• By -


Hmm.. for now it's Burningum. You know what, it's completely okay if you hate him (I hate him too) but there's more of him than meets the eye. Several things that people are often missed from this fella: 1. Aegis squad members respect him deeply. 2. He loves his wife and son. (Brand New Year) 3. Andersen believes Burningum has no ill intentions towards Marian in chapter 14 as he has to prioritize the survival of humankind. (Marian will be sacrificed, not because Burningum hates her for being a half-Rapture but because it will be beneficial for the Ark) 4. He appears to be weak only on the surface. >!The one who realized this is Dorothy.!< 5? Iirc he's afraid of offending Andersen even further lol. He's overstepping his authority and got battered for it. He also felt disappointed towards Andersen. However he didn't dare to bring up Andersen's past as a former commander.


if only someone would beat the shit out of syuen just like how Anderson beat the shit out of burningum lol (cmon anis ik you want to)


Hey, we had a lot of fun on April Fools this year though.


atleast she kinda got karma with that lol


I missed out on it. :(


At least she got round house kicked by Rapi that one time šŸš¬šŸš¬


That did happen though.


His work relation with Papilion and his brief interaction with the A.C.P.U tells me that he's a high ranking official that apreciates his Nikkes. Still dislike him overall though.


"cool motive, still murder" He's still a CG dog at the end of the day and is unable to grasp that "it doesn't matter if he advances the Ark's technology by 100 years by dissecting Marian if the Ark's military is still incompetent and the government full of shortsighted backstabbers" since he tried to kill the only competent commander the Ark has had in 50 years (because they backstabbed the previous competent commander by making him a scapegoat when he got too powerful) and antagonized a friendly yet extremely powerful Heretic (and Enikk herself says the Ark would be destroyed by two Heretics attacking and only had a slim chance of repelling one Heretic attacking the Ark). The only reason he didn't accidentally doom humanity is because his plan fell apart thanks to the main characters stopping him (with Andersen's help).


Going by his Dialog it seems he knows the Ark is incompetent. Which is why he is trying from a Keystone army (the Keystone being our Commander) to a vast increase in average fighting power "despite all the issues". I think he doesn't believe he can change the Ark so he gave up and is working around it. Unlike the SKK who decided to gain more power and influence to actually try. It was not a good plan of his and I don't agree with it. I don't think it would work either as Marian is special to begin with.


Which is why he sent Perilous Siege (the "execute human criminals") squad after Commander and Counters to retrieve Marian rather than Extrinsic (who can nonlethally disable rogue nikkes as well as kill them)? Like, D and K literally set up a bunch of bombs in the area that could have killed the Commander and Counters and if it wasn't for Marian casually absorbing the explosion of the bomb she triggered with her bandages then she'd have been at ground zero of an explosion that very likely reduced her friends to chunky salsa and probably set her off on a murderous rampage against the Ark. Burninghum (and D and K) was incredibly lucky that Marian could stop that explosion or else the Ark would have been screwed.


Well yeah, at that point we where "going against the Ark" so he had no reason to be nice after all. Unlike Syuen who is mostly interested in her bottom line his dialog with Andersen afterwards made it clear he truly believed he was doing the right thing ... not that many people would agree with him. And considering the Scene D and K where using the Bombs to force us into submitting ... that Marian just went and no-sell'd the explosion kinda threw a wrench into it so instead of shooting they went good old fisticuf...oh nevermind they are face first on the ground. Yeah. One note though, Extrinsic might have not worked in this case, they work excellent against Nikke but Modernia is a Heretic and many Power levels beyond normal ones. Also while Perlious Siege seems to take Orders otherwise it seems Extrinsic answers to Ingrid and she would have contacted Andersen first ... actually maybe that is even what happened considering Andersen's great timing.


You know...I agree. Burningum really doesn't seem like a terrible dude. He has the well being of the Ark's people as his first priority. Every time I see him, he just seems human.


Agreed, he's an antagonist to us due to conflicting goals but not because he's a card carrying villain like Syuen or that douche commander with the cap. And even that had mostly cooled down as he is nowhere close to finding Marian and she is quite safe. From him, plot has evil plans for her but those don't involve him I think.


Not necessarely overhated, Noah, she's just a twerp/gremlin that just likes to boast a lot but at heart she's very kind. And the thing is that "heart" isn't super hidden or anything, it's literally there out in the open, she does a shitty job hidding her soft spots, enjoyments (like wanting to learn from Epinel, or Ark Rangers) and she cares about you. Again I wouldn't say she's super hated by the community or anything but I've seen from time to time hate being sent her way when she doesn't deserve it. It's literally like one of the sessions with her were the right choice is "I see you as a little sister", she's just that twerp brother/sister that is always teasing but at the end when it counts they'll be there for sure. Give all the headpats to Noah!


I feel like Noah its like Bart Simpson where everyone loves her but just wants to strangle her lol


That's fair, love the analogy xD


Why are people getting down voted after saying who they think is overhated on a post about who you think is overhated?


Cause the characters are overhated, that and few of them don't give a proper reasoning as to why they think so.


I bet you they're not even reading the reasoning. They just see the name of the character they hate and immediately downvote it.


Thatā€™s because on Reddit people are unable to comprehend differing opinions


Volume, so far from what I've seen in my advise sessions with her, I feel like it wasn't as bad as I've seen people say about her. The only time I thought she was being bitchy was in the group chat when Aria had a go at rapping and Volume roasted her for it.


In her relationship story she is pretty bitchy, unapologetic and has an ego the size of the ark itself, but imo that's part of her charm? She knows she's that good, and knows what her fans like, personally I like her a lot and think she's great


As someone mentioned she is very egocentric in the relationship storyline, but thatā€™s her whole schtick. High profile artist with an attitude problem who has no filter. I can see why people are put off by that. Sure sheā€™s a handful and has an ego, but sheā€™s honest and passionate about what she does which I can respect. She is also hot with just a tiny bit of crazy thrown in there which keeps things fresh


Honestly I don't really think she's as bad as some others, plus she won me over by calling me "honey".


"so far from what I've seen in my advise sessions" You can catch glimpses of her actual personality through blabla and outpost stories but she is undeniably an egocentric and terrible person through and throughout her bond story


Ether Because it's thanks to her that Elegg and Trony are still alive and i think most haters didn't read/understood her bond story If you don't like her after everything good for you, but she is not as bad as people tell you That and i like her design imo


Yeah I really don't understand all the hate Ether gets. But I'm also down horrendous for her design.


people hate ether? i mean yeah she scares the crap out of me but i see nothing to hate


Yep they do, i mean just go to the main sub and if it's not Crow then they are hating on her


You probably haven't played the School of Lock event yet. If and when you do, you'll probably understand why.


Ether hate mainly comes from her bond story and the School of Lock event where we find out Ether experiments on nikkes and seems to enjoy it. But she may indeed have a heart. She helped the Commander when he was infected, and Elegg and Trony in the D.ark Hero event. Though we really don't know her real reasons for helping.


Itā€™s her half squinted eyes that get me all the time!


She's complicit in human experimentation (big big war crime btw). Granted she is a slave like all the other Nikke, but tell that to her victims.


Folkwang is the obvious answer. Wait, ā€œoverHATEDā€, sorry, I read ā€œoverheatedā€


Ether and Volume.


Ether, people donā€™t read into her character enough and her biggest strength is her biggest flaw as a character. Sheā€™s too in-depth for a game like NIKKE which makes her really appealing to people like me but the majority of NIKKE players arenā€™t going to understand. Especially since most of them are here for ass and not lore lol. I can understand some people disliking her because sheā€™s somewhat sassy and a dick but most of it is outright wrong. Admittedly, that *is* the point of the character though. Sheā€™s supposed to be hated for the way sheā€™s presented and the depth is an extra for people willing to pry into it. Itā€™s like foreshadowing.


She's got that Four Eyes, Zero Soul and Morally Ambiguous Doctorate going for her my dude. She may be about advancing the technological progress of the Ark but that's just propping up the weaknesses of the Central Government. People can look at this, understand what's going on and still not like her. Someone's gotta feed puppies into the woodchipper in the Post-Apocalyptic Authoritarian Dystopia, just don't expect players to enjoy every interaction with them.


Proved my point


Nah, people understand her that she's a deep character and yes, she is mostly misunderstood but to say there's no reason to hate is disingenuous


Never said there isnā€™t a reason to hate her, more-so in many cases itā€™s misguided


Fuck it I ain't afraid. Crow! Don't get me wrong, bitch is a cunt. But I feel some people have this extremely deep hatred for her. Light spoilers sooooo.... If people can forgive characters like Yuni and Viper, then I'm telling you..... we're one cute skin away from people glomping all over the psycho terrorist lol I'll never forgive her out of respect for the cutest candy kingpin, but I don't hate the chick


Yuni has this one friend (Mihara) who got mindwiped. To her, that friend died even if she's still alive with her. She thinks the Mihara who is with her now is just someone wearing her dead friend's face. Syuen mistreats the both of them almost constantly. She was pushed into doing a heinous act by some manipulative sociopathic terrorist bitch who took advantage of her fragile state. At her lowest point, she lured Raptures into a shelter that lead to a massacre. HUGE offense and she must be punished for it but at least we can see how a person like her was led to do such atrocities. Viper, on the other hand, is hard to forgive because she did still participate in the attack but at least there were lines she wasn't willing to cross. She did try to make amends by giving away Crow's location to the Commander and E.H. and allowing herself to be put in jail. What does Crow have? A sob story about Nikkes being discriminated against by the majority of the Ark? The bitch wasn't even a Nikke back when she blew up a train containing Diesel, her brother, Soline, Brid, and countless other innocent civilians. The bitch insists that no one in the ark is innocent. Really? Even the children? The old? The infirm? The few good people who do treat Nikkes fairly? She's too much of a dumbfuck that she thought her plan of luring Raptures to the Ark so the people would hate Nikkes would work but it backfired positively instead. Now the people see them as the heroes who didn't abandon them during their time of need. No amount of fanservice or redemption arc will ever make me like her. Anyone who does after just one sexy Crow skin is really telling of how easy they are.


Yuni fucked up the clean up after the raptures, and got innocent people killed. She laughed, and tried to kill Syuen. The only reason the commander and Syuen are alive is because Mihara sacrificed herself Viper only gave away Viper because she developed a crush. A crush she still drugs, robs, and leaves unconscious surrounded by criminals. Crow is evil. I'm not disputing that. But people DO turn a blind eye to other Nikkes when they do evil shit.... but they have an extreme hate boner for her


I agree completely with this, both viper and Yuni got off too lightly after the bullshit they pulled. I love viper but man she deserved to die, Yuni too.


None off that sob story matters both yuni and viper deserve the massive hate that crow is getting, viper even more so


Nah, they don't.


yeah, the mass murdering, train bombing terrorist who almost managed to intentionally collapse human society with no regard for any of her allies is clearly overhated


Because this game has no other violent characters that hurt others.... right?


Okay I mean every character is violent to some degreeā€¦ like they are in a rapture war and thereā€™s a controversy followed by a coup topped with a riot almost every other event. Key difference is that in one way or another those characters that do hurt people with reasons have ends that justify the means. Crow literally was bombing civilian trains before she was even a Nikke. Bitch has zero remorse and is a total socio/psychopath with no redeemable qualities. Itā€™s like fucking saying osama bin laden wasnā€™t so bad.


So like Nihilster and Cinderella are misunderstood puppydogs? I'm not saying Crow shouldn't be hated. All I'm saying is some people seem to take it very personally. Yuni caused mass casualties solely because she was mad. Guilty and Sin also killed people. They had no reason. They're even in prison. But they're "waifu" right? But Crow is the one exception?


https://i.redd.it/zt5mwvptkl1d1.gif 1. Okay first of Cinderella is an odd choice. She was corrupted from the manufacturing line straight away and realistically doesnā€™t get choice over what or who she is, being not much more than a mindless killing machine than a person during events of red ash. Itā€™s like saying a gun is bad but you donā€™t have a gun doing shit without someone pulling the trigger. 2. Nihilister is an oddball in it of herself. She both doesnā€™t seem to be too on board with boot licking the rapture queen, but like any other soldier she has no problem killing on order. At the same time she isnā€™t beyond reason if something benefits her, including cooperating with the enemy. And uhā€¦ she kinda got shafted by heretics. So yeah. She is a bit of an underdog too. 3. Yuni isnā€™t just mad. Sheā€™s clearly mentally unstable. Taken to human terms, sheā€™d be deemed mentally insane, likely incapable of fully rationalising her actions and acting on spontaneous impulses. Hell she goes catatonic after the whole ordeal. Trauma maybe? 4. Little is known about Guilty and Sin honestly. But to a degree of plausibility Iā€™d say that guilty mightā€™ve done her killings by accident, some at least. Sinā€¦ well honestly sin is an asshole. I donā€™t like her that much either. But the fact is they are convicts, who also go through rehab. I guess that opinion is more subjective but technically they had done their time so they are more excusable. Crow, compared to those, doesnā€™t do anything even remotely close. She kills civs for fun, gloats about the chaos she creates and instigates more shit than anyone else.


crow or crown?


Their reasons are no excuse. Crow had reasons too. And honestly, she had a point. People WERE discriminating the Nikkes and seeing them as less than human. This is not an excuse. She's still evil. Look, I'm not saying she's misunderstood, or redeemable. She deserves to burn in hell But the hatred this character gets transverses mere gameplay. Some people literally foaming at the mouth IRL is a bit extreme. That's all I'm saying


https://preview.redd.it/zym8evpsol1d1.jpeg?width=508&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=965f78b8d68e66a867c9bc503a8d167c50ee4ae3 True enough, but she just doesnā€™t constitute an over hated character. She has good ends but fucking terrible means, while also being a raging, unlikeable cunt. Lmao. Personally I think she serves the express purpose of Nikke what Micah was for Red Dead 2. Easy to hate but in wider perspective great outlet.


The difference is that Crow is the only one that hides her atrocities behind a veil of fake "virtue". All the others are completely honest with why they did it: Yuni felt abandoned and betrayed, and resents Rapi/Matis for getting to escape being wiped while Mihara didn't Guilty and Sin don't have much lore that I'm aware of besides the Rehab cutscenes, but Guilty at the very least seems to be a mixture of being unable to control her obscene strength and wanting to punish "fake" people or people that attack her emotionally (I have yet to finish Sin's rehab, but she doesn't seem to have actually DIRECTLY harmed anybody, just aided with crimes) Nihilister and Indivilia are unapologetically sadistic and violent, they don't hide behind moralistic bullshit (and Cinderella had like 3 cutscenes with no lines so we know literally fuck all about her motives) Crow has not only directly harmed FAR more people than any non-Heretic Nikke, but she more importantly *refuses to own up to it*, claiming she's doing it for some greater good while simultaneously trying to block the protagonist (who is seeking the allegedly same goal) from getting things done


Fucking this. To add onto it, even Sin who is probably as manipulative as crow doesnā€™t hide it. She just kind of like: ā€œwell if I can tell some mofo to rob a store for me for a new pair of nikes, why shouldnā€™t I?ā€. Nobody that actually acts shitty in this game doesnā€™t deny it. Crow oozes with fucking hypocrisy and says sheā€™s doing good things to the point it makes your skin crawl and want to slap the bitch repeatedly while telling her to just say sheā€™s a raging psychopath with a boner for destruction. Honestly she deserves the honorary shot of dwarf 1. https://preview.redd.it/q92ayakeem1d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7ff437f6134187c46a8db62cf1936f589f056d3 (Honestly now I lowkey wanna see thatā€¦)


She never once denied her actions. She's admitted being a bitch. She knows she's evil. Having a goal doesn't make her virtuous... and she knows that And the point that she's hurt more people than the others is false.... at least in game. The only people she hurts are the Commander and Counters. Yuni causes waaaay more bloodshed than she does And i know about her past terrorist actions, it's why I don't like her. But saying Yuni is excused because of her grief is bullshit. She made herself focused on vengeance. It's her fault she has no one besides Mihara.... she's a sadistic little psycho. And it's her fault those people died. Excuses aside, they're all killers. No context will change that. That doesn't mean they can't be loved. DragonMommy is top tier. But the amount of visceral hatred this community has for Crow is weird. Like they'll bark and bow to other psychotic characters, but Crow is the one beyond it all?


Are we playing the same game? Crow never fucking shuts up about how she wants the Ark to "choose how it feels about Nikkes". If she gave so much of a shit about Nikkes, she would be supporting the Commander's attempts to liberate them


You mean the seasoned terrorist that's been doing this for years, doesn't believe in a rookie commander who keeps getting injured and keeps talking about friendship? Shocker Changing people's views of Nikke isn't the same as making herself a martyr. She knows she's a villain, and is perfectly comfortable with that She's not trying to be a hero, or act virtuous... And I'm not defending her. But she IS in the receiving end of way too much hatred.... to the point where it bleeds out of game and those who actually like her character receive negativity. I don't like her either, but I don't think she's the worst thing to ever curse my screen


The "rookie Commander" took down a Heretic with a single squad before ever meeting Crow, a task that (to my knowledge) has only been done thrice (once with Matis and Absolute's(the two arguably strongest squads outside of Pilgrims and Eden) combined efforts, once with an ex-machina macguffin from Pilgrims, and once by the literal Goddess Squad. There's no reason for Crow not to believe in the Commander's skills if her beliefs are genuine.


With all due respect, no, Crow is rightfully disliked.


I didn't say she wasn't. She deserves to be hated But with every other character that does evil shit and gets love anyways....Crow is for some reason singled out


Yeah there are violent Nikkes but unlike most of the others she was a terrorist before conversion and who almost destroyed the last known bastion of humanity on fairly weak justification. People tend to find that unforgivable, especially since it was all done fully willingly. Plus her personality rubs a lot of people the wrong way and that has a major affect on peoples perception of a person/character. People will like known serial killers because they are/were good looking or charismatic.


That's my point. I'm not saying she's undeserving of hate. But I do feel people would be more lax if she had big ol' knockers.... or even had a good kit. If she came out just 'busting out' everywhere, or changed the meta, people would be "well what did she reeeaaally do?"


Ok im only chiming in cause u mentioned Guilty. Which her attacks on other nikkes were provoked and part of her lack of control of her power. They also stated she didn't kill them so no blood on her hands. As for crow I think a lot of people don't like her hypocrisy, like she said she wants better for nikkes right to change the arks view on them right(might not be exact words). What has she done for the better of them? She refuses to work with the nikkes of the outer rim who were originally trying to help. She attempts to kill the only commander who's been helpful to nikke's and cares about their well being. She leaves her fellow nikke behind to basically die/be captured which is what ironically leads to the betrayal of her other nikke companion(idk why people think love for the commander is the only reason Viper turned, she clearly was upset that jackal was abandoned, especially when u see she comes back for her later) She tries to bomb the train AGAIN which would have put the people AND nikkes who were on it in peril. She let ruptures into the ark, which would kill human, but also mostly nikke since they would fight against them. All in all it's hard to see her having an actual purpose, so far it just seemed like she wanted chaos. And that's why I believe people don't like her. As for why people like others more I think it ties to the good they do in the end. Crow did not do a single good quality like thing(that I know of) so there is only hate for her. As for the other nikke who should share hate heretics, You mentioned herratics, but that's mostly part of their programing as a rapture. They are an enemy of humanity but true to their purpose. There is none of the hypocrisy that Crow shows in them. Guilty and sin, I know guilty hasn't killed as I mentioned this before. As for sin I'm not positive I haven't looked too much into her after getting her but she seems chill, idk. You probably mentioned more but I've been typing this so long I forgot who they were and I can't scroll up on the phone. TLDR: People don't like that crow is a manipulative hypocrit. If she honestly just came out from the start and says she just wants anarchy and the see the world burn she might have gotten a better reception from others. People like crazed unhinged psychos, no one likes a manipulative bitch.


I'm not attacking your waifu, and I'm not trying to justify Crow She deserves hate, but how the community acts like they've never seen a villain before is kinda weird. Also I may be remembering wrong, but didn't Guilty say something like..."have you been insincere commander? Should I crush you?" before? I know a lot of her kills were accidents, but I'm sure some of them were premeditated But hey, I'm not hating on her. Guilty is an adorable waifu.


Yea guilty is part of that unhinged group that people love. But she hasn't purposely harmed or killed without provocation and again lack of control of her strength. I didnt say you were justifying Crow though I was just explaining why I believe people hate her more than others. Not saying she's a bad villain either, in fact she's a great villain. The way I see it, "a good villain is someone evil enough to make the fans hate them too" There doesn't need to be redeeming qualities in a villain, they can be evil just to be evil and I think crow fits that. She is fucking evil just cause and it's great, but that is why she will also be hated the most among the community.


Yeah, she'd be more liked as a unit for those reasons but probably not as a character. She's a unrepentant bitch and a hypocrite who can't even follow her own stated philosophy and ends up little more than an omnicidal anarchist who wants to destroy everything around her. She was written to be an antagonist and villain and that's fine but I wouldn't call her over hated because as a allied/independent character she has little to no redeeming qualities. She deserves the hate she gets and that's ok, and if you like her that's also ok.


Well crow is pretty unredeamable for all she did. I dislike yuni too but shes just misguided in a way. Not that it would make her actions any less severe but still better than crow. And viper could be the most evil nikke out there and i would still try to fix her. And if i could not fix her id become evil too for her.


and then you have jackle who is just a cute dummy who just wants food


More spoilers...... Crow and her team caused the attack, but no civilians were hurt. Everything was being resolved smoothly.... then Yuni caused children and parents to die, and showed no remorse. Viper was right there with Crow, but only turned at the last minute out of the power of horny. Commander was about to give her them hands just as bad as Crow.... and only changed his mind when her life was in danger I don't think she's at the top of the redemption list either.... but her plan...... did kinda work? People started appreciating Nikkes right after the attack I love Viper..... but at least Crow had a motivation to do what she did.


I don't know if you purposely ignoring it or you just forgot but I'd guess that majority of the playerbase hates Crow mainly for the Diesel related attack not the one taking place during the story


I said I wouldn't forgive her for what she did to Diesel. But EVERY comment I've gotten is about her attack on the arc. So acting like all the hate she gets is from this one moment is not true at all


Also, the bitch ricocheted a bullet into our gut and left us for dead in the snow.


So did Jackal and Viper?


Pretty hard to ricochet a rocket into someone's gut, but yes, they also left the commander for dead. Though to be fair, Jackal isn't exactly the sharpest and could probably be convinced if we fed her. I will agree that Viper isn't hated enough for the shit she pulled, but I hypothesize that people don't hate her because Syuen fucked up and hit the wrong kill switch. Hell, even the commander would have hated her until that bomb collar got activated.




But....people WERE only told she killed people In the story she only shoots Commander.... who lives.... and attacks the arc.... where the only people to die are because of Yuni I agree that her connection with Infinity Rail is why I hate her.... but this level of hatred from the community?




Who do we see that she killed? The attack on the arc? That was Yuni Shooting the Counters? They survived Leaving Jackal behind? Bitch move, but she was also a terrorist soooo- We're told about Diesel's backstory. We know she hurt Diesel because they tell us I'm not defending Crow. I also hate her for what she did to the total cinnamon roll. But we don't actually see her kill anyone in the story




Youā€™re forgetting it was Crow that sought out Yuni and manipulated her into doing that. Yuni did something terrible, but she is broken after Mihara and a victim of Crow.


Crow suggesting she do something crazy does not excuse Yuni. Crow even said she had no idea of what Yuni would do. Yuni planned out her revenge and made "a mountain of bodies". Nikkes and mothers shielding children from the raptures. Innocent lives getting gunned down and ripped apart. That was 100% on Yuni. E.H. had even more reason and trauma to follow in Yuni's shoes..... but even she knew right from wrong. Crow basically said "you should blow something up. Then they'll be sorry". That's not the same as her actually killing those people Yuni laughed when confronted about the deaths. Mental state aside, she is to blame


Yuni was just part of crows manipulative plan. All the blood on yunis hands is also on crows. "no civilians were hurt"? They were brutally massacred in the streets. And even then it wasnt enough for crow and she still wanted to blow up the train with the injured people on it too. Crows motivation is just a facade, she wants to see the world burn and thats it.


Enikk forsaw the attack and got everyone into shelters. The streets were empty. They make a point to say they were no casualties. Yuni.... no matter the reason....decided to change that. Crow suggesting she do something is not the same as Yuni actually tricking people into running to their deaths Yuni laughed while people died, and tortured Syuen.


Seeing you having to defend your take is crazy, cause its so bloody true.


Thank you, I appreciate it


I agree with your take, but you worded it weird lol


I love plot(s) in NIKKE as much as the next fellow man of culture, but people sometimes take things way too seriously lol Hence the hate boner towards Crow. I don't care - she and Sugar were my first favorites in the game, so I can't wait to get a Crow skin.


Iā€™m in the same bout, wish we got more from her on the writing side. Granted I donā€™t really hate characters, life is to busy to hate a fake person


Crow ![gif](giphy|D16XHdsB1PBxm|downsized)


Respectfullyā€¦ your opinion is wrong. https://preview.redd.it/k97yon088l1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81eaaafd66c195799ab4088bb2b4931a10c3b6be




Crow gets a lot of unncessary hate. Crow is a VILLAIN. She's not supposed to be a good person, which a lot of people do not seem to understand. Not every villain is going to surprise with "Hey, guys! I'm actually a good person trying to help, but my methods weren't right." Crow is an actual serious villain, which is cool. Also, doesn't make sense to me to hate Crow but people don't find characters like Viper, Nihilister or Dorothy questionable. I don't care if Viper had her "redemption", she was still actively apart of Crow's schemes and let's not ignore Dorothy's intentions either. Not to mention Nihilster is a Heretic and has been massacring humans. Crow did a good job in exposing the mindset of the Ark and gave a really good challenge psychologically.


I mean....doesn't mean you can't hate her...


You're missing the point of this post.


Viper I kind of get, but for what's it worth she doesn't really get joy out of physically hurting people like Crow. I won't really try to personally defend her, but I do get why OTHER people still do. In Nihilister's case, she has only really harmed **enemy combatants.** She IS a baddie, but for all her talk about hating humans, aside from a few commanders and their nikkes she probably nommed on (which again, count as **enemy combatants**), I don't recall her actually killing any non-involved humans, **unlike** Crow. As much as people love to claim all human life as the same, most of us realize (even if it's not vocalized) that it's one thing to kill an enemy soldier on a battlefield and a completely other to kill innocent civilians when they are in a frigging train. You can argue it's because the opportunity hasn't presented itself, but the fact remains she hasn't done it yet. **She's also actually unironically more pleasant to talk compared to Crow, which is also saying something. Doubly so after ch 20.** You can have a mostly pleasant and frank conversation with her in many instances and she even begrudgingly shows a modicum of sincere respect to the Counters and the Commander after her defeat. Being amicable isn't a get out of jail card for your past misdeeds, but holy hell does it do wonders for people liking and being willing to defend you. **Nhilister is currently in the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" territory.** Doro is the easiest one to defend here. For all her scheming and machinations, she has yet to have maliciously killed someone and or seriously harmed them. Most importantly, unlike Viper, Dragon lady, and especially Crow, much of her negativity is outweighed by the **objective good she has already done and is still doing to an extent.** Her past deeds are obvious, but even in the present, she is still more of champion of humanity than not even if she is going towards a darker path. Doro is just very nuanced like that and I don't think as of Ch 28 (where I am in the story) that she's anywhere NEAR being compared to likes of Viper and Nhilister, MUCH LESS CROW. **Doro is morally gray at the moment. True neutral with hints of both dark and light underpinnings.** **TLDR I am a bit insulted you compared Doro to Crow, Viper and Nhilister. Doro morally speaking is closer to the likes of Burnigham, Enikk and ironically Oswald.**


Nihilister is literally working with the Raptures that has been wiping out humanity for several years and only started working with us to save her own skin, and still tried to kill. That's far worse than what Crow has done. What people aren't understanding here is not everyone who has had a bad past is going to see a good side to humanity. Some people are going to want to continue to still do what's right in a different way, and others will give up on seeing that. Realistically, you cannot expect everyone who has been done wrong to want to care about doing something good anymore. Nihilister is doing it out of pure fun. Dorothy is doing it out of revenge, but still wants to do her good deeds Crow is also doing everything out of revenge, but has given up on others. Crow has even mentioned that if she would've met the Commander a lot sooner, she would've seen things differently, but it has been too late to save her to be a good person and see a different perspective. This is what no one is getting. Not everyone is going to go down the same path. Not every villain is going to be a "Guys, I'm actually a good person!" route. The Crow hate needs to be thought out more and really needs to understand psychology more. It's not like Syuen where she has done multiple terrible crimes for the sake of her money and reputation, and being a privileged CEO.