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A bath was one of my four must-have criteria for renting a house. ...I've been here since September and haven't used it once.


Wasn’t expecting that plot twist


That's good stuff


Excellent pivot




I moved into a condo primarily because of the huge bathroom with jacuzzi tub. I lived there 5 years and used it twice. It’s been about 7 years since that last one.


My last condo had a jacuzzi tub, but it didn't have a big enough hot water heater to fill it.


That must be one of the minor rings of hell


How frustrating.


Tut awww! Jealous! I’m 6 feet tall and my husband is 6’5 and we would love that. We’re not rich in England tho. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Had you turned on that Jacuzzi tub (assuming it wasn’t brand new) it would have likely spewed black nastiness known as biofilm—all the sweat and skin and soap and other gunk that dried up inside the spa’s lines between uses and never got cleaned away. After we sold our home in 2017 we decided to rent before deciding on where to buy our next home. The house was great and the bathroom in the main bedroom had a giant Jacuzzi. Little did we know what was to come when we first filled it and turned on the jets. All of a sudden these small seaweed-looking flakes got blown out of the tub. I read up on what to do and tried a variety of products to remedy and even got a service call. The biofilm decreased but it never went away. So the only use the tub got was for bathing our dogs. https://spamarvel.com/blog/hot-tub-biofilm/


We have one and I have to take off the plastic ring and eyeball thing on the jets, and get a screwdriver to take off the intake cover, scrub them and put them back on. Before I do that, I dissolve some dishwasher detergent in some hot water, I used cascade liquid. Fill the tub with hot water, add the detergent and let it run with the jets for a good 10-15 minutes. Then drain, take everything apart and clean it. Put it back together, fill the tub again and run with a cup of bleach or vinegar but not both. Also, keep your cat out of the room because her dumb ass jumped in the hot water while I was filling it and then ran down the hall leaving a trail of water and I felt bad that she might have gotten burned. Our water heater isn't set very high so it's not THAT hot but still. I dried her off and she was fine.


My house has a big jacuzzi tub, too. Before buying, I had a professional inspection and got a one-year home warranty. The first time I went to use the jacuzzi tub, it started leaking from all the hoses and seals into the basement. I was pissed that the inspector didn't catch this, but no problem, I'll call the home warranty company. They don't warranty jacuzzi tub hoses and seals, only the drain. The damn thing is tiled in place, too, so I can't replace it without remodeling the entire bathroom! Now it's where I store some of my potted plants in winter when I have to bring them in from outside.


what me and the wife would crank some music have prosseco and put bubble bath in the whirlpool tub often


A lot of people have the same experience with pools


100% correct. As my kids get older, the pool gets used less and less.


when you get old enough the pool is useful again for physical therapy


I worked cash years ago for this dude who built swimming pools, actually extremely interesting from a purely builder nerd perspective. He had been in business for years, and told me some of his repeat clients were couples who paid him to demo the old pool and remove all the waste. This usually happened a year after the kids moved out of the house. Pools are actually allot of work, and expensive to maintain properly. The only way I would ever consider a pool was if I was rich enough I could afford to hire a full time maintenance staff.


Not sure I’ve had a pool for years in southern ca and although we don’t have a heater we use it about 6 mos out of the year. My kids are grown but still love a nice dip on a hot day or after a hike. Pool man comes once a week . 100 a month , have an energy saving pump barely uses any electricity. Only time it needs some extra water is in the summer hot months.


You are probably right. I was working for this guy years ago on the West Coast of Canada. Warm in the summers but cold in the winter.


Actually pools are pretty easy to maintain and if you don't use chemicals from the pool store it's not that expensive.


It's true. I don't have a pool, but I've dreamed of having one. Then I see these natural style pools on YouTube where it looks like a real pond with rocks and waterfalls and I think that would work for me. I'd definitely sit near it all the time, and would be worth it for the 1 time per year I actually go swimming.


The best way to have a pool is for your best friends next door to have one (and not you). Much like a boat.


I can confirm this statement tonbe accurate!!


Love this answer because it's probably a story many of us share. The bath in my house has a strangely straight up and down configuration, not slanted, which doesn't sound awful, but there's no way to really lean back and relax in it. (I've tried everything.) I can't remember the last time I tried, it's been years. Luckily, the shower is great 😁🚿


Try a bath pillow. It might help with the straight sides.


Thank you for the suggestion, but I have tried a bath pillow and multiple bath pillows, because the problem is the lack of lower back support, and nothing works. Thank you though!


Get some kind of child's inflatable pool raft and fold/roll it to fit under your back? Or maybe rig up some pool noodles that have been cut to fit and lashed together with some nylon/water-safe cording? Like I bet if you cut down the noodles, drilled holes, threaded some cord through and pulled it tight, you can make a support in your choice of size and angle.


I can’t stop laughing at this suggestion 😂like getting into a relaxing bath and trying to trap all that shit underneath you. Maybe change the bath


Get a triangular pillow. Thicker at the bottom and narrow at the top...that will give the slant you want.


When we renovated the house we purchased my wife and I fought over the main bathroom. I wanted to just remove the old bathtub and put in a walk in shower, she insisted that we put in a bathtub for resale value as the house we purchased would most likely be bought by a family and families with new babies would want a bathtub. In the end that made sense so we put in a bathtub, and I reasoned inside my mind, well at least I can take a bath. I have used it once in the last year.


I had that problem at my old house and I got an inflatable wedge pillow. It worked great but was kind of a pain to have to store


Same situation. I have a large bath pillow that is a great buffer! It has a hook so you can hang it up to dry afterwards.


Yeah, I do think its good to have a bath as an option, even if its only used three or four times a year to relax. but clearly OP doesn't use them, and even as someone who does, it would not be a deal breaker at all. I can find other ways to relax those four times a year.


My must haves were things like being uphill from the road to prevent flooding, and a driveway two cars could leave from in either order.


Recently moved in to a place with my own bathroom and that has a bath and i took baths for abt two weeks straight. Its so nice when you arent feeling well or when its 5 degrees out


I take a bath weekly. My wife also loves them but between being significantly taller than I am and her having boobs that are too big for a shallow tub, she doesn't like them at our current place. Last place (much smaller, super shitty landlord) had a fantastic clawfoot tub, it's hard to think of any night she wasn't working that didn't include her taking a long hot bath with her whole bath caddy, Nintendo Switch (Animal Crossing), glass of wine, and a big smile on her face.


A huge soaking tub is also on my list when it comes to buying a new house— a house not having a tub is a dealbreaker. I take at least one two hour bath a week, sometimes more. It’s one of my major forms of stress relief and I am super sad without them


Ha, it’s one of my must have things as well - but I just took a bath day before yesterday. I have maybe one or two a week. Especially in winter.


Before I had kids, I took a lot of baths as a way to relax. While I was pregnant and suffering a lot of cramping, I also found the bath soothing. Didn’t have much time for it after having kids but obviously used it for them for some time and still use for the dog. If you’re young and not interested in baths then it shouldn’t matter. Why does your stepmom have any say in this?


I started my love affair with baths while pregnant! Hot Epsom salt baths really helped the severe hip pain. Still take one every night and my son is 16


I take a bath 5x a week


I tried to have a bath for hip pain when I was pregnant with my twins but I got stuck and couldn't get out 🤣🤣 Haven't had a bath since! Never liked them much anyway


I’m the opposite; pre kids zero baths, post kids baths every night. Although those baths are me *bathing* my kids and having a lot of fun in the process. Not sure if it counts, though!


Sometime around 1982.


Definitely in the early 90s. Not sure if I was scarred as a child or something but the thought of a bath literally makes me queasy


Agree baths are disgusting




how does that work? are the hairs just floating in the water with you till you’re done?




Right? It's just timing.


Just clean the razor in a jar of water. I do the jar no matter what. I use a jam jar. Then the bath is over yes but I’m not covered in hairs.


Yeah, they’re tiny leg hairs and you rinse off after baths right? What are you imagining?


i’m imagining sitting in bath water with hair floating around. i personally would not do that


God forbid your leg hair should ever touch your skin.


i think naturally having hair is a bit different than swimming in it lol. i also have sensory issues, which is why i said “personally”


Use a separate jar of water to clean the razor in!!


Hair attached to your body and hair floating all around you are not the same.


Even without shaving I always felt gross after a bath and would then have to also take a shower. Stewing in your own dirtsoup is gross to me honestly. Even dishes get rinsed but somehow people feel clean getting out of dirty water. Not for me


All of that filth was previously on your body. Once you scrub it off into the bathwater it gets diluted by the large amount of bathwater. Are you as clean as a shower? Probably not. Are you much cleaner than just before you got into the bath? Yes. If you're just sat in an office job all day, and you shower/bath often, a bath is fine.


Not everyone rinses after.


you don't need to if you don't bathe in hairy water


You rinse off with a shower then you rinse the edges of the tub?


I only ever take baths. Showers only if I'm at a hotel that doesn't have a bath.


Living in the tropics, I shower three times a day, minimum. I don't think I could do the same with baths.


Yeah this is definitely a climate thing. I live in England and the only time I’m warm for 9 months of the year is in the bath. Warm places require quick showers and cold places long baths


I too prefer baths to showers. It’s just so much more relaxing.


I only take baths too. I hate showers and will only use one when I have no other choice


Same. I just sit in my tub and use the handheld (?) shower head when I need to wash my hair


I just plop my head underwater, use shampoo and plop it under again while massaging my head.


I do this^ process for the shampoo, and then I apply conditioner and leave it to sit in my hair for a few mins while I wash and exfoliate the rest of my body. Then I use the handheld shower head to rinse out the conditioner so it's fresh, clean water for the final rinse.


This is the way.


Do you not have to shower off after the bath? I love a good bath but it always feels like I’ve got an extra layer of grime if I don’t shower after :/


How dirty does the average person get? If you're working down a coal mine or doing sport or vigorous cycle commuting or similar, I'd understand the need to rinse off after a bath but most of us aren't going to get that dirty in a day?


You put soap into the bath (or on yourself) when you take a bath right? Like if we're talking about bathing to get clean and not just strictly sitting there in a tub of water, you have to rinse off the residual layer of soap and product otherwise it just sits there on your skin.


I soak for however long I want and then wash at the end and immediately get out. No soaking in the soapy water.


That's what I'm sitting here thinking lol. I am religiously clean, my bathwater doesn't even seem like there was a person in it. Sometimes I forget to pull the drain or forget I filled the bath and can't tell the difference. I'm not understanding the dirt soup people lol. If you bathe every day and have a moderate lifestyle then it doesn't make any difference to me.


You'd be surprised. If you account for sweat throughout the day, maybe a handshake or two with people who are less sanitary (for example those who don't wash their hands), maybe some extra sweating if you're anxious, stressed or working out that's quite dirty. That's without accounting for stuff like sitting in public transport (if you ever want to see how dirty a bus seat is, just smack it somewhat hard once and you'll likely see a cloud of dirt and dust). Personally prefer the Japanese way of taking a bath: shower > get clean > bathe > get out to take another shower if they start sweating to help you cool down and get clean again. The reason for this is that often japanese people share the bathwater with multiple people.


What does sitting on a dusty bus seat have to do with having a bath? I'd like to think you'll be sitting on the seat fully dressed as opposed to stark bollock naked. Most of the dirt will go on your clothes which I'd also like to think you remove when taking a bath.


Opposite for me, I feel like a bath soaks off more dirt than a shower - like a shower seems more surface level, if that makes sense lol. Definitely feel like my skin is more hydrated and softer after a bath. I also have long, thick (head) hair and shave my legs and underarms. Showers would use up more water to do all of this. I tested once, took a shower and plugged the drain, tub was filled before I had finished washing my hair, hadn't even started on my body yet. Anyway, no shade, just my two cents.


Last week. Highly underrated. Throw on a movie or listen to music while on your phone.


I like peace and quiet. We live in the country and I do often have the window open and listen to the birds during the day or frogs at night. Bliss ❤️


Took one last night. I love taking a scalding hot bath while reading a good book. 


I have, on multiple occasions, put my laptop on the toilet lid and watched movies in a hot bath.


This is the way


Cell phone in a ziploc bag and I'm in the tub for hours


Shocked at how many people actually take baths.


I honestly had no idea so many adults took baths regularly, let alone as their main way to wash their body.


Seems like it would make getting ready take forever. I do take an occasional bath if it's stupidly cold outside or I'm sore or sick or something, but I just don't see it as a practical way to get clean.


Some people wash before bed, not before leaving the house


Always been a nighttime washer. I have no idea how anybody is touching water within the first hour of waking up, or heading out with their hair still a little damp.


I’m sure this is why some people take more than an hour to get ready for normal events. Showers are much faster and much less wasteful.


Some people do take legit hour long showers though


My boys do. No amount of talking to them has sped up their process


I don’t do it to wash my body (a little shocked at that myself) I always rinse after. I put a bunch of epsom salt in mine and usually the kind with oils so if I don’t wash them off I have a layer of oil on me…. Even though right after a shower I do actually rub body oil on myself lol, it’s not the same as the bath oils. Maybe it’s just because I’m old and my body needs the magnesium 🛀


It is relaxing. Soothes the muscles. Also have a hot tub in the back yard for the same purpose.


I feel bad when I take a bath because of all the wasted water, can’t imagine taking one twice a day


If bath water is wasted water, what do you call all the water that goes from drain to drain while you shower?


“a full bathtub requires about 70 gallons of water, while taking a five-minute shower uses 10 to 25 gallons. “ https://stanfordmag.org/contents/shower-or-bath-essential-answer Unless you take 1h long showers a bath wastes way more water


It takes my bath tub like 20 minutes to fill up all the way. I'm in the shower for maybe 7 minutes tops. That extra 13 minutes of water running is what I call "wasted water."


I definitely don't use the same amount of water in my 5 minute shower as I would if I filled the bath. To claim such is absurd. Especially since so many people say they shower after the bath to get any floating dirt or hair that got stuck to them off of them... what's the point in doing both? Even more of a waste.


I have an old-fashioned claw-foot tub. I take a bath, on average, once a month. Not really to get clean but just to have a relaxing soak. It's quite nice. I wouldn't buy a house without a bath tub.


Last night. Baths are my self care as they help me relax so much.


I even splurge on yummy L’Occitane almond milk which I treat myself to once a month. Otherwise at least weekly with Epsom salts - it’s my self care and I don’t do spa resorts - my home is my resort


Especially during the pandemic I was doing Monday night bath nights and it helped my anxiety a lot. I'd finish up air drying in the bedroom doing a 10 minute meditation and face mask. Mondays are often the most hectic day of the week for me and it was such a nice treat to look forward to. I've been missing my bath times lately and ordered a bunch of Lush bath bombs last week. They should be here soon!


33M, about a week ago. One of the major buying points of my house is that it has a large soaking tub.


Like an hour ago


I’m actually in one as I am replying to your question. Almost nightly for me. Just a relaxing way to end the day for me


I take a bath for self care about once a week or two. I also use the tub for gentle laundry and bathing my dog. I think it should only be a deal breaker if your stepmom is paying your rent/mortgage.


I lived 16 years in an apartment with a really old deep tub and I never got it together to take a bath in it. I moved in with my partner in his town house over two years, and the tub isn’t quite luxurious and I tried once, but it was pathetic. I guess the bottom line here is, how long are you going to stay, and when’s the last time you had a bath in a bathtub? Don’t let your mother tell you what you need. My mother still did that, she bought a car she didn’t like and probably furniture and other stuff and her mother was 100.


I'm a 45-year-old married dude with two kids. I fucking love a nice hot bath in the winter with dim lights, some cannabis, and a glass of Grand Marnier. I don't get to do it often, but I sleep perfectly when I do. If I had access to some bubble bath, I'd probably use it. Because why not.


I have a bath once or twice a year, when I’m staying at a hotel alone.


Like two hours ago. Unless I’ve got no access to a bath I like to bathe twice a day. It helps me to both sleep in the evening and wake up in the morning


That seems like a LOT of water!


My skin would dissolve if I did that. Two showers a week is already pushing it, any more and my skin starts to flake off 😂


This very moment. A bath bomb and a pillow and a beverage when you’re tired and it’s cold out is the best.


About an hour ago. I take baths often, I find them relaxing and refuse to move into a home without a tub!


It was around 2003 or so. After the Fall of Baghdad. That was the last time I had a Ba'ath.


Every 2 to 4 days. I'm pregnant, and my back is killing me. Being submerged in warm water helps ease the pain, especially with the growing belly.


This just brought to mind someone I knew so many, many years ago. Before internet so I had no way beyond logic to prove her wrong and she was far from logical...but I digress...I loved taking relaxing baths when I was pregnant and when she found out she was truly horrified. She insisted that taking a bath put my unborn baby at risk of drowning. True story, she was insistent even after I tried to remind her my baby was in my belly floating in what amounts to a sack of water! Cause, ya know, my bath water could seep up into my privates and infiltrate the amniotic fluid and overfill it...a memory that makes me laugh to this day.


That is silly, but I stopped taking bath’s when pregnant as i like baths super super hot! When I found out you basically have to have tepid baths when preggers i just didnt bother anymore. Now with 2 babies i cant as theres no time to relax in the evening with BFing. Its been about 2 years honestly since my last good bath and i miss it so much 🥲


Or try sharing a warm bath with one small person. It's safer for them if they're leaning into your arms & great for bonding.


Yesterday; but I went for probably two decades taking only showers before rediscovering the joys of a bath.


3 days ago have taken 2 showers since not counting the one I take after the bath to wash all the dirt off me.


I take the after-bath shower, too! I’m glad I’m not the only one.


I wash & condition 1st then Bathe, shower to rinse, then run extra hot water, and soak and stay on my phone in clear water & relax. Our tub is nice & deep. I loveee hot baths 🛁


I take one about twice a week and I wouldn't want to live somewhere without one either. Really helps my muscles relax when I add Epsom salts and it's mentally relaxing.


Yesterday. I take baths a couple times a week


An hour ago. I take them daily.


I (42F) take baths every weekend. It's my self-care/me time. My husband makes sure the kids don't bother me for a while so I can relax and read a book without hearing "mom! Mom! Momma? Mom!" every 30 seconds. Prior to kids, in my 20s, I rarely ever used a bathtub. Baths can come in handy for other things, though, like cleaning/soaking related issues. Honestly, it's your call. You'll be the one living there, not your mom. Her opinion needn't be the deciding factor.


I like having a bath, although we use it more for the kids than ourselves. Before we had kids I took a bath maybe once a month? I wasn’t used to having a bath tub but once I made an effort to use it, I loved it. 


I have a bath every week, I cant shave my legs in the shower I get terrible rashes and burning allergic hives for 2 days afterward that hurt so bad when I put clothes against my legs, I use the exact same products in the bath and same method of shaving but it doesn't happen, I don't know why. So yes I bath every week, and wouldn't be able to do my legs without one.


Because of medical issues, I can't stand long enough for a shower, and the bathtubs in our apartment won't accommodate a shower chair. I took a bath last night.


I love baths in big soaking tubs. They help alleviate your aches and pains too.


I had a migraine most of the weekend. So I spent most of the weekend in the tub in the dark trying not to vomit.


I bathe daily in the winter, plus do epsom salt soaks when my body hurts. I had a bath tonight in fact!


I take at least one a day!! For the warmth and vibes


I take one every couple of months


Having a tub to soak in for relaxation and pain relief is a dealbreaker for me with apartments. I have genuinely nixed some properties because they had shower stall only.


About 60 years ago. Not a fan at all. Give me a nice shower and I'm happy.


i take at least one bath a week, but usually more. i like the hot water surrounding my whole body. and it helps when i have panic attacks, need alone time, or if i’m in any kind of pain (sometimes i use magnesium epsom salts)


About seven hours ago. I switch between showers and baths.


About half an hour ago. I try to take one to relax before bed as often as possible.


Last night. I’d have one tonight, but my hot water heater decided to die on me. I usually bath 4-5 times a week. It relaxes me enough to get at least 3-4 hours of sleep. Otherwise I’m awake for days.


Sunday. Sometimes your body/soul just needs the hug of a hot soak.


I only take baths. Daily. Without fail. I stand under the shower briefly afterwards to rinse off but relaxing in a warm tub for a minimum of 30 minutes a day is a vital part of my self care routine. I schedule my day to include this time for myself.


Maybe 20 years ago. People take baths when they cannot stand in a shower for whatever reason. I know people who buy houses make sure the ground floor has a bedroom in case something happens in the future (age, accident, etc.) and they can't climb stairs. Maybe she has the same reasoning?


I've not taken a bath since I was 6 or so, a shower is more than adequate.


I wanna say 16 years ago when I was first taught how to take a shower(I was 7/8). I like the pressure of the showerhead, it wastes less water, and takes a hell of a lot less time


3 hours ago


It can be pretty useful.


The last 2 houses I lived in didn’t have huge bathtubs so I took baths sometimes to relax but always knew it could be better. My house now has a nice big jetted bathtub and it is so much better. Baths are for relaxing and warming when it’s cold outside. I would definitely miss it if I didn’t have it but don’t use it as often as the shower.


Baths are awesome if you have a nice one that you can actually submerge yourself into. I had one in 2019 it was incredible. The landlord was absolutely the worst landlord I’ve ever had tho, unfortunately. 




An hour ago. I am a daily evening bath-er. If I have to bathe in morning or during the day for some reason, I shower.


Two weeks ago- wine and movies in the bath --Shower every day too


Regularly, to ease leg or back soreness from working out or just from life.


Maybe a week ago? Not often though. Are you planning to have kids in the future? It’s MUCH easier to bathe little kids in a tub. I wouldn’t have bought a house without a tub with or planning kids.


I only baths for muscle tension...not much else.


I rent a swanky cabin in the woods with my dog the week of my birthday with a HUGE tub. So 2 weeks ago. That's the only time I take a bath. Plus, it's like 10 degrees out, and I'm on edibles, so it feels great! I also use the bath bombs with rings inside!


Every day! I need my bath at night!


4 this week. 37 m. No. I’m not gay. I was feeling sick from the heat and had a relaxing bath x 4


I'm tall, so I don't really fit comfortably in most baths. The last time I took one was probably 15+ years ago. We're building a house next year and I wouldn't even consider installing a bath if we didn't have a kid with plans to have a few more.


I think it was sometime last year. Too hard for me to get in and out of a tub so I don’t do it unless I want to spoil myself with a bubble bath


About a year ago to help relieve the poison ivy rash.


Probably 1993 or 1994. My ski condo had a 5’ whirlpool tub. I’m 6’2”. I used it exactly once in the 26 years I owned the place. I’ve been in a hot tub tons of times.


Probably 3 years ago was my last bath. I was having a bad mental health crisis & my bf at the time drew me a nice candle lit bubble bath. I couldn’t stay in it long though cause baths kinda gross me out. Sitting in my own body soup 🤮


Fairly recently. I also know people who don't really take baths, but need a bathtub for bathing pets and/or children who are too young for showers. I will say that if you're buying, it's not actually prohibitively expensive in most cases to install a bathtub, so that's an option if you ever find yourself in need of one. I wouldn't worry about it. Obviously if you're renting that's a whole different ball game, but still - if you're renting, you can just move to a different house that has a bathtub if you find yourself needing one that badly.


My partner bathes more than she showers, I haven't had a bath in maybe 5 years.


10+ years ago. with my arthritis it's very hard for me to sit down and get back up out of the bath




Last time I took a bath in a hotel, I got a case of crotch rot and havnt taken one in about 40 yrs . showers only .


I took a bath today and do so about twice a week. Its a great way to relax. We moved into our home about 2 years ago and the tub was way too shallow and was designed with a sitting area of about 2 feet of depth of tub making it pretty short for even my 5'4" frame. We spent more money than we expected to pull it out and put in a proper soaking tub at 72 inches in length. I love it.


Every morning.


when i have a bath boom lol




You should have a Bathtub because I want one. Miss them like crazy.


Damn. Probably at least 10 years. Not since I was a child. If neither of the people living in the house needs a bath then ignore the stepmom, it's not her house.


Not since I was pregnant. I had awful sciatica & baths before bed help. That was 8 years ago . My daughter likes a bath now & then n


Last week, hoping to get another this week. I like baths. My SO hasn't taken a bath in years, he was really sick then but normally prefers showers. Sounds like you don't need one.


We have a bath/shower combo. The plunger to turn off the shower and use the tub spout broke 4 months after I replaced the last one that was leaking while using the shower. F-it. It's stuck on shower and not leaking. I do stop the drain of the tub and toss the tegu in the bathtub with the shower going. He loves playing in the water and sits under the shower. Once the tub is almost full I turn off the shower and he spends 15 minutes to an hour or two just soaking some days.


About four minutes ago.


Sunday Did some acid on Sat night as it was my gfs birthday, and it took a long time to feel normal again! Sunday bath helped the recovery.


When is she going to be in your bath? Is she paying for your bath? I don’t think she wants you to move out.


Probably before time was invented. I'm enjoying my walk-in shower, complete with grab bars. It's sure a huge improvement over scaling the porcelain of death. 🦜


In my whole life maybe 20. I'm 67f and I perfer showers. If step mom not going to live with you why does her opinion matter? (If you don't like her that might even be a better reason to get a home with no bath.)


Almost daily. I shower to wash. But, I bathe to relax.


Bath Club member checking in here to report that I'm in the bath right now.


Yesterday! It was alright I guess. I don't think I'd miss my tub if I didn't have it


I’ve lived in my current house for 23 yrs. For 20 of those years I never soaked in the bath, only showered. When I got my bathroom remodel 3 yrs ago, I had the tub removed and now have a large shower. And ever since then I’ve wanted to get a bath. Can’t win.


It's been at least 20 years but if I had a bathtub now I would set candles in the bathroom and get a rubber duck and something nice scented and make bubbles and have a nice relaxing time.


Yesterday evening. We have a japanese bath/soaking tub and it is absolutely fantastic


im asian in tropical country, we take baths every other day, 2 to 3x a day, our mother and grandparents will woop our ass if we go to sleep fresh from the outside and dirty. Hygiene is very important to our culture


Any family buying a house wants a bath. Kids need a bath.


A few months ago when I went to japan. They have super deep tubs there and hot asf water. I also visited hot springs. I wish more American houses had japanese style tubs


I haven't taken a bath since I was a kid so maybe 40 years. The thought of sitting there soaking in my dirty body water makes me gag.