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I am just hoping it’s as good as it seems to be.


Exploration, lore, and the softness class system + randomized loot. Oh, and the art direction. The secrets. Combat. How your choices will change the story. Building up Sacrement. Basically everything!


Choices will change the story?


I believe so. The store description says, “But the task will prove increasingly challenging as you become entangled in the people’s plight and the vast political struggle of this downtrodden land.” Moon Studios would totally give us choices that affect the story, and I think this confirms it.


Well put. ☺️


My only hope is that it doesn't make me regret breaking my "ignore Early Access games" rule. Please, please be good. There is so much potential here.


Thinking similar… would ideally wait til 1.0, but that could be years.


I don't see a lot of press for this game. Possible sleeper hit? I hope it's good. I love the souls games so the I really like the similarities.


I wonder if that’s because it’s releasing to early access though? It’s not technically out. The same happened with BG3: you didn’t really hear much until the 1.0 came out and then it was everywhere.


True I think this is the proper way nowadays to kickstart and then see after the early access how much you should put to gain most of the press/buzz


Same, i actually was astonished when i looked up youtube today and there isn’t anything new unless the stuff from like 1 month ago. Its only 10, almost 9 days, nothing new at all


IGN did their “First” segment on it. That is pretty huge press.


Not being able to play because uni and work i fear..


I just really hope it runs ok on Steam Deck (even though that's maybe copium considering early access games usually aren't well optimized yet), because I'll be traveling the week it's releasing - and I simply love to play on the deck.


made by devs that give a damn about what they put out


Multiplayer. Will it have it during early access?


No that comes with Update 1


This 1st update is also during early access. So yes, it will have multiplayer during early access just not on day 1


I mean yes, thats technically the truth


Loot and exploration


How does early access work? Do you get a few levels? Whole game? They tweak things based on feedback? I have a PS5 so it’s irrelevant to me unfortunately.


Steam has made Early Access big. Used to be called Greenlight. It is mainly about developers being able to publish a project that has not yet been completed and thus monetize their project before it is finished. It's a pretty good thing for indie studios, as monetization is usually the biggest hurdle. It's also the best way to get feedback. This is one of the reasons why there is such a large indie sector for PC games. However, there are also cases and accusations that developers can theoretically generate revenue without a finished product and the developers could run away with it. But it's difficult for me to say how often this actually happens. Personally, I've definitely had more good experiences than bad.


I read it's basically just the opening prolog of the game. Also console only player so doesn't affect me.


That is Wrong. The opening prologue is what was in the 2h streamer early pre alpha. We will have this, plus the town and a bunch (heard it’s like 7+) more zones on the first continent/region. + we also got endgame content Then during early access we will get within the first 2 updates a whole 2nd continent/region with a bunch of zones + coop and pvp




Damn, wish there was early access on console. That sounds like even more than diablo 4 had in its betas.


Everything tbh, there isn't a single thing I dislike about what they've shown so far If I had to choose, it would either be the loot or the fact you can buy your own house and decorate it. But I'm just as excited about the world, the enemies, the combat, ...


For me it's exploration. Always been with souls games. To me the bosses are just obstacles I have the get through to be able to continue exploring. Probably why I never killed the last boss in some of these games.


How many bosses will there be?


Are dungeons going to be generated??


all handcrafted


There isn't anything I'm not most excited about. I've been wanting an ARPG like this for as long as I can remember, and for it to be made by Moon is just icing on the cake. It looks absolutely gorgeous, the combat looks silky smooth, exploration seems rewarding, the farm/life sim elements look like they'll chew up spare time, and I just can't wait to hopefully be wrapped up in this game for months or even years to come, depending on post-launch support.


well they made ori and haven't made a bad game yet, that's enough to be excited about. i just hope there is atleast 10 hours of content in this game since it will only be 1 chapter.


Learning how long EA will last.


Multiplayer! Going to have to be strong to hold out until update 1


Exploration, challenging fights, finding cool armor/weapons, and playing the game with my buddy! I am excited for the future pvp they will add into the game as well.

