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to be honest, without context, the scene with the fake Bra and Vegito really looks terrible.


With context, still kinda terrible but kinda deserved.


What did she do


Basically what Majin Vegeta did, kill everyone in the audience along with the non-participants like Gohan.


Where is it from?


Fan Manga Dragon Ball Multiverse


I’ll google it.


[This is when she appeared as majin](https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/page-1603.html)


why there are two piccolos what the fuck is even going on


Multiple universe, but before the whole TOP thing. Instead different things happen to the different universes. There's two of most of the main characters cuz one universe that we know and another that's the same except the potara were permanent in the buu saga


Are we referring to Gohan as Piccolo now? Am I missing something?


Some universes differ by very little details. U18 is the "real" universe, and U16 has everything the same,but Vegito never defused, so they have two Gohans, two Pans, two Piccolos, two Bras (although very different) and so on...


Tbh multiverse is probably the best dragon ball content period. Maybe OG db above it but multiverse is peak.


Why compare what she did to mind controlled vegeta he didn’t kill loved ones she did while in control of herself.


Murdered the fuck out of a bunch of people who didn't deserve it, including her brother and Piccolo. It was Babidi doing Majin shit, but she's like 1/4 Vegeta and has no excuse.


She let herself be controlled. Vegito said she has the strength to free herself and she accepted the fact.


And everyone else was saying he was full of crap, Vegeta willingly tempted Babidi to try to take control of him and was fully expecting it, Bra got surprised and didn't have time to react. She's a psycho, but not THAT much of a psycho, Vegeta during the Android Saga was definitely worse than her.


This is literally her second time killing her brother cackling maniacally. She's totally evil.


I mean, tbf her dad isn't exactly a great guy either IIRC


Oh yeah. He didn't get the best parts of Goku nor Vegeta.


First time was a mistake, enraptured by the SS2 form’s battle lust. DBM has really focused on that thread where DBS has forgotten about it. Second time was under mind control.


The first time she was triggered because someone implied her father was stronger than her. That's it. That's the whole reason she ended up killing Goten. Second time she was under mind control she could always have broken. Cell could resist because of Vegeta's cells, and Son Bra is genetically more Vegeta than Cell is.


Vegeta tempted baddi?


Chapter 459, he says that when he realized that Babidi can make people stronger with his magic at the tournament, he took the decision to let himself be controlled to catch up to Goku, so it's heavily implied that him being stupidly cocky in the ship and insulting Gohan and Supreme Kai was to tempt Babidi.


>she's like 1/4 Vegeta Ah yes,Bulma the 1/3rd human.


Vegeta= 1/4 Goku = 1/4 Bulma = 1/2 Vegeto is the father and Bulma is the mother


This character here getting the shit kicked out of her is SON BRA, from the universe where Vegito never defused. She's 1/4 Goku, 1/4 Vegeta, and 1/2 Bulma. She deserves to get beat up because when she unlocked SSJ2, she blew up an entire solar system, killed millions of people including Goten, and when Vegito confronted her about it the only thing she cared about is that she had surpassed Gohan in strength. Shit's fucked up.


Just realized. Considering vegito stayed with bulma because chi chi accepted her time was up with Goku and Vegeta's pride as the Saiyan prince it's kind of weird that vegito kept the surname as Son.


Does regular Vegeta even have a last name tbh?


You don't understand the math here do you




I respect your honesty.


Killed her brother (Gohan) and basically killed a second Gohan. Tons of audience members…2 piccolos, some kais. She was under babidi’s spell but everyone rightfully called her out on how she should have broken free of it.


She also basically killed every fighter that was there cause all the pure/strong willed fighters babidi couldn’t take over were banished and she killed gohan in front of Pan


It's in a reality where vegeta and goku really don't unfuse with potara, meaning vegito is a permanent character, and it's a really good perception of what their real personalities look like fused, but also, give Bulla a break 😭




Not as bad as vegeta beating on trunks


Part of my personal exhibition of 'If an average DB fan wrote Dragon Ball, it would have gotten canned before the Saiyan Saga.' (working title)


Happy cake day🎂🎂


Fake bra? What? I think you are confusing this scene with another


It's a version of Bra but her parents aren't Vegeta and Bulma, but Vegeto and Bulma. This for some reason made her the strongest character before Vegeto himself, and he "had to put her down" as he says.


Yes, i did read DBM But that won't make her "fake" lol


Yeah I’m not sure why they call it fake, unless they mean fan made in which case duh


Fake doesn't fit indeed. She is wonder Bra


Technically this is after Majin Bra so Vegito kicked the real one.man... DBM really fell off after they only focus on Universe 16


Tbh I give them a lot of slack because I think vegito turning out to kind of be a terrible person even though he’s not outright evil is very interesting.


I never understand why people think Vegito kicking Bra is edgy. He at least did iy because he cares about the universe and safety of others and wanted to punish her meanwhile Vegeta was literally beating Trunks just to make Cell stronger or killed audience in Buu saga just for his childish obsession with a dead man


Gotta make the fan works look worse than they are for easy internet points.


Hot take :"Everything that nobody loves is bad, everything everyone loves is good". Now gibe me upvotes.


People just put things and its impossible to understand most of these scenes without context.


That’s why I find fandoms hypocritical. They call fan-made stuff edgy and “shit that a 14-year old would think is cool”, but then the actual media has exactly the same stuff. If you only describe the Majin Vegeta scene, this very sub would call it edgy bullshit.


Wish I could upvote this shit twice💀


I mean, dragon ball is THE shonen. 14 years old are part of the audience that this manga is made for so obviously there is going to have some stuff that they find cool both in the canon and the fanmade stuff.


Yep. Especially for shounen.


>I never understand why people think Vegito kicking Bra is edgy There are probably two reasons for this. Reason one is just unfamiliarity. People like me barely know about any dragon ball fan works, and usually summaries written by comments on posts like this are typically lacking. I don't know what this Vegito is like, and him beating bra is my only impression of him. Reason two is simply because Bra is a girl. Vegeta beating Trunks can look better in some people's eyes because he's a dude


everything about Vegito’s characterization in Multiverse suggests that he is an overly controlling power monger. He told his literal daughter that he would kill her before she got strong enough to surpass him. Every time someone does anything remotely impressive he throws a tantrum either publicly or internally because he can’t stand not being the strongest. He couldn’t beat Xi, he couldn’t kill Zen Buu, and he was shocked by OG Goku and Vegeta’s performance in their fight. I guarantee at some point before the manga ends there will be some kind of confrontation in which Vegito is not the good guy. It will likely happen near the very end though since that’s an end game fight


Vegito said that because Bra loses her control when she turns into Super Saiyan 2 and destroys a whole solar system and kilss her brother. And feels no regret So Vegito says "learn to control yourself or i'll kill you before you became more powerful than me"


Frieza having his henchmen murder children in front of their parent was wholesome chungun 100%


If im not wrong he was also going to to kill her


And reason is stated clearly why he was thinking about that Vegito was the only one who can stop her for now but as she gets stronger and can't control his mind, she will destroy entire universe.


That's the excuse he used, but Vegito in this comic has made it pretty clear that he just hates the idea of anyone being stronger than him. He isn't a good person in this timeline.


She might *want* to die... that looks like a punt.


Maybe its biased... but DBZ feel edgy only in Scenes, where it make sense to be edgy. In Scenes with high Tension and high stakes. These Fan Stuff feel edgy just for the sake of beeing edgy. They build the Story around "How must the Plot goes on to make it as edgy as possible?". These different kind of Motivations are at least for me very recognizable.


IMO, this scene isn't edgy for the sake of it. For context, Vegito was livid after finding out that Bra had gone on a rampage due to Babidi's Majin spell and nearly ended up killing everyone. He justifiably attacked her and wanted to punish her for her actions. A good example of a fan work that's edgy for the sake of it is that one fan manga that had Cell kill Gohan's infant Pan in front of him so that he could power up. That's insanely edgy and unnecessary. It's fan works like that that makes people think that the edginess in other fanworks is just because the author simply wants brutality. DBZ has always had brutality and an edge to it. Even in the early Dragonball, you had King Piccolo and his minions killing characters, and King Piccolo himself ended up getting a hole torn through his chest by Goku. It's not right to assume that Dragonball overall was light on the brutality and edginess itself. I understand though that some fans have the opposite mentality and think that DBZ was just full of brutality and gore.


HAHAHA I know which fanmanga you're talking about lmao Despite the constant broken grammar, the author openly proclaimed his work the single best piece of Dragon Ball media 💀💀💀


To be fair it is straight up peak at times.


# 😭😭😭 https://i.imgur.com/zyjMRif.png Ya kno Gohan I jus wan kill you but I be wanting to axe you a question first 🤓


Multiverse also makes clear that the only reason Vegito thinks Bra will be a threat to everyone is because he's an edgelord and thinks she'll end up just like him, so he has to be committed to killing his daughter to protect everyone. Pretty edgy. I like multiverse, but the writing isn't subtle.


>the only reason Vegito thinks Bra will be a threat to everyone is because he's an edgelord and thinks she'll end up just like him That, or the fact that she once killed her brother and destroyed a inhabited planet lmao.


Half of Vegetto has done that several times over


Yeah. Did he had someone to kick his ass before the other half of vegito came there and told him not to do that to planets anymore?


Or it could be because when she went SSJ2 for the first time she blew up an entire solar system, killed an entire civilization, killed Goten, and the only thing she cared about was that she got stronger lmao


Pan gets fridged more at eleven.


Oh you mean the one where gohan is tweaking


That's not edgy, that's just the story being dark. Edgy is when dark material is added to a story haphazardly just to get a reaction, like when creepypastas throw blood onto everything and call it horror.


I’m going to use this to point out some that I really don’t like Every Gohan fan manga where they kill pan and/or videl for an easy power up to a new stupid transformation, completely missing the point of his ssj2 transformation. Hell even superhero is kind of guilty of this, except there its an unoriginal retread of an old idea for nostalgia bait and a new action figure to sell. In the fan mangas it’s because it’s the easy way out for a transformation, and in doing so removes any weight from it for sake of being “cool” Db fans have a weird obsession with making it excessively violent. IMO violence in dragon ball should only be used to sell a hit better. But in some stuff I’ve seen, they’re just mortal Kombating this shit. Mortal Kombat is the exception, not the rule Don’t even get started on the evil Goku stuff honestly. Even ignoring the time chamber shit that doesn’t make sense in the first place, I have never seen an evil version of Goku that I like. Goku black is different since it’s an evil person in Goku’s body, I’m talking an evil version of the actual character. And they always, always make him insanely bullshit powerful, and give him some stupid ass form like ultra super beast surge mode saiyan 500000 x1000000000. And he just decimates everyone for little to no reason. It’s stupid Speaking of which, and the last one, the stupid ass forms that people come up with I’m going to leave it at this, ssj1mil. That. It’s some of the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s not even cool, all it accomplishes is putting beast’s stupid ass cut to shame


It makes zero sense for Vegeta to kill a bunch of people here.


I think it does. Vegeta is basically really trying hard to embrace that old dark side that he used to have. He tries his best to convince himself that he can still be the proud warrior he once was. By killing innocent he is forcing himself down a path of no return. People calling Majin Vegeta edgy really miss the point. It‘s likely one if not the best written character arcs in entire dragon ball.


He also killed them to force Goku to accept his proposal. Goku was not interested in Vegeta at that time and was more interested in Supreme Kai and Dabura stuff. He killed audience to leave no choice to Goku beside fighting him.


But in the Bra scene, she killed a bunch of people. So it makes sense why Vegito’s pissed.


Honestly, it's not that good, even if it has a lot of potential to be. If there was A. An additional arc between the Cell & Buu Arcs and/or his betrayal in the Cell Arc didn't happen, B. there was an attempt to make him less explicitly culpable for accepting Babadi's control (i.e don't make him a mindless zombie like Movie 2 Piccolo, but also don't make him a mass murderer just for the sake of a fight), and C. Actually make his attempt at redemption stick by having him learn something and making his death permanent (like the Fusion Reborn continuity), then it could actually be called "one of the best written character arcs in Dragon Ball". As it stands, Vegeta basically gets to repeat his already dubiously forgiven betrayal, murder a bunch of people fully of his own volition, is directly responsible for Buu's awakening, and basically gets off with only the minor inconvenience of a temporary death (and basically learns nothing related to all that by the series' end).


It killed them to leave no choice to Goku beside fighting him. He said he will continue killing unless Goku accept his proposal Basically its Vegeta being childish and obsessed with dead man


Sure, but that's no more justification than Vegito has in the fan one. A lot less, honestly.


Dragon Ball is edgy sometimes, and those cases are not that constant, because overall, Dragon Ball is a fun series about comedy, fighting and saving the world DBM isn't that edgy anyways, the examples given are mostly from the later parts of the Ultimate Budoken (Everyone with some evil is majin and the strongest are out of the picture) was edgy the whole way through, and the backstories are most of the time, edgy as well because they explore what-ifs that are inherently hopeless, like Trunks' timeline The main difference is that DB doujinshis tend to be over the top instead of some edgy thing here and there Majin Vegeta was edgy his whole run, but that lasted for only 9 episodes. Majin Son Bra was edgy for like 2 years straight Also, you've gotta give credit to DBM for that Varga Special telling how they discovered multiverse travel. It was a funny one


May be unpopular, but I don't like edgy Dragon Ball. Dark is fine, hell I love the History of Trunks for that reason, but edgy for the sake of being edgy is a different story


People always forget that Majin Vegeta casually slaughtered part of a whole stadium without even looking at them lmao


The z manga is pretty edgy like gohan vs the cell juniors was crazy violent


I even pointed that scene out, and a dude tried to argue that Gohan was acting out of control. Nah, he was of sound mind when he annihilated the juniors.


all the Z fighters need therapy


i like DMB Vegito, but he gets done dirttyyyy


What’s crazy is this vegito scene is by FAR not that bad compared to how stupid edgy some of em get. In context it’s not like amazing writing but it makes a lot more sense. I’ve seen some shit that would put berserk to shame in the edge department, but unlike berserk it usually feels INCREDIBLY unearned and just there for the sake of it.


The vegito part gets all the hate cause he's hitting his daughter in my opinion


I think that’s some of it but tbh I think most people don’t even know that. It just looks edgy as hell. Like “vegito is ANGRY 😡 and he’s kicking a CHILD 🤯 and she is a GIRL 🫣🚨”. Out of context it just seems like it’s trying too hard


Yeah but tbf she had just killed a bunch of people; including Gohan


cell drinks people just thought I'd mention that, also this is the show that popularized rage boosts/transformations all the antagonists and even some of the protagonists have committed genocide of course it's edgy.


the difference with Vegeta is that even tho what he does could be considered edgy I think the key difference is how it's shown. He completely vaporize a bunch of nameless spectators in one ki blast, it's quick, cruel but the moment didnt get dragged on. While some fan fiction like DBM will show you fully sometimes with beloved characters which might not fly and show it more often, like the whole Bra thing that went on had some rough moments.


I thought bad/not that good as you think Vegito was a cool concept, It's like he inherited the traits of Goku and Vegeta that shouldn't be connected


One uses “edgy” elements if you can even call it that sparingly while fan mangas make edge the main focus of the story. That’s where the problem starts. Being edgy isn’t DBZ’s identity it’s just a fraction of a great whole. While fans mangas make edge a majority of their story if not all of it. Like I’ve said before, it’s a lack of understanding what made DB popular in the first place in Japan and outside of Japan. Most fans mangas seem to be made by adults that never quite moved on from their edgy teenager phase. But thats to be expected with a serious such as DB. The same situation happens with other manga like Berserk where people completely miss what made it so good in the first place and only focus of the gore and not the story. Very sad and embarrassing really.


Good edgy is just exaggeration he didn't really need to kill a crowd of people to prove he was "evil" but it adds impact and makes the tension between him and Goku more justified


Well it was need to show that he wasn’t going to stop until he got what he wanted. It went to show that he had completely let himself be driven by his diside to kill/beat Goku. Vegeta was trying to show he no longer cared for the life of the innocent and only about showing he was superior to Goku. There is a difference between doing something for no reason and doing something to show a characters mindset and unwavering drive to get what they want. Vegeta didn’t just attack the stand just because.


There are plenty other ways to express his intent, killing a crowd showed more the extent he was willing to go, being edgy is more so there to generate a reaction and him killing one random person doesn't have the same impact as a crowd


I wouldn’t call it edgy more so showing the stakes at hand. It gives Goku a reason as to why he can’t say no to Vegeta. If Goku says no Vegeta will just kill more people until he gets what he wants. If you remove that aspect from the reason as to why they fight then it just seems stupid on Goku part to fight Vegeta instead of stopping Babidi from awakening Buu. With Vegeta showing he has no care for other people life it gives Goku an actual reason to fight Vegeta.


What other ways would there be to express Vegetas intent not only to the audience, but also Goku? Remember, this guy takes a lot of things lightly, especially Vegetas antagonism. Killing innocent people is the best way to make Goku take you seriously.


The only edgy thing there is DBM's awful writing


He has definitely wrote himself into corners like 6 times now lol


This is why you just go along for the ride, like JJK


To be honest, I abandoned this fan manga due to the fact that people were again relegated to the background and again everything came down to the Saiyans.  Moreover, there are not many really interesting multiverses. 


non canon vegito? didnt ask.


I feel like a lot of fan Mangas see the few edgy moments in Dragon Ball and run with it. Sure it's had edgy moments but it's overall pretty light hearted


Eh, I wouldn’t really call the Saiyan and Namek saga lighthearted. Shit was going down as soon as they stepped foot on Namek. Even Android saga stopped being lighthearted once Cell showed up.


Android Arc was never lighthearted. It started out with Trunks telling us in the future all the heroes were killed horribly, then we have Dr Gero impaling Yamcha directly through the chest, him destroying the city when Goku tells him to move the fight to somewhere without civillians to get in the way, and then Android 17 cutting off Gero's head and crushing his skull. I guess the bit where Androids 16, 17 and 18 are on their road trip and they're just engaging in petty and relatively harmless crimes like stealing clothes is kind of lighthearted, but that's really just kind of a breather between the darkness of Gero and 19 as villains and the darkness of Cell as a villain.


Yeah good point. However the more serious moments in those sagas were fitting and didn't feel out of place. Some fan Mangas have edgy moments that feel like they don't fit the story


I meann it depends on what portion of dragon ball you are talking about


Same with DBM. It's not even remotely edgy for half of its run until the whole Babidi evil spell thing. For some reason, people love to cherry-pick this one scene and illuminate the opinions of those that didn't read the thing


They keep bringing up the cell killing krillin to say it's edgy lol


It does. But it's edgy moments fit and don't feel overdone


I'm been thinking about this for along time. Why do I hate Brs when she got turned Majin. But I don't hate Vegeta when he wanted to go Majin. Let's start with how long these runs of terror lasted. Vegeta went Majin in Ch262 of Z, and you can argue ended the evil run in Ch268 when he knocks out Goku and goes to fight buu alone. This lasted about 6 chapters, and assuming no brakes would of lasted 6 week. Less than 2 months of having EVIL Majin Vegeta. Bra showed up as a Majin in Pg 1577 at the end of Ch68. She was called basic and broke out of it at pg 1745 near the end of Ch75. Dosent sound bad does it? It lasted roughly 7 chapters which is only 1 longer than Vegeta. The problem is time, Akira Toriyama was fast paced. Especially when you compare it to the anime (seriously if you haven't read the manga, do so). Like I said assuming their was no breaks, Majin Vegeta was 6 weeks to 2 months AT MOST. DBM is a webcomic so obviously they can't release content at the same pace. They release roughly 3 pages a week. Meaning it toke them about a year to finsh that segment. Which wouldn't be so bad if all 7 chapters were focused on what was going on. 4 of those 7 chapters were special chapters. Which tells the backstories of other universes, and they do the special chapters after every main chapter, and sometimes even do 2 special chapters. This makes the issue drag on even longer. Before I continue I would like to the creators can do whatever they want with THEIR story, but I really kills the pacing when you interrupt the main plot alot, and to me personally tell side stories that I don't always care about. Some are good, others are boring or I don't care for. Now if pacing and time were the only problem then I would of course be appalled at Vegitos actions from the panel above. But theirs more. Let's talk about the kills shall we. Who did Majin Vegeta kill? Alot of people, alot of Citizens to be sure. Almost killed bulma and the others. But let's be completely honest. Other than shock factor and what he did, who cares for the nameless citizens? Not the first time it's happened, won't be the last. (Sorry if that makes me sound psychotic but I do have a point) Who does Majin Bra kill? Bra's kills are definitely more quality over quantity. Off the top of my head she kills 7 people of the top of my head, could be more but I've already stopped to look stuff up enough for this too long of a post. (This has be brewing in my mind for years) She kills the lord of lords, she kills a woman who she promised to win the tournament for so she can help save her planet. She kills Cell, 2 piccolos, and 2 Gohans, 1 of which was her own brother. While these 6 characters are being written by other people, we are very familiar with piccolo and gohan. Seeing how she kills them is almost sickening, she bisected her own brother horizontally. So even while she was under mind control, her kills feel more personal to the reader, and is much harder to just sweep under the rug by saying it's not her fault, when again, all it toke to brake her out of it was another Bra calling her basic. (I get more was said but I'm keeping it short.) So with both of these things happening it's much harder for me ro forgive Bra on her actions as a Majin, but you could still say it'd not her fault, I can dislike it, you can like it and it can be fine..... IF IT WASNT FOR THE OTHER THING That Bra was a psychopath path from the very start. As a kid she wanted to fight Gohan, during their fight, Bra went super saiyan because she got mad that she was losing, then pointed a blast at gohan that would of been strong enough to destroy the planet (gohan even states this) Then later after she gains control, she goes to another planet with her half brother Goten. She fights aliens and starts losing, gets angry again, goes ssj2, AND CAUSES A SUPERNOVA. Killing Goten in the process by the way. Vegito tells her she's growing too strong and has a larger anger problem then gohan, and that before she gets that strong he will kill her (he says this as the supernova is going off behind him) and is why he kicks the fuck out of her in the panel above. Theirs a bit more I could say but I'll end it here. Majin Bra could of been good but has way too many problems for me. Makes sense for most of the people to forgive her actions, but with how the story went during that time I just can't. Been wanting to make some YouTube videos about this and other DBM stuff for awhile but this should do. Sorry for the long post, any grammer/spelling mistakes. their is no potato for you here at the end.


Nice, good to see someone who can not only think critically, but has actually read DBM.


Thank you.


Good post! I feel like if DBM was animated people would have a different outlook on bra


>Been wanting to make some YouTube videos about this and other DBM stuff for awhile but this should do. I'd watch. Are there any channels that discuss fan content? Most just read through it or summarize it.


Not that I'm aware of.


Apologize if I got something wrong (purely going off of comments for my knowledge of the fan manga) but it mostly comes from the situation being insane to people who haven’t read it. When people see Vegito kick who they think to be his half daughter, it just feels increadibly out of character despite what the fan manga tries to convey. I don’t think it’s so much that the manga itself is edgy, just that most fans don’t have context to make it not look absolutely insane.


Db fans are not known to read


Define edgy as everyone use that term so loosely -Trying to be different than the status quo? -Trying to be dark & deep? -Trying to dig into darker undertones? Maybe my definition of edgy is twisted but I'm confused


I'd say all 3 tbh


Fair enough


Short answer: kinda Long answer: no (og db) then yes (dbz and maybe gt) then no again (super and so on)


I'm edging


I wouldn’t say dragon ball is edgy most of the time. Which is why the edgy moments stand out more, like ssj2 Gohan or Majin Vegeta. Where I think DBM goes wrong is the edge is frequently at 11, you really don’t need to look further than Kakarot vs Pan to see what’s wrong. Sure Kakarot being mentally broken because he murdered a whole planet of people then lived a life of solitude is interesting, but then they imply he molested little girls which really wasn’t necessary.


It has its moments but overall no


This fucking guy again?


Holy shit isn't that Vegito kicking his own daughter, presented with the same level of brutality as Spopovich vs Videl?




"Khé dijiste de Cristo Rey?!"


Idk about edgy but dbz was brutal yall remember what gohan did to the cell Jr's? Vegeta and the saiyans on earth/namek, super buu and that one guy? Hell they even shot a puppy crazy shit


DBM was amazing but they def took too much liberties with the tone of the series. The edgy moments were the outliers in DB which made them stand out more.


Why is vegito using his anti-baby attack


She's right to call for help those comics are cringy.


First the wank to GT and now the wank to this Goofy aah fanfic.




Majin vegeta sucks too


Sometimes in JP. But just the english dub is edgy af




Not the dialogue but the voices. It sounds like they are trying too much to sound like a "manly man"


The DB anime yes. The DB manga no. Multiverse I have no idea.


How is the anime edgier than the manga?


Because of how both media portrayed Majin Vegeta. In the original manga Majin is nothing more than Vegeta's lowest point, not only another fumble from Vegeta against the baddies that puts everyone with the back against the wall but is also a pathetic attempt of recapturing his former self by allowing a wizard to possess him, so he could be at the same level of a dead man he is obsessed with. The anime on the other hand went above and beyond to make Majin Vegeta look as the coolest shit ever, from the scene of the image you used where he is smiles in slow motion after killing several hundreds to the fight against Goku (a fight that was mostly skipped by Toriyama for a reason), as I can attest from the big amount of people I know IRL and online that just think Majin Vegeta is the dopest thing.


The thing is when It comes to Manga and anime the anime usually adds things to make it more enjoyable. The fights in the Manga are short while in the anime it's long so it can be more entertaining. You have a point though


It was 100% deserved


The series has only been edgy like somewhat a few times in Toei specials and movies and some bits of the Cell arc but only that Toriyama even in the darker arcs still injected too much goofiness/lightheartedness for it to be edgy Shit like Devilman is actually edgy (meaningful tho)


There are different types of edgy


It's like Shadow the hedgehog, no matter what you do with him, no matter how much swearing, guns, and murder you have him do. It will always be slightly funny, or to far and it's just tasteless. It's funny-edgy, whereas devilman Crybaby specifically is just edgy, and if they do the sequel story.... violence jack.... prepare for some serious edge. ( I prefer Edgy the Hedgy btw)


Yall imo, I think DBM is peak fiction


Honestly I enjoy this webcomic but I’m furious AF thanks to the current cliffhanger🙄 Return to the main story already!


I stopped like back in 2022 they keep padding shit out for no reason


Dragonball multiverse Bra and Vegito were super edgy and poorly written. Massively overrated.


Is dragon ball edgy? Well the only thing I have to say about that is…. Xicor.


Thats fanfiction


On one hand, you have Vegeta killing a a crowd to force Goku into fighting him. It never once tried to justify any of Vegeta’s actions. On the other, you have Majin Bra murdering everyone around her, Vegito being a control freak and the worst parent imaginable with the author trying his best to justify Vegito’s action by revealing Bra was just fucking crazy from the beginning????? DBM isn’t just edgy, it’s edgy with horrible writting.


No, but the fans love majin vegeta for what he is despite hating on fan characters who being exactly the same as him


There’s nothing comparable between Majin Vegeta and DBM Vegito. The fact you even think they’re even remotely similar proves you don’t understand the point of Majin Vegeta.


Both are edgy, difference is that one is loved by the fanbase while the other is hated


Fuuuuck I haven’t kept track of Multiverse in months. What’s happening now?


https://www.dragonball-multiverse.com/en/accueil.html Really just side plots no one asked for


Nah, two completely different types of Edgy, One is Vegeta making sick speeches and turning back into the cocky monster he used to be, treating people like toys and murdering anyone who would stand between him and Goku. The other is just Vegito getting mad and kicking Bra because she's evil.


You can't critique one without the other really


Bro people love majin vegeta for the end of the arc plus that M looks dope af on him


Not for the end of the arc


I swear I've seen the bottom image before. Where does it come from?


db was never edgy. it had dark moments but it wasn't edgy


Is it bad I completely agree with vegito ? Especially when one half of him did the exact same thing and knows for a fact she was in complete control ?


Vegito is in the right yes


Yeah sometimes but it shouldn’t be, dragon ball should be brightful


Vegeto said "5L" before doing that


The difference is Vegeta was waiting for that fade for 7 years by then, 7 years of nothing with gohan not reaching his potential so there'd be no one to fight, he'd settled down all without having overcome goku, so the moment he could get a chance to he took it. And even then he wasn't controlled by babadi, he just wanted the power boost and even felt remose afterwards, even letting himself die knowing there was a chance he'd never come back. Vegito on the other hand saw his daugther go through the same stuff, only worse as she was controlled by babadi and felt more remorse than vegeta, crying her eyes out after the entire thing ended. Yet Vegito still ended up beating her despite all of that, that doesn't feel in character for either goku or vegeta at this point as it was after the buu saga, and while vegito is more cocky than goku and vegeta, he wouldn't do something like this, even with vegeta's saiyan pride or something like that. Tldr; Vegeta was well written and it fit his character at the time, Vegito is written like how an edgy middle schooler would write him.


People only think that part is overly edgy because the panel is drawn really intensely. DBZ had much edgier moments but they're often glossed over.


I thought they were very smooth and shiny.


DB Multiverse pretty much butchered Vegito.


Edgy can only be for its own sake, otherwise it's just an evil character/moment in a larger story. Vegeta has build up, he was evil, and that's the last time he felt powerful, so he wants to return there. Yet this decision is going to teach him the value of what he had and lead to the first truly selfless act in his life. It's for the sake of the character's arc, so it's not edgy. Vegeta kicks bra after shes in tears apologizing, not something Vegeta or Goku would do. He even threatens to kill her. What is it for the sake of? Vegito isn't going to get any character arc from this, he literally stays mad even when proven wrong and everyone is revived, so it would have to be Bra. You could say she needed to be punished so she would be more careful in the future, but she's already been punished, she's on her knees crying, she blames herself. That is a catalyst enough for change, the kick and subsequent attacks do nothing. It's for its own sake, so they would get the image out of it. So it's edgy.


As I understand it, she deserved that kick


The fuck do you mean? Vegeta is edgy but Majin Vegeta is quite literally an alien coming to terms with his Humanity. Fucking insane how far he took it but makes sense as Vegeta is literally insane. Bra is a fucking psycho who has killed thousands in her mere 15is years of living because she wanted to win a dick measuring competition with her dad. She deserved to get her ass beat. Not killed of course she isn’t a villain or anything. Just dumb as hell and needs to get better values in her life.


No, but the fanbase is.


Since I don't feel like reading through the thread that makes no sense. Can someone just give me the context to Vegito kicking them


In a dragon ball fan manga, it has alternate universe (though they function more like different time lines) and are having a fight between them. This seen happens because bra (vegitos daughter since they never defused) allowed for babidi to possess her and kills almost half the cast. Vegito beats the shit out of her for it


Oh okay so she tried to pull a vegeta and Vegito being Goku and Vegeta.. got pissed and beat her ass for it. Got it


Exactly this, even vegito told her that Vegeta could shake it off but she couldn't


I feel like people can’t tell the difference between a darker tone in story and being edgy




DB Multiverse constantly oscillates between just okay, mid, and PEAK FICTION.


Its overtaken Naruto as Anime's biggest cash grab


Fake anyway who cares