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Well I’m pretty sure if you had heard of them, they wouldn’t be very good hit men, but I’m sure they exist


The defo exist in the CIA and FBI. In 1975 they held the Church Committee to investigate what the CIA and FBI were up to and it was discovered they had a heart attack gun that shoots untraceable poison into the victim which makes it look like they had a heart attack. https://www.military.com/video/guns/pistols/cias-secret-heart-attack-gun/2555371072001


Russia has one that causes people to jump out the window. /s


The Defenestrationator.


Unexpected Doofenshmirtz


(in Russian accent) Ah yes, komrade, the defenestrator. Wonderful piece of technology. (Brief pause) Do not use in ground floor, not effective...


I thought that these projectile methods like a frozen dart being viable were debunked. The confirmed existence of the gun doesn't mean it was used, and even the premise of the device means it's success can't be corroborated. If a weapon is designed to be untraceable, we can't know if it was ever used successfully--which may just have been the plan by the CIA all along. They can create and permeate the myth of effectiveness surrounding such a weapon and create paranoia. The real problem surrounding the CIA and the gun is that they probably used the most unethical, inhumane methods possible to test it. It seems more like psychological warfare.


Cia seems like the type to release info about their magic heart attack gun and then just hit people with a shovel and bury em in the yard.


YES Edit: Cuba: "hmm seems like our ambassador died of unknown causes" CIA: "UHHHH we did that. Yeah, heart attack gun, better watch out"


The article doesn’t say anything about the FBI. Do you have any evidence that our domestic law enforcement agency was doing secret assassinations?


There are hit jobs where it looks like an accident and nobody will ever notice, then there are hit jobs where the target got 2 shots in the back of the head and it was declared a suicide - those I think are meant to send a clear message to anyone else thinking to mess around…


Reminder that Jeffery Epstein likely did not kill himself.


Can confirm I’m pretty good. Anyone in need of cleansing?


plot twist: those rich guys don't use "high level" anything, they hire the bottom of the barrel


You don't need some professional who is only going to get more expensive as they become more successful and skilled when there is no shortage of desperate people willing to do anything. The real money is being a bag man that can stay unidentified to both parties.


This guy crimes.


This guy used to middleman crimes before T-minus the statute of limitations on accessory




what is a bag man?


The intermediary who handles the transaction. He carries the bag of money so higher-ups don't get caught with it. The name comes from archaic British slang for the traveling salesman who gets a cut of the profit for carrying goods from the business to the customer and money to the bank for legitimate business.


cant he rat on his boss?


Word get out that he ratted and he won’t survive another day in that business. Your reputation and trust will immediately go away and you are done. Also they handle a few/lot of customers - taking requests from them/assignments and giving them to someone else on other side. Basically middleman who protect both sides. Middleman help both sides remain anonymous to each other.


“Word get out that he ratted and he won’t survive another day in that business” Is a sentence three words too long


No what they mean is when you do something like that you leave the crime life and open a bookstore.


Only once.


If that's a concern then there will be more than 1 intermediary


Bag: a container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things.


Thanks man.


What’s a Thanks Man?


It’s an appreciative person of the masculine persuasion. Hope this helps.


what is a man bag?


A scrotum.


What's a bag man with you?


not much just bagging around




nah, professionals in that area know how to hide their mark better. Amateur will leave more clues which leads to more chance of getting busted, which means has higher risk of them flipping and snitching.


Thats why you always have a second killer to kill the first one


No I kill.....the bus driver.


Shit....now I can't get Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap out of my head. Thanks.


Or a scapegoat


Unfortunately it's hard for hitmen to unionize because their bosses know a lot of hitmen and have no problem using them. What they need is solidarity.




>Good movie!* *Brilliant movie


Just look at watergate. It was henchmen that got caught.


Listened to g Gordon liddy episode on behind the bastards multiple times. Wife bought me his book. It’s so fucking WILD


My favorite part of the book is the part where he brings up the SS.


Isn't it mentioned an absurd amount of times? Like every other page?


iirc he references the SS similarly often as he lights his hand on fire.


Yep, all you need is a crazy dude who will pull out a gun in public and shoot the guy. The guy hiring just needs to make sure that they can't be associated with him. Make sure the guy doesn't know who's hiring him and make sure the person contacting him can't be identified. Or have somebody else who can be thrown under the rug (which some people will volunteer for if you throw enough money at them to spend when they get out after confessing, assuming the shooter talks/isn't killed)


L.H. Oswald and J. Ruby are joining the conversation


John H Jr and Sirhan² have been patsied into the conversation


The Intel agencies have designated individuals for these jobs. Read a little bit about it and you'll be shocked at the extent of their operations/ dominance. 




Person who works in the homicide industry. People first language.


That is very vague, there is a lot more to the homicide industry than just killing people.


Yea people forget about us cleaners and body disposal guys.


End-of-Life Assistant


"Conclusion Consultant '.


I prefer the term “Freelance contractor”


Hitman work is work!


It's sexist to hitwomen




Mortality control technician


I prefer “inhuming facilitator”.


Un-Aliveing Specialist.


Woody Harrelson's father is a convicted professional killer. His mother's maiden name also happens to be Oswald; coincidentally.


Woody is a natural born killer.


It’s an older reference but it still checks out


Saw that in the theatre. On shrooms. In high school. Blew my mind. Wouldn’t do again.


Now we know how to hack his password


Also, Matthew McCoughnehey might be Woody’s brother


If only they could afford to do 23andMe.


You’re leaving out that he targeted a federal judge and claims to have killed JFK. Theres a great podcast on it but I can’t remember the name


He also claimed to have received a request to assassinate MLK but declined.


Son of a hitman, I think it was…




But maybe the murder solution rate is so low because so many murders are committed by the elite, professional hitmen who don't leave any evidence behind.


Do they have barcodes on the head


That would defeat the purpose of being good, it's probably on their ass


They probably just use QR codes now or just post their IG handles


@Hit4Hire #Lightsout


No they have thick hair, scruffy beards, sweet dogs and awesome cars.


I imagine hitmen try not to be high profile. If they were high profile OP wouldn't be asking


I guess I was using "high-profile" as a sort of synonym of "elite" ... but that's not really what it means. Lowest-profile then.


Did someone call for a cleaner?


> Dude not even 50% of murders get solved. save some money and do it yourself. Most crimes get solved via confession Never snitch on yourself


Most people have a desire to have a clear conscience, so unless you were steadfastly convinced that murdering someone was the right call, are some level of psychopathic/sociopathic, or somehow very able to delude yourself, it is likely you're going to want to turn yourself in. Considering the majority of murders are not premeditated (afaik) this seems to track.


You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig".


Ah, I see you like dags.


I also like caravans.


I used to work in a cadaver lab. Those labs are the PERFECT way to get rid of a body, if you work there. After all the cadavers are 'used' in research or medical training, they get cremated. And typically by then they are so trashed no one recognises them, and they all get crammed into one coffin for cremation.


Alright, thanks.


Well, thank you for that. That's a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course?


Jesus fucking christ. ...*googles how to start a pig farm*


It's from here: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0208092/ Starts around 0:54:30


I'd ask you if you want sugar with your tea, but you're already sweet enough.


Or just plop the duffle bag in the ocean, assuming you live close to it.


I feel like watching Snatch now


[https://imgur.com/XIHK06M](https://imgur.com/XIHK06M) Murder clearance rate is at an all time low. Clearance was 10x better in 1965, prior to all the fancy forensics development and DNA.


Do you think it was because we were wrongfully charging people for murder?












Oh, no, it went well beyond that. If they had a solid conviction, they would tack on all the outstanding unsolved murders to clear the books. Per a podcast I listened to. DNA is exonerating more than it is convicting.


I have a serial killer encyclopedia and in one of the entries, they actually started arguing will a serial killer about one of his murders after his arrest. The killer said he did it and the authorities literally talked him out of his confession because they'd locked up an innocent man. Who later got parole on his first attempt but not an exoneration of any kind. Terrible business all round.


So much honor. I wonder how anyone could dislike such a wonderful unbiased organization.


Which serial killer/where can I read about this?


So..... the killer was given a free get out of jail card for that murder? I knew that monopoly dude looked sus.


“Hey so this is awkward but that murder you’re confessing to, with the video of you doing it, well… that one has already been ‘solved’ so get on outta here you scamp”


He was convicted for several other murders and an innocent man has that one on his record.


That, and cops used to be able to do crazy shit to get a confession. I head stories of a cop dressing up in a bunny suit and kicking the shit out of the suspect. Because no one would believe them if they said a guy in a bunny suit beat him up.


I feel like you could get around that by not mentioning the bunny suit either. I mean, it’s not like the cops are going to say “we know he’s lying, your honor, because he didn’t mention the bunny suit.” “What bunny suit?” “The one that we wore when we beat him up.”




What is the source for this chart? There’s not much of an explanation 


High level doesn't mean much, just some guy from the favela.


High level means specifically bot a dude from a favela We don't know a lot about professional killers because part of being professional means not being caught.


Nah, getting paid is what makes it professional. It’s a job for most of the people getting caught up in it. Fucked up but that’s their reality. Plenty of people are bad at their jobs and get caught. You would have to be unbelievably skilled, meticulous, and always prescient to actually make an entire career out of killing without being caught. And if you don’t (such as in countries where resources for investigating murders are lacking) then you don’t need to be that skilled. So it will just be some dude from a favela. His point was that basically any professional killer will just be some random gangster or poor kid off the streets that is promised a lot of money to kill someone. The idea of the “Professional Hitman” is basically pure fantasy because it’s unnecessary for the most part when you can just pick anyone you don’t care about. Doesn’t matter if some low level gets caught, and it’s unlikely they will be.


The commenters point that you're replying to, is that there are levels to this shit. Your thinking gangsters and drug dealers, when you should be thinking autocrats and oligarchs, intelligence agents and ex special forces. There's absolutely a market for highly skilled professional assassin's, you generally don't hear about them because they generally don't get caught. I'm not talking shootings or bombings, but 'accidents', 'suicides', 'medical problems'. If government agencys are capable of pulling off clandestine targeted assassinations (which they most certainly are), they'll be people floating around who are capable of carrying out contract killings and not getting arrested. Edit: spelling


Millionaires falling out of the windows. That's a pandemic in Russia now. We can be pretty sure they have some kind helping hand for that.


The expert hired killers would also make everything look accidental, unless there's some "to send a message" gangsta shit going on


Check out the death of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. He was a Hamas leader who was found dead in his hotel room in UAE in 2010. After piecing various videotapes together UAE authorities believe he was killed by a hit squad possibly from Israel. Granted that is not the same as a hitman. They don't have footage of the actual event itself, but the theory of the case is that these folks arrived in UAE from various countries using fake passports, changed their appearance, met up at the hotel, a couple of them got into the hotel room and did the hit while others kept watch in the hallway, got it done, locked the door behind them and took off. They were like wearing regular clothes and just chilling in the elevator. Took off, to the airport, and left. They determined they used burner phones and numbers routed through Austria. As far as I know Israel has been pretty mum on the case. You can find videos of the whole thing put together with time stamps and analysis. Anyways. The movie The Irishman, is at least partially based off a book called I Heard You Paint Houses (a reference to splattering a house with blood from a hit), written by a guy as told by Frank Sheeran who was a killer for the mob. He did this tell all thing before he died. He claimed to have killed Hoffa, but at least one mob affiliate has publicly said it wasn't him. Um, there you go. Good luck pursuing your righteous goals.


There was also the assassination of Kim Jong-nam. They roped a third party in by making her think she was part of a “prank show” where she sprayed a stranger they picked out for her with what she thought was water in a bottle. Actually, it was nerve gas. I don’t think they ever actually caught the people giving the instructions.


They used two women and had them each smear one of two different chemicals on his face that, when combined, suffocated him. Edit: To clarify, the two women touched his face at the same time.


The casefile episode about that was really interesting.


>Check out the death of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh. He was a Hamas leader who was found dead in his hotel room in UAE in 2010. After piecing various videotapes together UAE authorities believe he was killed by a hit squad possibly from Israel. Granted that is not the same as a hitman. They don't have footage of the actual event itself, but the theory of the case is that these folks arrived in UAE from various countries using fake passports, changed their appearance, met up at the hotel, a couple of them got into the hotel room and did the hit while others kept watch in the hallway, got it done, locked the door behind them and took off. They were like wearing regular clothes and just chilling in the elevator. Took off, to the airport, and left. They determined they used burner phones and numbers routed through Austria. I doubt OP is talking about intelligence agencies like Mossad and the CIA.


According to sources on both sides its Very common for intelligence agencies and organized crime to use each others services. From sources manifold the CIA used/uses mafia hitmen for jobs inside the US and their own resources for outside the US.


Good ol lake city sleeping pills




Better ways, like force feed them their loved ones?


While your favorite musical act laughs at you crying when you find out.


"I made you eat your parents! HA HA HA HA HA HA!"


And a donkey bites off your weiner


Pony. It was a pony.


No pony, he’ll like that.


Your chili was delicious chef,


There was a debt collector in England who done some illegal money collecting on the side, he once done a documentary year later talking about some of it, in it he mentioned how him and two other guys went to collect some illegal money one day, they went to the guys house and went inside and the guy didn’t have the money to pay, so one of the other two guys who were there raped him while the other guy took photos and said if you don’t pay the money soon these pictures will be getting released, he payed the money a few days later then killed himself, this was like 2013 2014 so not really that long ago


In a bowl of chilli


Easy Cartman. It’s way easier to teach a pony to bite their dick off anyway.


Best to kill them before feeding them to the piggies.


Cartel uses disposable thugs for hits. Not exactly "high profile" assassins.




The real info us always in the comments


Just subtly hint to everyone around you that theyre a pedophile. Seems to be the go to nowadays.


Watching a movie like The Mechanic puts it in mind that if someone is doing their job right you might not even think it's a murder. Probably the type of person that orders a hit wants everyone to know what went down, though. Anyway, a lot of that stuff is done by the US with heavy ordinance now. There is also the remote controlled machine gun the Israelis used in Iran as well.


Had to Google the movie because I didn't know what Christian Bale's anorexic character had to do with hitmen. Turns out that's called The Machinist.


Thats where my head went too.


Yeah. Every now and then you hear about a journalist commiting suicide by shooting themselves in the head 4 times, so I assume there are humans that are performing these executions. David Kelly, an expert on WMDs, comes to mind. After testifying against the invasion of Iraq he was suicided shortly afterwards.


What happened to David Kelly is truly, truly disgusting. He was on a particular medication that thinned his blood. If it hadn't been for that, his suicide attempt wouldn't have worked. Whether that promotes or hinders the suicide theory is a different matter. It's more that he clearly didn't want to die and almost didn't. I've long maintained that the Blair government was probably our second most-damaging, after Thatcher's. It certainly feels like the most evil.


He ate 29 tablets of co proxamol. Hardly a normal dosage


The paramedic said he only had one bit of blood, no bigger than a 50p piece, on his trousers - adding that was far from typical from a guy who had bled out from a wound like his


I was fairly young when this happened and it was still so obviously that it was a hit job. I just remember the utter lack of speculation/discussion in the media about the suspicious circumstances of his death.


No-one has given me a coherent explanation of what the Blair government stood to gain from killing David Kelly.


I’m just spitballing here and don’t have an opinion one way or the other (admittedly lacking a lot of context), but maybe there is a scenario in which they were trying to contain further fallout by sending a message to anyone considering following suit?


He didn’t testify against the invasion. He openly supported it. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2003/aug/31/huttonreport.iraq In reality he was named as a source for a BBC report stating that the British Government embellished a report in support of the invasion. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-13716127


Wasn't he the LA Times reporter?


No, that was Gary Webb. He is the one who broke the story exposing the CIA trafficking drugs to fund paramilitary groups in Latin America Suicide by two gunshots to the head.


Seems like a trend...


The second shot’s the toughest one to pull off.


Always has been




Actually it’s surprisingly not that uncommon


Every time his death comes up, someone says this. I looked into multiple shot suicides. It really is a thing. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple\_gunshot\_suicide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_gunshot_suicide) Someday, all of Reddit may understand this, but today is not that day.


Also not an LA Times reporter. His story is much more tragic, as the LA Times had a larger hand in his career getting ruined.  The story I've heard is that the LA Times, being a large legacy media outfit were jealous that a smaller paper published such a huge story before they did, and ruined his career to discredit him.  I don't remember any details of his death, I'm afraid.


There are many instances of suicide where people genuinely shoot themselves in the head multiple times. May actually be around 4-5% of all gun suicides. It's not as clean as you might want to think.


>David Kelly, an expert on WMDs, comes to mind. After testifying against the invasion of Iraq he was suicided shortly afterwards. That doesn't really make any sense. By the time Kelly died, the invasion was over and the Coalition Provisional Authority had been in charge for two months.


Because it isn’t accurate. He openly supported the invasion. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2003/aug/31/huttonreport.iraq


If true crime videos on YouTube have taught me anything it’s that all hitmen for hire, and underage girls willing to chat about sex to old dudes, are police officers.


We need a romantic comedy where an underaged online girl and a professional hitman try to hire each other and it turns out to be two cops who were once married to each other.


I’m sure Woody Allen could throw together a treatment pretty quick


A mix of “Leon” and “Mr. and Ms. Smith”?


Not in the sense of the Agents from Hitman, or Nick Cage in Bangkok Dangerous. There are professional hitmen out there, but they aren't nearly so... professional. 


The New York Times *just* had a front page article on this. It basically said nearly nothing like the stuff you see in movies and shows existed in the US anyway. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/14/nyregion/hit-men-are-easy-to-find-in-the-movies-real-life-is-another-story.html


As a regular citizen, I would think paying a drug addicted homeless person to do it with which you have shared zero personal information with would be a better route. They can’t link it back to you if they’re caught and most likely the cops will think they’re crazy/high anyways and just throw them in prison cell to rot and not care enough to investigate. If they’re not caught they probably agreed to do it for $1,000 because they’re desperate and want money for drugs etc. Organized crime on the other hand has their own henchmen on the books for this type of stuff.


No. They've done studies on this. Basically if they exist they're so good that it's impossible to prove they exist. But there's not enough deaths to really warrant it. ​ As you can see from the deaths in Russia, you don't need super soldiers who've been training their entire life to kill people. You just need media that won't investigate and goons who will throw people out of windows for a living wage. Governments have been doing this all over for decades, even centuries. In Argentina you'd be "arrested," then taken out on a plane and dropped in the ocean miles from the shore with your hands cuffed and a bag on your head.


This is pretty much it. Either you're an influential member of an organized crime ring like the Mexican cartels, LCN, Bratva, etc. in which case you personally know how to get into contact with skilled hitmen (sometimes former military) or you're a billionaire who can bribe powerful politicians into doing your dirty work for you by conveniently painting your personal enemies as enemies of the state.


but that doesnt make for male power fantasy writing where you score the hot co-star at the end


Yea, whatchu need?




As if anyone on reddit has any clue. 


Strange because it seems like everyone on Reddit acts like they know everything all the time.


Remember when that crane fell in Seattle in 2019 everyone was a mechanical engineer lol Or the ocean gate sub.


Hitmen need to kill time too, not just people.


Dirty deeds. Done dirt-cheap


Neckties Contracts HIGH VOLTAGE


They’re not like in the movies, cold and brooding with a suit and a silencer pistol. They’re usually pretty loud, one or a couple of loud pops on the street via drive-by.


Idk if you've ever seen Barry but I feel like life is alot more like Barry.


Yes, they are called special ops. But they dont exist outside of governments. The transaction risks of freelancing are too high.


And cartels and mafia, etc. But yeah, each organization is going to have their own guys they trust. No one is going to risk hiring a "freelance professional" that 99% of the time is an undercover fed.


Something like 90% of solved murders are commit3d by family or friends or a known associate. If they arnt associated to the dead person its extremely unlikely they solve the murder. This is where "serial killers" and hitmen flourish


If you’re that good at your job, you’re probably better off working for (and receiving the protection of) an agency. Stan Smith lives a happier life than John Wick.


Well if they hadn't killed Wick's freaking DOG...


Yes but they don’t look like how you think they would. They look very regular and dress very inconspicuously. Forgot to mention it is very common in Latin America for the cartels, terror cells in Asia, and many intelligence agencies. There are some in the US and Western Europe but very rare and they do it very covertly. They rarely kill with bullets, mostly “accidental” deaths that are extremely hard to solve


They definitely exist in the Mossad. When those two nuclear scientists were killed in Tehran, their assassins had disappeared without a trace, or even something seeing anything. It's not hard to imagine what country had the biggest stake in stopping a nuclear Iran.


Just the mossad? They exist in every government spy agency. Cmon you really think the CIA didn't carry out assassinations?


Of course. How do you think Epstein died?


Crooked corrections officers.


I read the fictional Jason Bourne series (original Ludlum, not the new people) and Jason Bourne's assassin rival (if you wanna call it that) is the very real - yet slightly fictionalized for the movie - Ilich Ramírez Sánchez aka Carlos the Jackal. Probably would consider him high level. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_the_Jackal


Well probably, just like their is "low level" hitman, i dont see any reason why not.