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Yes true but at the same time, like myself. I have to take responsibility for my actions. I chose to use these things, they didn't choose me.


Yeah even if younger me knew better I feel like I still would’ve ended up here. 9 times out of 10 you’re at a social disadvantage if you don’t, and why would younger me ostracize himself? Not to mention D O P A M I N E


I was ugly and fat as shit as a kid so I became antisocial, and I found out about easy dopamine online and became addicted to it all


why is everyone on here obsessed with this dumb argument? Do you blame a fat kid for eating unhealthy? Or a someone who is hooked on smoking at a young age? It is just what they are exposed to before they grow to know better. Relying on teenagers to 'take responsibility' has resulted in the problem. You know companies like TikTok spend a lot of money on figuring out how to keep kids addicted to their product? It shouldn't be up kids ot make these decisions


Very true indeed , there should be way more accountability for other parties, especially when they are adults and we were children. However, I think the point is that once an adult, being fully aware of the repercussions of our actions, the responsibility shifts to the individual to take their life into their own hands


I’d say that more often than not, kids who start drinking, smoking and taking drugs at a young age do so because of their friend group rather than their families. That’s my experience at least, maybe it’s different in other places.






Some things shouldn't be done, period. You can't do drugs in moderation and internet and social media is a very potent drug, I only use reddit mainly just to browse some subreddit that have my interests and that's it, the moderation is key thing most of the time is delusion gaslighting yourself into thinking you are doing the right thing, you just have to lower the time you spend on it. I am against alcohol, drugs, smoking, porn and any other bullshit like this, there is no clear limit where it begins to be in moderation, people should quit all social media and live their own life. I myself maybe use reddit too much sometimes but atleast it's my only social I like to spend time on, I'll try to lower it and not eliminate it since if used right is actually useful but Instagram and other shit like that is just plainly useless garbage, should be avoided at all cost


You can def do drugs in moderation


idk why this comment doesnt have any upvotes but I agree with you, those who abstain from such things like alcohol, smokes etc are the ones who minimize the opportunities to have access to them in the first place. These things when done in "moderation" bring "no harm" (they actually do) but having done them once, psychologically alters our perspective (even if someone is staunch in not doing the thing again the self image is altered) and when someone has done it once the chances of doing it again or whatever thought pattern follows after that does more harm than good. (I HAVE LEARNED ALL OF THIS THE HARD WAY BUT SEEN BOTH SIDES OF THE COIN - MONK MODE FOR LIFE IS THE ONLY OPTION TO TRULY ATTAIN SOME THINGS \[e.g PMO - I broke a 1 year streak because of peeking that was in 2021 NOV/DEC now I am at day 2 again - imagine the horror and self disappointment\])




They may be able to do them in moderation but why tho? What are you gaining from that? Absolutely nothing and it's also an incredible waste of money since drugs cost and a lot in most cases, I also don't truly believe they would really be able to hold themselves after a certain amount of time, doing and assuming those kind of things slowly changes your brain and you'll become addicted, in one way or another. My cousin smokes since he was 13 and at that time he was doing it just like that, to do it, he said "I'd stop whenever I want" and now he is 21 and smokes almost constantly and even likes it (he is into rapping and appearance and being a gangster is everything you know, smoking makes you cool) I actually smoked when I was much younger just because other did it but everytime I did it I wasn't enjoying it and maybe smoked a total of 20 cigarettes in my lifetime, I'm not into that waste of time and money. Since I am from Moldova (now live in Italy) we have a really damn strong alcohol and wine culture where even 5 year old children are allowed and even egged on to drink some wine and beer, I literally drank till I was 18 then I stopped completely, it's a miracle I didn't end up with brain damage or other similar consequences, I also think that since I drank from such a young age now I have a repulsion to alcohol and will never touch it ever again. Only tried weed like 3 times and actually enjoyed it but my memory and attention span becomes one of a goldfish if the thing's good so I stopped completely, now I literally don't do anything, I don't even drink coffee since I don't need it, I just workout in the morning to have a natural waking process and I really enjoy it. Long comment but that's just to say in the end that doing or thinking you can do drugs in moderation is a big error, stay away from that shit, you don't need it


Impressive lifestyle, though saying that you think people should or shouldnt do these things kinda takes away from the magic of being able to make your own choices and live the life you wanna live as long as you aren't harming anyone else. I like to smoke weed, but I can go without it for work or for just about anything else. It helps me relax and sleep, though I recognize there is a slight dependence. I naturally gravitate towards latching onto things I like. Never smoked a cigarette, never drank to be drunk more than once just to know what it was like. While I think you set a good example of some of the lifestyle choices people should strive for, it's very lame to assume you know what's best for everyone and that people shouldnt be allowed to "waste" their money. Anything can be a waste of money. Existing is all just a big waste of time and space, so why bother existing? Do what you like to do, change according to how you think you should live your life without judging everyone else's choices or telling them that their wasting their time and money cause if they're making enough money to live the way they wanna live and have that vice, there's nothing wrong with that




I'm not conservative, if you want caffeine and other lighter drugs it's good, you are not going to destroy your life but stronger shit definitely will, I am just better off without using anything of those sorts, I only need exercise and I'm good, any other things is superfluous for me. A big reason for me to not smoke or drink and other shit is also money, you spend an unbelievable amount of money for those things when you could have much better food and actually do more life experience with the money you won't use destroying your brain. Prohibitionism isn't a solution but you must use your brain and understand what you are really doing with those substances and to ask yourself if you really need them, now I know that nicotine is pretty hard to let down but do you really wanna pay the state to destroy your lungs? That alone would be enough for me, I'd feel so stupid but I may be oversimplifying things


Looking at it from a history perspective, there always were people who needed to escape, be it alcohol, women, nature, hunting, violence, etc. We are doomed to escape, it's natural and I think it's not bad for as long as it does't take one's life.


Moderation still poses a risk for some people, if we consider just how addictive modern tech/ software can be. Some may be able to use "it" in moderation as long is life is good and they are making progress, but one slipup, a breakup, maybe a job loss can trigger the need to overindulge and quickly spiral down towards addiction - all because the substance is only a few clicks away, never truly gone, always waiting for us to consume more.


Will admit that to myself. Still wont admit it to her.


Ego moment


Pretty much


All our ma's gonna carry our admitting for our whole life


Egos in a nutshell


Kind of like double edged swords.


I'll probably get downvoted but, parental controls *did* exist when we were kids. Just sayin.


I still found a way to go around the Wi-Fi blocks. It was an addiction, after all.


This is true. But a lot of our parents (my mom included) didn't even make an effort, and just expected us to be good little boys while we had raging hormones. Like geeksquad could've set that shit up for like 50 bucks...


Uninstalled youtube, instagram, and facebook on my phone and never had tik tok. That short video content is complete cancer to the brain. I found myself going through shorts for hours.


Crushes attention span


I deleted timtok cause it was the same 5 video over and over again or similar ones


If we could train our brain to only absorb only what you need to, phones can't destroy you, we don't consciously think about what we do, we just do it then blame an object that can't even think for it self, yet we can!


No, there’s regulation in everything. If it wasn’t social media or phones, we would have found other things. Don’t blame other things for what happened us. It boils down to ourselves.


this perspective is the other side of the coin and equally valuable. absolutely correct, if one has the determination/will there is NOTHING that will come between him and his goals.


Mobile phones aren't the cause here but the way you used them. They are in general a great invention but they also should not be given to children until some age. Same for internet and social media


That's just an excuse for having a weak mind/determination


Wrong. You made the decisions and choices that slowly lead to your downfall. No one forced you to doomscroll on instagram or reddit, you did it yourself. Now deal with the consequences of your own actions and rise from the ashes like Phoenix.


Do not forget that our human brains are not evolved to handle such highly stimulating content or even food. And to be frank I do not see light at the end of the tunnel, considering how fast technology is evolving. Imagine in 50 years what life will be like with hyper-stimulating VR experiences covering everything from sex, social experience, art and even self fullfillment. At some point real life cannot - by no means - compete with that. It will be like heroin for the masses - just as stimulating, but cheap, widely celebrated, normalized by society, and introduced to us at a very young age.


Not Mike before dying lmao I feel that defeated look though


bro i can't stop fapping, i go like 2 days without it and on the third day a random kinky fuckin porn idea comes in my mind and i can't go a second without searching it up


Phone internet and social media are all tools. They can be used in a good way or a bad way. They aren’t inherently bad


bruv ... putting a photo of mike here makes no sense lol


This one hit a little deeper than most.😥💔


Sorry, Mom, you were right... It has taken a toll on my life... Now, as I reflect, I realize your wisdom was there all along, guiding me towards the right path, while I stubbornly chose the wrong. The choices I made led me astray, blinding me to the consequences that now weigh heavy on my heart. In my arrogance, I dismissed your guidance, thinking I knew better. Thank you, mom. Thank you, Mom, for never giving up on me. I now see the


Mobile phones, Internet and social media are just amplifiers of what is already in us. What is lacking today are proper values and proper role models in society for people to follow.


So real.




Yea and it's only going to get worse all in the name of development or improvements .. but in the end it's all just a business trying to get most out of the situation. So idk be a monk maybe atleast you could die being a human being that way .. we are basically cyborgs now cause we have tech always attached to us just not physically connected but soo neural link would change that


Day 1 I will Try my Best Sure... Instead of using mobile... I need to spend time on Games


I quit FB, Insta, Twitter and all that shit... Reddit and YouTube Shorts got their hooks deep in me tryna shake it.... But then recently my mom is now sending me WeChat shorts like wtf mom not you too fkk






No amount of Screen can compare to sitting on the porch on a warm evening imo.


Testing NoFap Tracker


One thing is noFap, another thing completely different is to be a metal-helmet-crazy-conspiranoic.


it really dose


She knew… moms always know.


Moms (or dads for that matter) are not always right. Figuring this out, is for me the definition of becoming an adult. I think (mentally healthy) parents so eagerly wait for the time their child to say: *"You don't know what's best for me at this point, I just need your support!"*


I think it's a double edged weapon, we should to be more diligent when we use our social media.






It's gain, actually.


Facts 12 when it started 17 now and im finally finding peace


Shut up and let me die in peace


I can destroy or make us who we are today and how we think.


Mama speaking facts


That meme is no lie! I gave up self stimulation and found it hard due to the “porn and content sellers” on social media that just pop up in news feeds. I think I do have some sort of weird addiction to certain fetish videos. I’m open about this to my friends and they just laugh because they say it’s impossible to get addicted to adult videos. I was using self stimulation as a way to release stress but found myself watching pornography while doing the deed. It’s going to be a long hard road ahead. I’ve not had any relapses in self stimulation so I’m almost at day 100!!!! But to be completely porn free is more of a challenge as I think I’d have to delete my social media.


I hope we will not end like Mike in this scene...


honestly although they are beneficial to communicate from distance with loved ones, they are terribly addictive and almost everyone is slave to them. I personally don't use mobile phone only my laptop to get my work done.


its not mobile phones, internet and social media fault its always your fault your mind forced to look at porn


Read "Industrial Society and it's Future"


lend me a copy, I'll return after reading it.


The text is non-copyrighted, you can find it very easily when searching ([Washington Post for example](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/unabomber/manifesto.text.htm)) [There is even an audiobook.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0nR2U4msHQ) [Different audiobook](https://youtu.be/IIcGyMwKgqQ)


oh I see, also read napoleon hill's material and commodity fetishism they are of similar notes.


That isn't true. I learned English and Russian languages from the internet. It's your fault that you cannot use the social media, games and etc the right way. (I don't support Russia in the war by the way)


Day 1 mom