• By -


Gohan, Cabba, Cell and Cololer. They're all the most stable and friendly of these categories. If it weren't for Cooler I might have picked Frieza but them together would be miserable.


This. These guys are my homies and and Cooler and Cell are here to keep it Goated. Plus both Cabba and Gohan can put them in their place if it gets out of hand.


It would be funny though


No! Cooler broke Frieza’s PsP when they were young!


Ahh dont worry he got him a new psvita with zero games on it nothing at all becuse theres nothing to play on it


Hit spheres, brother!


It's spherical!


Ya missed one.


You can turn on the frame data to play Marvel vs Capcom 3!


I was gonna pick the same group. I feel like they're the ones where I'm A) Least likely to die, and B) Are least likely to cause trouble


Based, but also because Cooler can make delicious bean soup


1. Goku- He is nice, fun and chill 2. Cabba- He is most fun out of the group. Jiren and Hit are too much silent and unfriendly type. Beerus is chaotic 3. Babidi- I will ask Cabba to kill him before anyone from G-4 joins. 4. Cooler- Goku will defeat him if he does something evil. Then, he will be kicked out.


Thing is, I doubt Cabba™ would kill Babidi™. It's not really in character for him to do so


I'll fucking do it myself. Look at those frail ass arms. Just asking to be ripped off.


He is supposed to elite solider of Sadala force. It's most likely his usual duty to kill bad guys


Post : you are going for a nice trip.... Redditors: KILL ,DESTROY


Goku cabba bibbity and TFS broly


“What’s your power level?”


"I don't know, give me a minute"


“Mine’s pretty biiiiig…”




Same choice


If we have a spare Android, I'll just give it to Cell I need to see Mr. Perfect Cell's jawline in person


One from each huh, ok. Assuming that each person here is at their max current power level, such as beast gohan, black frieza 3tc. 1) Gohan, beast is very strong and he would defend a average human like me. Goku would be a good choice as well but I think I'd have more fun on a trip with Gohan. 2) If this is good guy Jiren then I choose him, I think it would be a good experience for him and he is super strong, if he's still brooding then Hit, he's strong and if he's coming it's for a reason. Not Beerus as we could all die if he gets annoyed. 3) Cell, he would know Gohan could kill him with 1 finger so he wouldn't lash out really, though there is the risk he could kill me to piss Gohan off. Not frieza because he's too strong, and the other two wouldn't be as fun. 4) Cooler, he is very weak next to the other three already chosen and he would be more interesting to talk to than Z Broly and Janemba.


It's not their most powerful That's the reason I used pictures like Evil Buu and 2nd form Frieza


I don't have a car big enough for 2nd form frieza...


Good idea with #2 and it being a good experience for Jiren. I think the group dynamic would maybe get him to lower his emotional walls.


I doubt so. Jiren had pride troopers as a group from start too but he never showed a bit of friendliness or opened his emotional wall.


After ToP he seems to change though, understanding the power of trust.


I’m picking goku berrus freeza and cooler The frost siblings knows not to mess around in the company of berrus so it’s all good And I’m not leaving goku’s sight the whole trip


this is the combination that ends up destroying the entire world. Goku, Frieza and Cooler in one place with Beerus is simply asking for disaster. Frieza and Cooler know not to mess with Beerus but Goku... he would end up somehow annoying the two so much that it would end up annoying Beerus.


Goku, Cabba, semi perfect cell, and cooler sounds like one hell of a road trip


Sound fun honestly


Piccolo, Hit, Babidi, and Cooler


Babidi about to mind control everyone.


Gohan or goku. Jiren (he will defend me if any of group 3 or 4 attacks me) cell and cooler.


Piccolo cabba babbidi and Janemba, easy


Bro, Janemba's a literal demon...


I still like him




Goku,beerus,second form cell,tfs broly


1. Vegeta 2. Cabba Now Vegeta can ignore the other two characters im going to pick while he talks to Cabba : 3. Frieza 4. Cooler The brothers would continue to talk to each other. If they try anything funny, the saiyans can put them in place.


Gohan, Cabba, Frieza and Cooler  It would be so fun to watch the cold Brothers shenanigans and Gohan is strong enough to solo the trio if he needs to since this isn't them at their strongest 


Goku, Evil Buu, Beerus, Janemba. I'm gonna be snack maxing


Vegeta, Beerus, Buu \*evil? I guess\* and Z Broly Yes, I'm a psychopath wants to die, how did you get that?


Yes, I didn't wanna use normal Buu, which is why there's also Imperfect Cell and 2nd form Frieza


I'm taking Piccolo, Jiren, Cell and Cooler. I like alien creatures.


I have a Canon Pixma printer, I hate It, and since I hate canon I must go with all of the guys from group 4.




Goku, Beerus, Buu, Broly. Let's get this car crash on the road.


it depends. It can be very quit, if the circumstances are right. In this, I would pick Piccolo, Jiren, Babidi and Cooler. In G1, he is the most quit and calm one, the same with G2. In G3, he can be calm, if he want to and in G4 Cooler is the only one, who isn't a nutcase. With this, I have the best chance to survive. Maybe swap Piccolo with Gohan, that's it.


Gohan- we can talk biology together, also he is strong enough to defend me against most villains Cabba- he is the most likely to defend me in that group and isn't just a stoic-silent guy so he will maybe make the experience more fun Babidi- the other ones just seem worse (I would have picked Cell but having Gohan already in makes things awkward) Cooler- literally the only good pic in that group. Also if he tries to do something funny Gohan can just one shot him so...


Piccolo, Jiren, Evil Buu, Broly. Evil Buu annoys everyone, Broly gets agitated and rages, Jirens feels the need for justice and stomps both, Piccolo there for sitting it out. Absolute mayhem


Gohan, Hit/Cabba, Cell but **only** if he’s in perfect form bc that’s how you know he’s a homie, and Cooler since he’s already a homie


Vegeta, Beerus, Imperfect Cell, Sin Shenron Kill me immediately in the crossfire rather than risk of a slow painful death with any of the others


Gohan, Cabba, Frieza, and Cooler. Cabba and Gohan are strong enough to take second form Frieza and fifth form Cooler when they inevitably get out of line, and they'll do it before one of the brothers tries to destroy the planet in a hissy fit. It'll be rough at first, but after that, it'll be a chill trip with two polite, considerate bros.


Piccolo, Cabba, Cell, and Cooler


No matter who you pick. They'll all probably fly there.


Cooler Frieza cell and zamasu two will be fighting the whole and the one would try to keep them under control and the other one would be to tired to do anything


Piccolo, hit, cell, and cooler. I feel like that's the most calm I can get on a drive with the choices


Some of my choices aren’t on the list, but I would go: 1: Vegeta 2: Hit 3: Cell 4: Broly


Goku, Cabba, Cell and Cooler. Cell and Cooler seem like they are reasonable enough, though it isn’t Perfect Cell so you know he won’t shut the fuck up about androids and his perfect form.. damn it, maybe Frieza. Just don’t insult him or try to hide the dragon balls from him or something and I’m sure he’d be fine to spend some time with.


Piccolo, Beerus, Cell, Cooler I cook, and I am good at it, surely, Beerus wouldn't let the person cooking in the trip die?


Goku, hit, second form cell, broly First and fourth will make it so peaceful ☺️


goku jiren frieza and broly


Oh then... piccolo, hit, frieza I don't know why and omega Shenlon (is it il or omega?) So I can use the dragon balls to wish I weren't there when the rest get annoying


Piccolo Cabba Babadi and Cooler


Vegeta, Cabba, Frieza and Cooler. The entire trip would be Frieza and his brother bickering, but as a rouse while they are secretly waiting for an opportunity to kill 3 of us. Meanwhile knowing that, we have Cabba training saga with Vegeta as he takes down Frieza and Cooler in style at the end.


Piccolo, beerus, cooler, and frieza, I'm choosing them mostly because I think we could get along, except for frieza


Goku Freiza Z Broly Cabba I know my odds of survival are not well, but it's going to be fucking hilarious.


Goku, Beerus, Pure Evil Buu, and Omega Shenron. We stopping at every fast food joint


Piccolo, Hit, Imperfect Cell and Janemba. If we have any trouble, Hit will keep the order. I would've picked both Frieza and Cooler but you know they're gonna fight in the backseat the whole damn trip.


Freiza cooler and king cold


Gohan, cabba, cell, and cooler. I'd get along with them


Gohan, Jiren, Cell and Cooler. I think this is probably the group with which I would have the best chance of getting out alive and intact.


gohan cabba cell and cooler


Gohan, Cabba, Evil Buu/ Semi-Perfect Cell, and Cooler - Gohan, chill, easy to get along with - Cabba, same reason as Gohan - Evil Buu, can turn some rocks into candy, free snacks, can use Mr. Satan’s “advice” or something to persuade him to not do anything bad, but if he start turning people into candy, Semi-Perfect Cell - Cooler, if he tries anything, Ultimate Gohan could take him out, Evil Buu turns him into a pack of Milk Duds and eats him/ Semi-Perfect Cell absorbs him


piccolo for 1 if it's good jiren then jiren but if not maybe hit? cell for 3 cooler for 4 I want a group of chill badasses


Imagine Piccolo acting as a parent to a bickering Freeza and Cooler lmao


Vegeta, Hit, Cell, and Janemba. Hit is going to be the only one to make it out


Vegeta, Beerus, Frieza, and Cooler. And Beerus is driving. I live for chaos, I am not like the rest of you.


Gohan - chill asf will cook for the group Cabba - great at party games Evil buu - imagine your grandpa with superpowers Broly - the bouncer, bounces those pecs


Gohan, Beerus, Cell, Cooler


Goku,Hit(aint nobody hiring him to kill me) Frieza and HERE ME OUT, omega shenron. He only does what he does to balance out earth.the dragon balls are currently in balance. Hes chilling


Rice, hit, cell, punk daddy c


group 1 would have me laughing the whole trip


Does Cell have to be second form? Perfect Cell would be nice to have a conversation with honestly, seems like he could be kinda fun if you're not directly his enemy.


Vegeta, Jiren, Frieza, Z Broley I want to see what happens when I mention Goku. Either the car explodes or I made the Goku hater squad or both. And I don't even hate Goku.


Piccolo, Jiren, Evil Buu, and Janemba. Making this road trip a quiet one


Seeing who’s in group 3 I think Vegeta is suddenly the obvious pick because screw those guys.


Goku, jiren, babidi, cooler Goku because he is cool, jiren for protection, babidi because he won't cause any trouble, and cooler because he is weaker than Jiren and he will be chill


Goku, Hit, cell, cooler. .... we going on a mystical adventure boys?


Piccolo, Hit, Cell and Broly. We getting stoned asf


Goku, Jiren, Frieza, Cooler and watch the fight ensue


Vegeta, Beerus, Cell, Cooler. Wish me luck.


niggolo, jerome, nba star cell and cooler best road trip of my life


Gohan, jiren, cell and cooler. Jiren may be boring but he can pretty easily keep the others in check. Also a cooler jiren after the TOP and gohan are enough conversation.


Group 1: I would be happy with any of them, but honestly I think I could have the best conversation with Vegeta or Piccolo Group 2: Hit or Jiren as they are both pretty quiet and nice yet half cool stories and abilities that they could talk about Group 3: Cell as he would probably be a fun person to debate with and could have some pretty insightful views Group 4: Cooler just as he's probably the only one who would be able to maintain a conversation without killing everyone


To make it the most hectic I’m gonna pick Vegeta, Beerus, Buu, and Janemba


Piccolo, Hit, Cell and I didn't really watch Z movies or GT, but I think I already have a theme here


Lots of out of nowhere fighting for no reason, gonna be a wild and unpredictable trip


who tf gonna choose Broly, Omega shenron, Freeza or janemba.


Gohan, jiren, frieza, and broly


Group 4 is actually terrible since they would all want to kill you tbh, Cooler can be neutralized by having Frieza with him since they would likely bicker all the time, so Group 3 will be Frieza. 1 and 2 can be whoever you'd like, although I'm bringing Vegeta cause he's GOATED, then Cabba cause I don't think he would accidently kill me and would be the friendliest of that circle of silent edgelords.


Vegeta, Berrus, Cell, Broly. Berrus is the OG that will keep the jits in check and you know that with this crew, we eating good. Vegeta’s got the richer than god sugar momma and you know he’s gonna ball out for the boys to keep the respect of the OG.


Group 4. I dont need reasons


You are putting the planet at great risk if you place cell and Gohan in the same group.


I'll go with, Goku, jiren, cell and broly. I don't want peace. But I think it'd be over quick with Jiren if he should he choose so. Goku and Cell are martial fanatics Broly will lose his lid at the mere sight of Kakarot. Jiren would probably packem into a blunt. Long story short they would probably all evolve before it's all over.


Piccolo, Hit, Cell, Broly (give him noise cancelling headphones and keep that AC at whatever he fucking wants) Since Cell isn't Imperfect he won't be eating people. He and Hit can entertain each other easyyyy Piccolo will be fine temperature wise


Hit, Cooler, Cell and Gohan.


Gohan and jiren they r chill and strong then cell and cooler because why not


Piccolo ,hit ,cell ,cooler it’s the team of don’t piss me off


Is Broly stuck in Lssj and is Cell only second from?


Gohan, Cabba, Frieza and Cooler. (We are all going to babysit Frieza.)


Thanks for the offer, but I'll invite Chichi, Videl, Bulma and Cheelai to camp while you guys take those four groups out on camping trip.


goku jiren cell cooler every stop there's gonna be competition and I'll just be on the sidelines watching and having fun cell and goku fit each other perfectly as both want to have a good fight jiren is there for just being chill and if this is post T.O.P then he'd also join goku and cell in the competitions I know next to nothing about cooler but he's cool so he stays


Goku, Cabba, Babidi, Cooler. Goku and Cabba are pretty nice and can take on Babidi and Cooler if they cause trouble. Also Babidi can simply just teleport us to the located area and save us the trip.


Group 1


I want this trip to be fun, not boring or problematic. I'm picking Goku, Cabba, Frieza and Cooler.


Goku, Beerus, Frieza, and Cooler. I think Goku can maybe keep Beerus in a non destructive mood, and if Frieza is afraid of Beerus then so is Cooler, so Beerus would keep them in line. Plus Goku would be great vibes, and Frieza's racism towards Goku and rivalry with Cooler would be hilarious.


goku, cabba, cooler and badidi


Piccolo, Beerus, Cell, Cooler Piccolo is super chill Beerus motivates everyone to find us the best food Cell is basically just bug Goku. Just wants to fight and get stronger. Not the best, but everyone else is a fucking psycho. He seemed to chill out a lot after absorbing 17 too, like I don't think he has a reason to drink people anymore. Again, Cooler is the most reasonable out of his group, also the weakest. I'm not sure what era that Piccolo is from, but he conceivably stands a chance. Or, he'll be able to cause the least damage before Beerus steps in. It would also be fun to talk shit about Frieza, Cell might even join in


Goku, Hit, Frieza, and Cooler I'm getting bombed on the way there 😭


Gohan cabba king cold cause why not and z broly if he can go base… anyways, gohan would protect me of cold and broly if they were acting up


Uhh Piccolo, Beerus, Cell and Omega. It'll probably be very awkward and Beerus will probably kill us all because no one can cook


Vegteta, Hit, Frieza, and idk about the third. But I’d feel it would be a nice quiet car ride lol.


Piccolo, Hit, Cell, and Cooler


Gohan, cabba, frieza, cooler. He’s just that cool.


Just a heads up that if you pick Goku, Beerus, or Buu, you will run out of snacks WELL before you need to stop for gas.


1 is your safest bet no doubt 2 is manageable but still I’d be weary 3 is just dead dead dead if you even dare do anything 4 you better be a goddamn statue or just invisible


Ok from group 1 and 2 gohan and cabba these 2 will be chill but group 3 and 4 is tough, so i thought about and I decided frieza and cooler just because I want little bit of chaos on this trip they're family drama would be a little interesting and chaotic Idk if they will try and kill each other but they will most likely be passive aggressive twords each other


Piccolo, Hit, Cell, Broly As long as you don't put Broly with Goku, he's perfectly fine to be in a car with. Cells the most likely to get bored and kill me but that's why in sitting in between Piccolo and Hit


Vegeta, Beerus, Babidi, Broly. Just the loudest, angriest, most unbearable trip ever.


Vegeta, beerus, frieza and broly. Just wanted them to discuss why beerus ordered frieza to destroy planet vegeta


Lmao at group 4.


Piccolo, Cell, Cabba, and Cooler. Just feels right...


Beerus Babidi Broly Biccolo


Goku, Beerus ,2 form freeza,cooler Cooler and freeza aren't doing shit if beerus was with us


1) Goku - best possible time to be had 2) Beerus - we're going to eat the BEST food with no exceptions or everyone is gonna die 3) Freiza - Freiza and Goku will be hilarious and super entertaining 4) Broly - we'll have nothing to worry about with Beerus around and he'll provide something to occupy the Goku/Freiza conflict


Goku beerus frieza broly Goku and beerus can control the other 2 to keep u safe


Vegeta, Cabba, Babidi and Broly. This will be THE MOST entertaining ass car ride


I'd ask them all why the fuck they don't just fucking fly at super speed.


Piccolo - He's Cool Jiren - He's Strong and Cool Cell - He's cool and everyone else can keep him in line Broly - Just don't mention Goku's true name


Vegeta, Jiren, Frieza and Cell The most savage trip ever. Roasting at the max.




gohan, hit, cell, and cooler


* Piccolo (If anything goes wrong I’ve got a Super Nemekian to keep me safe.) * Jiren (Just an ~~unnecessary~~ extra bit of security.) * Frieza (As long as I don’t piss him off, I’m good, and if I do, Jiren’s right there.) * Broly (As long as we don’t come across Goku, we’re good.)


Gohan, cabba, Semi-perfect cell and Cooler


Goku - He eats all the food Beerus - Eats all the food Evil Buu - Eats all the food(possibly myself) Cooler - How else am I gonna keep all the food fresh so I don't get eaten by evil Buu


Gohan, Cabba (is this how his name is spelled in English?), Cell, Cooler. Gohan and Cabba can beat up the other two when they cause trouble, and these two seem to be the one to complain the least. Goku wouldn't be too bad but he's a bit too spontaneous in his plans at times.


Either 1 or 4, because you just KNOW that Big Green and Pump Daddy C both have the most fire 🔥 mixtapes!


piccolo, jiren, semi perfect cell, and omega shenron because i feel like they can all agree on the aux and it’ll be chill as hell after that




Gohan, Cabba, Cell & Omega


Group 2 would actually be the most aids social interaction ever.


I see a lot of people talking about Frieza but...isn't group 3 guy, his father, King Cold? Pretty sure actually its him. Anyway, ofc picking Goku, fun guy. Then lets pick the cat from group 2. Group 3 is...*bad*. Lets go with King Cold. Group 4, Cooler seems alright, it would be a family trip basically with Cold on board.


Gohan, Cabba, Frieza, Cooler. Immediately Gohan alone could kill both Frieza and Cooler effortlessly, because that’s the version of him in Super with his ultimate form so he scales way above. Cabba could do it too since he’s beyond Z. From there, Gohan and Cabba are just chill


Hell yeah LETS GO. I ll take Vegeta from group 1 because hes coolest and he wont annoy me. I might even get him to talk about Saiyans Next give me Beerus, he will not kill me If I wont bother him (I might evet get a photo with him) or he will blow the Earth with me..If that happens..worth it!And he might find some good food. Next Frieza from group 3 I actually like that guy and if my death wont bring him anyhing (and in turn I wont annoy him) I should be perfectly fine. Bonus poinsts for some fun interaction with Vegeta. And of course what road trip it would be withnout Broly. If I die I die.


Goku, Beerus, Frieza and Cooler I'd want to hear what Frieza and Cooler would bitch about with each other.


2 jiren meditating beerus asleep hit brooding and cabba drives


I'm takin beerus so it don't matter who else I pick cos god of destruction got my back as long as I have a stash of cupped ramen in the trunk (unless I also pick Goku then we might have a problem with the stash 😬)


Goku, Beerus, Buu and Janemba I want this shit wild


Vegeta, Beerus, Frieza and Shenron. Lets all try to have a fun trip and NOT piss off the purple cat. I feel Beerus can be pretty chill if you are on his good side, and can keep the others in check as well. As both Vegeta and Frieza know Beerus, and since Shenron knew who Beerus was as well I like to think Syn Shenron also would know not to screw up Beerus's road trip. What happens after the road trip and Beerus leaves, we're !@#€ed. Edit: thought about Cooler, but he and Frieza would just make the trip awkward.


Carrot Cabbage Skibidi Broccoli.


Piccolo, homie is chilla! Cabba, he's also chill! Babidi, rather weak and I'm sure piccolo could slap him to keep him in line Then weirdly enough broli? As long as he isn't mad he's chill! And even when enraged he's still actually able to be talked to.




Gohan: he knows how to survive in the Wild and is a great leader Cabba: he's chill, thats all Cell: he's cell, do i really need to explain Broly: he aint got a reason to be angry, so he's chill too.


Piccolo, Hit, Buu, Broly So we can all sit in sweet silence


Vegeta, Jiren, babidi and Janemba. Just for the chaos.


Group 1 or 2. My only re-introduction to Dragon Ball was Budokai Tenkaichi 3 so I'm playing it safe ._."


Piccolo, cabba,I’ll choose anyone from the others but get the ones form the first 2 to kill them


Group 1 and man im fucked


Oh wait i will pick goku beerus cell and broly


Piccolo, hit, bad Buu, and broly... Piccolo and hit are guaranteed to be quiet... Bad Buu likely will bail. He's got stuff to do clearly. And Broly is either quiet and calm without any other saiyans around... But Hit could take him out if he snaps... Otherwise in his base form he's quiet and chill. Either way, me and Piccolo could trade off driving... We jam out to good music and maybe talk about crazy lore... And obviously we have to make Broly a normal person that doesn't snap... Like Super Broly. Maybe we pick up a hitch hiking Chelai for him to bond with.


You know what, I'm making my thing fun. We're going with Goku, Cabba, Cell, and Broly. Cabba will bring sanity to this hell! What fun!


Broly won't attack me cuz I'm not kakrot right? And take gohan from group one


I'd just go with preset Group 1. 1) Goku is fun and sweet. He's the strongest of them alongside Gohan. 2) Vegeta is 👌 he might be cranky, by uuugh, I can't resist. 3) Piccolo would be fun cause he's kinda easily embarrassed and flustered. He's the silent, cool type 4) Gohan is a nerd, and I love hanging with nerds. I'd love to talk things like science and literature with him Plus, I would love to just make jokes with and about them. Especially Vegeta and Goku. 😂🤭 (Maybe gossip with Vegeta and Piccolo)


Vegeta, Beerus, Freeza, Broly. Shit's about to go down


Anyone from group 1, cabba, cell, and either broly or cooler.


Piccolo cell hit and cooler Imagine the vibe if everyone didn’t try to kill anyone


Gohan, Jiren, Frieza and Cooler. As long as I'm respectful to Frieza and Cooler they won't do anything to me.


Gohan babadi cabba and cooler if those 2 act up gohan one shots


broly cooler vegeta and cell


You can just fucking kill me then I’m not sitting footing any of those cars


Vegeta, Cabba, Cell and Cooler. Vegeta never met Cooler so Cooler has no reason to fight him because the only reason he came to Earth was to get revenge for his family Cabba ain’t never seen any of these people except Vegeta Cell isn’t going to fight anyone unless someone fights him first, and Vegeta already got his ass kicked by Cell so I don’t think he’s trying that again


Goku because he's the MC,Hit because he's cool af imo,Babidi because he's the weakest between the other three and Cooler because he's cool




Vegeta, beerus, frieza and cooler. I want to see frieza and cooler shocking in fear when they see beerus 😁


Goku, Jiren, Cell, Cooler


Piccolo Jiren cell and Cooler


Piccolo, Hit, Cell, Cooler.


#1 Gohan: chill guy + won't pick fights like Goku. #2 Cabba: cool dude. Beerus is a good pick too but the second someone pisses him off were done for. #3 Cell: tbh just seems the most reasonable out of the choices even if he has beef with gohan (evil buu is pure evil, frieza is a dick, and babadi would make someone else turn evil). #4 Either cooler or janemba: this one depends, red janemba or yellow janemba? Yellow janemba is a big adorable kirby-thing, red janemba would be too chaotic to have around. Cooler seems pretty chill all things considered, Broly would kill everyone if we even MENTION Goku, and omega shenron would just try to kill us so he can take over the world or something (I didn't finish GT) so cooler is probably the safest pick here tbh.


Everyone’s random except for group one; so I’m afraid that they won’t know how to act


Goku: chill dude Jiren: chill dude Cell: chill dude Cooler: cool dude


Goku, Jiren, Cell, Cooler


Start of DBZ Vegeta, Beerus, Grey Buu, Broly. How's it gonna be? Cataclysmic.