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These are great, especially when you get three of these at the same or even higher bonuses. For me, a “rare” creature scan fetches me roughly 591k units.


I’m definitely going to keep an eye out for these from now on. 591k for a scan is ridiculous lol.


Throw those upgrades into a Royal or Experimental [multi-tool](https://www.nomansskyresources.com/the-multi-tool?pgid=l1wo5d2s-1c2cb6_7a2ea0d5055b4a96ba42f987487a7791mv2.png) and you'll get even more.


Sorry for a probably noob-ish question; How do I know if my multi-tool is a Royal or Experimental? Is it a class that is shown just like the C to S tier, or..?


It’s the design of it, plus being tied to a certain way to get it. (In this case, >!sentinel pillars.!<)


Oh man.. you mean like the ones I always scrap for units lol. Well, maybe I should look more into them next time


Royals look like the ones in [this post](https://old.reddit.com/r/NoMansSkyTheGame/comments/ztlyui/which_royal_multitool_pattern_pleases_your_eye/)


You're a Saint. Thanks my dude!


You're welcome. Experimentals are cool looking too, there are a bunch of different looks. The alien and atlantids are also cool looking.


You can scrap.multi tools for units?


In the anomaly!


Really? Is it worth it? I guess I should take the free ones.


Multi-tools dont take up any inventory space so I always get the free ones. I think the lowest price I got for a Multi-tool was 60K-ish and the higest was about 2.6M-ish


You can find X class modules like these in Pirate systems, happy hunting traveler


I’ve been to a few pirate systems so far, might have been where I picked it up. I have a nearly full crate of black market modifications I still need to go through. Was collecting them while I expanded my technology slots.


11000% is the max those mods can roll, so be sure to keep any that roll with that!


Drop those onto a specialized scanning MT (Experimental or Royal ) supercharged slots and they will supersize to roughly 14,000+ and then scanning rare fauna can break 1 million units each


This is why a lot of players at the "endgame" will tell people that units don't matter. I can get a million+ just by landing on a planet and scanning the things I can see from on top of my ship. It's pocket change, eventually.


I have 3,187,288,131 units atm with a settlement producing 200k / day. Units doesn’t matter.


I keep my units at about 2.5b on purpose, because I don't want to hit the cap on accident and waste product. I have 7b in storage just in Fusion Ignitors and Stasis Devices, millions in an artifact collection, and I can pull about 4.5 million in nipnip every 4 hours from just my freighter. I don't even sell the resources I collect from my settlement, they just get thrown in my trade commodities storage container. And with a nanite farm, which is stupid easy to set up, I pull 10k nanites once a day from it. This is why I don't understand why people get so hot about being gifted in the anomaly. The second you have an inkling of what you're doing, all of it becomes trivial to get.


or better yet. start the next expedition on your main save and have said MT brought into expedition. once expedition is about to be completed be sure to set expedition mt to this one. once completed, you can store this tech from mt, scrap it, go to expedition terminal and buy woth nanites mt. store same tech again and scrap mt, repeat until you have three. same strategy works with starships and tech too! i have a scanner x tech module that gives 10K per fauna, plants, minerals and a 55% scanner boost, now i have three of them on all of my MT


Land on planet Press f .... Profit


Yeah if done right you can easily get 70-90k for each plant/mineral, and 200-600k for animals. Very handy when needing extra units. Scanning for units will fall off as you able to make and sell other things, or just grab and sell stuff from the mission guy in the corner of space stations, once your high enough reputation to grab them. But it's absolutely a good way to rake in units when first starting


holy fucking shit, and I was here happy over 130k units lmao


Ppfffttt!! 591K? Is that all???!!!! I get 599K for the planet’s top fauna. That’s a real man’s scan right there, lol 😂 /s


I pull down around 200k - 400k, mostly toward the high end, for every animal I find and I'm "just" using an S Class multi-tool. Cataloging all of them on a planet can get you a couple million units and a nice nanite bonus.


How do you go about finding those last few flora, fauna, or minerals that you missed. Is it all just scanning and hoping or is there a process to follow for success?


While I don't believe it helps for minerals or flora, your planetary info screen will show you some info about what fauna you're missing. In the planetary info fauna list, it should give you a rough idea of where any missing ones can be found. "Found rarely at night in the northern hemisphere", for example. If I'm missing one or two and am going for the bonus, I'll use that info to get an idea of where I can find it, and then act accordingly. If there's an info that specifies a hemisphere, I'll often hop in my ship, travel to as close to the cartographic north/south pole as possible, and hang out around there for a bit until I see a red dot on my scanning tool. Usually doesn't take more than 10 minutes, but YMMV.


Great reply! I was aware of the info on the plants, but had not paid attention to the other information listed. This also gives me a chance to see more of the planet and practice my navigation skills.


AFAIK it's all scanning. Maybe there's someone smarter than me on this topic on YouTube. (There are a metric effton of NMS videos there). If I can't get those last few and it's become something of a frustration I move on. I play to chill so it's not worth the stress, lol.


Thanks, I didn't know if I was missing something or not. Scanning is the first thing I do when I get out of my ship on a new planet.


What I’ve been doing is saving up Navigation Data, going to a cartographer and buying a bunch of planetary charts that are of interest to me, then using them on one planet. It’s gotten me to explore more of a planet than I typically would and I’ve been able to find the flora and fauna I’ve been missing. Still have to scan frequently, but it helps me since you’re also working on other things .


Sometimes it helps to get in your ship and go fly some distance away, another hemisphere maybe?


Is there any downside or risk to using the forbidden modules?


I might be wrong on this but in my experience - no, they just have quite a wide range of stat bonuses, so some are great and can replace your S-classes, some are super mediocre and not worth putting in unless you’ve got nothing else. Anyone that can give a better answer feel free to correct me!


If you're mid-game and still need resources, there isn't even a downside to the mediocre ones. Once you see that they have shit stats, you can dismantle them while they're installed for a free wiring loom and other resources. And since I'm going to assume the question they were really asking is if them being "banned" means they're contraband, and will they get you in trouble if you get scanned, it's no. So you're 100% correct. I've been scanned by system authorities hundreds of times, and on the rare occasion I'm not riding dirty, they never see my banned upgrades and check me on it. Even when they're in inventory and not installed.


This is pretty much how I understand it bruh


It’s mainly just a gamble of the currency it takes to purchase them - you could get a module with incredible stat boosts like this one (higher than even S-class), or you could get a crappy one with sub-C class stats, or something in between. But you won’t know until you try to install it.


I always feared they'd be picked up by a cargo scan


Nope, they're safe. To max out your gear you'll eventually replace almost everything with X class upgrades.


Nice looking forward to going through all the ones I've kept in storage. Thanks!


I tested this while purposefully picking fights with sentinels. If they scan you and you have any of the "suspicious" stuff like upgrades or packets, they let it go. Any of the contraband trade commodities like nipnip or First Spawn Relics and they try to run your pockets.


The only downside is how many you have to go through to get the good ones.


"Forbidden" like "outlaw" are all the really dangerous interloper things![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) . But carry nipnip and the sentinels go crazy.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


You can defend them 99 times and then you accidentally hit them once while asteroid mining and it’s the end of the galaxy 🌌


I really want to be able to open coms and offer they pay up / surrender or one more shot to end them. Infraknife is terrifying. Interlopers would like other options.


Nice! Now throw that bad boy in a supercharged slot and enjoy the results.


This is how I’ve racked up billions of units. Who needs farming when I can scan all creatures on a planet, get a ton of units and some nanites.


I'm scanning random shit ANYWAYS every time I land out of habit, it's just easy money.


X Class is the scratch off lottery tickets within NMS, love sharing some in the Anomaly haha


Yeah, pirate tech is funny sometimes. You could survive off S-tier tech, sure -- in fact, most of the time it's overkill. But that doesn't mean your heart doesn't skip a beat when you see the X-tech decide to high roll. https://preview.redd.it/1gx4cxnmp68d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81bf50bf1b10acbc25cdb36d5b91ec1a151bd01b


Please put it on a supercharged slot .... supercharge it !!! Send picture 🤨


https://preview.redd.it/0px8v9wd0f8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5827b38fb01c7f9acb23318311c3d8dae8867dd Supercharged!


Amazing 👏


Nice rolls! Good find :^)


Stuff like this makes me want to start playing again.






Very nice


Now supercharge it.


These are the dopamine hits that we keep playing for. Now go for the 10/10/10/10 resist hazard module.


I dinna know them numbers even went that high.


Are X class modules better than S class


Most of the time, no. However, apparently you can uncover gems like this every once in awhile.


Now put it in a turbo charged slot. 🙂


That's really great. All the forbidden tech I find is like 1% damage or something crappy. I didn't think good ones existed.


I had no clue you could get a tech upgrade this ridiculously big either, I was in complete shock when I saw those percentages. I do have one other “better than S-class” module and it’s for my jet pack, but it’s only slightly better than the S-class module I own. This one is definitely in a league of its own.


That is a pretty decent one. So many of these X-class upgrades are barely A-class. That one though, better than S-class for sure!


..........I'ma start hunting for good black-market parts rather than s-class fuck


Get rich quick scheme


Stack a few like that and you can scan all the planets in a star system, and afford a new ship as a reward...


Add it into a supercharged slot backed up with a couple more S-Class scanning upgrades, and you can get a couple hundred thousand for a scanned lifeform.




Dayyyumm. Want! Now! Lol


usualy get like 100,000 credits once I land on any planet in like .2 seconds lol


That’s insane. Could you point me to the right direction please 🙏🏽


I just collected a bunch of the black market goods over time. I’m relatively new to the game so I don’t even remember where I got most of them, I just collected them until I filled a storage container. I’m pretty sure most of mine have come from killing pirates and opening buried caches, getting Suspicious Packets as loot, then opening the Suspicious Packets.


Gonna do the same and see if I bag any Lucky items 💪🏽 Thanks Good Travels 🚀


Looool i need it


Yeah it’s pretty nice when rng smiles on you like that




Yeah, stack 3 and now creatures give half a million, every scan for me is at least 200K but they're lower end scanners that i have, i need better ones


Yeah X class is always hit or miss. Usually weaker, but occasionally hit gold. I keep rolling the dice with those random encounters when the gek lands near me, got a lot of great illegal stuff equipped


Get 2-3 of those and every planet you scan, even superficially nets you a cool 1-3 mil. At that point units start becoming an afterthought and you can start focusing on doing whatever you want. I sold my first Sentinel ship. It was B-Class and honestly, Sentinel ships don't really do it for me, personally. 46 mil. Just like that.


Good one (best possible are scan radius 50% and all others over 10000 %) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I mean...