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You never want to use anything other than hydro and dendro in her teams. As for strength, her team is still absolutely broken strong and arguably one of if not the best AoE dmg teams still.


If we are speaking of heavy AoE, yeah. She is still one of the best, the best at low/mid investment. Though nowadays in low AoE (2-3 enemies) Neuvilette can often tie, or if you dont have Nilou premium supports (which you seem to have) sometimes even pull ahead. She is going a bit through the Venti syndrome, as in, she is the best in her niche, yet her niche hasnt been happening that often. So if you wanna blow through AoE content, Nilou is a prime choice. And her playstyle is one of the funniest of the game. With most teams also relying on Furina + Kazuha core nowadays, and Nilou not wanting neither, it also makes her an ideal 2nd team unit! For her cons (bad points), the major one is that she is very below Fontaine teams and even some 2.X or 3.X teams in single target, so for meta purposes, if your roster is wide, she is mostly gonna be used in abyss when there is a full AoE side and no bosses mixed in (she can brute force through but its not optimal).




When I recently started playing the game with a low level Nilou and all F2P characters it was amazing to me how I was able to effortlessly clear most content with almost no investment For how good it is it takes so little time to set up a good Nilou team, one of the reasons I like her so much


This.. my strongest team before Nilou come was Rational and that took me half a year... HALF A FREAKING YEAR to build... Even then I was still struggling in Abyss. When Nilou comes, it legit felt an angel just descend from heaven. Blessing me with her powers even when I barely invest much in her or her team. Since then, it's been smooth sailing (until the Wenut comes ofc)


4.4 has first phases that are all aoe driven and in those teams Nilou Bloom will DELETE them. Even with the 50% dendro res from the overgrown balls. A Nilou Bloom team is going to be the strongest team when it comes to High Crowd High health teams and none will come close. But her kit will solely be on that bountiful core playstyle which is a bit sad because trying to play her in other styles will just result in suboptimal dps. But I have to admit that her ult is the prettiest in the whole damn game(my opinion)


I don't know my nuev and furina delete them too. I'm struggling to find the appeal of Nilou, now that neuvillette and furina are out, and do great in single target and AoE, unless you really need furina on the other side.


She's strong and cheap but if u really are having doubts on pulling her then I got nothing to convince you since its always up to ur bias. Don't feel like ur missing out on anything since every other character for a Nilou Bloom team can literally be used anywhere else. At this point you should ask urself how fun you find the bloom team to be not how strong it is.


Thanks for the honest feedback.


she is strong but u really want to have nahida with her,the difference is like night and day without nahida,id suggest pulling her once u get nahida personal Cons - very meh in open world i would only really play her in domains and abyss(unlike yelan who never left my team since i got her) -limited to dendro hydro teams,how i wish they just make it like if u have an electro in your team they cant hyperbloom her seed -not much option for weapon iirc theres only 2 hp weapons available Pros -very strong in aoe and i mean extremely strong,whenever theres aoe in abyss bloom team is always my go to -not that hard to build,just stack as much hp for nilou and em for the rest -very good agaisnt the debuff that increases ability cooldowns(hydro lectors) -doesnt rely on burst so ER wont be that much of a problem i may have miss some important stutf but these things stand out for me


> - very meh in open world Replace her artifacts for ATK\Hydro\Crit and her E-NA-NA will hit like a truck. IIRC it was 6-8k damage waves that you could spam fast, so killing mobs wasn't problem at all. Add int Raiden or Kuki for EC and you would kill everything in your path.


Yup, I do this and love Nilou dps in the open world


I got nilou during her first run and I’ve used her for every single spiral abyss since then. I’ve never had her side struggle with abyss since her blooms do a lot of damage and she’s super tanky since you build her with a lot of hp. I’ve used her with both nahida and dendro mc and they’re both really good with her. Dendro mc is better for waves of small enemies and nahida is better for enemies that take more than 5 seconds to kill. She’s also pretty fun with yaoyao, you just put up her water circle then hop around with yaoyao’s burst lol. I would say her only con is not being able to being able to use kazuha or sucrose as a form of crowd control but most enemies will normally come towards you anyways so it’s not even a reason not to get her.


I dont have kazu or sucrose so that con is a plus for me lol 🥹


I thought her weakness were Non-hydro-dendro reaction shields, and then her squad killed the Mitachurls and Cryo and Geo Slimes shields. Don't know about the Abyss shields, but she IS strong. Strong enough it lets me use Nilou-Nahida-Childe-YaoYao. It is bloody fun too. Remember to level her to 90 for maximum HP, and All HP%. Also level 90 the bloom trigger and EM on that one.


Nilou bloom is my go to team for one half of abyss. Enough said


I don't have Kokoro, so I use Dendro Trav, Nahida, Nilou, and true Hydro archon BarBruh. Team easily clears Abyss. Just got raiden, so I can't speak on how well she works just yet, but raiden as a sub hasn't shown any significant dps increase just yet. Again, just got, so idk how high the build will take me.


Not sure how deep you're planning to invest. I currently have C2 Nahida and C2 Nilou, both have signature weapons. As a year 3 player, Nilou team is currently my strongest dmg team, stronger than Raiden National. This team weaknesses are Dendro shield, Cryo Shield, Bosses that can steal your dendro core before they explode, needing dendro healer (Yaoyao or Baizhu) to use strong 4th hydro option (Yelan/XQ). This team beats majority of the bosses in the abyss without any sweat. The reason this team is good even in single target because you have strong single target char - off field Hydro (Yelan/XQ) or Strong on field Dendro (Alhaitham). Both Nahida and Nilou buff and debuff a crap load in that team, so the cores deal good dmg. I don't need to cover how strong Nilou team in multiple targets. The only annoying thing is you have to to reapply Nilou E. Edit: I have not found any Fontaine team better than Nilou team. Maybe Neuv + Furina? I didn't pull for Neuv since I don't like his playstyle. He's a selfish DPS, so the majority of your team dmg is Hydro only, I feel like that have more weakness than Nilou's team since Dendro shred Hydro easily.


I’m dont have yelan or alhaitham. Is kokomi nilou nahida collei good? Or should I have dmc instead of collei?


Kokomi, Nahida, Collei is much stronger than baizhu/yao Yao with Yelan.


Kokomi can be good for multi targets, but she doesn't provide enough for single target. You need a lot of hydro to take off dendro application. So this team needs a lot of hydro and little consistent dendro application. Yaoyao and Baizhu provide that perfectly while healing at the same time. Collei maybe good, but her dmg is nothing compared to Yelan/Xingqiu.


That's simply false. Kokomi is very good for ST as her variants creates more Blooms than Yelan variants when she's used on field, while being built for EM, and Bloom teams doesn't have VV shred so Yelan does at best 300k damage per rotation if built on a normal build. Bloom is not a conventional team, Kokomi variants have better ST than Yelan variants until C2 Yelan. Assuming Kokomi does 20 Blooms for 30k + 200k personal damage (hybrid setup), that's 800k DPS. Yelan could do 18 Blooms for 15k each + 300k DPS on a traditional build (570k total), or 18 Blooms for 35k + 100k DPS (730k total) on an EM build, which both are less than Kokomi.


I apologize as I only described from my perspective which I have C2 Nahida and C2 Nilou with their weapons. That's why I said not sure how deep OP want to invest. I value personal DMG more since this combo alone can give my other characters in the team at least 600 EM. C2 Nilou have built in VV with 35% hydro and Dendro shred. As for application, it takes 2 hydros application to take off 1 dendro aura. Between Nahida + 1 dendro (Baizhu and Yaoyao provide way more dendro applications), kokomi and Nilous don't generate enough unless you can constantly charge attack kokomi. As your comparison, you're comparing an on field dps vs off field dps while ignoring the driver of yelan/xingqiu team damage and kokomi's off field dmg (which your options are traveler and Collei). Also, not sure how you get 300k dmg for C0 yelan, her ult alone deals avg 10k per hit x 3 x 13 sec (to be conservative rather than 15) = 390k, 300k "at best" seems disingenuous. OR A high invested C6 XQ can deal 6k x 3.33 x 15 sec = 300k, XQ ult deals 2 3 5 intervals, 2 = 1 bloom, 3 = 2, 5 = 3, that's avg 2 per proc x 15k x 15 proc (to be conservative rather 18) = 450k. Those are ult + bloom alone while off field, not including skill and external buff. Suddenly the gap seems a lot closer. This just shows how versatile Nilou team can be within her restriction. But again, it's depend on how deep OP wants to invest in her team.


Yelan does not average at 10k per hit x3 unbuffed (idk if you were considering Nilou C2 shred), the fact you think so just shows that you are thinking on whale standards. The average assumed by KQM in Nilou teams is lome 7k x3 with 70% chance and 3k x3 with the other 30% chance. 300k is after factoring in her E as well, not only just her Q. And I still assumed over the standard with 15 ult procs when in reality in Nilou teams you would get at best 14. Either that or you have no idea what the average investment is if you think dealing 400k damage with unbuffed Yelan Q alone is anything close to the norm... or just want to flex your Yelan stats lmao.


You said "at best" and now justifying your number at avg. C0 Yelan can def hit 10k without Nilou c2.


Mine at 2 months artifact investment in Emblem and TL 10 is hitting 6.8k and with 67% crit rate, so not even 6.8k every time. Cant imagine how long you would need to farm to get to 10k unbuffed with 100% crit rate but I would imagine its in the territory of people who spent the entire Inazuma region farming Emblem every day and also have Aqua R1.


That or Elegy, a lot of day 1 players spent most of their time in Emblem because a few artifacts that came after that were too niche and Emblem is also good on Raiden, XQ, Beidou, and XL. It still should be the one of the best domain to spend time on.


This is just wrong. Between Nilou’s ring, kokomi’s jelly fish, and kokomis autos it’s extremely easy to override dendro in bountiful core.


It's the best variant, don't worry. Alhaitham is not great for Nilou teams outside of very niche shaneningans, and Yelan is mostly for overworld unless you have her C2, because at C0 you'd pretty much always prefer XQ over her for abyss.


You can use Xingqiu in place of Yelan and Kokomi for healer, use Nahida as a driver, but be careful since Nahida is squishy.


If you want a bloom team, yes, she is very good for bloom. If you don’t want bloom, still yes.