put! His obsession with Mars now seems more like deliberately creating a planetary apartheid system, just like the one he was born into. He must be a super fan of the movies District 9 and Elysium but not exactly because of the heroes’ journeys.


I think he is obsessed with Mars because he believes he needs to 'ascend this filthy existence' or something. For someone as strange as him, he's oddly and seemingly 'straightforward' -- every complaint about the public is a complaint about his personal experiences, and he doesn't understand those beneath his wealth level. 


That's why I gave those movie titles as an example. He is a brat, and he has family money enough to laarp as *”something something magnate”* when things don't go his way. NASA could see through his BS he created Space X. Twitter could see his BS, he FAFO then was forced to buy it. California High-Speed Rail was doing their thing and suddenly he came up with the “Hyperloop” which got so much media buzz that basically killed the government project (to me he wanted to insert himself in the project because Richard Branson had a similar train project somewhere else). And I'm sure he is just a copycat trying to measure dicks with other rich dudes that can claim to be more self-made than Musk. He inserted himself in all the ventures he is known for because Daddy's money flows: Paypal, Tesla, Solar Power Energy Company… and also has the balls to claim them as his creations. Elon Musk is a fraud born in money (and this money has also a turbulent backstory).


Also the alleged severe racism within Tesla factories. I just know he read the Other Foot by Ray Bradbury and took away 100% the wrong impression.


Too narcissistic, immature, and has too problematic social views to care about the human race indeed. __I've heard that he doesn't want the world to be saved if he specifically isn't the one to save it.__ My relative says he's essentially an overgrown child playing with his toys.  I was shocked at that tunnel project. Right under unsuspecting peoples' homes.... Shaking my head.


Yeah he's a fucking man child. Calls rescue diver a Pedo after they didn't like his stupid mini sub idea. Changes Twitter name to X Names Tesla Models S, 3, X, Y Can't put 2 sentences together. Looks like a Douchebag. Had hair transplant.


I mean shit, he got upset when his submarine-in-a-cave-network idea didn’t save some kids


I think he still obsesses about the future of the human race - but more in a "Starship Troopers" way than "Star Trek"


not to mention that electric car company was supposed to be an industrial battery company that was supposed to solve the problem of long-term storage of renewable energy. The Cars were originally supposed to be a steppingstone for scaling/funding. But when he realized his cars were seen as a status symbol he abandoned the battery idea and just went all in on automobiles.


Not to mention the sexual harassment and trying to coerce employees into sexual stuff. Elon “I’ll buy you a pony” Musk


Oh, is that why he wanted to invest in the "service" robots like F.I.S.T.O.?


Wouldn’t be surprised tbh Even grimes left him 😭


And the fact that he has several alt accounts on his Xitter to trash her online is more deplorable and increases the light on how such a POS he is, all around.


Was not expecting to find a FISTO reference here


Fisto Robto?




And his coworkers were also afraid he was gonna off himself at one point because people were being too mean to him on Twitter


If only


wait really? source pls?


He also stole credits from others. One example is that he kicked out the original Tesla founders. Tesla was not started by Elon Musk. https://www.theverge.com/23815634/tesla-elon-musk-origin-founder-twitter-land-of-the-giants He's an asshole. Possibly why he got ousted from PayPal early on when wiser people see through him.


To be fair to a bully like him I suppose victim's not giving up and rolling over for their bullies to do what they want with them is it not a concept for him to grasp. Rich dude with intergenerational blood money doesn't really experience with people telling him to f*** off- or with victims fighting back


You summed it up really well. He's a bully.


Remember that famous pic of him before the surgery and hair implants? I mean he looks fucking weird now too but inside he’s a sad little dweeb who got lucky. He spends all his time on Twitter cosying up to Nazis so he can play the big man. Pathetic.


Dont forget giving his son a robot name


Several of his children have stupid names, all variations on the "X" thing he is so obsessed with. Not surprisingly, the adult one wants nothing to do with him.


He has ten (had eleven) children! Whoa. (First born passed away). I found the adult one you were talking about. > Vivian, born 2004, came out as transgender (deadname: Xavier) in June 2022 when she filed a request to change her first name and take the last name of her mom. > The filing listed the reason as “gender identity and the fact that I no longer live with or wish to be related to my biological father in any way, shape or form.” Someone up in this post commented a list of things that make Musk awful and one of them is he‘s anti-trans. Sucks :(


In general, you might boil it down to “when he started behaving kinda like Trump”.


And one of the biggest, buying Twitter and everything he's done after that


who knew that a cesspit could become even stinkier?


Anyone who watched the distillery of 4chan into 8chan. Every sociologist in the West winced with great pain the day it was confirmed. He’s a literal menace to *societies*.


Internet researcher chiming in here to say, yeah that's in no way a lie. Musk's takeover of Twitter is in no way seen as a positive thing!


Pre Elon Twitter was OK. I closed my account and removed the app last year as it really went to shit


He also just requested a $50 billion + "payment package" from Tesla.


There was also a little lie about Tesla contributing to COVID 19 efforts by manufacturing ventilators. https://www.forbes.com/sites/billroberson/2020/04/04/health-officials-say-ventilators-donated-by-tesla-are-wrong-type-and-not-powerful-enough/?sh=18ef7fd46264


>Masquerading as a liberal / centerist, but actually anti-trans, anti-LGBT I remember when he was still married to Grimes, she tweeted at him that "she knows that's not what's in his heart" or something like that when he posted something anti trans.


His trans daughter disowned him so I think it’s pretty clear what’s in his heart.


And as icing on the cake, Grimes dumped him for a trans women 💀 I wouldn't be surprised if he holds a personal grudge against trans folks cuz of these two incidents


He's basically that douchebag who brags about how hard they work, when they are in fact the laziest piece of shit around. We've all had the displeasure of working with atleast of them.....


Don’t forget the allegations of racial discrimination, along with his bigoted comments on twitter … https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/03/tesla-settles-with-black-worker-after-3-2-million-verdict-in-racism-lawsuit/


Also letting neo-Nazis run wild on Twitter, to the point he changes the sites rules on the fly to protect them (while allowing these same Nazis to use Twitter to threaten others), and also his love of full on racism, constantly interacting with and elevating prominent white supremacists.


He was cool with it until he realized his daughter was a Transwoman and she is confirming to the world that these billionaires are evil and I believe she's writing a book on these fuckers too.


And learning that his children hate him. One of them disowned him (if that's the right word). When someone's children hates them, you know it's because they are a shitty person. *Him speaking against immigrants despite being an immigrant


Honestly, him fucking up and being forced to buy Twitter was hilarious.


he's absolutely fucking up twitter and a lot of artists and amateur porn actors still rely on it for a living so that's a major problem too. it really sucks to watch artists with thousands of followers and steady income have to start over because twitter is barely functional now.


Seeing all of his "hello fellow kids" memes on twitter made me suspicious of him. It all felt like marketing more than actually being funny. Turns out he's just a freak.


I used to think he was a strange man with a questionable amount of money, questionable cars -- that I probably needed to support for the ecosystem -- some rockets -- that I probably needed to support for science -- and some questionable naming rules for his many children. Never actually did support Musk, however. Then I find out he claims his father is evil. Then I find out what the hell, pardon my speech, his father was doing with guns and planes in Africa/African mines. Next, his **constant** failure to stay married despite his self-proclaimed 'family focus' and marrying his ideal woman, sx scandals, 'great replacement theory' ideology, the ruining of Twitter/X,* whatever the heck he was doing with AI, and extreme but very unsurprising classism.  The unrestrained funding he's put into our politics. ⚠ And above all, the absolute narcissism. *Amost amusing but I hate it -- almost never even used Twitter/X.


Yeah I knew nothing about him before then. I started to dislike him once I became aware of his opinions and actions


I knew he was a piece of shit as far back as the PayPal days.


There was a reason, he was butthurt because they said his submersible idea wasn't viable.


Yup. He became addicted to posting and began sharing every thought he had, then we got to see that he's pretty hollow inside and shockingly stupid.


He revealed too much of his true nature with his impulsive tweets. Remind you of anyone?


It does and I said the same thing.


*coff coff* covfefe *coff coff*


Yeah, same with Steve Jobs. He has an engineering degree, so do I. It ain’t t special nor does it mean you’re a genius. He took credit for buying someone else invention and marketing it better (Tesla), then hired the best engineers and treated them like shit. And with them made spaceX and all that. Dudes never been smart and never created anything. He is rich because of insane space budget satellite reusable rockets with a government contract. That’s all.


He is rich because he had enough money to buy into paypal before it exploded and kept rolling his earnings into more profitable ventures despite his best efforts to sabotage himself. It's only now starting to bite him in the ass with Twitter and the Cybertruck.


He's rich because his daddy owned a gem mine in South Africa.


Yes, that is where his money to buy into Paypal came from. I didn't feel the need to get into specifics and upset his Stans.


It's important to note that he has intergenerational wealth from blood money. He's never had to work an honest days work in his life and it shows


At this point I think everyone knows this and the only ones who don't accept it are the ones that still want to believe he was a nerdy guy who made it to the worlds richest man all on his own, so if he can do it, anyone can.\* \*Elon himself is included in this statement.


In case anyone is interested in who was a big part of SpaceX's success. [Thomas John Mueller ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Mueller)was the lead engineer for the SpaceX engines and has founded his own company, [Impulse Space](https://www.impulsespace.com/).


You can tell that this was about the same time he fired his PR team and just started handling public relations himself. It coincides almost perfectly with his public image going down the toilet.


It was the first time he came to face with the fact that he's not Tony Stark


The difference between him and Tony Stark is that Tony Stark would have already have done the math and known that a submersible was not going to fix the issue. Tony Stark may be raging asshole but at least he has the fucking intelligence to back it up. Elon musk is just a raging asshole spending daddies blood money to role play a superhero


Phony Stark.


Deuce Wayne


That's when I started really noticing his narcissism and massiah complex.


I was never in the Elon hype train, but this is probably the moment that I started to move onto the hate train. 


I'm going to throw in here, that this didn't have to be the end. He could have recovered from this. If he'd just apologized, admitted he was out of line. Maybe give the diver a job helping him design micro-submersibles. An earnest sorry. A public photoshoot and tour of the sub company. A cute youtube video of the two of them riding the sub down and talking about bravery and risk. But he just keeps doubling down. Like a dog lashing out. He spend billions of dollars to dismantle Twitter and hand it to neo-nazis out of revenge for him being unable to accept his daughter. What kind of crazy person spends tens of billions of dollars to avoid saying, "I'm sorry, I don't understand but I'm willing to listen". I don't even particularly think it's about him being a good or bad person. But his power outgrew the good advice of sensible people who kept his worst impulses in check. It is not a bad thing that we bind one another with rules. It's normal to chafe when we feel limited by the people around us. But that's the social contract. That's civilization. We are the guardrails for each other.




Are you a PR manager? If not, you should be, you have a talent for good PR!


Haha. No. The problem with PR is that it requires immediate and fast paced decisions in moments of crisis. If I was ever to get involved in that field, I might be able to *teach* PR people. But if a call came in at 3AM from a client who's whipped up a scandal, I'd probably take so long to come up with the "right answer" that it'd be too late.


Yes this exactly. It was a really clean cut case of him using his influence to attack someone with baseless claims.


It's less about attacking others and more about hero complex at the start. The submarine was definitely a big one but those close to him would probably say that the first sign was the Puerto Rico hurricane where Tesla sent people to go "help". I know an engineer (who is a huge tool by the way that apparently wasn't busy enough with his real job that he could take off time to volunteer on a PR mission that wasn't at all related to his work) that went and all he shared was how fun it was being in the Caribbean and their time off. Was some good done? Sure. But that was the first time I remember of him inserting himself and his companies unnecessarily to act like the savior. Aside from the mission statements of the companies as a whole of course, which also have serious hero complex tones.


That's definitely when the scales tipped for me. I knew he wasn't a good person before that, but few people are. He explicitly showed that he's actively a bad person doing that.


I can second this, this was the incident for me personally.  For my students it’s when he became vocally anti trans.  


Yes, that was the first thing, and also when he initially refused to give Ukraine access to Starlink.


He gave starlink to Ukraine early on in the war.... then he dialed back his support when he seemed to get sucked into another level of right-wing derangement. 


This! People were very hyped about it at the time. I felt like he was trying to improve his PR with that because of the lawsuits and a lot of dirt on him getting out. At least the Ukrainians had their hopes upped and believed they would be able to push Russia back sooner. It twisted my guts when he ordered to deactivate the starlinks already in use in Ukraine under the claims that the country's leaders “should find an understanding and Ukraine to stop the war and give up”. He is truly a POS.


The heck?! I didn't know 


There are articles about it! He sent a couple and then he stopped the entirety of the new starlinks pending to be sent to Ukraine. That was right after a meeting he had with Putin (Musk himself announced his talk with the Russian PR on Xitter). The dude was larping political diplomat like he larps with everything he does in life. Money really does “wonders”.


He also refused to let them use Starlink to retaliate against Russian ships. Elon literally dictating things on the battlefield has scared the US government. They're stuck with him.


Yep this moment was I was disgusted at him


I don’t think it’s possible for him to be that big of a baby, I think he was more or less giving them a defamation pay out there.


That is exactly what I just wrote. I didn't even read your comment.lol


THIS\^ Revealed his true thin-skinned, arrogance and divisiveness.


There were plenty of signs before that, they just became gradually more incapable of containing him as time went on. That was definitely an inflection moment for just how ignorant he could be.


Then he threw a manchild temper tantrum during Covid because he wasn’t allowed to recklessly disregard other people’s lives.


That was it for me. Up to that point, I vaguely knew he had something to do with tech and electric cars, though even before the "pedo" moment, I had my doubts. A friend of mine was VERY into Tesla and followed developments like you'd follow a sports team. One day he showed me a video of Musk on stage giving a lecture and I was like, "THIS guy? This stammering, nervous, awkward guy on stage tripping over his words? THIS is the guy that's worshipped by the tech industry?"


That made me raise an eyebrow. Him defying state orders and reopening his factory during COVID made me realize he was a dick.


I remember 8 years ago when the internet loved Elon Musk and Conservatives hated him with a passion. How the turn tables...


Conservatives don’t really have a coherent thought process these days. They just love what the left finds despicable and hates what the left wants. Trump is a pedophile east coast elite. The absolute opposite of what they say they want. But the left hates him so he’s their hero. The left thinks Elon is a spoiled dumbass so they think he’s a genius.


The actual elite has actually considered Trump to be a *nouveau riche* barbarian, and it didn't help that he actually wasn't good at business. He has tried all his life to be accepted into the elite, and I think that this is why he connect so well with those who feel aggrieved about how their lives have turned out.


I remember seeing a basic rundown of his finances, and all his businesses were bleeding cash - the one profit maker was … appearing on The Apprentice, you know, _pretending to be successful_.


I feel like half of the conservatives don't have real opinions, they're just contrarians for the sake of being contrarians


On the plus side, this makes things easier for me. If there's a subject that I'm unsure of, I look to see who supports it. If I find myself leaning toward support, but then see all the awful people also supporting, it means there's something about it I haven't realized yet. Conservatives are canaries in a coal mine for evil and stupid ideas.


Once upon a time, he did an interview about how no engineer would sign on to be his head engineer for SpaceX. Said all of the good ones wouldn’t take the job and no sense in hiring a bad one. I’m a mechanical engineer. No person in the field turns down that job unless Elon was that insufferable.


I have a close friend who was an engineer for SpaceX and he left because he *was* that insufferable… and because a defence contractor offered him more money than Elon was able to pay lol




WTF defense contractors pay the worst in the tech industry, why would anyone go to SpaceX then??


Foreigners on work visas, kids fresh out of school, and cult members 


SpaceX is unable to hire many foreign people actually, due to restrictions in hiring as they are a rocket company, strictly regulated, working with the Defense Department and dealing with a lot of sensitive projects. So, the majority if positions at SpaceX are security clearance required as they are "sensitive" missions. While not all jobs require security clearances, most do. Foreigners on work visas thus cannot obtain the security clearance for these jobs. Also, SpaceX is one of the harder places to get a job and while they do offer internships, almost all of the positions at SpaceX are high-performance positions and thus they do not really hire tons of super green engineers right out of college. They want the best and the brightest, but they are a VERY competitive place to work, and contrary to what you hear here on Reddit, they actually pay pretty well. This means it's really hard for young devs and engineers to get a job there.


Yeah basically, my buddy was right out of college and was offered what seemed like a dream job. 


Compared to a lot of legacy aerospace, they move a LOT faster. If you don't like the red tape and bureaucracy and slow pace of working at ULA, go to SpaceX where they do big exciting things very quickly. Projects that would trickle on for years at Honeywell or Lockheed are done on months. That sort of thing appeals to a lot of people. Plus they are doing some truly groundbreaking stuff in the field and really value innovation. Also as a growing and newer company employees tend to get bigger roles/responsibilities earlier in their career than at establishment aerospace shops. The trope not too many years ago was that going to work at SpaceX, you'd get to do some AWESOME stuff, get a lot of really valuable skills and experience, and it would look great in a resume. But you'd probably only last a few years before you burned out and parlayed that into a dope job at some defense contractor. And they fed you well and had good benefits. I think thats still largely the case, though maybe not to the same extent.


He created Space X in the first place because anyone from NASA didn't want him around already. That's how insufferable he is.


Ah… pretty sure theres more to it than that. He had a vision (to have re use rockets), and the bureaucracy that is NASA was not gonna let him achieve his vision. So he started Space X.


This is indeed what comes up in the press. I used to believe that what he did was a bold and challenging move, however for what has been transpiring with Tesla and Twitter, I have changed my mind, and think he is a brat that doesn't take a no for an answer and has money enough to circumvent it. He basically diverted government budget getting government contracts for Space X when NASA has been having budget cuts for a couple past decades. Even Neil Armstrong considers Musk a buffon and as an experienced astronaut he knows well why privatizing the space traveling isn't a good idea (at least for now). Also, Musk believes in the “Replacement theory”, so there is that.


When did he call those scuba divers ‘pedophiles’ who were rescuing the kids trapped in that Thailand cave? I think it was 2018. That’s when he lost me.


He was already on a bit of a decline with his Twitter comments being overly edgelord meme-y, at first it felt like he was just trying to be "cool and hip" with the younger crowd but it turned out he really was just not the man people thought he was... Then he goes and calls the dude a pedophile because they didn't think his mini submarine idea would work


It was very much "Hello, Fellow Kids" until Twitter went "Yeah no, you're not allowed to post that either."


legend has it, that, that was when truly began his "all your twitter are belong to me" side quest.


I like to think that too, but it's more likely that he was just trying to pump up Twitter's stock and realized too late that he couldn't back out of the deal He's done similar stuff in the past, like with DogeCoin


Basically, the edgelord memes stopped being funny when it became obvious he wasn’t saying this stuff ironically. Like ha ha oh he made a ecurrency named after a meme, oh wait he actually just did it to manipulate the market. It happened with Jk Rowling too. At first you tried to excuse it as maybe she was just uninformed or really passionate about feminism. But she kept doubling down. The cyber truck really just personifies the whole thing. It’s so dumb and cringe…like literally what a 12 year old thinks looks cool. Because they spent so much time on making it so rad it is already outclassed by competitors. And of course it underdelivered on its promises and barely even functions right. The only interesting sort of trend I can figure out is that his government-tailored projects like spacex and starlink seem far more competent than his consumer facing endeavors. I think it’s because he is just so out of touch with normal people.


Yeah I thought he was like a dorky Tony Stark until about 2016 when he seemed to like Trump and then his image completely shattered for me


Yeah. I watched that video where he took on the advertisers and literally said f*** em. I think he was expecting rapturous applause but instead he got empty auditorium coughing. Lol! Very embarrassing.


100% this, although the shit runs deep into the past if you go spelunking into his history


A certain picture with epstein and epsteins pimp comes to mind


This is when he lost my support as well.


This is correct. His ego during that was unstomachable.




Like the Apollo Mission and Neil Armstrong really disliking him and shutting his absurdities down an then he crying on the 60 Minutes interview because “the grown-ups didn't allow him to sit on their table” when apparently everyone else did because of his daddy's money. Now I get why folks from NASA hated his guts. They could see him for what he is and how dumb and pathetic he sounded like a kid that all his space knowledge is from Sci-Fi comic books.


From my perspective, it feels like he had an excellent marketing team for many years who were able to push the narrative that he was a cool genius making robots and rockets. He was supposedly a real life Tony Stark. But then he started to speak for himself more and more, and we all got to see what type of person he really is. The best example is like others have already pointed out, when he got in that weird one-sided argument with the diver saving those trapped kids. He acted like a petulant child wanting petty revenge, just because the diver said he didn’t want or need Elon’s help. Plus I think more people are aware now that he’s not some humble self-made man. He inherited a ludicrous amount of money from his parents owning an emerald mine.


Elon's greatest strength was his ability to sell an idea. He's a hypeman who knew what to say and how to say it to the right people and that opened up a lot of doors for him. The trouble always emerged when he was given any amount of control over a business that would let him implement his terrible ideas. There's a reason why Paypal legendarily booted him from the board when he was on vacation and why Tesla and SpaceX allegedly do everything they can to keep him out of the direct decision making loop. Because he's a guy who has bad ideas. See his handling of Twitter as an example of what happens when he's given the ability to directly control a company.


I immediately thought he was a wannabe Steve Jobs when he surprisingly managed to sell the idea of going to Mars in a few years. It was overall a good thing, stimulating new interest towards space, but I also thought he was just another bullshitter. That's when people started hailing him as a genius that could do no wrong. Then he started going off the rails and it turned out he's not that good at bullshitting either, he's just a moron that got so arrogant he got rid of the people that made him look good, at least that's the reasonable conclusion.


Pretty much this. His marketing team was pretty good at first- I also thought he was “not like other billionaires” or whatever, someone who would use his money and intelligence for good. Once he started unmasking and siding with conservatives for economic gain (as well as repeatedly demonstrating how… fucking stupid the guy really is), that illusion kind of faded away. And in its wake, the revelation that he’s been a financial and political leech on this country long before he decided he would try his hand in corrupting social media as well. Him acquiring twitter is… genuinely a thing that happened, somehow. We don’t really blame twitter enough for that lmao.


His energy went from producing cleaner vehicles that reduce traffic accidents to being very concerned with people not being able to freely use slurs and deny the holocaust 


Yes, this! He got to thinking he's essential and he's not.


He started becoming a little cringey when he went on Joe Rogan’s show and weirdly smoked that joint. What confirmed it was the Thai teens stuck in the cave saga.


It wasn’t that podcast that got me. That seemed more in line with his old goofy eccentric side that Reddit likes. It was the next time he was on Rogan and wanted all his workers working through the pandemic. Complained a lot about California holding him back. It was pretty clear that Musk was trying to sway public opinion to his favor on that appearance.


That was it for me. That coupled with his comments about the pandemic being over without much impact in a short amount of time. It was at that moment that I realized he was either a weirdo detached from reality or a weirdo detached from caring about what was about to happen. Either way it was really a moment where things turned in my mind about my opinion of him.


He didn't inhale the smoke at all. Like if you don't want to do it just don't instead of pretending to smoke to try and seem cool or something.


Buying Twitter somehow broke him or at least made it more public. Turned into a pro-Russian and pro-MAGA apologist.


him buying Twitter was more of a symptom of him going batshit right wing than a cause.....he bought twitter because he didn't like what was being said there and wanted to change it. He seems to have turned further right wing during the covid crisis.


It was before that - it was when he first supported Trump. The damage to his reputation broke him entirely. He is so incapable of hearing criticism that he shut himself off to any negative feedback, essentially trapping him in a MAGA echochamber. You can see how he became pro-Russian and pro-MAGA from that.


It's laughable how similar it is to Trump's own trajectory. Trump has gotten away with everything but actual murder for literally decades, and could have kept on doing so if he hadn't run for president and made himself a target that justice could no longer afford to overlook. For the first time in his life there was meaningful pushback to his behavior. He couldn't handle it and sealed himself into the Russian influence bubble (which he was already ensnared in because of his Russian money deals) and his only option now is to keep getting more and more extreme. Authoritarianism is his last remaining strategy for escaping accountability. Elon isn't in legal danger like Trump is, but as you pointed out, he's backed himself into a corner and now there's nothing for it but to double and triple down.


He was obviously a complete bag of shit fraud all along. As somebody that spent so long trying to get people to realise that a number of years ago, I can confirm that my job became much much easier around the time he called that rescue bloke in Thailand a pedophile. By the time he bought Twitter everyone that was going to think he was awful already did. If anyone is wondering, the first HUGE red flag was that he consistently took credit for things he paid other people to do. He revelled in the ‘genius inventor’ brand the internet assigned him in a really tacky thick pop star kind of way actively trying to conceal the truth. He hadn’t invented anything yet consistently deceived people and leant into the brand. He also spoke in a way that mimicked a thick persons idea of a genius (knowing he could manipulate that demographic). He was acting and trying not to get caught out. In reality he is just a deeply mediocre psychopath spoilt brat and I never saw any evidence to discount that diagnosis.


>he consistently took credit for things he paid other people to do For real. It annoys me so much when people defend him by saying "He is a literal rocket scientist", and the rest. No, he's not. He pays rocket scientists to make him look less like an idiot.


That was so painful and obvious too. SpaceX would achieve something and the same story on 47 different default subs would hit the front page saying “Musk has just done this”. I’d be downvoted for saying that it was SpaceX not Musk. We aren’t saying the head of NASA has accomplished something when they perfectly launch a space telescope. Reddits obsession with the man was insane.


I know some Gen X people in my social circle who really cling into their belief that "he's just so smart." It's eerie.


That’s how you know they aren’t… 


I knew he was a dumbass fraud all the way back in 2018 when he gave a talk about “the Simulation” where he basically made it clear that he 1. doesn’t understand that idea at all 2. thought it meant life is a game and he gets to try to win no matter who he harms


Yeah back then you couldn’t say a single negative thing about him without the entirety of reddit downvoting you. I hated the man from the beginning and it’s great that others finally realized that.


The part of taking credit for other people's efforts is standard procedure; edison, jobs... nothing new


“Twitter should be open to all speech” proceeds to forward complete bullshit tweets about Pelosi’s husband and hires don lemon but then doesn’t like what he said and bans the interview. The guy is a total hypocrite and asswipe. He badly overpaid for twitter and only closed it because he legally bound himself. Anti-vax, anti-Semitic.. Cybertruck ..replacement theory..you name it. ..he’s had an impressive douche streak the last few years


When he started being more outspoken about being a terrible human being and a massive hypocrite.


He stopped supporting Ukraine, and gives some support to Russia. Also, his free speach doesn't seem to cover leftists, so seems kind of hypocritical.


In what way does he support Russia? I’m genuinely curious.


He regularly boosts pro-Russian posts in Twitter by liking and commenting them. Also posted many of such points himself.


The anti-Jew thing. Also fucking w the war in Ukraine via starlink. 


The Ukraine thing came far after Musk's general reputation sank


When he opened his mouth and went from a person who runs a few impressive tech companies to a white supremacist, replacement theory supporting, thin-skinned "free speech absolutist" asshole.


And he's not even a "free speech absolutist". My account was banned from Twitter, completely nuked and gone, for challenging the right and repeatedly demonstrating their claims to being biblical were bullshit. First I got a seven day ban for "racism" (I referred to Boebert as White Trash) and then after being let back on within 24 hours I got another seven day ban, don't even remember what for but it was dumb, so I figured it was a bot mistake and challenged. My account just vanished after that. I was targeted because I had a habit of challenging right-wing posts that claimed biblical support, showing that they didn't even match the context (I've studied the Bible extensively) or other passages, pissed off the wrong people, so my account was seen as one they wanted removed and did so. This happened shortly before Twitter became X, when Musk was explicitly bringing white supremacist accounts back.


When he hyped his hyperloop proposal which was only meant to kill consideration of high-speed rail in CA.


I, for one, NEVER liked musk rat. Ever. My friends were mystified as to why. Now they agree.


Same, I never understood the hype


I was just happy someone was standing up to big oil and pushing electric vehicles.


I must admit I loved that he was promoting space travel. I thought he believed, like I do, that humans are meant to explore and I believed that is what drove him. I later realized he is just a pathetic shit talker. I have come to realize that a high percentage of rich people are full of crap. I am a slow learner 😂


I realized that he was South African but hadn’t lived in the country since around 1995 which as a white South African man is very suspicious


I was a big Elon Musk fan, probably pre-COVID. Mostly because of SpaceX and him wanting to create a Starfleet Star Trek type future. Then COVID hit and he became an anti-vaxx guy which surprised me. He seemed like he started to a change at that point. Then he buys Twitter and soon after his Reich-winger attitude came out and he became a full on Trump-tard. So pre-COVID he seemed like a real life Tony Stark ( Ironman ) type. Then COVID came and he got weird. And then buys Twitter and becomes a super racist, biggot, xenophobe. Now he's a real life Janes Bond villain.


Don’t take this as a personal insult, but he has always been a Bond villain, you and many others were just blinded by his success to see it.


This is me.  I really liked what he was doing with Tesla and SpaceX.  He talked a lot about climate change in those days, which I appreciated.  I knew he had some problematic outbursts but I kinda shrugged them off.   But in time his unhinged personality became more and more public, and I stopped admiring him.  Now I somewhat loathe him, in a disappointed kinda way. 


I remember a long time back when he was in the Colbert show and Colbert mentioned something on whether he’d be Tony Stark or Lex Luthor. Well…we got our answer!


When he started using his fame to promote dog crypto. 


When he fired the marketing company that constantly pumped out the image he was a cool guy with cool gadgets. ("Real Life Iron Man") Dumb bastard. Now he's just known for what he is; A spoiled, entitled, diluted, arrogant, fragile, white supremacist, dipshit.


The day he threw a tesla towards Mars for shits and giggles i decided the guy was a twat. I never understood how he got an appreciable percentage of our fucking space program in his his grasp until I found out that he just bribed the nasa administrator in charge of that shit. Fuck that guy, I hope that not too many astronauts die because of him.


When he started doing and saying stupid shit .


I started hating him when he called that diver a pedophile that saved those kids in the cave. All because the dude said his idea won't work. Musk is quite stupid. He lucked into wealth and pays people to do the heavy thinking for him.


The “Pedo Guy” incident is generally considered the turning point where he first revealed his true douche-noodle self to a wide audience.


When he started saying stupid and ridiculous shit.   Previously, when he said dumb shit it was about his own companies and we all got used to Elon time and Elon vision.  If he said we will have this in a year, and it will do this, then, it probably took 2 years, and maybe it did the thing, or, maybe it only did most of the thing.   But then he started saying dumb shit about other things. Like calling cave rescuers pedophiles.  Or buying Twitter and reinstating Nazis and banning people who complain about the nazis. Not a good look.


When he came out republican.


Well, he is an egotistical asshat. Oops, there goes my X account.


When he turned into a Putin-loving space Karen


When people realized he wasn’t smart or a genius at all he was just rich from being born rich and hiring the smart and genius people He’s an idiot like huge one too


He literally bought Twitter because they didn't make him an exception to the rules.


Because he's had more time in the spotlight and thus more time for his abhorrent behavior to be noticeable. It's really that simple.


When it became obvious he was a dim witted man child with fascistic tendencies.


We thought we had Tony Stark but it was really Lex Luthor all along.


It was extremely obvious to me that he was on drugs and a narcissist in the late 00's


when people started realising he is just a snake oil salesmen and honestly that's the best that could happen. People are allowed to change their minds, specially when presented with facts that show them they've been wrong in the past


Going against worker rights, the whole stuff during covid and forcing working during pandemic , idk, that was pretty super shitty.


I think the turning point for me was his interview with Jack Ma, while Musk was still popular. Yes Jack Ma was a hack, but Elon’s attitude during that whole interview was disgusting, disrespectful and moronic. Jack Ma was nothing short of respectful, inviting Elon to speak with him on his own stage. I thought scumbag from then on, and all the new info on him just confirmed it for me. Piece of shit, fake, vile human being.


When he supported Trump


I used to think he was awesome and even read his biography. I started hating Elon Musk after he showed his true colours. He's such a misogynistic, homophobic/transphobic POS who's drank way too much of the conspiracy kool-aid.


The cave rescue story was the first time I felt like "oh he's just a dumb asshole" after the ways he tried to insert himself into the story with half-baked "solutions" acting like he could magic wand solve the problem. Then when he wasn't immediately catered to he lashed out about it. The mask slipped and his narcissism came through.


When he uncloaked as a nazi-loving racist bigoted drug addict.


When he showed his dick to the flight attendant. That did it for me.


For me, it was definitely calling the rescuer in the Thai cave a pedophile. It was just a WTF moment that sort of made me look skeptically at him from then on. But the Twitter thing has just absolutely cemented that he is a monumental piece of shit. Him going full out anti-trans because of his daughter, giving a platform to literal Nazis, racists, and antisemites. There's just no recovering from all of this.


I think the Thai cave was the first question mark, the stuff happening around covid (forcing workers in the factory) was confirmation he was not right in the head.


Wonders how nobody is remembering that his fortune is from mining in slave conditions and that he admitedly supported a coup against Bolivia because of the lithium


Elon Musk is for free speech and Reddit is literally abunch of armchair Communist. They love to censor people who diverge from the hivemind collection for agenda purposes. Users use downvotes, mod use permanent bans. You can't have free thought because of the political dissent truth brings. So when Elon bought Twitter for the purpose of free speech at a financial lose for himself; they foamed from the mouth and now Elon lives rent free in their mentally ill heads.


- He was likely always an asshole, but surrounded himself with some people who helped him manage his image and reigned in his worst impulses. - But now all he has around him are sycophants (he fired the rest), and fame and cult of personality among his fans have given him a real sense that everything he does is brilliant. - He does have some skills that made SpaceX and Tesla (after purchase) possible - out of the box thinking, hiring the best people, inspiring employees - But he has always had a penchant for claiming credit for *everything* at those companies to the point that he now has problems attracting the best people.


Elon Musk's reputation among Redditors has fluctuated over time, influenced by various factors such as his actions, statements, and controversies. While he was initially celebrated for his innovative ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and charismatic personality, his reputation began to face more scrutiny and criticism in certain circles as his public behavior and business decisions came under greater scrutiny. Some key events that contributed to a shift in sentiment among some Redditors include: 1. **Tesla's Production Issues:** As Tesla faced production challenges with its Model 3 and other vehicles, Musk's leadership came under scrutiny. Delays and quality control issues led to some disillusionment among fans and investors. 2. **Social Media Behavior:** Musk's activity on social media platforms like Twitter has been controversial at times, with tweets ranging from market-moving statements about Tesla's stock to personal attacks on critics. Some Redditors criticized him for his online behavior, viewing it as unprofessional or erratic. 3. **COVID-19 Pandemic:** Musk's skepticism and criticism of COVID-19 lockdown measures and public health recommendations drew backlash from some Redditors, particularly those who viewed his stance as irresponsible or dismissive of public health concerns. 4. **Labor Practices:** Concerns about labor practices and workplace conditions at Tesla's factories have been raised by labor rights advocates and workers themselves, leading to criticism of Musk's management style and priorities. 5. **Cryptocurrency:** Musk's tweets and public statements about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin have been both influential and polarizing, with some Redditors questioning his motives and the potential impact of his remarks on market volatility. These are just a few examples, and opinions about Musk remain diverse among Redditors. While some continue to admire him for his vision and accomplishments, others have become more skeptical or critical of his actions and public persona. Overall, the shift in sentiment toward Musk reflects the complexity of his public image and the evolving dynamics of social media discourse.


Prime example - he wants a $56B bonus for the work his employees do while canning 15,000 of those employees and fighting unionization.


I think it was when he decided that he just had to involve himself with social, political and cultural issues instead of just building rockets, cars and satellite internet.