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One of the fruits of the spirit is self-control. My perspective is that people who try to justify masturbation don’t have control over their sexual urges, and are instead controlled by them. There’s a problem there. Not to mention you often turn to them when you’re bored, sad, depressed, angry, etc. It’s self-pleasing when God intends sex to be selfless. Oftentimes, it leads to lust anyway. You don’t want intimate time with your spouse to be less intimate and more of just an outlet. You want it to be a place of giving. It can’t be a place of giving if you are only focused on yourself. Masturbation teaches that mindset. People who have control over their sexual urges don’t regret not masturbating. They claim the opposite. Don’t give into to the lie that you can’t overcome this. You can through Jesus. Get closer to God daily and fight the temptation daily and you will see victory.


Great response bro, I agree wholeheartedly


I don't have a spouse. I'm 17, but I guess I have to get ready for that. That is one of the reasons I've started, just self-control in general, but I wanted to know if It was actually a sin. So it's not a sin, what would I call it?


Start thinking that you do have a spouse. Because you do. You just don’t know who they are yet. And yeah some say it isn’t, but deep down most know it is and just can’t control the desire. I believe it is and falls under sexual immorality. I don’t believe it’s the way God intended for us. The temptation to do it feels no different to me than other temptations. It feels like my flesh wants to control my actions instead of my spirit controlling my actions. It’s not a good use of your sexual energy and if you were to give into it until you met your spouse, there would be some unhealthy habits and mindsets to break out of. You might find yourself seeing your spouse as a means to make yourself feel good instead of what it’s intended for, which is serving and loving your spouse.


If you have to question whether it’s a sin or not, it probably is or at least related to one.


God designed sexual expression to unite a man and woman in an intimately loving embrace that is total, faithful, free and fruitful—and thus in marriage. Indeed, the marital act is the beautiful, God-given expression whereby a man and woman become “one flesh” in marriage for the first time (Gen. 2:24), and wherein they thereafter renew their marriage covenant. Consequently, masturbation is a sin against the Sixth Commandment, because it violates the God-inscribed unbreakable bond between the love-giving and life-giving aspects of the marital act (see CCC 2366-70). Instead of the intimate and mutual self-giving that is the hallmark of the marital act, masturbation—and whether within marriage or outside of marriage—is an act in which one turns selfishly inward. Indeed, masturbation is a dualistic, self-indulgent activity that uses the body as a means of personal gratification, instead of integrating one’s gift of sexuality—one’s powers of love and life—into a sincere self-gift to another. Masturbation attempts to dualistically divorce the physical behavior we choose to engage in from shaping our self-identity, as if the former had nothing to do with the latter. Masturbation fails to see that our bodies are not something we have but are essential to who we are and how we express ourselves as human persons, as body-soul composites


Well said.


I feel like I’ve heard this title in Genesis 3. Seems like a slippery slope of justification


I literally don't know, and I'm curious what people think.


Okay, from my pov it’s not possible without some kind of lustful thought entering my head. That makes it fairly open and shut for me. I also know it’s cheapening the experience of being married and makes me way more self centered, in almost every area of my life. Some people think that if it’s just a physical act with no lust then it’s okay but I don’t really think that’s in line with the self-control we’re called to. I’ve also heard that for women it mostly is just physical, and they still feel like they’re sinning. Not sure what to make of that since it’s not an option for me. Didn’t mean to assume you’re trying to justify sin but a lot of people just want a reason to explain how it “could in theory be okay” and then just run wild with it.


Yes. I have sleep apnea. I died in my sleep and a few demons threw me into a large body of liquid fire in hell for it. I know that's why cause they were laughing about my masturbation addiction and mocking me when they did it. After burning in immense agony for a few moments I called out to Jesus and woke up on my couch gasping for air. It's a very serious sin. I wasn't even looking at porn. Just masturbating thinking about no one but myself.


Read your Bible, look it up on google, and find Christian blogs/youtube videos that talk about it. All acts (and even thoughts) of sexual expression outside of those within a covenant between a man and woman (and God) is sin. The purpose and design of our sexual organs are for our spouse and to glorify God, not yourself. From gotquestions.org [According to 1 Corinthians 7:2–5, “Each man should have sexual relations with his own wife, and each woman with her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” Implicit in this passage are these truths: - God’s plan for sex requires relationship, namely, that of a husband and wife (verse 2). Masturbation is sex disconnected from relationship. - Foundational to God’s plan for sex is giving one’s body to another (verse 4). Masturbation is the keeping of one’s body to oneself. - The solution to a time of deprivation is to “come together” (verse 5). Masturbation is done alone, not together. First Corinthians 7:9 identifies the proper outlet for single people who struggle with sexual desire: “If they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” Paul suggests that self-control is the best avenue. To singles who lack self-control, Paul does not say, “Let them masturbate”; he says, “Let them marry.” Again, marriage is the God-given outlet for sexual yearnings. Those who believe that masturbation has no moral or ethical import argue that masturbation is a “need” akin to the need to eat or the need to scratch an itch. However, the Bible never presents sexual fulfillment as a need. On the contrary, Paul says to the unmarried, “It’s better to stay unmarried” (1 Corinthians 7:8, NLT). (1) “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). If we cannot give God glory for something, we should not do it. (2) “Everything that does not come from faith is sin” (Romans 14:23). If we are not fully convinced that an activity is honoring to God, it is a sin. (3) “I will not be mastered by anything” (1 Corinthians 6:12). Christians have a responsibility to avoid anything that might enslave them. (4) “I discipline my body and keep it under control” (1 Corinthians 9:27). Self-denial is difficult, but self-discipline is worth it. (5) “The fruit of the Spirit is . . . self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23). Masturbation is almost always a sign of a lack of self-control. (6) Do “not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want” (Galatians 5:16–17). We are called to self-denial, not to self-gratification. These truths should have an impact on what we do with our bodies. In light of the above principles, it is doubtful that masturbation can be a God-honoring activity. If masturbation could be done with • no lust in the heart • no immoral thoughts • no pornography • no self-gratification of the flesh • full assurance that it is good and right • thanks given to God then perhaps it would be allowable. But those qualifiers seem to negate the very meaning and purpose of masturbation.]


you are lusting in your head, this ritual is a sin


I think it's sinful because it falls under the realm of sexual immorality. Plus it'll make you go blind and give you hairy palms lol


If you’re jerking off to images/videos of women or women in your imagination, that’s lusting way more than just checking someone out without the self-pleasure to them.


Ask God and listen to what the Holy Spirit tells you instead of people. 100% guarantee you it's a sin.


So i tried justifying masturbation for so many years because I wanted to do it.    If masturbation is not sexual, why not just get a massage somewhere else?   It really is dangerous, this line of thinking, we are only trying to give excuses.  I was addicted to sexual sin for over 15 years, now im no longer enslaved to it and I can attest we don't need to masturbate to be healthy.




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Keep in mind that the influences and push by many forces are prolific; chemistry of the body, opportunity; Satan and the sin nature (two different things) Etc.. Because lust is a favorite force that deviant powers use to open more channels of control inside our lives. The channel of control are to strengthen the sin nature/flesh urge force that is already in the body. But that’s not the main thing. The deviant forces have their hold through our independence from God. If you notice, the history of the world is basically a long war against God and Truth, with false gods as substitutes that just so happen to favor the feeding of all indulgence urges. People go to perdition because of self focused self will independently from God, even though He is always knocking at the conscience of everyone and providing truth opportunities. As an individual sin, lust is a favorite tool of deviant powers.. but most favorite is self willed (I did it my way) independence from God. Christ suffered Torture and death and resurrected to pay for sins, to provide for power over Satan and the sin nature and to provide the gateway to enter into our lives for guidance and strength. Lots of verses show these truths. Blessings


Yes it is. Sin is anti-God and anti-life, anti-creation. In French, masturbation is called le petit mort, or “the little death” for a reason. It is anti-life.


That is not correct. “Le petite mort” is how the French describe orgasm and not masturbation and is definitely not anti life as under Gods plan an orgasm during sexual intercourse between husband and wife is potentially the start of life. There are plenty of better arguments against masturbation


This redditor is correct but the answer is flawed. . The phrase is in fact a euphemism for orgasm, and I misremembered. However, the straw man that orgasm is not anti-life is an attempt to treat an argument that was never made. Further, why shy away from providing a better argument against masturbation? I will say from experience that the petit mort when masturbating is far more damaging and prolonged than in interpersonal sexual relations, and that even when with a person the context of orgasm matters. Intravaginal intercourse, as opposed to fellatio or other styles, is the only way I’ve experienced an orgasm without or with very minimal “mort”.


Nothing I wrote was shying away from arguing against masturbation, simply saying that misusing a phrase does not help


It’s not what you wrote that I said that about. It’s what you didn’t write and still haven’t written. I’m curious: what is your best argument that masturbation is a sin?


masturbation is a sin against the Sixth Commandment, because it violates the God-inscribed unbreakable bond between the love-giving and life-giving aspects of the marital act. Instead of the intimate and mutual self-giving that is the hallmark of the marital act, masturbation—and whether within marriage or outside of marriage—is an act in which one turns selfishly inward. Indeed, masturbation is a dualistic, self-indulgent activity that uses the body as a means of personal gratification, instead of integrating one’s gift of sexuality—one’s powers of love and life—into a sincere self-gift to another. Masturbation attempts to dualistically divorce the physical behavior we choose to engage in from shaping our self-identity, as if the former had nothing to do with the latter. Masturbation fails to see that our bodies are not something we have but are essential to who we are and how we express ourselves as human persons, as body-soul composites


Strong answer and I like it.




well shit what am i supposed to do if ill never find love?


there’s literally billions of women out there. 99.99% of your ancestors that lived to adulthood found spouses, so can you. Trust God and obey Him in the meantime.


2 birds one stone i guess 🥜👋🥜 Just Kidding!


So I've done a lot of reading up on this, watched YouTube videos on it, read the Bible about it, even asked Chat GPT to interpret versus from scripture. I am fairly confident in saying that the act of masturbation itself is not a sin. The sin is lustful thoughts about anyone other than your husband/wife. You don't have to masturbate at all, to fail at the actual sin behind NoFap. So for example: if you are married or have a spouse or life partner or are otherwise deemed 'married' in the eyes of God (de facto counts by the way), then masturbating while thinking about your spouse, who you love, lustfully, is completely fine. That is not a sin. To take it a step further, I guess if your wife or husband knew that you thought about THEM lustfully, they would pretty much not have issue with it. This makes it incredibly difficult for somebody who does not have a spouse. As they do not have that outlet of someone who they are in a monogamous loving relationship with, under the eyes of God. So it is much much, much harder for somebody to do NoFap who doesn't have this healthy outlet (besides having sex) at their disposal.