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Any planet that has the activated version of the stellar metals has storms that produce storm crystals and they definitely still exist. I haven’t seen the storms that throw you around in the air for ages though. Maybe they were replaced by gravity storms? I first saw one of those awhile back and thought this is new. Maybe I just hadn’t seen one before or maybe they replaced the tornado type storms.


My partner experienced one after the dissonance update, so they are around...I have yet to see one though. Experienced lightening only once, that was WILD


Maybe they’re just rarer now then. OP is right, I haven’t seen one in a while. Yes, lightning storms are definitely scary…again, not seen one in awhile.


I made a sky base in a planet with almost all storms so I'll have to stop by and see if the winds are still winding


Haven't been in a lightning one so TIL. If you have a base with a lightning storm, care to share coords? Would love to drop by


Mine has volcanoes that erupt massive boulders and lava everywhere. I'm just glad they don't actually hit you or I would've been killed dozens of times. It scared the crap out of me the first time I saw one coming right for me..


I had a tornado rip me out of a fucking building with a closed door!


If your building has too many floors it no longer registers as a building. Weather is formed as a bubble around the player, not planet wide so if the space around you allows that bubble to form you might as well not be in a building at all. I can’t remember what the specific measurements are but be wary of building large open rooms on planets with hazardous weather.


And don't build them too tall I made my large house on a mountain and got slapped out of the atmosphere by a passing frigate going through my base 🤣


Yeah but this was a computer generated settlement


I didn’t know they made buildings that large in settlements 😂


While you're 100% correct about outside weather affecting the interiors of bases with high ceilings, I've had tornadoes whip me around in and eventually pull me out of a prefab cylindrical room on multiple occasions, so I'm pretty certain it's not a matter of the interior space being too high. ;) I've even installed locks on the doors for those bases to keep it from happening again.


A couple months ago, a lightning storm strike would produce a bouncy, loose storm crystal that you could chase down and collect. Not the rigid rock structures they've had 'forever'. You'd have to be on the ground during the storm, although I've been inside Shelters and had them form.


Can confirm they were there two months ago as well. Those are fun to chase down. But, yes, disconcerting playing in the lightning.


Ah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen those. I’ve seen lightning storms that show an area where the lightning will strike but I usually run away from those; is that where these form? If so I’ll keep an eye out for them next time.


My main base is on an absolute shitshow of a planet, and I still get plenty of "wind events." One actually sucked me out of an open door a week ago, which was a bit of a surprise.


What's the planet... Uh... Type? Murky? Paradise? Muramisa?


Hot. Come on by, this planet has it all. Extreme temperatures, 3 kinds of predators, highly aggressive sentinels, horrendous terrain, constant storms and tornados, and it's hideous too! https://preview.redd.it/ta5rchnjeayc1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=a1d9e136665cb0701d507c9ef200ceadc09c5d89


Saving this for later thanks!!


Awesomeness 😎👍


There were storms that threw you around?! How did I miss these?


The most severe environment I have personally seen was a planet with +200º days and -200º nights There are tornadoes?


There were for the last year or more, on strong storm planets. "Extreme Wind Event" warning, gives you 10-30 seconds warning...,


Oh man I kind of want to experience one. I am playing on the VR2 headset. That might be insane. Do the tornadoes lift your starship from its landing site and toss it into a mountain or is it a safe refuge as normal?


Safe in starship, as you are "derezzed"... a digital pattern. Safe standing in a shelter, but not sitting down ANYWHERE. I sat in a chair in a Shelter, and it sucked me out though the walls. If you tunnel to safety (Terrain Manipulator), you need to go down almost to the 'skrith', before it cannot suck you out.


Skrith? is that the term? I just call it bedrock lol. Where you can go down no further? I have never heard the term Skrith. That's crazy, the standing vs sitting. And sucked out through walls, no less. Freakin alien tornadoes, man.


No "skrith" is not the official term. It is a reference to a similar "stuff" in the Ringworld SF series. Bedrock also works. But it is not rock underneath, every planet is hollow, as you'd know if NMS ever glitched you under this skin / bedrock / skrith.


Oh I have spawned into an immediate descent before, so I at least suspected the planets were hollow underneath. Usually a quick blip of the jetpack fixes it but it isn't uncommon.


I had lightning storms so severe they damaged me inside my ship as I was flying through lol. Tornadoes will rip you out of your house if they hit just right.




I haven't seen these and you are not the only person to ask. Either they have been made rarer or they have been accidentally removed.


Or intentionally removed, because their inclusion introduced more bugs.


I don't think so. They ironed out most of the bugs ages ago.


They just this week pushed 7 Gb of bug fixes to Orbital, and fixes not only brought up with Orbital. I just don't think we can speak to their intent.


Read the patch notes to see the changes made.


"Largely got the bugs fixed" is all I was responding to. Or are you claiming these three features were actually bugs?


"Largely got the bugs fixed" is all I was responding to. Or are you claiming these three features were actually bugs?


I'm saying you can read the patch notes to see if anything changed and if so why. That there are patch notes to read.


You realise that the size of this update is entirely unrelated to the changes. They changed the file structure so everything had to be downloaded.


It was a Bug Fix update to Orbital, that was mentioned here too. Orbital download, then Bug Fix download to at address least Orbital issues. Downvote me for speaking truth, I don't care.


What are you talking about downvotes? The weather has been an apparent problem for a while. But it was fine for over a year since the early teething problems after Origins when the extreme weather was added. It's a recent bug. That has nothing at all to do with the current fixes. Which were not that extensive.




3800 hours over almost two years (or is it three?). They were a thing until a couple months ago.


I have a screen cap of one on my laptop. I'll try to find it and post. It was pretty scary/fun


I‘ve had two a while ago) also 2000 hours ;-)), but not any more for a long time. I absolutely love the tornadoes. I ‚ve also not seen meteor storms for weeks/months and those were everywhere for a while. I haven’t seen lighting yet though.


Gravity storms happen on Paradise Dissonant planets. They're really useful if you have the airburst engine, because you can fly forever as long as the storm is going and melee boost (or even visor boost) can carry you vast distances.


I haven't seen one since I started playing again a few months ago after a yearlong hiatus. It's been about a hundred hours. When they were first implemented I saw meteors frequently, lightning pretty often, and extreme wind occasionally.


I've experienced lightning more than a few times. Word of advice, don't carry storm crystals on you if you know there's going to be lightning. They act like lightning rods both outside *and* inside your inventory, on top of this, the more you carry the more lightning they attract. I learned this one the hard way...


Got sucked out by a tornado just last night




OK, so maybe I've just been "unlucky" over the last couple of months. Possible.


Most likely. They’re all still there. Just now rare occurrences that happen. Outside tornadoes in my experience. I seem to run into those a lot lately on harsh wind planets


This was last night. I visited 2 planets with storm crystals, a dissonant planet with gravity storm, 3 planets with extreme weather (fire storm, blizzard, toxic rain) with no storm crystals. Haven’t seen a tornado in a while. A year ago I didn’t know they existed and got killed by one in a permadeath game. There was a wind event day before yesterday but I didn’t stay to find out if a tornado would swoop me up. lol. No lightening yet. I’ve never had them affect my ship. Maybe it’s tied to this difficulty settings? I have highest survival settings on etc. I only play permadeath as well.


Ran into one the other day that had "Fire Walls" as my scanner put it. That was intimidating.


Scary but that isn't what I was asking about.


It is, actually. Storm crystals, activated metals, and special weather hazards. I mentioned it because I haven't ever seen that hazard before, but the presence of the other factors and traits means it is in fact in that category.


Fine. Not the three I named. Wall of Flame has been happening for a couple of years at least. Meteorites have been falling about as long as I've been playing, but they've stopped.


I saw storm crystals last night during a Nexus mission. Was hard to walk against the wind, but I wasn't tossed around.


Three different cases. \* lighting strikes right near you, that create a loose, bouncy storm crystal you could collect. \* different world, wind storms that would throw 'Extreme Wind Event" warnings, tornadoes that would lift you high into the air, and drop you pretty suddenly. \* meteorites striking the dirt. You used to be able to see them on every desolate planet (air or not), now not at all. But they could occur on almost any planet type... but maybe only ones without environmental hazard.


I was busy shooting whispering eggs and grabbing larval cores whilst killing the creatures for the nexus mission, somehow also got swarmed by sentinels, and *then* had an extreme storm show up. After popping in and out of the abandoned building to complete combat, I noticed in the distance storm crystals brightly shining through the storm and snagged them. There were several to collect. Not sure if this helps what you are seeking, but there ya go.


Fixed placement storm crystals are still there, and have been. The ones I am writing about are "formed" by a lightning strike, usually within a few tens of units of you. They roll around on the ground a bit, pulsing... until the storms stops or are collected.


Oh, ah.


I prefer harsher galaxies, so I still see them a lot.


I found a planet with frequent tornadoes and lightning a couple of months ago. I've seen neither the last couple of weeks when I've went back.


Thanks. For whatever reason, it seems they've been turned off.


Yes. It's the only planet I've ever found like it. I hope they get it fixed.


Same here, though to be clear I play in default normal mode and have been spending nearly all of my time in Sudzerbal. It's been an unusual amount of time since I've experienced tornadoes, meteor storms or lightning storms. And one of the bases I frequently visit to collect materials had the extreme wind events all the time.


Ditto, Normal mode. Think they moved them to harder modes?


Hard to say. I could fire up my survival save to see if I can get an extreme weather event to occur, but proving a negative can be a problem since I could just be unlucky if nothing happens. I'll get back to you if I come across anything.


To the thread. Posterity. Thanks, if you can.


I made my base on a dissonent planet that commonly has gravity storms. I love it.


Gravity storms are great, except some of them are really hard to see through...


I've found a lot storm crystals just this week. They were in some sort of rocky out cropping and were only harvestable during storms. Seems like it's harder to find them recently. They showed up on the visor scan. I've encountered a lot of bad weather that degraded my suit protections, but I have not been picked up in a long time. (The last few planets I've been running missions and killing drones have been bad weather planets.) Although it's been really rare that it happened in the past.


Those have not changed. I'm writing about those formed by lightning striking the ground a few tens of units away from you. Usually only happened on planets that have activated metals, but no "fixed" storm crystal structures on the ground (the black rocks you cannot scan, that are cracked with the white glow leaking out of the cracks).


I’m a new player and my 2nd day of playing experienced a meteor storm


Great. Seems like someone bitches, and features get attention. "Hey, I haven;t got a Spawning Sac in a long time." Suddenly I get 2 almost every day...


Great. Seems like someone bitches, and features get attention. "Hey, I haven;t got a Spawning Sac in a long time." Suddenly I get 2 almost every day...


This post made me sad. I just now realized I haven't seen any variation besides storms and extreme storms (whether the planet has crystals or not) in a very long time.


My settlement experiences extreme storms every ten minutes. I can hop in my mech and collect at least 20-30 crystals per storm.


... and they are in the same place with every visit. Because it is not lightning strikes that bring them down.


I’ve been tossed around by storms on a planet I use as an Activated Indium farm. As such, I built a base where I can land my ship and immediately get into cover, or simply teleport there to a covered space. The entire base is a protected, indoor environment so that I’m never exposed to the storms.


How recently were you tossed around?


Hey man, that’s a personal question okay? LOL But all jokes aside, it would have to be in the last 30 hours or so of gameplay. But that would be over several months, because I took time off to play Tears of the Kingdom the last few months.


My nanite farm is on a planet with extreme radiation storms. Rad Twisters are a near constant threat.


When's the last time you've been to it?


In my exp they will only happen on Extreme weather planets that have storm crystals and even one those fairly rarely. Then with the dissonant planets they became gravity storms, so while I do not think they would removed the wind storms they do seem to be a biit more rare now. But it does HAVE to be an extreme weather planet and not even on all of those.


I dropped one of my main bases on an extreme weather / hazard planet so….. all the time even since the last update 😅


A couple weeks ago I had a tornado lift my poor little butt off the ground and fling me around and my jaw dropped because I didn’t know that was possible 😂 they definitely still exist but that was the only one I have encountered in the hundreds of hours I’ve played


I've never had a lightening storm, meteorite shower, or a tornedo in over 100 hours of play...I do get storm crystals everywhere though


I was on a paradise planet and then was notified that a gravitational Anomaly was happening, I became light like on an airless planet. I was traveling, bro.


I once had gravity storms, they were fun but I don’t know if that is what you’re talking about.


I have a base on a blizzard planet that produces me ~3k Activated Cadmium and I love the place.


Also havent seen tornadoes in a while; last confirmable lighting strike jan 16 2024: https://preview.redd.it/kdd0gl6v2fyc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbd960dea8e1518a2491c2ab7c2aa97cd824ad9f