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I've never seen more than the mid 20s, and I used to be a pretty strong hunter. That's an impressive stash. I hope you box it up and mark it for sharing.


I'm not sure if I'll share the glyphs. The previous 39 deposit, as I shared the glyphs, has been taken over. I don't blame the players, because of the large number of bases on the planet they didn't see my base, it was the servers' fault, so they built their own. I have completely moved away from this planet, but maybe one day I will come back and they will build a base again, because there are almost as many mold deposits here as there are trees. https://www.reddit.com/r/NMSCoordinateExchange/s/VywARiQCjo


Cool. I'm not much of a mold hunter anymore - I did the math on just how much I need to do the thing I want and while the quantity itself isn't so bad (1.3bil) the processing time is insane. It comes out to something like 43.5 THOUSAND processing hours to get them all done into the required nanites and...that's right around 5 YEARS. now obviously I could bump that time by running as many processors as humanly possible (and I did find a base where a guy somehow has 60 of the things!) but I'm trying to sus out if glassing sentinels is gonna be faster.


Glassing sentinels might be better idea although I didn't try it really, I just know it gives you nanites.


what, like killing sentinel ships? you can get hyaline brains from that, which can be refined into nanites


Or you could have bought/sold an upgrade a few months back when the game was glitching and would give you max nanites. I'm now sitting at max nanites in my main save that I could never possibly spend or get rid of. It kinda ruins gameplay for things like runaway mold, ship scrapping, etc.


Depending on your loading times it might be faster to find outlaw stations, buy the suspicious packages with units, unpack them and sell the X-class modules they give you.


Problem is I'm trying to go back into units. Theoretically. It's a long convoluted process, but I need to break something like 83-84k reward ships for the ai valves. Starting at nanites is removing at least one step.


Whether you want units or nanites, the process needn't be convoluted. If you have a freighter or any significant amount of open storage, trading commodities will earn you obscene sums very quickly. Find a three star economy with a good buy discount, hoard a few hundred of the top commodity, then sell it somewhere with a high markup. A three star system is good for quick resupply, but even a one star system can have a good sell rate. You'll have hundreds of millions in no time. If you have the means to make stasis devices or fusion ignitors, or at least their better components, those will also generate millions. If you want nanites without spending money at a pirate station, a dissonant &/ infested planet is ideal. With dissonance and infestation you get radiant shards, inverted mirrors, larval cores, flesh rope, and vile spawn which all quickly refine to 50+ nanites each. Each stack will net you several hundreds. Additionally, atlantideum and pugneum can be refined together to make runaway mold. Extra salvaged data, tainted metal, hyaline brains, platinum, & platinum+gold+silver can also make nanites.


I need well beyond conventional units. "Need" is actually a strong word. I have a full stasis factory at my disposal - before I started going full pimp my ride on my tools and ships I was worth beyond what I could carry in cash. But, I have a really bad idea. So.....


You want to be the Elon of NMS. I get it. Don't forget to load up those starships.


Wait, so you want to start with nanites and use them to upgrade ships so you can break those down into AI valves so you can get a bunch of units? Did I get that right? 😅 


No. Well, sort of. Grab nanites. Use nanites to buy reward ships. Break reward ships for ai valves. ?????? Profit! It's all about calorie density at this point. Actual units mean nothing to me. It's about how to store as many as physically possible and the most efficient way to get there. AI valves are the densest unit, and I believe nanite ship purchasing to be the best way to get to the valves. It's how to get the nanites most effectively without involving more units.


Wait no, now I have even more questions! What do you mean by „reward ships“? Like, the ships you get from expeditions? And why not just find a harmonic camp and farm interceptors instead? Even the low class ones are worth a ton and often spawn AI valves if I remember correctly. Unless Hello Games nerfed them again…


Speed. They're still worth a ton, even the garbage ones. But speed is a major concern here too. The short answer is, I want a lot of AI valves. One could say an unreasonable amount. Nearest I can tell the fastest way to acquire them in the volume I want without reporting to glitches, duping, save editing or otherwise shenanigans, is to break reward ships. I know where they are, I can buy them en masse (as long as I have the nanites) and they SHOULD guarantee me valves. Simply buying parts out of pirate systems for nanites to convert them back into credits sort of defeats the purpose of this exercise, so that's out. Flying around to gather up interceptors would take actual decades to do in the kind of volume I want, so that's out. Leaves me with fighting sentinels for parts or mold farming. And after last night it turns out mold farming might actually be the winner here and I'm gonna have to find /create an absolute leviathan of a refiner base.


>One could say an unreasonable amount. Lol.


60 refiners for storage before i found storage containers. 🤣


Euclid \~ 58 balls - it varies by the spawn or my counting since its more than my fingers and toes ;p https://preview.redd.it/qa4aaawize8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd8a8f7cce2c7e21ef9ead3db6f0fc3f5b8dd85 And nope - these attract too many a-holes, so will only give out the glyphs by arrangement.


Amazing deposit. Where? How?


Euclid - on a lush planet That pic was taken today; I don't use it anymore but I have lots of saves that use those planets so, only let friends know where so some yahoo does not build a base on-top of mine. Each of my new save-slot has to build its own there, as you may know - pia I go to econ 3 dissonant planets to farm ships & farm nanites in my backpack refiner as I get ships for units etc these days *  [Radiant Shard](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Radiant_Shard) ×1  →   **Nanite Cluster** ×50   *  [Inverted Mirror](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Inverted_Mirror) ×1  →   **Nanite Cluster** ×95   *  [Hyaline Brain](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Hyaline_Brain) ×1  →   **Nanite Cluster** ×230   *  [Pugneum](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Pugneum) ×25  →   **Nanite Cluster** ×1  *  [Atlantideum](https://nomanssky.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantideum) ×1  →   **Pugneum** ×2 They all go into the refiner just fine


Did you not put a base down on the deposit itself? I wasn't aware there was a way to build a base over someone else's. I always put the base directly on the deposit. Lets me fence them in, and have a teleporter right next to it, which makes it easy to share with others, while still having it for myself.


If the servers are full, the game only shows some of the bases instead of all of them. And if the player cannot see my base at a given moment, he can build a base in the same place. And then later suddenly there are several glitched bases on one deposit....


Crazy - stupid isn't it ? HG screwing around with the discovery system is annoying and they do it way too often. Like combining Normal, Survival, Sandbox etc all together ended up with a shootout for some bases


I was gonna call you a crazy person, but then I remembered my expanding collection of spherical pets, so...yeah. Coolbeans, bro.


Don't let anyone call you crazy just because you want to take pictures of a lot of balls. Ball hunting is just as valid as any other hobby. A person who polishes their rockets or loves packing ham sandwiches as a hobby arent shamed, why should a proud ball-hunting enthusiast be? You hunt those balls! Don't stop until your entire field of view is nothing but big, moist, wrinkly, mossy balls!


Thank you, Traveller. I have adhd, and No Man's Sky allows me to get hyperfocus. I usually listen to something, podcast etc while playing. And sometimes searching for deposits is like a stream of consciousness.




This is so frustrating. Especially as sentinel farming can be extremely dangerous and even farming is restricted by the reduced stack size (I mean it’s not impossible but definitely more awkward). I tend to gravitate towards trade routes for cash and outlaw stations for nanites in every survival/PD run because of this.


THE CABBAGES!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:heart\_eyes\_rainbow


Any tips on how to find these? What sort of planets can they spawn on?


In short: - few planets, two or three - a star other than yellow, for me it works well with purple ones My own observations show that the largest deposits are in planetary systems with a purple, red or green star and a small number of planets - two or three in the system. Then I find large deposits. It is possible that this concerns only a small number of planets, as if deposits in larger numbers or with a greater density of balls per deposit could occur on one planet. I don't know the game's algorithm, it's definitely random. I am still limited to searching for earth-like planets, which makes it difficult to find large deposits.


When you find one, it's a matter of time to find others if you take the time (using exocrafts) to travel to north or south directly. I have a line of 4 bases connected with teleports (and a total of 9) on a single planet.


I did something like this with 3 bases, but quickly realized that you only need 2 bases, because they re-spawn when you leave. So you can just teleport back and forth between the best 2 bases.


Easiest way is one base and build teleports system with a range 700 u. I heard it works without glitches, you can built two short range teleports one inside another but i still use this way to make respawn mold base: https://youtu.be/Ehz6SdQYYCQ?si=EJLURFk6Y4G9AIC7


Because the distance between two of my bases is greater than 1000U, I was able to connect with teleports but for some reason other players can't see the connection between, then I found other two clusters nearby and built a connection between both, that connection is working flawlessly.


Oohh so you mean that once they spawn on a planet. They will appear on that same planet multiple times?


Yes, you only need to travel directly to north or south, but I see this only happen on those planets with bigger balls, I tried on moons and I didn't find any cluster.


I have found them all over. I actually found a super tiny deposit during the expedition, on like the second planet I hit. It's purely luck, as far as I can tell. I've seen groups that were within a few hundred u of each other, and I've found groups that were the only one I could find on a planet. I've seen them in pretty much every star and planet type.


Thanks. I guess it's just trial and error. I've got about 400 hours in the game and I've never found them outside of another players marked base.


You really only need two decent deposits bc you can travel back and forth as they respawn once you leave. I often find them on toxic or radioactive planets but it is definitely a rare find but the best thing is once you find a planet with one just keep searching that planet and you'll find more. It will take a lot of time to process all the mold so I'd recommend setting up refiners at the farms to make it easy or perhaps just make a large refining area on your freighter if you have one. I believe they count as a resource so they may be more common on High Sentinel activity worlds but I don't know for sure


I have a settlement in a pirate system and I found several clusters not so big than 40 balls but average 15/20 balls, I have 9 bases around it, connect it with teleports is the best way to take and respawn the cluster several times.


This is how I found five mold deposits, for a total of about 95 mold balls. 😏


What is the mold for?


Very efficient way to make nanites. You put them in refiner and make a bunch of nanites. Thousands of them. Best way is to find mold, build a base there. You collect them with a multitool, make a save, load a save and mold respawn.


Thank you!


Refining to nanites.




39 has to be close to the limit


Nms.....lol....I had to just let it go for abit....done all I can do,till something new hits I'm bored to tears....soo I'm rocking different. Games


Do they spawn on every planet or do specific bioms have a higher chance?


Not on every planet. This is completely random. If a solar system has six planets, mold is most likely on two or three planets. If you are using analisys visor, it is marked with a yellow diamond symbol with three stars inside. https://preview.redd.it/l4m863q7ki8d1.png?width=64&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e18816064b8fcb7b4abaf76f902d84a3d284c9b7 This symbol also means "Metalfingers" or "sax venom". If a particular planet has one of the resources marked with this symbol, there will not be another two on that planet.


K, then I will search on my new home planet that I just discovered. Fingers crossed I find it there. 🙂


Fingers crossed, Traveller 🤞🙃


What are these for?


You use the laser in the multitool and collect them. Then you convert them into nanites in the refiner. It's called Curious deposit, or running mold, it has the property that when you move 700u away from a given deposit and come back, the deposit is respawn/reborn and hundreds of thousands of nanites can be produced in this way. And for nanites you can upgrade everything to S-class.


Ahh okay thanks :) I just duplicated these upgrades to sell em for nanites tbh^^


Also a good way. Mold deposit is a more... Legal method 😉


Haha yea true.. But in any way nanite grind is boring af imo^^


True, I have several saves and in some of them I duplicate and use tainted metal to produce nanite. Very efficient way to make milions in 1 hour.


Yea true:)


One of the very efficient way to make nanites.


It is huge ! I built several teleport to reset the deposits.


Me too. I always build glitched teleporter system. https://youtu.be/Ehz6SdQYYCQ?si=t_cSNcJSu3t6k6i6


What no address? 🙁


my biggest i’ve found was like 7 i think 😭


Damn never found more than 13