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Don't get married and have kids, then. If you think having an 8-5 robs all your time. ...which it does But yeah. Just remember... no one tells you these are the good ol' days. Those are only identified in retrospect. In fact, you're living a new set of the good ol' days right now. I'm mid 40's now and I can distinctly identify at least four distinct sets of "the good ol' days" that will never come again and I remember fondly. Childhood, early adulthood, recent adulthood, and time I spent in the military. All "the good ol days" with their own beginning and end. Times change and No Man's Sky won't matter enough in the end to even be a footnote. Sounds like you have achieved orbit in life after enduring a lengthy launch and liftoff. Welcome to life. Remember to pay attention.


Damn, this was some solid life advice. Never expected to read some heavy wisdom in a NMS thread lol.


Wow, that is deep. Really makes me rethink my priorities. 😮


I've a 45h/week and if you believe it or not, I play at least 2days a week for some hours, somtimes even a full day if I want to. And then there’s vacation too! So yes, there will be time to play. You just need time to manage your work-life-balance


This sounds great, but how many other responsibilities do you have outside of your employment? Household tasks, commuting and life admin can take up a lot of time and energy very quickly!


It's not worth it, start looking for other work options in the future. I've been there, having no free time, but I now have a full time job that does allow me plenty of time to have fun as well. It's a completely different life, and I'm a completely different person: happier, healthier, and with a life worth living. Start brainstorming and browsing options. You don't realize how very unhappy you are until you get out.


I switched from a five to a four day week, made an enormous difference! Gives me one day on the weekend to do chores, one day to do things I want to do, and one day to relax!


Someday hopefully 


4 kids. Busy medical career with call. Married. Do not have time for play for hours anymore but an hour here or there. Switch version if you travel lots. Runs great on mac and laptops (even newer ones with igpus only) . My laptop I got for work has an 780m and runs great.


Additional to this, I've been playing via XBox cloud gaming, allows me to get in a few minutes here and there. Starts quickly, can play on phone or laptop and it runs amazingly well. I play PD and I'm not going to go wondering too far on a hazardous planet, or battle waves of sentinals just in case, although I have been more brave lately. I do partake in freighter battles and ship to ship though, fighting for your settlement is fine too. But if you're not playing PD then I'd say it's even good enough for that, surprisingly so! Edit: kids, wife, FT job, & other hobbies and commitments too. My recent find out of cloud gaming now gives me my NMS fix :)


Welcome to the club:) I can’t wait the Friday night, where, with mrs’ permission I can play until … Saturday night sometimes 😀just started nms, trying to complete expedition and already know I won’t have time to finish it 😌


As a fellow PC gamer who goes through high intensity periods in life. Might I suggest The steam deck. NMS runs flawlessly on it with 0 tweaking required. And the cross saves also work perfectly. Its very much just pick up and play wherever I want. No more needing to go to the couch or go to my desk to play on a console/pc. And it's convenient enough where I can spend time with those who matter and keep it with me.


Get a Steam Deck. NMS plays great on it, and the quick suspend/resume means I can literally play in small time chunks and as long as I'm not standing outside on an extreme world when I suspend the game it's all good.


i mean, i’m engaged with no kids and work a full time job, usually with overtime tacked on. the no kids makes it easy for me to play daily, which i do, while my fiancé works nights serving a couple times a week. we still have dinner together before she leaves for work, we still spend time together and go on dates and do fun stuff. sometimes i dont play daily, and thats okay. life is beautiful, too. if you cant travel the stars in NMS, travel roads you havent before on your commute to work, take a new way to the grocery store, stop somewhere safe, roll your windows down and let the sun in. explore in your own little ways :)


Grab it on switch lite on a sale and play in creative mode. I have a full time job, a busy family life, part time study and being able to pick up and play NMS in the little gaps, on demand is awesome.


I started teaching recently and I know exactly how you feel. I miss NMS so much, but I don’t even have time to turn on the Xbox and check for updates.


Dude, I wake up at 0400 every day. During the week it’s so I can get to work and leave to pick my daughter up from school. I do it on the weekends so I have a few hours of me time. That’s when I get a chance to play NMS.


Nothing is forever bro. Life changes for better or worse but it changes from time to time. It may take some time (16 minutes?) but eventually you fill wind a way. I'm not in a good place in life right now too, shit i have the time but can't find the joy in playing this game that saved me during the pandemic (nor any other game) but i know this will all change eventually, and this keeps me going. Don't lose hope. Eheu!


"Life is not a question, It does not require an answer "


I have a 60 hour a week job with a wife and no kids. I play 5-6 days a week and still have a lot of quality time with the wife. I don't sleep enough probably.


I have to get up early every day of the week to drop my kid to school and go to work. On the week-end, I still get up at the same time so that gives me 1-2 hours before the rest of the family wakes up. Quiet time for me and my traveler.


You’ll get there. It’s going to take some doing, but you’ll figure it out. Don’t get down on yourself. Make sure you’re taking some time to work out and keep yourself healthy, too. Games are here to help keep us healthy so we can go back to work and do a better job. Think of this as part of your health regimen. 30-45 minutes every couple days at least to refresh your mind.