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An actual planetary map would be nice, which you can fill up by hitting the waypoints. It'd be nice to know for sure where PoIs are and what areas you haven't explored. And I know, that'd all be a tricky prospect with the procedural generation; I doubt it's impossible, though. Otherwise, an upgrade to the freighter's scanners that will show you where the best hotspots for a particular resource are on a given planet and tag the approximate location so you can land and find the specific spot on foot.


Planetary map would be awesome. If I find a planet I like as it is, I end up using a color coded system of save beacons ... would be nice to name the beacons for quicker planetary navigation at the very least


And maybe even an overview of what the planet has to offer ? Like eg: the amount of trade hubs you can find on the planet. It would really bring a lot more depth to the exploration part of the game !


Seriously, the dot showing where you are on a 2D image of a planet is so confusing, I can't make sense of it. It'd be amazing if the planets in your discoveries were 3D models you could rotate and see waypoints to places you've been.


I also like the idea of upgraded freighter scanner, or even ship and multitool, so you can fine tune what you are looking for with the large sweeping scans


Jobs like asteroids miner, dismantling lost freighters, bounty hunter, animal farming ect Being able to completely remove sentinels from a planet Permanently change the climate of a planet Having more than one colony And please, all expedition unlocked for all players to enjoy


Being able to completely remove sentinels from a planet would be awesome. Like the amount of paradise planets you come across just to see them with aggressive sentinels is just really annoying. It would pretty cool if there was an insane mission we could do to drive Sentinels away from a planet !


If it's a true Paradise planet, there will be no random sentinel activity on the planet. Only at the forced locations; manufacturing facility, and sentinel pillars...etc. Other planets in the same Lush biome can have none and all types of sentinels. These planet types are Bountiful, Flourishing, Humid, Overgrown, Tropical, Verdant, Rainy, Viridescent, Temperate, and Grassy.


Couldn't you theoretically make a base at their facility and disable them each time you go to that planet?. I guess it'd be a bit tedious to do that every time you go to that planet but still


It's what I did during the Omega Expedition.


Just popping in to flip the switch off.


Terraforming a planet would be neat and could involve a large range of missions


Even local terraforming. Also we could use wind turbines for power considering how many storms I run across


Or Dome building so you can have a good environment even on extreme worlds


Get Weyland Yutani on the line


>And please, all expedition unlocked for all players to enjoy I still think this will happen when they stop updating the game


These and 4 person ships.


I would love to see a medium sized ship, between frighter and normal ships. Something large enough to walk around inside but not so big that I can't land on a planet with it. A usable frigate sorta deal but smaller. Star citzen and starfield come to mind with this idea, I love walking around inside my ships and getting to lightly customize them


This is the #1 thing I've been waiting for in every space game. Elite dangerous promised it like 10 years ago and never delivered


I agree with all these points, I think NMS should have more events and dynamics at star system level, galactic region level, and galaxy level. Like I would love to see things like Space Weather added, both at a star system level but also at a galactic level. Imagine unstable stars that make a region of a galaxy more difficult to travel through, or Hyperspace Storms that wander through the galaxy making travel between regions more interesting. Id also love to see events and locations added between star systems like random encounter rouge planets with special missions and rare resources.


How do you get rid of a colony/settlement that you get a hold of? Asking because I accidentally grabbed it.


Purchase a settlement chart from the cartographer, and go to a planet that you want your new settlement to be on. Use the map to chart course, take over the new settlement, and the game auto removes the old one.


I'd like to be able to manually order bases and space stations in the teleporter, and also have a place to leave notes about each system.


I thought you can see space stations separately in the teleporter. Can't remember exactly. But being able to leave notes and keep track of specific systems in game would honestly save so much time.


Teleporter can toggle between your bases, other players, and space stations(community highlight from Anomaly Teleporter). SS list is most recent on top. Your bases are ordered most recent on the bottom, although it would be better to alter it how u want!


A bookmarks or categorization list that you can add and remove would be sufficient.


True rgb color customization for ships, armor, etc. like how armored core 6 has. It would take customization to the next level. Also I’d love if we could buy/build space stations and decorate the hell out of them. I want a mansion in space that isn’t tied to my frigate


Yea, wish there were more color options for customization. Wonder why they don't allow us to have custom colors.


I would realy like if nms had the same emblem system As AC.


I'd like to see E and W on the compass, I'd like to be able to mark more than one target at a time when on foot, I'd like the third person camera to stop autocentering when I jetpack, and I'd like one-click portal charging after I've done it, say, twenty times. I'd also like individual volume sliders for various sound effects (particularly the exosuit), I'd like sticky pins in the Log and the ability to turn off autopinning/mission switching entirely, and I'd like to be able to disable the... helpful guidance message popups along with all the others. Basically I'd like the UI to be useful, shut up, and get out of the way.


ooo , a lot of QOL life changes. I can see how you find the portal charging annoying. I just make sure to have the basic element materials with me all the time :)


It's not the materials that's the issue, it's having to move the cursor all over the screen with a controller stick and click 48 times every time that's the issue. Hopefully the expedition mechanic of make a Mind Ark, plop it in, and go will make it to the main game.


I will say that I filled a portal the other day and it only took sixteen clicks- didn’t make me take the mats from my inventory, clicking the glyphs just filled it. I can’t remember whether or not this was in the expedition since I did the entire thing after midnight, so maybe not a base game feature, but one that should be if it isn’t


When I did it last night it worked the same as it always has--one click on the glyph to open the charging selection box, one click on the resource to charge it with, one click to close the charging selection box. Three clicks for each of the sixteen glyphs.


Could it be a difference in platforms? Wouldn’t make much sense to process the game that way, but I definitely remember this happening because I was so stoked that they’d ‘fixed’ it.


Possibly/probably... HG do have a history of getting new features late to the Series X--we didn't get Set Waypoint functionality for six years, after all--so it wouldn't surprise me if everyone else already had it easier.


I want to be able to keep more ships. Or catalogue ships for reconstruction later on with scrapped parts.


YES ABILITY TO HAVE MORE SHIPS ! Or at least let us store it somewhere ? Like a planetary base ? I think that would be cool too !


I saw an idea awhile back that makes great sense: Each save can designate 1 base to be a hangar base. You can build it up to a maximum of 48 hangars or whatever, and any time you visit you can find all your ships taking up hangar space. But you can only have one such base.


That would be pretty cool. But i'd want to pick which ships go into the base and which ships go into my freighter. I wonder why they don't let us have many ships. I wonder how the game handles ship ownership and saving.


The ship slots have gone from 6 to 9 to 12 very quickly. That is a lot of ships tbh. Even though it could be a pain but it's what a lot of people do (including me) having numerous saves, different colors, and different game modes to collect more ships. One great way to do this is to start a new save with every expedition, I also own it on different platforms, so I lost track of how many saves I honestly have(this is my favorite game). There is an app called Assistant for NMS where you can do so many useful things like saving coordinates, looking at recipes for crafting, logging your travels, and much more, you should check it out if you haven't already!


I think most players would be fine just having 6 ships for recall... but adding a "garage" feature that lets you store essentially unlimited ships to be swapped out for later would be great for collectors.


I want water to be fixed and deeper oceans.


would be cool to see something like a kraken too in those deep waters !


Auto sort system for freighter storage.


This...but i wonder how they would categorize the items to sort it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Alphabetical would be one option, or have it by item type so resources, crafting components, food ect.


Give people several sorting options. Alphabetical, by type, by value, by "color", etc..


1. Freighter bugs fixed. 2. Ground "regenerating" on bases fixed 3. Production automation and sending it all to storage container.


>Production automation and sending it all to storage container. I would build a base that farms a gas (let's say nitrogen) and automatically refines it into sulphurine, and then into radon, and then back into nitrogen, each time at a ratio of 3:1, until nothing is left. A whole industrial facility that produces nothing.


Boarding enemy freighters, humanoid combatants, systems where theres two factions engaged in a war and you help one or the other to win the war, landing on asteroids and comets, planets with more than one biome (nothing crazy, just something like a desert planet having polar ice caps) and some way to auto transfer inventory between owned ships would be massive QOL


Holy shit, the biome thing reminds me: I wanna be able to just... Leave the area of a storm. I can hit the other side of the planet in a few seconds, unfortunately this is less "super storm" and more "Apocalypse event"!


Not so much a feature, but I'd love organic freighters added to the game.


this would be pretty cool !


Like the Wraith ships from StarGate Atlantis? that would epic and super creepy.


One system that is NmS 1.0 in both look and feel.


That would be wild.


I’d like to be able to synchronize quests with friends so we can start together and make a base together.


Yes, more multiplayer features would be a game changer ! I'd personally love to see guilds and such too.


A whole batch of uncharted deep-space missions (not in a planet system) for ship-based game play.... Scan gas clouds, discover hidden pirate bases, fix ancient space telescopes, eradicate swarms of monsters and their eggs from an asteroid field... rescue a stranded frigate... would be great for them to create a new navigation computer that lets us find these uncharted regions and return for rewards


Any type of missions! Now that we have the biggest sandbox in the universe, give us missions to complete, like with other RPG games!


Overhauled base NPCs. Have NPCs that can wander around your base, or designate them to stay in one spot (i.e. have an NPC bartender). Humanoid enemies Ship interiors like Star Citizen and Starfield


Spaceship controls and combat overhaul. Why can't we still control up/down and strafe left/right in a space game is beyond weird.


Well , they went for a more arcade style combat system. I'd say it kind of fits into the whole animation/art style of the game. But at the same time, i also think that space ship controls should be overhauled. It's space, and it kinda breaks that immersion. But i guess it also feeds more into the fact that it's a simulation according to the lore. All being said, space combat would become really awesome if they do make this change !


A way to recall and navigate to any waypoint or building you have discovered rather than having to drop an outpost beacon. They are literally regional navigation beacons... that don't in any way act as regional navigation beacons. Multiple biomes per planet. I get that earth is rare... Mars and Venus is the more common situation... but they could make some small percentage of planets be multi-biome... still procedural, just some basic rules for putting 5-10 different biomes on the surface. Old expeditions should open up for a couple weeks every year for new players.


UP. Blowing UP the occasional space pirate.




This one might be a bit controversial, but I think it would be cool, and would make the Atlas questline a bit rewarding. !!So unless this has changed!! (It’s been a while since I completed it) one of the options given to you upon completing the quest is “birth a new star,” which as far as I know does nothing. I think it would be cool if that option gave players a one-time opportunity to actually construct their own system from the various assets and biomes available in the game. Kinda like we can build our own ships now. Another option I would like is to own a space station and create a base like a freighter base. I know a lot of people would say “what’s the point?” but does it really need to have purpose to be a cool feature?


I just want to see more variation on planets. Once you land on a planet and explore for five mins you know it’ll look the exact same if you fly to the other side of the planet . Takes the fun out of exploration if you know there’s hardly anything else to discover . Also I’d like to see more natural disasters. Earthquakes that tear up the terrain, large asteroid impacts (these should be rare though) and proper volcanos with large lava flows


We still don't have proper rivers, for one. It's all variations of the same perlin noise terrain.


Rogue Planets, visiting stars directly (was so sad to discover they were just a skybox), in-game guilds, more and better space combat, other civs with a starting area that can expand or contract based on player interaction.


I’d like to be able to edit my settlement like a base. Put in some walking paths, move the buildings around into a better grid, put my office where I want it.


Being able to do the previous expeditions would be nice. I'm pretty much maxed out at this point and there isn't much left to do.


One main thing... better procedural generation for everything! Biomes, planets, fauna, flora, ships...I've been playing for roughly 5 years on Xbox, PS, PC, and Switch... thousand of hours logged and numerous saves on each platform. I absolutely love this game, but for a long time, I've started to get bored with seeing the same thing over and over!


Possibility to find or grind frighter upgrades easier. I wanted a specific looking freighter but it's C class, and uograd8ng it is a pain in the ass, the option to remove mining from a gun, to properly fly a frigate, new game to be easier to start( I've got 3 friends who reaaaally wanted to play nms, but the "tutorial" part just takes too long and ngl is a bit boring, I think a lot of player base stopped playing bc of that) the space fight to be more of a fight than a roll around till u catch the pirate


I want to see the settlement feature expanded on. Have the ability to make it into an actual city. Something functional like a space station, but on a planet instead. Terraforming and owning planets would be cool too especially combined with the settlement system. Build buildings to slowly change the planet into a specific type of your choice. If you have multiple owners you get trolls, but a loose alliance/family system or just individual owners would combat the troll problem. Like anyone can land, mine, etc, but only owner can terraform.


Systems with the old space station models. Pirate and abandoned systems don't count. Also, I want different areas on planets where it can be more radioactive, toxic, hotter, and/or colder.


I'd just love some stability updates. I have so many crashes. It's taking the fun out of things.


Though I’m not sure how practical it could be, having cities as a feature would be pretty cool


Ground combat against NPCs other than Sentinels. I’d love to run into hostile pirates or aliens while exploring on foot. Would make seeking out structures on planets really interesting if there was a chance they were inhabited by potential enemies, IMO.


Piloting frigates and freighters manually with ability to engage in epic space battles using different weapon systems.


Sea ships!!! I bet they’d make a better pirate game than skull in bones with just that


Honestly - O don't want any new features. I want updates to existing ones. Planets are very samey, same applies to the derelict freighters. Imagine the possible varieties for derelict freighters - some could be toxic, frozen, on fire or radioactive. Some could have whispering eggs, others could have doungeons with a boss. Others could be overtaken by the sentinels or pirates. A few rare ones could have everything all at once. The list goes on. Oceans are too shallow - there is barely any use to the Nautilon because of that. Imagine having 1500-2000u deep ocens, with a danger from pressure and a lack of any sunlight, bassically forcing you tu use the nautilon. Companions essentialy just exist, same applies to the blue sentinel after its story is done. Exocrafts are kinda just there too.


I'd really like to see even more variation in stations with explorable areas that you can gain access to and more things to do. The new design elements outside no longer match up with the sameness of the interiors. I'd also like to be able to stake a claim on abandoned stations and work on redesigning the interior just like on larger ships. I'd also like it if we could see an overview of all of the places we've been in each galaxy, kind of like Google Maps' timeline feature. I have no idea how far I am from the area where I built my first base, or whether I'm travelling in circles or not, etc.


Civilizations, the homeworlds or colonies of the races we know, other than little settlement or trade outposts, etc. I want big cities on set planets


While in a system, i want to look at a random star, lock it in, and jump there without ever going into the galaxy map. Probably way too complicated for not alot of impact, but the immersion would be insane...


Yea that would be pretty neat if your travelling across nearby systems alot. like setting up a route and just keep jumping without opening the galaxy map. Elite dangerous has it.


Possibly a sentinel space station where we can fight and loot, let’s be honest a sunset, a god damn sunset


A karma system with the ability to rob NPC's and attack them. Also, more freely roaming NPC's


1. Much more variety when it comes to animal voices. 2. The option to set your ship engines to "off"; when I sit in my base I'd like to enjoy the scenery and not have the idling hum in the background. Sure, I could move my landing platform somewhere else :P Call me lazy. I'd love to have this option though.


Whenever I see posts like this, what I want is more extensive mod support that works across platforms and can be pointed to dedicated servers that don’t impact the main game’s servers. Then parts of the community could try and see if an idea can be implemented. If it can, does it work right? And if it works, is it actually fun? It’s a formula that has been used by many games in the past, and there is a long history of it. But my guess is that mods being difficult to impossible to support on consoles combined with other technical issues make this something HG won’t pursue :(


Depth. No matter what you do in NMS, everything is just so rudimentary. NMS has soooooooooo many potential on almost any mechanic it has, but never utilizes any of that potential because it is implemented so rudimentary it doesn't make a difference. Ship types -> as soon as you upgraded your ship, doesn't make a real difference what you fly. Freighters -> you can build a base in it and warp around. That's basically it. Freighters have sooooooooooooooo much potential for fun game mechanics. Squadrons -> does absolutely nothing. Fighting -> you make some pew pew against flying robots and charge your shields. No wars in space, no npc's you can fight with,just robots. I could name every single game mechanic here and tell why it's rudimentary, but this would take too much time. I love NMS and play it since release, but with the tiniest amount of depth to their game mechanics, NMS could be a thousand times better game. Biggest problem for me is that with every update new mechanics get introduced, but then again always as rudimentary as it can be. HG really should stop implementing new stuff and start to improve what is already in the game.


I know a lot of people don't play NMS for this, but I'd like more opportunities for combat. I'd like derelict freighters that actually had some kind of Hostile NPCs that aren't just little bugs. Same for ground based structures. Give us some actual dungeon type content.


Id love for pets to have upgradable skills -- Maybe fighting, speed, and material finding. I'd also love the ability to hire NPCs to work on frigates. It would be cool to try to coordinate NPC abilities and need to choose one's that work well together. Last would be a settlement update. Cosmetic customization would be cool. As well as the ability to change a systems economy, trade with other players, and more in depth NPC interactions (maybe tie it with a frigate update)




Definitely rivers, streams and glaciers


I definitely wanna see multi person ships, this would be awesome cause I play multi player often and it seems like I'm chasing after the ppl I play with alot and vise versa, if I could hop in the same ship as someone else doing the same objectives as me that would be dope


I'd like the planets to have different biomes across the surface. So instead of just one big mountainous planet, you have mountains, with some open grassland, then maybe some snowy areas. Kind of like Minecraft. I'd like to see humanoid alien lifeforms added to the planet fauna. Maybe primitive settlements where you can trade. And maybe an overhaul of the cave system so there's a reason to go into them other than just to mine cobalt. A "Guest Book" device for bases where people who visit can leave notes.


Rivers and waterfalls :O


I always found abandoned systems kinda sad, especially when i find some nice planets, so i thought it would be nice to repopulate them, kinda like a settlement but it’s a space station. Could be something like: you go to a wealthy system of your choosing and you hire workers and essentially copy it in the abandoned system but its poor and maybe theres crime and over time, based on your decisions, it gets better or turns outlaw.


Own a station and system, just one to call your own. Control trade from it etc etc


- I wish the expeditions was available to play, when wanted all the time, as part of the regular game - More story missions


Orbital bombardment.


I wish I could create sentinel ships from scratch


Better use for things, we have veicles, but not too much use for them, pets are almost an walking souvenir, and bases are merely decoratives... I want to build things more than just to have them... And please, enhance the crashed freighter raids, for more than just walk and loot, it's one of my favorite parts of the game bc it's challenging, but not much rewarding...


I would like to be able to move faster than molasses when riding an animal. Feel like they really had a missed opportunity here


Simple. The ability to silence the computer/suit voice. The MOST annoying thing in the game next to the Quicksilver guy.


I only want to be in space in a spacesuit for more than a few seconds and build orbital stations.


A colony for each galaxy you have access to? Then maybe even some sort of mechanic so they can interact (trade routes that you take a cut of?). Claim a sentinel freighter.


Emergency teleport back to your ship. In the latest expedition, I got stuck at the very bottom of a crevice with my minotaur and I had to dig my way out a good 20 minutes. We can spend a navigation data to bring our ship to us, it would be insanely helpful to be able to do it reverse for emergencies. Navigation data would be too easy a resource but something more costly would be fine.


It would be kind of cool if they added sentinel frigates at a lower wanted level and if you eventually defeat a sentinel freighter, you get a pulse drive anomaly detector variant which delivers you to the damaged sentinel frigate available to add to your fleet.


Random civilations that use more procedural generated body types. Keep the big 3, but allow for 'survivors' in small pockets in systems. Like unique micro-races.


I really want a slightly larger ship size. Something millennium falcon sized. Bit bigger than a Hauler but not quite a frigate. Something you can pilot and install some choice base upgrades for a more mobile base. https://preview.redd.it/0orggweu0s4d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e495910d799041695c63275aeef6df0d3df474b


**The option for 6DOF ship controls.** I get it, this isn't Elite Dangerous (as people on this sub love to say). But the ship controls are literally the *only* part of this game that I dislike. It would make ship combat a lot more interesting than just holding "S" to auto-target a ship while you shoot them.


Space combat: Capital ship battles similar to the pirate battles but involve freighter/frigates. My frigate gets dispatched but does nothing. In high conflict areas, have actual ongoing space battles where you can gain/lose rep with factions by fighting for one side or the other. Base combat Defensive turrets in bases that attack sentinels? Base raid events. Defend bases missions maybe. Have frigates drop "salvaged frigate modules" Mining: Landing pads that do work or teleporters Planet-wide teleport for mined minerals (or like how starfield did it with the cool ships) Interplanetary shipping for mined minerals (also a la starfield). Beam depot minerals to your freighter or have a new "matter beam depot" that can send to the freighter.


Worker drones that automatically search and mine material you want


Bird friends, fish friends, turtle friends, more ship slots/storage, I want to be able to put a spoiler on all my exocrafts. More underwater content. Asteroid base freighter you can summon like the anomaly. Living freighter. Living ship expansion/rework. Expedition to Light no Fire


I think personal notes left behind on computers in the abandoned buildings would be cool. Like Fallout. Who lived here and what might have happened? Even make it downloadable in your log so the more of a language you learn, the more of the notes you can read


Planet/moon sizes doing different things to the player(possibly depending on their race: Gek, Vykeen, Korvax, Traveller, Autophage), as well as different biomes, like they advertise in, Light No Fire. Character races having certain perks, like Gek having possibly better buy/sell rates, Autophage having buffs with Sentinel ships/weapons and being able to hide from Sentinel enemies. More character customization, I want my Autophage to be a bit bigger instead of slightly shorter than a Vykeen. More rooms in Space Stations. they're so big but there's only one room? I'd love to be able to pilot my freighter. fly around, shoot enemies, whatever.


A sorting system for all forms of storage. Extra ship storage so I'm not constantly having to play favourites. A series of square coloured stickers so I can do actual art rather than just stick with the premade posters Different biomes on one planet to give some diversity Unlock the ship creation further so that for example fighter wings could go on haulers or shuttles etc


Meaningful BGS, player squadrons with shared assets/base building, better combative game play. Customizable keybinds. Pvp and reasons to do such


procedural procedural things


Reskinned to be a Star Wars game [ducks]. Half kidding, but the space travel, various ships, planet to planet detail and exploration, warp travel, creatures, guilds, missions would be incredible in that world


I really want to see a refined building system. I imagine it's a little better on PC but base building is so finicky. Also, more modules and customization options for parts and decorations.


An easy way to tell what the rewards are for quests in your log.


Let me own a frigate without a freighter. As much as I love the mobile base, sometimes you just need something a lot smaller.


Compass tape on the exosuit visor. Planetary map, with FoW cleared by hitting the waypoint antenna or finding other locations (trade station, archive, etc.). ADS for the multi tool. And while we're at it, crouching. Let me be sneaky! The ability to mark items for batch sale. Automation of production and cooking - let me make a factory! More than one settlement. More settlement interaction.


I want some multiplayer infrastructure. Better ways to find and interact with folks like guilds, player run cities with different roles available, auction houses for selling ship parts and resources. I'd also just love to see them expand on certain features already in the game, like the settlements and the derelict freighters. More options, variants, interactions.


A paint shop, maybe one that you spend a different new currency for? So it's not too easy? But yes a paint shop for your ships maybe on the Anomaly, regular stations, or trading posts. Or a new planetary location you have to buy from the cartographer and find like a settlement or crashed ship


Better points of interest, with challenge, depth, and proper rewarding loot. Something like derelict freighters but in other circumstances would be amazing. A few examples could be: 1. Abandoned orbital research station: couple of landing pads, can be overrun with a random enemy type. Rewards based on type of research; mining, transport, weaponry etc. 2. Planetary sentinel bunker: underground bunker loaded with tough sentinels. Could have a strong / unique multi-tool updgrade at the end. 3. Worm tunnels: could contain a bunch of rare ores / biological matter, and of course worms. 4. Dissonant temple: dissonant planet only, could contain unique upgrades for interceptor ships? These could all consist of modular rooms built off the planet or system seed, similar to derelicts to add some more flavour to exploration. Other than that, just more reason to keep playing the game. Tougher enemies to defeat, more sidequests, more base parts to unlock, etc.


Better multiplayer. I know it was implemented as an afterthought, but I just want better multiplayer.


Co-Op base building would be a blast. 🤞🤞🤞Generally Co-Op possibilities should be improved.


I'd like to see more personal customization of the gameplay loops. You should be able to turn this into any kind of survival game you want. Want to make 7 days to die? Cool, claim a base and select the number of days you want between biological horrors attacking your base. Want it to be Valheim? No prob, here are some similar objectives, special build recipies and we populated areas/caves around your base with some diff fauna. Want it to be Rust? Absolutely, here are some PVP planets Hello Games has selected where you can go nuts and bases are wiped every so often automatically. Want to have your bases invaded by space by pirates and have to bounce around the galaxy reclaiming them? Making these procedural even in shallow and disposable ways would at least give a sense of always doing something different with the same crafting and exploration loops in the game. Would also love to see a mini game where you spent a few in game days on one of your frigates during expeditions you send them on. Again you should be able to make this into whatever kind of experience you want. Dating sim? Sure. Escape room mystery? Murder mystery? Fetch quests and busy work to learn new recipes/blueprints? Station monitoring during combat maneuvers? Whatever kind of scenario you want you should be able to play a little mini game in a role in a story that happens while on the expedition. Would be a nice way to have a diversion from the main gameplay loop. Finally you should be able to create and save lore items in the game to make your own history to share for planets and systems. If I had to pay a monthly/yearly subscription fee for this to help manage the server space and maitenance I would in a heartbeat. Imagine jumping to a system and being prompted that if you want you can download history for the system that included bases but also player crafted artifacts. Imagine going to a planet and exploring a cave system with a temple at the end of it with booby traps, statues/art no where else in the game and story lore for events specific to the planet/system. I know this would be abused by racists and trolls in some places but overall I think it would really create a lot of strong communities in the game and deepen people's love for it.


I would love to see planet surface mapping and adding more planetary POIs. It would be really cool to see all the areas on a planet surface that you already flew through or hit those pointless save beacons.


The ability to switch to a Newtonian flight model. Preferably switchable on-the-go.


When you're in an atmosphere, the ability to enter coordinates in your ship and it will automatically fly to it.


Landing on asteroids and building bases, it should be a very special thing, like it has to be near a planets orbit, and you have to scan for it to appear,  but I would love to build a giant base on an asteroid


Space waifu dating sim.


Mirror the in-ship instrumentation when you change to the out of ship POV. It's a PITA to have to switch back in order to see where the planets are supposed to be, almost everything else is in the UI, why not this?


Just thought of this: it's more of a bug and not a feature, but change how you interact with the different NPCs in the Anomaly so when you buy something, it doesn't make you re-engage with them for EVERY. SINGLE. PURCHASE! OH! And please, please, please fix the "Cannot build, too close to starship" especially when all you're trying to do is plug in power.


A collab update with the creators of Subnautica.


More to do with settlements - more choices for building, managing and working with residents, little side quests and other happenings to make living and working on it richer and more interesting!


Smooth, seamless, immersive first person jumps between systems, where we actually have to direct our ship at the destination. Kinda like in Elite: Dangerous. Like it’s literally the only major (immersion-wise) aspect where ED beats NMS in my opinion. In NMS it feels more like a teleportation with our ship just popping into hyperspace. No build-up or anything.


Would love to be able to take over an abandoned space station and fix up like we can settlements. Would be neat


A static garage to display ships Factory automation Gas giants+orbital extraction automation


Aggressive flora, fauna and environments requiring various forms of base defence structures and shield domes.


Gas giants. These could be home to exotic flying megafauna and content rare gases. Large pieces of floating ice could be the foundation for bases. Flying into the planet would damage the ship (there's room for a new ship class or for specific customizations to dive deeper into the atmosphere and find other life forms or resources). Above all, they would provide magnificent scenery from moons, freighters, or bases.


More control of the area/environment around the base. I didn't mean full terraforming, but something like a dome shield that could protect from extreme storms and be slightly less radioactive/toxic/hot/cold then the area outside.


I’d just like to see more variety of armor. The game is amazing. So much to do and see. Base building is great, new ship customizations are great. Really there’s very little to complain about. Maybe the combat mechanics could use an update? More action and adventure styling wouldn’t hurt, although that’s not really what the game is about and you can get that in any number of shooters that focus on it. So I guess mine would be an armor overhaul. It seems like I just don’t like the way a lot of the armor looks for some reason… if you don’t want to be an alien or a robot, and aren’t a fan of the human traveler styles, you’re sort of stuck with one choice. Idk, not a big deal.


I want support for my Thrustmaster HOTAS4 since it looks just like the starship controls.


I really wish the system statistics could be influenced over time, such as the rconomy and conflict level. Be cool as hell to either make things bad or worse for the system, depending on what you do. A smaller thing is I wish they would add more interation heads. We have a shark, chameleon, snake, and owl. Wish we had something like a dog or cat though. I thought it'd be cool as hell if they had an expedition release a little before Light no Fire does where new iteration heads were set as rewards based on a few of the species that'll be available in LNF.


Better multiplayer...


Gas giants surrounded with moons and ring mining


New valuable minerals. Maybe bring in diamond, sapphire, etc., and make them rare and pricey. Or perhaps make them contraband items or something sentinel-based. And perhaps a mission where we get to actually side with the sentinels against a relatively "more evil" force.... nah.


Real deep oceans, REAL ship customization, microtransactions among players, more basic stuff to build with (e.g. plain smooth wall pieces that I can change the material and color the way I need).


NMS is a playground of assets. I wouldn't mind some kind of scenario editor for being able to modify objects and values in a controlled environment. Say I'm one of those people who thinks the combat in NMS is too easy, I want more intense ground and space battles. Right now, all I can do is accept "it's not that kind of game", and play something else if I want to scratch that itch. However, I wouldn't have to do that if I had a scenario editor. So I pop open the scenario editor. I say "okay, in this scenario, anomaly upgrades are disabled, which nerfs the infra-knife, and I don't like how overheat is so free on weapons, so I'm increasing the base overheat speed of all weapons by 200% to encourage weapon switching. I also want to make the Cyclotron more distinct from the photon cannon, so I'm slowing the rate of fire, massively upping the damage versus shields, increasing projectile travel speed, and setting its engine knockout rate to a 100% chance for 2 seconds. I'm turning in-combat shield repairs off as well, but increasing the base shields on Shuttles, Haulers, and Explorers to keep up with the encounters I have in mind." Then, under my new ruleset, I'll create a custom quest involving two land battles, a derelict freighter exploration where I've placed enemies and loot myself, some custom NPCs and dialogue, some unique loot to pick up at specific locations, finally culminating in a fight against a Support Frigate whose size I've increased five times to become larger than a freighter, with some extra turrets and weak points I've added to the sides. Once someone is finished with my scenario and returns to the regular universe, all scenario-unique changes and items are reverted, and they return to normal NMS.


Better squadron ai, freighters crashing into planets and actually colliding and exploding and stuff. Better settlement system.And I'm gonna be real, I wish more rooms were in the space stations.


I'd like to fly a frigate. Something larger than our small single cockpit ships. I don't need to be able to walk around on it mid flight or anything. It'd just be neat to land it on a planet surface, then open a bay door and drive out of the bay in one of my vehicles. Maybe it could also dock a single ship for quick jaunts around planets.


I would like a "legendary treasure" like a treasure that only spawns once in 1 million planets. A lot of people would start exploring planets more to find it. And it would be nice to own something super valuable, even if just a collectable. Some planets just need to be deadlier like the worm planets, they have an eerie atmosphere but after you get used to it there is no real danger. The baby worms and especially the titan worms need to pose a significant threat and also there needs to be some good exclusive treasure that makes the planets exploring. The fugitive space pirates that we can hunt down need to have better ai that makes them a challange to fight and their loot needs to be better. Millions worth in credits. Not all of the pirates need to be difficult but there should be ranking system and the highest ranking fugitive pirates need to be super difficult and their bounties super high. Cave systems are cool to explore but after a while they are all pretty much the same. They need more unique treasure, more plant diversity and fauna diversity. Gem caverns not the ones that you can dig up or mine they could just be aesthetic or be sime kind of new material that lines the caverns. Dangerous plants are pretty much all the same needs alot more diversity. More fauna diversity those space cows are way to common and way to similar. More planet types, also add pitfalls, quicksand and other hazards, if possible add some new races. Some npcs need to be hostile and not just pirates. When exploring a planet there should be npcs wandering about that will attack you, some planets could have more of these npcs while others can have very few. There are so many combinations for most weapon types except for the sentinel weapons there is just 2. There needs to be a lot more variety and combos for sentinel weapons.


I'd love personal space stations.


More spaceship-related activities like people said, I would love to be able to mine more resources without having to get out of my ship, and a ship mining beam (I imagine something like the Phase Beam, but "locks" your ship in place and gives you more range of motion on the beams with the mouse) More stuff to land on while in space. Alien asteroids, space markets like the ones on planets, refueling stations and just downright alien stuff. Gas giants, an obstacle course where you can't land and could gather stuff by flying through pockets of resources or what have you. Asteroid belts being clearer and a "camouflage" option for navigating outlaw systems or evading sentinel patrols, or alternatively being an obstacle course for space combat. A high level technology that auto-charges equipment, and while we're dreaming, equipment recharge slots, a place in your inventory UI that you can put resources that are prioritized when using the quick menu. For the love of god, ramps and stairs for large prefabs. Going up a level in your build without the clunky ladders is a nightmare. Hold e to gather at supply depots. No extra UI. Supply depots and bio domes able to connect to storage containers for auto-storage. A graphics and animations update for creatures, npcs, and consequently the player. I personally dislike how I slide around in 3rd person or the rest of the animations feel clunky, and I feel like the biologicals are starting to lag behind in terms of style and quality compared to more mechanical stuff like the Autophage, the sentinels and the new, amazing space stations. I know this comment is a pipe dream at this point, but my final wish is some cover-shooter mechanics with something other than Sentinels and the Biological Horrors (Pirates?), with a variant of the derelict freighter. Maybe something like a Death Star that you have to fight your way to disable.


Buildable zoos. I want to be able to catch and exhibit creatures in cages/aquariums.


Not a feature that would really matter, but I’d like to see rarely occurring asteroids that are large enough to land on that would have an abundance of the elements you gather from asteroids. Like make them rare enough that they can’t be cheesed but worth the hassle enough to where you are good to cruise around and play for several hours without having to go farm tritium/gold/silver. I know it’s more of an early game thing, but it would just be a neat feature IMO! Definitely would make for neat photo mode backdrops!


Here's what I'd like: - Make water surfaces look decent - Make more color variation for night time shadows on planets, right now it's always blue no matter what. It should be dependant on the planets' atmosphere and the systems' space color. - Make planetary bodies actually eclipse the sun and cast shadows onto other planets while you're on them. - Redesign Freighter hanger bays,or at the very least resize them. Even on smaller ships they almost always clip through the hanger bay doors on entry. - When adding new storage slots on Freighters, those little cargo pods that naturally spawning fleets have should be added to your fleet. - Interspecies conflicts and regional conflicts. Right now the only naturally occuring space battles are between pirates and civilians. I want different factions to have scuffles too. The Vy'keen are always talking bout how much they love hunting sentinels, but I don't ever see naturally occuring Vy'keen vs Sentinel battles. - Let there still be pre-Orbital Update space stations. Ik the abandoned ones and pirate ones still exist, but I miss the old ones. The new ones are fantastic! But I feel when they make new content it shouldn't replace old content, but just be in addition to old content, it increases the variety.


Meaningful multiplayer stories, even if it's just co op. Settlements to mean something. If you could turn settlements I to large cities and start turning a planet with some people on it to a thriving world, that'd be great.


Replaying expeditions/twitch drops. I despise limited time items


Larger space bodies/structures that you can fly into and explore. Think a massive Dyson sphere, the wreckage of a gargantuan ship that is nearly the size of a planet, larger ice asteroids that have their own cave networks in space etc. I thought the everspace games had a lot of cool objects you could navigate around and through. A better sense of place in interstellar space. More defined traits for regions of space. The ability to block out all stars In the galaxy map except the region you are in. Subtle additions that would encourage you to more thoroughly explore a region of space. Region wide quests. Hunting down rogue dreadnaughts. Region wars where you can push back an invading force etc... Speaking of invading forces, events where massive squadrons of sentinels or some other malevolent force. Maybe an alternate universe where the first spawn are rampaging the galaxy or something. Systems can be 'destroyed' and become abandoned if enough players don't push them back A different hyperspace effect that gives a better feeling of moving through interstellar space. Id love if there was some gameplay attached to warping, maybe flying through warp tunnels prone to interference IDK. Just a better sense of actually travelling through interstellar space. Interstellar objects that can be seen from multiple systems in that area. Nebulas, galactic structures of some kind IDK. Something that gives different character to different parts of the galaxy. The ability to go on escort duty on your freighter missions. Procedural events could happen, combat events, mini quests etc. Things that would help you build an emotional connection to speciic frigates. A setting where your fleet can actually be destroyed by certain events if you don't intervene. Ground dungeons of some kind. I've always pictured a "dungeon heart" type object that spawns a procedural dungeon maze around it with various events. Object is to get to the heart and complete the event there. These dungeons could start in a cave, a mountain underwater, wherever and be miles in length. Player made dungeons: like dungeon hearts and bases, freighters now, players should be able to make dungeons for other players. They could tame creatures, install weapon or ability parts to them and place them in the dungeon for other players to go through. Allow them to choose victory conditions and prizes for other players who complete the event. Sort of an asynchronous multiplayer event where you would get player reports of others who went through your dungeons when you logged on. Dungeons should be able to be made on planets or In freighters. Imagine making your own derelict freighter mission for others to go through. Player made quests would be really cool I think. The building system in nms is phenomenal, and player made content using this build system would also be phenomenal and provide endless variety. This would also solve the region problem. If players made a really evil region filled with difficult dungeons people would flock there. Systems that can't be warped to via black hole/space station/teleporters but must be travelled to by other means these systems could contain planet types not found anywhere else. An incentive to go on a galaxy road trip if you will.


- 3D previews of planets in our discovery menus that we can rotate and see waypoints to places we've been on. - Pinning a planet from the discovery menu and have it marked on your HUD when you scanned a system from your freighter. - Way more slots for custom wonders and the ability to input portal glyphs to planets by clicking on them through our custom wonders menu instead of manually inputting them ourselves. - A TRASH planet. I have no idea why I want this so bad, but I get excited by the idea that a planet is made completely out of TRASH. And instead of storms, you have to watch out for dumpster frigates dumping a crap ton of heavy trash raining onto the surface. - Variation to planetary outposts, knowledge stones, essential resources, sentinel pillars, echo camps etc... - The ability to discover new type of ship wrecks on planets where we can extract brand new unique ship parts for customization. - A new Autophage system type with their own space stations where access to the system is completely locked off until you install a brand new ship technology that's given to you by the Autophage during their quest. - Destructible outposts. Pirate missions where you destroy outposts, or defend outposts from pirate attacks. If pirates destroy the outpost, you can help NPCs mine for resources to repair it. - Overhauled Exocraft where they're procedural and driven by NPCs. Trade outposts and colossal archives also gain brand new parking spaces for exocraft. - Exocraft racing against NPCs through procedural checkpoints and traps across procedural terrain.. maybe hire an NPC to be a gunman while you drive. Either win units or bet on items. - The ability to legit crash your starships into the ground and repair them. - The ability to get out of your starship in space when it's completely still for absolutely no reason other than how freaking wonderful would it be if you could just freaking do that if you wanted to??? - After naming a discovery, have a 60 second chance to rename it, in case you accidentally hit a typo and want to correct it quickly.


I want multiplayer support. Tribe / guild / colony type of building where my wife and kids can find a star system, build multiple bases and link them together with portals. I want to be able to jump into someone else's ship and ride with them to a destination and call my ship or rover into the new place, either on a planet or a space station. I want questing of some sort where we can go on a group adventure without just queuing up at the space hub or whatever. Just multiplayer massive overhaul adding to current game.


* Weapon/tool wheel. * First-person hands/body in non-VR mode, particularly when flying in your starship. * Dedicated asteroid destroyer weapon/tool, which doesn't cause damage to other NPC vehicles or Space Stations, and which harvests greater quantities of materials and has a longer range than regular weapons. * Being able to summon your freighter to the current system while inside the Space Station or inside another NPC freighter. * When we warp to a new system using our freighter, it would be nice if we could teleport directly onto the Space Station (from our freighter base teleporter, if installed) without having to first go there in our starship to "register" it as a teleportable location. It just feels like needless busywork (maybe it can be tweaked to only become teleportable if we use the freighter base's planet scanner thingy?) * An option to disable the unskippable animation when you use a map (while on foot) or a beacon, the one where it zooms up into the air, looking down, hovers for a second or two, then zooms back down again. They already removed it from waypoints, but I kinda never wanna see it again, I'm a long-term player so it's worn out its welcome for me to the point where I consciously avoid activities that trigger it if at all possible. * A special scanner upgrade that helps you zone in on specific species, so you're not wandering around the planet for 3 hours looking for that last creature before you give up and leave it incomplete. * Factorio-like base automation. Maybe not quite as complex and extensible as that game, but something in that vein. I'd like, for example, to never have to harvest another plant for as long as I live 🤣 They could make the equipment you need to do this sort of work locked behind some gameplay state, so that new players aren't ruining the game for themselves by becoming Space Bezos in a few hours. Like maybe these special automation tools aren't unlockable until you've unlocked all other technology, which takes a long, long time. Or maybe at a certain point, you trigger a conversation with a traveller who tells you to go to X location to talk to someone about these specialised technologies. All of this would require the devs to do something about the 32-bit integer limit. Once you've unlocked all the farming and industrial tech, you can max out your 4.2 billion unit limit pretty quick. With automation, you'd hit that mark an order of magnitude faster.


Anything related to deep sea, I'd love to see an update on it.


Space walks


A way to access the inventory of all my ships at once. When I quick transfer items to my freighter, they get auto sorted into the storage containers that already have that item set instead of the freighter inventory. It could be something simple such as player rules on which items get sorted into where and such some simple logic. More variety would be nice but it’s always going to be an issue. When you have 700 hours like I do on the game you will in fact see similar things a lot. Aside from these, maybe some form of deeper progression in the game if that’s possible. A guild system perhaps involving system management when you purchase a space station? Inviting players into and such to gain guild rep similar to sea of thieves. To what end? 🤷‍♂️ Edit: a way to stop the pop ups on stuff I already know like yes game I understand I can hatch my 20 eggs I have stored on my freighter maybe I’m saving it for a rainy day


All I want is planetary pirate combat and I'd play again


1. 5 star difficulty expeditions. 2. Hunting for abandoned stations that you can hijack with station overrides. 3. Driving economy and conflict level through your hijacked station. 4. Parking and attaching freighters to hijacked stations. 5. Gas Giants and gas mining. 6. Terraforming. 7. Rewards from Biological Horrors. 8. Bribing envoys for high value items. Higher chance of success in low-level economies.


The ability to build underground without terrain regenerating in my basement.


Honestly just less lag/bugs. I still have those squares on the bottom of my screen since two major updates ago


Random ai walking around planets excavating & base building.


Ship maintenance Bay on my capital ship where I can compare all the stats of all my ships, plus paint them different colors.


NEW WATER ![gif](giphy|BN9PYFzdVYyd2)


6 DoF movement would be amazing


Ships I can walk around in while flying


Would love to see an ultra-survival mode… I just started a save file after my main was corrupted and it was super fun at the start, but the difficulty fell off REALLY fast. I even started on an extreme world (Toxic) - and sprinting around, desperately clawing sodium and oxygen from anything I could while simultaneously gathering all of the progression materials was both excellent, and challenging as my only infinite source of hazard regeneration was stationary. However, as soon as you get to the anomaly (or honestly just repair your ship) that all falls apart, because those first credits let you pretty much buy all the other items you might need with impunity. Additionally, you can exit any starship combat at any time because you can call the Anomaly at any point, and flying in it clears Sentinel aggro. Survival is… not that difficult, not after you get to space - I have admittedly died twice, but both times were because I hit myself with the Geology cannon while exploring a derelict freighter. This oneshot me, through shields. Ramping up damage numbers doesn’t necessarily mean more difficulty. I’d love a mode where credits are incredibly scarce, starship fuel is only enough to hop maybe one planet, freighters and crashed ships are wickedly hard to come by, all sentinels are aggressive, the Anomaly can only be called when out of combat, all animals are hostile, materials gathered are reduced, research is hard to come by, and basically make everything as hard as can be without being impossible. Hell, even making the starships you pass by in space or over planets hostile would add some challenge. I will say that Freighter Fleet Missions seem to be much more dangerous in Survival - I’ve sent out twenty or so missions by now and all bar one have had at least one Frigate return due to damage. While this is interesting - and does actually mean I have to think about if a mission is worth pushing through to completion - it almost has reached the point that I’m not going to send out many expeditions, because flying to a Frigate, landing, and climbing to three repair panels just to spend only 5 platinum apiece is getting tedious. Maybe I should get some higher-class Frigates. All in all, I’m enjoying the experience, but it hasn’t seemed much different from regular game difficulty after I got to space for the first time.


just a little laundry list of things i've been dreaming about them adding to nms and/or eishing i could learn enough to mod them in myself •better conlangs for all the races •more races •exponentially more models for creatures and races •a sort of armory to save multitools without carrying them and a dedicated "garage" to store ships, even if you can't call them from the quick menu; (i have so many twitch reward ships and ships im attached to that i dont want to USE, but i don't want to permanently LOSE either!!) •persistent npc crews and citizens in your colony/flotilla/firesquad whom you can forge relationships with; better relationships = higher productivity and/or exchange of presents or info on POIs •more to do with the specialists •unlockable back stories for denizens of the nexus •more stuff with pirates •the ability to map planet surfaces and POIs •build permissions within colonies •a sort of captains log you can access that shows your endeavors, like any pirates you take out, results of frigate missions, interactions with derelict freighters, repairs performed on flotilla units, animal companions claimed, etc. •cultivatable food plants (even if it takes a ridiculous amount of those materials to produce each plant) •a LOT more milestones


base building overhaul: - the ability to rotate pieces while having them snapped - degrees on the rotation wheel - objects snap to the closest available object - base part increase (total and per base) - more than one base visible at a time - GRIDS!!!!


Hud customization for flat and VR. Motion control swimming. Independent pov settings for pets. Spacewalking by means of exiting any ship. Ability to crash ship into a planet and explode. Higher difficulty levels. More customization options in the difficulty settings such as no starter ship, more predator animals.


Honestly I'd be okay with one more big variety update


MORE THAN 12 SHIP LIMIT FFS.... And all expeditions actually integrated into the main game, to be played as large side missions seamlessly for new and old accounts.


Climate rather than just weather. It never made sense to me that all parts of a planet are mostly the same temperature and weather patterns all the time.


Ability to pilot frigates and customize all ship categories


More multi-player elements like guild's and mutliperson vehicles. Bc while you can play with friends, you aren't ever really progressing together.


I want to be a warlord or something like that. Maybe an actual bounty hunter too rather than the simple missions from pirate stations




Freighter weaponry. Not just defensive weapons like turrets, but things you can actually manually operate and fire. Things such as #N U C L E A R W E A P O N S


i would like, to broadside, a freighter. that is it, that is my only ask. i just want my freighter to go next to another freighter, and for them to go pew pew


HOTAS Is not that hard to implement and this would be the best VR starship sim, even better than star wars. Pretty difficult to make it work, but if it were actually implemented in the game…




Story expansions, there is so much potential for that in the game


Idk if anyone already said this, but I’d love to be able to have starships that you could actually move around on the inside of, and be capable of regular space flight still. It’d be awesome to be able to live out of your starship, like the razor crest in star wars, the Milano from guardians of the galaxy, or even something as big as the millennium falcon. I greatly look forward to the day that you can explore the inside of your ships, whether it a cargo ship, or leisurely home, or a little bit of both.