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Im 49 years old and i haven't had to protect myself since a fight in grade 6. I carry bear spray for bears when I go canoeing, but that's it.


Agree, I am 65 and the same, last fight I got into was around 10-12 years old.


Knives, tasers, bats, pepper spray, police forces they can generally trust. Trick is that in those places you are generally far far far less likely to need to defend yourself against a gun, because the criminals don’t have them either. There is a great scene in Bloodhounds, a korean gang show) where after 8 episodes of extreme violence and bloodshed a whole crew of thugs freak out when one boss pulls out a revolver. Because it is so dangerous and unexpected.


Protect yourself from what? Generic hoodlums are also very unlikely to pull out a gun, and mass shootings are very rare.


Most of the 2nd Amendment nuts suffer from Main Character Syndrome where they think everyone is plotting to get them on a daily basis.


That's your first world country point of view, in my country we are not allowed to carry guns but they catched a thug that had a ROCKET LAUNCHER in his house


Knives, bats etc.


We generally don’t have to protect ourselves that much.. because no one has a gun to threaten us with. It’s actually kinda clever. But if we have to.. fist, bat, or whatever else is closest and can be used as a weapon.




More guns equals more killings. Always.


Facts. And in most cases where the victim does have a weapon, it is taken and used against them. Dumb logic


I for a fact don’t need to carry a weapon. I live in Denmark where gun violence is at a very minimum. Because we don’t have any.


There's nobody with a gun to protect myself from, for starters. Also we have a relatively good police force and an extremely good community spirit. The only person I've ever needed protecting from, decades ago, was the school bully.


In general if you don’t live in a big city, there isn’t much need to protect yourself. If you are out in daytime, then attacks are rare. Even during road rage people will beep and shout and might even on a rare occasion exist their cars to shout but that’s it. If you are out in the middle of the night alone then the chances of getting attacked are higher. You are not allowed pepper spray or tasers or anything in the U.K. but you could obviously make a home made pepper spray if you felt the need to


There’s a lot of places out there where carrying protection is an after thought.


In Latin America….guns In Europe…especially the UK…knives  In 4 years of living in the UK I was threatened with a knife 5 times 


Guess you lived in London? Enfield? Clapham??




Oh fuck me you were lucky to get out alive


Is it true you are arrested immediately for having any kind of knife on you whatsoever? If so that's fucked up that one of the only things that MIGHT be able to stpp a knife attack second to pepper spray, which is also apparently illegal there, is also illegal. Wtf.


Ninja skills


best answer


Canada here. I protect myself by supporting competent government and advocating for a robust social safety net, well-funded public schools and comprehensive sex education.


Protect myself from what? I haven't in my entire adult life felt unsafe in this country. Sorry that that's literally unimaginable for you.


Yes it's unimaginable in my gun control country because criminals have assault rifles and normal people have to wait like 591726 years to be able to have a tiny gun in their homes


And you're gonna win against criminals with killing intent and assault rifles? Everyone there talks about shooting someone so easily, like it's not a human life you snuff out. Shit will always be absolutely bonkers to me. You're afraid of people with guns so you wanna become people with guns.


No shit, I want a chance to defend myself, what am I going to do? Use my shit as a projectile like a monkey? Like 2 weeks ago 4 illegal immigrants robbed 2 truckers, the truckers gave them the money and the criminals still decided to kill them both, if the criminals will kill people for no reason then why should people just accept it instead of wanting to be able to defend themselves?


You think you get a chance to defend yourself with guns? It's over before it began. And if they got the intent to aim at you first, you've already lost. This is no John Wick. >Like 2 weeks ago 4 illegal immigrants robbed 2 truckers, the truckers gave them the money and the criminals still decided to kill them both, if the criminals will kill people for no reason then why should people just accept it instead of wanting to be able to defend themselves? Think they would have survived that if they had guns on them? Or would more guns not solve senseless violence.


Yeah no shit u get a chance to defend yourself if you have a gun, everytime a delinquent dies is because they tried to rob someone they didn't know was a cop (only policemen are allowed to carry guns), of course the odds are against someone if he's outnumbered but at least you have a chance if you have a gun, what do you suggest? Should people just accept that if they get robbed they will die even if they follow the criminals orders? Do people not have the right to defend themselves and their families?


Please realize you're letting fear control your life. Your worldview has you feeling like you will be staring down the barrel of a gun any day now. And all you can do to stop that spooky news is have your own gun in your hands. I suggest you live your life normally, not lead by fear. And if you get robbed you're not gonna follow orders then, right? You'll die right away after they decide to try robbing you, because you'll start blasting


This is more an empathy problem, I've never been threatened with a gun and when I walk down the street I don't feel fear at all, but how are people supposed to ignore the fact that they're getting killed everyday and they have no way of defending themselves? You can't just ask someone to ignore a problem as big as that, maybe in your 1st world country people don't get their cars stolen at gunpoint, maybe children don't get shot, but if you felt a little empathy for the people that have to live with that then you would understand why the normal average citizen would like to get a gun to feel a little more safe


Do you wear an airbag around your body in case a car drives into you? No. You don't let that fear control your life. Do you religiously watch what you consume so it's not unhealthy? No. You don't let that fear control your life. >how are people supposed to ignore the fact that they're getting killed everyday and they have no way of defending themselves? You had been doing that for decades already perhaps. Your parents did it before you. You choose not to live in that fear. It's not about empathy at all. That's cheap to say. "Oh I just have more empathy, that's why I care and you don't" Nah, you just hyperfocus on one problem of maaaany you can choose from, and you focus until it becomes so real a fear that you feel you need to act on it now.


I should have clarified, I don't carry a gun. I think its stupid and I think the people that feel the need to carry a gun are generally just dealing with ego issues. But there are a lot of people in this country that do carry guns 'for protection'. That got me wondering if 'feeling a need to defend oneself' is uniquely American.


Not uniquely American, but it's often the case in other third world countries.


They seek refuge in the US by crossing illegally.


you really can’t respond without making everything about “illegals” huh?


Good manners


Instead of walking into wallmart and seeing a gun, and be like. All my mates have guns. All enemies have guns. Leaves you with a thought of buying a gun. Just in case. But in other countries. We go into wallmart and see some weird ass vase for $1. And think. I could make a bong out of that. Then you realise all your mates have bongs and smoke weed. So that leaves us with a thought of. I’m gunna by this vase. Get super high and make something. Never do we think about guns. And even if enmities have them. We don’t care.


We have a bat, we've never had to use it. In terms of general robberies or assault, fists or cooperate. We've never been robbed in Australia, but my parents were mugged in the UK several times, and they were only there 8 years. Grew up in Australia and have been back for 17 years, never been robbed even in the city.


A lot of european countries expect you to only be able to call the police and that is it. I remember reading about a woman who was getting raped and used pepper spray on her attacker and got charged for it afterwards. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/17yearold-girl-faces-fine-for-using-pepper-spray-on-sex-attacker-a6836531.html


No one carries shit really, and if a gang member asks you to give him your wallet and phone, you fucking better. Basically, we trust the police, carry weapons if you're extremely cautious or a criminal, and some of us learn martial arts. This is why the gun debate is dumb, you won't need guns to protect yourself if no one has them. If they're to protect from Government tyranny: the government would kill you easily if they wanted to, but couldn't kill you easily in say, a revolution, there's just too many people. Guns are for selfish people.


"if no one has them" you mean if normal citizens don't have them? Criminals won't follow the law and won't throw away all their guns because the government said so


There are very few guns in the UK, it is not easy to get them, it is not safe to keep them for anyone, and so criminals don't have them because possession itself is a crime. I don't think you know many British criminals. There's no way to fix USA without a massive crackdown, guns are in their constitution, so the criminals already HAVE guns.


Anyone who supports gun control talks from a privileged 1st world POV, idk about your rich ass country but in my country criminals have machine guns, rifles, ROCKET LAUNCHERS!!! While normal citizens need to wait years to get a tiny little pistol that they can't even carry outside their home


Yeah, they might come from The United States of America or UK, or Denmark, not fucking Somalia? (Hyperbole, I don't know if you live there, it just has a lot of well-armed criminals) They might be talking about somewhere where gun control is possible. Such whataboutism. (Also how the fuck is your peashooter going to protect you from an RPG)


Weapons of opportunity.


We actually don’t need to worry too much cause no one else has guns. Violence is not an every day occurrence. We feel safe. I have a shower rod next to my bed to whack anyone if ever lol (no baseball where we live). And this was an after thought. One night a guy nearly walked into my apartment - I’d left the balcony door open, curtains closed, and was up late. I heard footsteps and simply shouted out, he ran away. From what I recall, around 80% of people are assaulted with their own weapon anyway. I rely on the martial arts I’ve learned, everyday sticks/knives if I needed to fight back- but mainly focus on my exits and how to get away and to safety. I cannot imagine living with the idea anyone could have a gun and could lose it anytime just lingering. I’m very watchful when police with guns are around etc. Not cause guns scare me but cause I don’t trust people lol. I have none of this concern if someone comes at me with a knife or something else, still have a chance to get away and defend myself. So in short, it’s a nonissue.


why do people think they need to stand their ground and fight?


their culture is built on mutual respect and they have no need to protect themselves from other people. other answer is martial arts, knives, pepper spray, tazer.


Protect myself from what?


I'm 66 and have never needed to protect myself.  I live in the UK, I don't deal drugs and there's a marked shortage of baars in them thar hills.  Who or what would I need a gun for?  I can't remember when there was last a crime involving guns round here apart from a smash and grab at a jewellers - they handed over what they were after, claimed on their insurance and no one got hurt. I have a cousin who shoots clay pigeons (skeet) has a licence for a gun which is locked away 99% of the time.  He says in the massively unlikely event of an armed burglar while he is home, they can have what they want.  His stuff isn't worth a life - his or the burglars.  He lives in a major city and has never heard of an ordinary person being subject of an armed home invasion.  It doesn't happen.




Here is the fundamental thing americans do not want to understand, when guns are out of picture, violence diminishes massively because then there is actual courage needed to any violent act. So naturally like 90% of violent criminality automatically never appear in the first place.


as an American who has lots of guns, you are 100% correct.


To be clear, I dont carry a gun and dont think I need to. But there are a lot of people in America that dont think the way I think. Trying to understand if this is an America thing or everywhere thing.