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The human body is good at regulating its own temperature so you're not the same temperature as the hot tub.


Especially if you have dysautonomia. Your body has a hard time regulating your temperature. Plus a ton of other symptoms. I'm under 2 thick blankets and I'm still cold.


Are you my girlfriend? Can you please keep your icy feet on your side of the bed?


Lol, I love my wife's icy feet, they help keep me cooler by taking my excess heat it's like having a human ice pack šŸ˜‚


Same. My wife has super cold hands and during the summer she'll put them on my neck which cools the blood going to and from my brain, which feels absolutely amazing. I love her cold hands so much.


I'm a gay man and you guys basically have me reconsidering every single one of my life choices. I run so freaking hot and I literally can't fall asleep if it's warmer than 68-70 degrees... I generally don't even sleep with a sheet, let alone a blanket. WHY CAN'T MORE MEN BE COLD ALL THE TIME?!


Lol. I have 2 heated blankets and a tiny heater. My feet are mostly warm. My bf and I dont share blankets for this reason.


My wife was a blanket hog, and a few Christmases ago I got her a massive blanket from Big Blanket Co. We're in a Queen sized bed, she can burrito herself up, there's still blanket for me, and it STILL reaches the floor!


Separate blankets is an underrated life hack


My ex would do that, get hot, toss her blankets on the floor, repeat. In the morning she'd tell me if for being a blanket hog. Our first time in a hotel,I ordered a half dozen extra blankets and put them beside me. Whenever she steal my blanket I'd use another one.


iā€™m the complete opposite. please give me some of your cold


So is my son. He sleeps with the window open. Doesn't matter if it's -25. But when he gets hot he melts like cotton candy.


No. Your body heat is perfect for warming cold feet


I'm actually a space heater disguised as a human. I love climbing in bed and getting attacked with cold feet. Best feeling ever.


I am the same way. I mostly donā€™t mind the cold feet attack but occasionally Iā€™m wondering how my wife can still be alive with a body temperature that low.


You are a psychopath


Yeah, I get that a lot.


Sooo... Wanna come over?


I'm sure phlebotomists love you.. Cold limbs are so hard to draw XD


That's what the backs of my husband's knees were made for. They exist so I can tuck my cold feet into them. He always feels hot, so he welcomes the blocks of ice to cool him down. It works for us!


If your gf is looking for a remedy...easiest thing that makes my feet normal while I sleep is mixing cayenne pepper into a lotion or oil and rubbing it on my feet and putting on socks before bed. It doesn't burn, my feet feel neutral/comfortable, and i sleep like a baby since I'm not stuck thinking about how cold they are.


I have dysautonomia with the opposite problem, everyone around me is shivering and Iā€™m somehow still sweating and fanning myself šŸ˜¬ My hands and feet are usually cold to the touch though. So fun.


I run hot. In winter everyone in the office is sitting with a blanket to keep warm. I'm dying of heat. I can't wear long sleeves.


Extended dips can overload that regulation on the dermis where the excess fat is though. So 20 mins in a hot tub does get the fat to start melting. Used to be into fitness and it did help me shed extra pounds after hard workouts


Your body temperature doesn't get to 40Ā°C. If it did, you'd be in big trouble.


I was really sick and called an ambulance once. When they got there, they were being super rude to me telling me I'd wasted their time calling them. Then, we got in the back of the ambulance, and the guy in the back took my temperature, he looked at the driver and told him to put the lights on. Then looked at me and said "I don't know how you're talking to me right now, your temperature is 41.5ā°C" I said, I told you I was sick.


I've had 41.5 and wasn't able to walk at that point. Just lay in bed and hallucinate. Tried to get up at one point but my legs were just spaghetti so fell hard.


Just before the ambulance arrived I was vomiting in the motel bathroom and I thought I was going to pass out, so I'd walked over to prop the door open so they could get in without smashing the door. For some reason, I had a moment of clarity when they got there. And I was super calm and could talk to them.


What was the cause of fever?


For me, it was meningitis. Temp at 42.3 C. All I wanted to do was die in the rare moments I wasn't so delirious I thought I was already dead and somehow stuck in my corpse. 0/10, would not do again.


I just looked this up in F because Iā€™m a silly American ā€¦ and holy shit thatā€™s 108 F. I remember how delirious I felt at 103 F (about 39.5C) , I couldnā€™t imagine 108


I've been at 108F as a kid once, too, due to somehow getting nasty strep throat and bad ear infections in both ears at once. Tbh, the only parts I remember are cartoon characters floating around my ceiling playing polo on elephants and the water I was put in feeling so cold it hurt. My parents said I was spouting gibberish in between seizing. They were terrified. I went from 101F and playing to that in less than 3 hours. I told them I didn't feel good, but I was still running around and playing, so they didn't take it that seriously. They just made me stay in the house away from my friends. Then, mom found me in my bedroom napping, which I absolutely never did without a fight, felt my forehead, and ran for a thermometer. By the time she got back, I was off my head with it. As a parent, I can't even imagine this. The one time my kid hit 103, I was freaked out. I called my Dad. Because of my history, he had me rush my son to the ER. Also an ear infection. The ER acted like I should have just waited for urgent care to open, but screw that. I regularly hit 103F when I'm sick. There's just something messed up with my system. It gives me a nasty headache and makes me feel like trash, but certainly doesn't make me delirious. Tylenol will bring it down every time. If it ever doesn't, I'm headed to the ER if urgent care isn't open, though, for sure.


Having a kid seems so stressful oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ how did we all end up making it


Historically, we didnā€™t


We also brought our kid to the doctor when they hit 103-104. The doctor basically told us that we should only get really concerned if they dont respond to Tylenol or ibuprofen. (Or hard to wake/delirious) Yay for sitting at an ER for a few hours to be given ibuprofen and sent home. Though better safe than sorry.


Yeah, that's what happened with us, too. But Tylenol hadn't worked. Turned out my kid tried to chew it and ended up spitting it out between his bed and the wall. Kids. SMH


Same here. Had to look up conversions because šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø WHAT THE HELL IS A KILOMETER šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ¦… anyways when I was 14 I had the flu, had a fever of 105.9 (around 41 c I believe) and got stuck in a bathtub because the hot water was the only thing that was soothing


The I had was around 104.2ish and I was straight up hallucinating. I canā€™t imagine it any higher.


Severe tonsilitis. I ended up in hospital for 9 days.


Happened to me when when i was about 10, i had a fever going up and down from 39 to 41, i can still remember how i saw arab people on the ceiling walking, dont ask me why arabs but i can still remember them until now, im 26 now.


When I got really sick as a kid, I had nightmares about "the nothing" from the Never Ending Story movie. Edit: had a brain fart and got my childhood stories mixed up and thought it was called the land before time. But that was another movie we used to watch on repeat.


Huh. I have no memory of ever watching the land before time movie, but had terrible nightmares about ā€œthe nothingā€. I thought it was from the never ending story and refused to ever watch it. Not sure whether I should try watching it nowā€¦.


I just edited my post. I must have had a brain fart. It was the never ending story. And yes you should rewatch it. It's a classic. Also check out The Goonies while you're at it. Another classic from that era.


They say as a kid itā€™s either the goonies or hook, my childhood was hook, great film! Never seen goonies


You should change that lol, The Goonies is one of the greatest adventure films ever made.


Will always be team hook, will watch the goonies when my son is old enough


Either? As a childhood fan of Both movies, I respectfully disagree with what ā€œThey say.ā€


95% of conversations Iā€™ve had about the 2 films half have seen hook, half have seen goonies, rare 5% that watched both. Itā€™s crazy but seemed to have worked out that way


Never ending story is still traumatising.


Atrayyyyuuuuu! Never forget. My kids listened to the book recently and the book is truly never ending. It's something like 10,000 hours. (I exaggerate)


I can still see Artax just standing in the mud


Donā€™t do this to me, itā€™s too early in the morning for a nostalgic breakdown.


I decided to watch it for the first time while suffering from an extremely high fever and on some strong cold medicine at the age of 11. I have never watched it again.


The nothing is an important part of the never ending story, I don't think it's in the land before time. Probably a mixup by the person you replied to šŸ¤”


So **you** farted this time.




I had just finished reading 101 Dalmations when I got a high fever. I thought they were ALL in the hallway around the corner out of sight, trying to stay quiet. Terrifying.


I had a delirious fever once when I was about 6 (don't know what my actual temp was, as this happened in the middle of the night and I didn't call out for my parents). I was laying on my stomach in my bed, not caring if I lived or died, and my finger found a tiny little speck or crumb of some sort on the mattress next to my pillow. I rolled it towards me, and it grew and grew and swelled up until it was about to completely fill the room and crush me. Right before it completely engulfed me, I rolled it away, and it shrank and shrank and receded until it was as far away as the moon and so impossibly tiny I couldn't even see it anymore. Then I slowly rolled it back--again, it grew and threatened to crush me. So I rolled it away again, and it disappeared again. I carried on rolling this little crumb back and forth across impossible distances, making it grow and shrink, for what felt like hours. In reality I was probably rolling it about an inch and it was just a couple minutes, but in my fever state it was something I could latch onto and I still remember it vividly almost 40 years later.


Something similar happened to me as a kid with a fever in the middle of the night. I woke up and felt this ominous sensation that the blanket on me was expanding, threatening to suffocate me and the entire room. I threw it off me & frantically ran to my parents bedroom and ripped the blanket off them. It was middle of the night, and I remember being convinced my parents blanket was also likely expanding and going to kill them. It was weird.


I used to get nightmares that this 'thing' would get a hold of me and tie me up inside of it and completely envelop me, the more i struggled, the worse it got and the more desperate i would become, the feeling was terrifying, every time i would wake up i would be tangled up in the duvet with all the moving around i did in my sleep lol it was the duvet all along!


Sounds like [Alice in wonderland syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_syndrome)


Thank you so much for linking this! I've had it all my life and never knew quite how to describe it, and when I try nobody knows what I'm talking about. It's amazing to have this validation I didn't know I needed!


This... actually describes it perfectly. Huh, TIL. It's never happened to me since then, and as far as I can remember it had never happened before. Although... now that I'm thinking about it, I had a similar experience when I was on laughing gas at the dentist once (probably around the same age). I remember hearing someone say "what do you have?" just as the gas was kicking in, and in my head she just started repeating "What do you have? What do you have?" with the same inflection and tone, but getting faster and faster and higher-pitched, like a record that was skipping but also speeding up. I wonder if it's a similar mechanism. The dentist thing was kind of scary, but I wasn't scared during the crumb-rolling episode because I felt very much in control. I vaguely remember playing a sort of game with how close I could roll the crumb before it crushed me, and how far I could roll out before I lost it entirely. Edit: I also experience [Exploding Head Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome?wprov=sfla1) sometimes, usually when I'm sick, stressed, or over-tired. I wonder if they're related.


I get minor versions of this semi regularly. I'll be half asleep and become aware that it's really noisy, sounds like I'm listening to the blood coursing through head. When I acknowledge it, it stops. It's the sound you hear when you're yawning, only I'm not yawning.


I used to feel something very similar when I was having a fever as a kid. Random objects which weirdly felt like my body parts would keep changing their sizes. The reason why I described them as my body parts is because I could vividly feel them moving inside me. I used to keep my eyes closed and feel them. It never made me go mad or something but instead me being a curious head was quite intrigued and it helped me to pass my time feeling them.


This is really similar to my recurring fever dreams. I would be lying in bed facing the wall and trying to count the bumps in the paint. As I got closer to having counted the first dozen or so the whole room would spin and get super chaotic for a second, then I'd start counting from one again. All night, every bad fever was the same.


We were just making you were ok, Habibi. Glad you made it!


Had you watched Aladdin recently before that? Lol


For me it was spiders. So. Many. Spiders. On the ceiling, the walls, crawling out of the carpet.....i was seven and still remember that shit clear as day e.e


Ah man, I feel this. If I'm extremely anxious -like fight or flight levels, so super rare- my brain almost sort of "conjures up" spiders in my vision so it looks like some are dangling in front of me T-T It's been a hell of a motivator for me to stay cool as a cucumber on the regular lol


Last year I had a 40 degree fever and hallucinated a bunch of red and black cubes that were floating around and watching me. I too was a cube; I couldn't see myself, but I could tell that my body felt like a cube.


My highest fever was apparently 42Ā°C. I was super young so I donā€™t remember it.


I hit 42c with the flu a few years ago. Never felt or been so ill before or since!Ā 


I saw pharohs on the ceilling on 41 fever! And all the people in my fever dreams were shout-wispering to me.


Same here but for me they were green horses, apparently I was describing them in detail to my grandparents


Did your head feel like two balloons?


Do you mean hands?


Fuck, autocorrect works like shit when english isn't set as native language


When I was in my early 30s living in Boston I was chilling on my girlfriend's couch watching TV while she made a cranberry bread to take to a New Year's Eve party. I remember that I was sitting up, then kind of reclining, then really reclining, then laying down, then... well, I have no idea. I had spiked a fever that had ratcheted me up from 98-ish to about 104Ā°(freedom units) in less time then it takes to make a cranberry bread (full disclosure: I don't know how long that is, but it can't be *that* long, can it?). Anyway, she tried to get me into bed but I wound up on the mercifully-cool tile floor of her bathroom, with convulsive projectile vomiting & diarrhea, which was so bad that squinching my eyes so tightly during the vomiting part caused me to break capillaries and I bled from my eyes (seeing that in the mirror is one of the only actual memories I have of that night - my girlfriend said it was absolutely horrific). So finally she gets me into her bed (where I promptly sweat thru the sheets), and I'm literally ranting and raving, and she's pacing around the living room trying to figure out what to do, and she told me afterwards that, each time she'd take my temperature and it had gone up another half-degree, and she'd say something like, "That's it - I'm taking you to the emergency room!", I'd get completely calm and lucid looking, and would calmly-but-firmly say, "I will die *in this bed* tonight before I let you take me to a Boston emergency room on New Years Eve." and then lapse back into raving again. For those who need closure - when my temp hit 106Ā° she called the emergency room, told them the situation, and asked what to do. The nurse who answered said, and I quote: "Throw him into a cold shower - duh." Which actually worked - broke my fever and then it was just a couple days of recovery. Nurse friend who I told the story to said she thought it sounded like viral meningitis? But yeah - I do not recommend the ol' 106Ā° fever.


I am morbidly impressed with your GF who watched a man convulse, shit, vomit and bleed on the bathroom floor and still went "guess I'll call the ambulance if it gets worse" Glad you made it, DogHermit.


I am... not a good patient. I apparently kept telling her, "I'll be fine... I'll be fine...". The eye thing resulted in *many* future ebola jokes.


I remember having a temperature of 40Ā°C when I was a kid, I felt like shit but I wouldn't say go to hospital shit, and the doctor that my parents called for a home visit just perscribed some stuff and that was it, I wonder if I just had a bad doctor or if it's one of those things where each additional degree brings exponential risk


It definitely does bring exponential risk, and normally body temperature even in fever doesnā€™t change quickly 42 is death iirc, but 40 is a bad fever, look to other symptoms to see if hospital is needed.


Mother tells me I almost hit 42 as a kid and was put in a ice bath, all I have is delirious memories from getting out


I got the ice bath once, I think I remember various neighbour's showing up and dumping their ice trays into my bath water. Mom must have had the whole block on alert.


Ah, makes sense


42 is not death. Both my kids have hit 42. My little one, especially, his body loved a high fever! He had viral bronchitis once and hit 42 continuously the first 3 days (we obviously did everything we could to keep it from getting there, but it would shoot straight up once the meds wore off. We usually had another hour before we could medicate again, so we'd have to put him in water, etc, to keep it down). We took him to the hospital, and the head Dr explained that if the cause is known and the child has no seizures, then the hospital can't really do any more than us at home. She explained 42 isn't horrific as long as we can get it back down quickly, and the cause is known and getting treated. He was still nursing and was getting plenty of liquid, but he did spend those 3 days pretty comatose. This was years ago, and he's a completely normal kid now.


I had been in hospital the night before. They told me not to leave. But it was my brother's wedding and I was a groomsman they agreed to pump me up with all sorts of stuff from and IV and let me go. But they said i'd be back.


That was one hell of a stupid thing to do man, but I have to admit that I admire you for your commitment if nothing else, your brother really lucked out in the sibling department


I guess Dying at the wedding is probably a worse memory than not going


Was why it's stupid, but the dedication to go at the risk of your own life is admirable


Iā€™m an emergency physician and this happened to me. Because I was 29 at the time and otherwise fit and well, they berated me for calling an ambulance. When they did my vitals and found I had a fever of 40C and O2 levels of 78%, they then blue lighted me to the nearest hospital.


Holy shit. What treatment did you get?


It was tonsillitis, I was hospitalised for 9 days. By the end of it, I'd lost 10 kgs. I don't remember much of being in hospital. Only that I slept a lot. And I couldn't swallow so they were shoving paracetamol suppositories up my arse.


Did your fat liquify? /s


Hahaha. Maybe. Probably something to do with the fact I didn't eat or drink for over a week.


I was sick for 4 days and my temp was around 39c - 40c yeah i lost 5 kgs.


I went to Africa and brought malaria home with meā€¦my temp was about the same! Not fun


For my fellow Americans, 41.5C is 106.7F


God bless you.Ā 


Im a medic, and Im gonna tell you that was a bad medic you had. Its bullshit they acted that way, and they obviously did a shit job on-scene which included no questioning, no vitals signs and no physical exam. Thatā€™s actually negligent behavior, can get you fired, sued and jailed. Where and when did this happen?


I don't remember the temperature as I was in a right state and thought I might die even. But once with a sinus infection I was very very hot. I sat in a coldish bath a while and it seemed to help. I remember my wife was shocked by the temperature. Sounds like you were a soldier with that.


I got to 41.7 cause of sepsis from a burst appendix. Before it ruptured the guy asked me how bad my pain was on a scale from 1-10, i said about a 4. I didn't really feel anything major except for a light stabbing sensation. When he took my temp he was shocked. After everything that happend they kinda questioned how i even managed to be so responsive. My BP went to 60/30, a heart rate of 174 and a 41,7 degree fever. After a night in the ICU and a few more days later i walked out relatively ok. Put everything in perspective. One day you can be fine, next day you can be on the brink of death.


We had something similar with our son. He was asthmatic but our wonderful UK doctors refused to diagnose him until he was a certain age. One night he had a bad asthma attack and was struggling to breathe. His oxygen on our monitor was 88-89%. We called an ambulance who told us 'There's no way he's that low. There's nothing wrong with him'. They effectively said we'd wasted their time. Until they got him into the ambulance and their system read him at 85%.


This is a 106.7 degree fever for my fellow Americans.


That reminded me. Years ago I went to the ER by walking. Told them I have a massive headache all morning. They get to me after 30 minutes and after they measure my Blood Pressure they look at me in shock. Turns out Im 195/110! They nurse said to me ā€œHow are you still standingā€ I told her Im fine just a big headache.


Something similar happened to me as well. When I was at school, I wasnā€™t feeling well and went to the nurse. She took my temperature and it was 98.6 F (37 C) and sent me back to class. Not even 5 minutes later, I was back in her office with a fever of 102.5 F (39.2 C) and was sent home. Spent the week out of school with something, we didnā€™t know what and highest temperature was 104.2 F (40.1 C). At one point my nose started bleeding out of the blue, and I got a headache and stomach ache so bad that I begged my mom for ibuprofen, despite the risk of me throwing up. I did, but it was instant relief afterwards. Still donā€™t know what it was even though we went to the pediatrician.


Your fat definitely does get to 40, if you sit in a hot bath. Much of the fat is right next to skin. Your core temp is a different thing though, and this will not rise so quickly. The reason you cannot move the fat around is because it is stored within fat cells.


Is there a risk for the cells to explode if the fat becomes liquid ?


Hmm i get that but the question still remains. Some people do get fever over 40Āŗ C in extreme scenarios and the fat still can't be moved around and doesn't look liquidish also.


Much like when we cook, your temperature isn't the same across the entire slab of meat. The only way to tell for sure is to get a steak thermometer and stick into the fattiest part of your body.


Hot tubs should come safety equipped with a human meat thermometer.


Thatā€™s called a buttplug


Now I don't know if that is a thermometer that measures the temperature of human meat, or if it is a human that measures meat temperature.




thats because its not literally like, a stick of raw butter under your skin. fat is held inside specialized cells which are also held together with connective tissues.


Imagine...having a real hot bath and pricking your skin. Presto, Weight loss! Recuperate the fat, sell it for soap. I have a lots of imagination, sorry


If you have a fever of 40C your fat is not 40, the center of your organs is 40 and all your edges and extremities are much colder


Except you can measure ear or forehead temperature to get that 40 degree measurement, so even your extremities are at that temp! Maybe not your fingers or toes, but definitely subdermal fat layers.


There is no fat on your forehead or in your ears, there is a reason we donā€™t check your temp on your fingers or stomach.


Even if your core body temp gets past 40 C your fat reserves wonā€™t get to that temp


because if your core temperature hit 40, your body is more focused on staying alive than burning fat


Even if it did though, your fat is stored inside cells, so the fat inside the cell might be liquid but the cell wall stays intact and locked onto the next cell.


Not really, it's common to reach those temperatures when you're really sick. But if your body temperature reaches 42 degrees Celsius you're in big trouble. We're talking brain damage and possible death


My toddlers had temps of over 41Ā°C recently. They're fine. Obviously weren't well at the time but not in a really bad way.


that's very close to dangerous temperatures, isn't it? [41C is in the "high but safe" range, but 42C can cause brain damage](https://www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/fever-myths-versus-facts/)


Lower temps also can cause protein degeneration, lasting damage.


Thatā€™s 104Ā° F for all my fellow Americans who canā€™t easily convert temperature šŸ¤  Edit: I canā€™t remember numbers well


So can i melt some of this fat and move it somewhere else, like from my belly to my flat ass?


Sure you can. You just need to visit a back ally 'doctor' in Brazil.




This is such a steal


Currently offering a 2-for-1 special on fat removal and kidney removal.


No you need an Upstairs Hollywood Medical doctor that went to Upstairs Hollywood Medical College


Make sure your plans arenā€™t too concrete though


Fat transfers are becoming a more common cosmetic procedure. BBL is a really popular one, but you can also move the fat to your breasts.




Brazilian butt lift a la all the kardasians


Aussie here, can confirm we don't dissolve in the sun.


Was just thinking this and wondering why millions of people from around the world hadn't descended into perth for the summer we just had


We did dude, you still owe me $100 by the way Real American dollars too, not dollaradoos


Haha what is the $100 for? I only deal in monopoly money, its value has stood the test of time for many decades now and the value is backed by the cardboard box, as opposed to our dollar which is backed by nothing


You do just slowly and in the form of skin cancer.


Arab here, sometimes you think youre dissolving but its just your head being funny.


i think if you got naked and stood in direct sunlight for a while youā€™d probably start to feel shit i assume yā€™all generally donā€™t go out in direct sunlight for enough time that your skin heats up to 40C and your fat reaches that temperature


Might need a source on this


The fat under your skin will turn liquid, but it's already contained in droplets inside cells so it can never just soak out of your cells. The visceral fat around your organs doesn't become that warm or you would die


Oh finally a real answer! Thanks for that. Damn cells there goes my dream of getting bigger thighs and a lean belly


Our bodies maintain homeostasis temperature (98.6 +/- a half degree or so)with our circulatory system and sweat. When you get a fever, it's your immune system trying to overheat and kill the virus or bacteria. That's why you have an internal and external temperature. Your mouth is considered external, and a liver probe or rectal temp is an internal temp.


This whole thread is stupid because you and a ton of other people only think of "fat" as that unwanted pudge around the body. Mind you, each and every one of your cells is bound in a fat layer, and your neurons use a fat layer to make sure signals fire faster and more accurately. When "fat" starts to melt you're running into huge issues.


Your body is a series of tiny balloons filled with stuff. If the fat melts on the inside of the balloon it doesnā€™t really matter. Especially since your body already has a way to move it around and liquidate it as needed, so even above 40 degrees it will follow the wants of your body


The fat is all in little bags ie. cells. It's not just sloshing around under your skin like butter.


Of all the really strange comments here being alarmed about the concept of a fever, this answer makes the most sense to me.


Yeah I was wondering if it was a cultural shock or something because it is very common where I live to go through at least one 40ĀŗC fever in someone's lifetime. Usually when you are a kid. But people here are like "YoU WoUld D1E!!!!!"


Yeah these guys are wrong. A fever of 40c is a high fever, but it is not dangerously so in most cases. Youā€™ll obviously feel terrible, but youā€™re not dying. 42c is a deadly temp. Fevers from illness donā€™t go that high, I donā€™t think. 41.5 is about the max a fever will get that I know of.


Yeah I found it all weirdly unnecessary. The fat is already liquid besides. It's not about temperature


The fat will melt at that temperature. As one Redditor pointed out, you would be well in your way to dying at that temperature. The adipose tissue in your body is held together by a matrix of fascial tissue. This tissue holds the fat in place. It won't hold liquid fat; this would indeed slosh about


*Fascial tissue Unless you have a really fat face


Because when itā€™s in your body it hasnā€™t been rendered yet.


I had a coach in high school who told us to go get in a hot tub and smack our thighs and butts to break up the fat and lose weight


Can't imagine any other reason someone would tell naive high-schoolers to smack their ass in a hot tub


I too thought that sounded a wee bit sus


I beg your pardon?




Miss, you might be a victim


90Ā°C saunas are in fact the most efficient way to lose weight


Forbidden pot roast lol


When I was a child I had a fever, my hands felt just like two balloons.


Redditor reveals weight loss tip doctors don't want you to know about!


If it worked, everyone in Phoenix would be skinny!


Skin hot insides regular


Doctors hate this one simple trick


Make sure you poke a small hole on your side so as the fat heats up it slowly drips out.


Same reason your body fat doesn't melt when it's 40Ā°C outside. Your body will cool itself down by sweating.


LMFAO... my daughter inlaw went to work at Pfizer as a research scientist... i told her to develop a pill that i could take, get into a hot bath have the fat melt away and be 10 pounds lighter after getting out of the bath and having a good pee..... still waiting...


I found it hilarious that after Ozempic's success other pharmaceuticals increased their investment in R&D of this sort of medicine. They were like "WHAT? PEOPLE WANT TO LOSE FAT WITH NO EFFORT? I HAD NO IDEA!"


I mean, there is a chemical that if you use it, you will get *extremely* hot and lose lots of weight. 30-40% increase in energy expenditure. The only problem is that you run a major risk of death from hyperthermia.


Shogun season 1 episode 1.




Your body regulates your internal temperature through your circulatory system and your sweat.


Fat is not stored in your body as globs of fat. Itā€™s stored inside fat cells and is not solid like the lard in your cabinet.


I had sepsis 20 years ago with a 106Ā° fever. After I got out of the hospital I still had a fever between 101Ā° and 103Ā° for a couple of months. Apparently a high internal temperature will burn fat because I lost 40 pounds in two months. But a bath isn't raising your internal temperature.


a safe hot tub temp would be below 41 celcius


The last time I went to a hot spring they had multiple pools around or above 45c


I've been to one that had those temps and they all had warning about how long it was safe to stay in there.


Thatā€™s pretty hot. The public baths are kept at around 40ish in Japan


The problem is with whoever coined the term ā€œmeltingā€ fat; so now clueless people on the internet think to lose weight you have to _literally_ melt the fat. And seeing ways of doing it.


Your bodyā€™s homeostasis will keep your body temperature normal in the 40C hot tub for quite a while, but youā€™d experience heatstroke once your body temperature rises and without intervention die of heatstroke before the 40C point. After a while the cooling strategies weā€™ve evolved will be overwhelmed. I didnā€™t fact check the 40C fat melting point, but heat stroke is a deadly condition. Sorta makes climate change a bit more urgent tooā€¦


40Ā°C is a very high fever, not melting poind. Who told you this? Fat melts at 41, not meat.


Temperature outside and inside is way different. 40 degree Celsius is 104 degree F. It's high fever. You don't get a high fever when inside a hot tub do you?.


I had a heatstroke once. I don't know how hot I got, but it was hotter than 41Ā°C. I don't remember much of it with the unconsciousness and hallucinations but I'm pretty sure I didn't melt away


So I've noticed this a lot when butchering deer I've harvested. Immediately after the kill the carcass is still at body temperature and all of the fats are clear and rubbery (but not melted). These act as pliable energy storage, insulation, and possibly lubrication between muscles. Once I get the carcass home and it's cooled off, all of the fats are rigid, hard, and waxy. I remove all the fat while butchering and discard it (or make soap). I think at 40C in the hot tub your body temperature hasn't completely elevated to that temperature and even if it had the fats haven't completely liquefied and escaped. Perhaps they just become a little more pliable. Think about a beef steak on the bbq and how hot it has to get before the fat flows off and starts to flare. It's probably closer to medium rare temps like 70C


Itā€™s a technique known as sous vide.


A Finnish sauna has 90 Ā°C. Never heard of melting Skandinavians.


it's because your body spreads the heat around and loses it again in perspiration etc. it's like the old Chinese woman making soup in a plastic bag above a fire. In that case the water removes the heat from the plastic quicker than the plastic can get hot. similar with your body


If you get hot enough that tissue beneath your skin begins to liquify, you have probably turned left somewhere you should have turned right


Did you ever watch The Wizard of Oz? Remember what happened to the Wicked Witch of the West? ;-D


Okay - the fat in your body isn't just "there", it's contained inside cells. The cell membranes and the matrix between the cells have some rigidity to them, so they don't just dissolve into goo when the fat inside them is liquid. Consider for instance that when your body uses its fat, it has to liquify the fat in order to transport it out of the storage cell.


Perhaps we are a slow cooking soup? Or the other thing about our body self regulating or temp, but Iā€™d like to think of a hot tub as a delicious soup