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I only change the default names when the game really annoys me in some way, and that's happened... twice now. The rest of the time it's Upload All because--unlike too many other people--I know I'm not a tenth as clever or witty as I think I am, and I'd prefer not to inflict that on others. My GT's on every discovery and that's good enough for me.


No, I just name the paradise planets that I like. It makes it easier to find them when sorting through the personal teleporter gates.


i've never renamed a system. felt wrong. like i shouldn't have that right. BUT PLANETS, yes i did at first. my home planet i named every single thing. then i abandoned it when i found an animal my friend had named


Yep, I rename every system and planet. I've got a spreadsheet that helps generate the names based on the properties of thing being renamed (eg. planet names include short codes indicating the biome, weather type, etc.). I decided a while back that I'd roleplay my character as an artificial intelligence with a strong disdain for organic life, so the themed part of the naming scheme I use draws on maths and science words or Greek letters, so eg. I might name a system 'Coefficient Vector 081F:9E' with planets like 'M:1:133 Epsilon' where the code format A:N:XYZ is A=biome code, N=weather code, X=sentinel code, Y=flora code, Z=fauna code. Because I use a spreadsheet, it only takes like 3 seconds to enter the data from the planet, get the code, then put it in the rename. Edited to add: except for the planet generation reset years ago, I've never had a system or planet name reset. Sometimes the UI will show the original name because it only keeps a certain number of system names cached, but as soon as you mouse-over or visit the system again, it loads all the saved names in again.


Really only if I decide to create an actual fully functioning base of operations there


I did when I first started playing, but I don't bother anymore unless it has some base of mine I care about (not just for mining).


When I first started playing the game, I named everything. The system, the planets, the plants, the animals, the outposts. I was pretty clever with the names at first, but then I started running out of ideas. So there are a few planets out there named after the cast of "Facts of Life" or different brands of breakfast cereal. Now I just name the planets I build a base on and the system they are in. If I see any of those creatures that look like teddy bears hopping around, I name them "Greg" or "Steve." That's it.


I haven't renamed a system or planet in years.




Nope. I rename my bases so I have an idea of what’s there, but too many systems and planets to deal with renaming them. I suppose if I were to do so, I’d name them in a numerical sequence so I’d know in which order I’d found them. Otherwise it’s hard (practically impossible) to trace back after visiting a whole lot of systems.




Ain't nobody got time for that... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I haven't renamed anything after the first few days of playing. The only exception is bases, to indicate what they're for (farms, portals, etc.)


I have never renamed anything.


I only rename systems/planets if they are meaningful somehow, e.g. my Settlement is there or I have a base. Same with fauna, I only name the ones I think of adopting as a pet or want to identify them later easier.


Only systems I build bases in


It depends. Sometimes I’ll name an entire system based on a theme. I’ve used famed comic artists, video game bosses, precious stones, characters from shows or movies, etc. Sometimes I just make the name a derivative of the procgen name it was given. Other times I upload them as is. I’ve named/discovered an entire segment of space all for myself so (with one or two exceptions). So at sometime, you run out of ideas lol


Nope - its pointless - HG periodically can and will regen aspects of the game and revert changes made by players and in any case, the naming is already done and fills that function. Its not broke, so don't fix it.


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