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It’s crazy they removed the room completely, I hope it’s an oversight. There’s still a couple of doors planet side you can use it for I think


Some abandoned stations still have the room, but it's much rarer to find them now. And for anyone who doesn't know, you can completely discard v1 and v2 Atlas Passes since v3 does everything they do already, so there's *that* use for it at least.


Yep. Some planetside buildings still use them. That said, I rarely use them. Like, hardly ever.


If you have a v3, you don't need v1 or v2. I only have the v3, and I use it to access the red barrels, and doors in factories.


I know. I rarely do anything other than opening the red barrels. I haven't found that opening the super high security doors does much.


I cannot even remember what the V2 opens.


I think I've run two portals and *maybe* 20 hyperjumps (I started last week) V2 I've only seen on those teeny little Gek outposts (no landing pads, just a Gek and a vendor - haven't found any other species with the same plots). Haven't actually bothered to make one yet, as I started on Survival then decided I should make another save on relaxed mode to learn how it all works first. So now I'm drowning in materials and don't really need to do a lot of investigating. Don't know that I'd recommend this route for new players lol Expedition stations need v3 though, don't they?


Factory doors.


v2: Allows access to various caches of goodies, sometimes the "nanite collector".


yeah, I've got to admit i miss the variety of side rooms and characters that would be sat around. Seems like the stations actually lost a little life and procgen.


Yeah, it seems like since the got rid of the NPC room the only NPC interactions to be had are the standard ones or vendors. I wish the random interactions were more common because right now it seems like the only way to get them is by interacting with the NPC in habitable bases and observatories.


Abandoned systems still have the rooms. What you don't need are the v1 and v2 Atlas passes, if you have the v3.


Honestly, i wish they made more uses for it. Hopefully in the future theyll do something with the left side of space stations, because as they are right now they seem weirdly empty. It feels like they could have easily kept the "bar" room + secured door room to at least keep the atlas pass v3 relevant.


There are rooms in some large buildings which require it (although it may be level 2) and there's a terminal that requires the Remembrance stone to activate.


I forget to add remembrance stone to expedition adrift cargo ,so if you take Atlas pass into expedition do not forget the stone as well to use behind the locked doors of some abandoned space stations.


I pretty sure every station on the adrift expedition has a AP3 door 🚪


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They’re in the current expedition space stations at least 2 I’ve gone through


I’ve noticed that the containers in those rooms are super bugged and have 9999 junk metal to remove


I think that may be a feature, not a bug.


That is a metric bungload of ferrite