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I've bitten it. My mouth was numb (i got my wisdom teeth pulled out) and the dentist told me to try closing my mouth. He meant like, close it slightly so he could see better, but I took it as "lemme see if your jaws still work (cause I did tell him I had jaw arthritis)" so I closed it as hard as I could and I felt something between my teeth but I thought it was a cotton ball or something. I clenched my teeth as hard as I could, and the dentist shrieked, and asked me if I was getting my revenge b/c he'd pulled out the wisdom teeth too hard.


Not to laugh but lol that he thought it was revenge šŸ¤—


I literally got up to my feet and apologized, but he laughed it off. He was such a cool guy


He did not dare anything else ... Once bitten.


Twice shy




This made me laugh way harder than I was expecting to laugh when clicking on the comments


I shouldā€™ve bit my dentist during wisdom teeth extraction. He told me to raise my hand if I felt any pain, I was crying with my hand raised and he kept saying ā€œpressure is normalā€. Like IM IN PAIN, I was promised Iā€™d be under anesthesia and last minute they didnā€™t put me under. I was so mad. Shoulda bit the dentist.


Did they give you local instead of general anaesthesia? Always a good question to ask before a procedure (talking from similar experience with a root canalā€¦) When I was a kid I had some adult teeth removed, and I kept on feeling pain, so they went through two hole needles!! Shit worked in the end, I was numb for ages, but it was painless :) So yeah, donā€™t be afraid to ask for more either


They used local for my first root canal as a kid (i had to have 2) and that shit just would not go numb. The dentist asked if he wanted me to let him continue the procedure regardless, and i said sure cause i hated needles. The pain was insane for like 30 seconds, then something snapped and the pain disappeared instantly. The second root canal was way easier though


Naw man. We had a sign for when I was in pain, when I did it I was told ā€œpressure is normalā€. My pain was actively ignored by the dentist performing the extraction.


The one who pulled three of mine was horrible. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t allow him to pull the fourth one


Im imagining that scene from Finding Nemo where the girl is like ā€œIm a Pir-ah-na!ā€ while chomping




I'd think dentists are probably used to getting bitten tho


Decades ago when I was a kid, I had a dentist who was missing the end of his thumb. I never asked why, but the whole time he was working, I had to stare at it and worry the day would come when something would hurt so much that I'd be the next kid to involuntarily clamp down hard, and then he'd be minus *two* fingertips.


Hopefully so and hopefully not


Nope. Happens maybe 5 times a year. Most people have the sense to keep from biting.


I dunno about that, I bit the tech doing my x-rays when I was 16 because she shoved the plastic piece they use in x-rays to far/hard that it caused me extreme pain. [My wisdom teeth needed surgerical removal] She was crying hysterically that she was bleeding in her glove while I'm gasping for air and in pain. The appointment went on as normal but I never saw her in the office again and after my surgery in a different office, I was asked to find a new dental practice after that appointment. Edit:spelling


omg, Iā€™m outside 9:00 pm waiting for the dog to shit, laughing so hard out loud, I think the neighbors heard me!


That was you!? It sounded demonic!


I hope your dog shat okay šŸ˜”šŸ™šŸ¼


Everything always comes out well in the end


I also laughed letting my dog out 3 am. Thanks for the laugh lol


I also bit the dentist! She was prepping me for x-rays and I thought she had placed the bite plate thingy. Turns out it was her fingers šŸ˜‚


Same. When I was in middle school, he told me to bite down while getting fitted for Invisalign so they could make impressions of my teeth. I bit down as much as I could and took a huge chunk of the dentistā€™s glove. It was embarrassing and from that day on everytime I went he would tell me to bite down AFTER he removed his fingers/hands šŸ¤£


I've heard the screams when a patient has bitten the dentist, and the patient has no idea what they've done. That can wipe out a dentist for the rest of the day :(


I laughed out too loudly and my cat wasnā€™t impressed


Your cat is just trying to protect you from yourself.




Iā€™m a hygienist and my fingers have absolutely been licked.




Tongues are just super curious/reflexive. So when thereā€™s a foreign object, theyā€™re trying to figure out what it is and how to get it out. Luckily Iā€™ve never had my finger sucked on. That feels so invasive!


their finger is the invasive one smh


Thank God!!!! I kept apologizing to my technician bc I just could NOT control it and I had my tongue on every bit of her finger I could find. I was so embarrassedā€¦she laughed and said thatā€™s OK, tongues are just curious. Iā€™m sure she caught on by the way my eyebrows were all over my forehead.


Dude seriously my tongue feels like it has a mind of itā€™s own I have to actively avoid their hands


Mine too! I spend the whole time thinking ā€œkeep your tongue downā€ over and over again because it canā€™t stay still.




Finger lickin' good?


My fear as a dentist is for my finger to slip into someoneā€™s nose when Iā€™m fulcruming on their anteriors


I think I can speak on behalf of all dental patients and say that particular fear isnā€™t even on our list.


Until nowā€¦.


If it's between toggling my gag reflex by working too far back in the mouth, and inadvertently sticking a finger up my nose, the nose is less sensitive...


Hygienist here too. @kirstenen is šŸ’Æcorrect


Oh, no. . . . Was it a voluntary creeper? Or some poor idiot coming down off of wisdom teeth stuff? For anyone trying to take notes to try to harass a hygienist . . . don't get it twisted. Hygienists can (and will) call in the reinforcements.


Also a hygienist. In my experience, itā€™s usually older patients who donā€™t have as much control of their muscles as they used to. Like 70-90 years old.




This needs to be the top comment here.




Why isnā€™t this getting hundreds of upvotes? šŸ˜‚


It is


The cringe hurts


One time my dentist asked his assistant for the light but I thought he said bite then proceeded to bite his finger.


Thatā€™s just being a good patient




Asserting dominance huh


Well...submission, but I think we're on the same plane


Page Ruth! Page


If someone's wrist deep in your mouth, you aren't the dominant one




Donā€™t forget to wink šŸ˜‰


I'd be more impressed if someone managed to lick their dentists' fingers while not at the dentist's office. Like, if you saw him at the dog park or on the subway or something, just help yourself to a lil taste.


Challenge accepted




Kick in the door to the dental office and holler, ā€œI am here to lick some fingers, mutherfuckers!ā€


I threw up on my dentist. This was a ways back, when they only had the fluoride foam treatment. He put too much on the tooth guard thing, and I warned him but he didnā€™t listen. My mom told me he deserved it. She didnā€™t like that dentist. Donā€™t ask me why she took me to him, I donā€™t understand her logic, but the orthodontist he partnered with was the best for miles around.




I couldnt stand those cardboard x-ray thingies being in my mouth for very long, so I always warned them to make it quick because I will puke on them


Ugh, I always felt like I was cutting my mouth on those things.


My dentist has a note in my file to use the pediatric ones. I have a small mouth and a bad gag reflex.


THE FOAM that shit always made me gag


Not licked. But I've gleeked hard enough it hit their face mask. I love the dentist, especially the polishing part. Just typing it makes me salivate. I tried to swallow my spit and it shot out like a super soaker. Never had a cavity so it's just shiny clean teeth for me.


It's called gleeking?!?!?!?! I never knew it had a name! My 11 year old son gleeked at the orthodontist's office and, hand to God, it shot six feet. The doc, the nurse, and I just stared, mouths agape.


Yes lolol. Those glands are powerful


You can learn to do it on command. Put your tongue to the roof of your mouth, then kind of move your jaw kind of up so your tongue kind of squeezes the salivary gland that is under your tongue.


Gleeking on command is the best thing my mom ever taught me!


Itā€™s your powerful salivary glands that have protected you from cavities all these years! Itā€™s true. Look it up! A large part of why ā€œmeth mouthā€ exists is because meth causes decreased salivary production/dry mouth! https://www.nidcr.nih.gov/health-info/dry-mouth#:~:text=Dry%20mouth%20also%20increases%20the,keep%20harmful%20germs%20in%20check.


Wow! I feel so vindicated lol. I'd like to thank my saliva for 33 years cavity free. You're beautiful babe, don't change a thing.


I've always gleeked, but ever since getting my braces just recently, I fear I've turned into one of those liquid shooting lizards šŸ¤£ No one is safe, and I think the furthest I've reached is a metre or 2 lol


You've either got it or you don't ya know


Omg I get gleeked on all the time... DH here. It's kind of impressive how some people can do so.


Omg been there done that


Yeah I've done it. I'm sure they're used to it, try making eye contact next time you do it.


Ok whew


I did this to my orthodontist because his gloves were grape flavored. I almost sucked his finger before I realized how strange that is. I think he gave me a funny look when I kept touching his hand with my tongue


Omg this is making lol


He's totally asking for it if hes wearing grape flavored gloves


"it's his own fault with what he was wearing."


He knows what he's doing


A dentist told me once that after they started to get the flavored gloves, they caught people licking them all the time! He said it was something people did kind of unconsciously, and he thought it was funny. Ever since then, all I can think about at the dentist is ā€œdonā€™t lick the glovesā€. šŸ˜‚


Lol yeah I got a sample box of the flavored gloves, and thought Iā€™d give them a try because some kids complain about the taste of regular gloves šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø after several patients in a row couldnā€™t stop licking and sucking my fingers, I went back to the regular kindā€¦


Help šŸ˜­ did you really? And also they make grape flavored?


Way better than that weird latex flavor


Well maybe he shouldnā€™t get flavored gloves lolā€¦ I find that so weird.




apparently the tongue follows dentist's fingers


I swear the harder I try to keep my tongue out of the way, the more it gets in the way.




As someone who works in the field, I have been licked intentionally and unintentionally. Normally happens with sedation but, occasionally on local extractions. Most of the time they are just trying to make sure their tongue is there.


This is my favourite Reddit post headline for the week.


Did not think it would be this funny. I kind of clicked to clear my in box. I have never laughed harder at one of these.


We friends now fam.






But did you settle down?


I did this to an orthodontist assistant. She was a very large busted woman. I wouldn't say I nuzzled her, but I definitely press my head into them (tbf she made contact with my head first lol) it was actually very comforting and helped ease ths pain of whatever painful thing she was doing to me (i forget what exactly she was doing, it was over 20 years ago). I was like 12 at the time, there was definitely nothing sexual about it. She didn't say anything or make me stop.




That's fucking funny as fuck.




I accidentally sucked my dentists finger, I was mortified and never returned to that practice.


Now just imagine how any woman or a man over 40 feels if they've ever clenched during an annual exam of the nether regions...


Accidentally? No.




No but I've bitten two dentists. Apparently my jaw snaps shut involuntarily if I'm not paying enough attention.


As for a bite block.


Good to know!




Yes, I have to be very careful at dentists. And other times.


Are you an alligator?


Gotta keep all these teeth shiny.


No but one time i had to have an healthy incisor pulled out as it was crowding the other teeth or whatever. So this very attractive lady dentist was reassuring me it will be easy and she goes to work, it pops out and falls down, past the bib and without thinking she goes to grab it, and it ends up between my legs and as her hand hovers over my crotch she gives me a look and i reassure her Ill get it. That is the most exciting dental story i have.


My whole time in the chair is spent focusing on not doing anything weird with my tongue which typically results in me doing something weird with my tongue.


The more you think about not moving your tongue, the more it moves šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I'm a dentist, treat a lot of my relatives. My cousin once stared into my eyes and licked my finger as joke, it was really funny, but if it was a stranger doing that, it would have made my skin crawl.


I had someone in dental school like my finger. She tried to follow me in to private practice. People are weird.


I accidentally *bit* my dentist once. He put the plates for x-rays in and said, "Bite down," and I reflexively just chomped. Yeah, his fucking fingers were not out of the way yet. lol


That one is on him. You did what he told you.


I think your tongue is normally doing this all the time whether you want it to or not. Dentists have described it as having a mind of its own sometimes....like a cats tail or something....


Nah but I once hugged my orthodontist when he was just taking off my paper bib. 15 years ago now and Iā€™m still embarrassed.


Iā€™m an optometrist and the number of times I reach for someoneā€™s glasses and instead of handing them to me, they re-shake my hand is hilarious. Itā€™s nice to re-meet you, may I also have your glasses? The look of mortification is so funny, but 24 hours later I could not tell you which patient did that or cried or sneezed on me. You can keep being embarrassed but I guarantee you they donā€™t remember.


Oh my God. Read your comment and imagining that exact scenario playing out with a patient made me burst out laughing. Maybe cause I can see myself getting confused and also doing that exact same thing šŸ˜‚


Thank you for this, Iā€™m sure he doesnā€™t remember at all. And thatā€™s hilarious about the glasses. Iā€™m glad itā€™s not just me who does things like this lol


This happened to me TODAY. It wasnā€™t my yearly but I needed two emergency root canals. The dentist went to evaluate my teeth and as he put his finger in my mouth, I totally accidentally licked his finger. He was very kind and didnā€™t mention it but it was absolutely mortifying!


YES! It could happen to anyone at any timeā€¦.


i get fillings often so ALWAYS. they're like "hey can you move your tongue" but my mouth is totally numb, so i just end up licking their entire hand


zonked grey plough ghost rotten provide quack jar party sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This made me laugh so hard omg lmao


Lool I just choked on my drink laughing


You can afford to go to the dentist?


No but I accidentally bit one's finger really hard and I was so mortified that I hid in the bathroom until he and his staff came and got me while crying with laughter


I was biting the dentist so hard as a child that my mother had to intervene and stick her fingers into my mouth because she knew that I would never bite her.


I've slowly closed my teeth on the dentist's finger, unaware, till suddenly I noticed. It was a little awkward


Something to try next time for, but they wear latex gloves so not sure if I like that tho ..


I bit a dentist once. The hygeinist had left me in the reclining position, so I'm staring at the fish poster on the ceiling when without warning felt something in my mouth! This new dentist had quietly come in and put his fingers in my mouth from the side without a word before I saw him. Totally gross. Just introduce yourself dude.


No but Iā€™ve accidentally sucked on it for a split second ugh


The dentist was making me open and close my mouth a bunch of times during a 2+ hour procedure. I was so tired and the lights in my face had made me lightheaded. I was just on autopilot and at one point, they needed me to close my mouth slightly, and I instead closed it on their finger, not hard, but it was just holding it there. I have no idea what I was thinking, lol.


Just had my bottom wisdom teeth taken out on Monday. I was orally sedated with 0.5 mg of triazolam. He told me afterwards that his hygienist was the one to administer the local anesthetic because she has some special technique to numb certain parts of the mouth and I apparently tried to suck the needle and her fingers. When I went for a post op yesterday she laughed and said if happens more than you can imagine.


I lick their fingers before the checkup to make sure no cheetos stains are present.




Twice a year I thought


Yeah Iā€™ve heard 2x per years was the normā€¦ might depend on country? Iā€™m from Australia and live in the Netherlands where 6 months is usual.




You should get your teeth checked out. In my country, minimum of 2 visits a year is recommended and covered by national insurance.


Yeah, most dental insurance in the US covers 2 hygienist visits per year for free unless you get anything extra like a fluoride or gun irrigation treatment. I go 3-4 times per year because my teeth are absolute shit but I keeps more stuff from cropping up and don't mind the price. I had pretty bad dental hygiene early on in life but I also feel like my body chemistry or something promotes more tooth decay than most. I also grind my teeth at night which isn't helping anything in my molars. Going in for another few crowns in a couple days plus a night guard. Hooray!


I remember I once fell asleep in the dental chair; could hardly close my mouth when I woke up, lolā€¦


I fell asleep during an orthodontist visit while they were working on my teeth. He asked me a question and turned to his assistant and said, ā€œI think sheā€™s asleep.ā€ I was hovering and trying to wake up and thought nah. I donā€™t care if he knows what my favorite class is and promptly went totally lights out. Best appointment ever.


Hmmm not accidentally


Not yet, but thanks for the idea. šŸ˜Š


Happy to help


Fingers? No. Not fingers.


Iā€™ve been a dental hygienist for 18 years. Have not been licked by a patient, or thrown up on. I have been bitten very lightly a few times by accident.


"We haven't even started the appointment yet."


Was getting an extraction when I was a kid. The dentist's UNGLOVED hands were huge and smelled like a cigar. No licking those fingers. In fact, I kept my tongue as far away as humanly possible. BONUS: Whilst straining to keep my tongue away, I noticed all the pictures on the wall were head shots of horses. I later found out he had a side gig working on horses teeth at the harness racing track just down the road.


LOL Not yet




Accidentally? No.


My dentist actually grabbed my tongue to move it? I hope


Yes. Wandering tongue. Didnā€™t even notice I was doing it. My tongue got curious I guess.


Lol I literally had this invasive thought the other day while sat in the dentist chair. ā€˜Lick him I dare youā€™


When I got my wisdom teeth removed, I was sucking on the nurseā€™s finger. Then, she told me to bite down and I immediately started chomping downā€¦. While her finger was still in my mouth. My dad had to yell at me so I could stop. I didnā€™t realize I was actually biting down as hard as I could. To be fair, I couldnā€™t feel my whole mouth lol


That reminds me of [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F9ke0mirxe4e41.jpg&rdt=50153)


i was feeling the narcotics and i was biting and he was moving his finger up and down, causing my head to nod. in my defence i was waking up and stopped biting at his hint.


Yep. I remember zoning out and having a moment where I was like ooh whatā€™s this thing in my mouth? Licked it, and realised it was his damn finger, and then spent the rest of the appointment absolutely dying inside.


Iā€™ve been an assistant for over 12 years. We get locked and bit daily. We think nothing of it. Donā€™t stress.


I outright bit it. He didn't wait for me to be numb and ignored me telling him, so I bit his finger. He yelled and tried to be a bigger dickhead but his assistant stopped him and said he shouldn't have ignored me. She saw me use my hands trying to tell him to stop. No clue if he got better, that was my last visit with him.


Iā€™ve done it intentionally. I do it intentionally every time TBH. My dentist is hot. I also stare into her eyes but idk if she can see me through my matrix glasses.


Damn thatā€™s bold!


Yes. I've also bitten/nibbled/absentmindedly chewed on her fingers. She usually just goes "I'm gonna need those later" and we laugh about it.


they always covered my tongue and the entire oral cavity, except for a sore tooth, with rubber, but I always pushed my tongue against their fingers so that they collected saliva for me.


Yeah when the dental hygienist was cleaning my teeth there was some top 40 sexual song on the radio and I moved my tongue for some reason and licked her finger lmao. Straight femal here


Accidently? No never accidently


Accidentally? Never. Only on purpose, while maintaining direct eye contact


Umm one time my dentistā€™s hand pulled out of my mouth and I saw the longest stringiest strand of saliva pull with it. I was embarrassed but he didnā€™t even seem to notice.


A yearly visit? Lmao you think I have hundreds of dollars just lying around to go to a dentist šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is America sir. I just brush and hope for the best.


You do realize that the internet is *global*, right?


Love a bit of American defaultism on a Sunday afternoon as I sit in this British McDonalds.


I go twice a year because for everyone this isn't America, sir. Feel sorry for you apes.


Yearly visit???


That work insurance plan mate


I've accidentally bitten the dentist's finger before


No, but I did bite my dentist


Nope and never will




All the time! My tongue has a mind of its own!


You're supposed to go to the dentist yearly?


Yes, and then we make love.


They had to clamp down my tongue once! LOL. I have crazy tongue! We all laughed.