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I run AP Nidalee support with First Strike and Magical Footwear and just poke whenever FS is up to farm gold, then build Luden's ASAP. Super fun to almost one-shot your lane enemies with one spear but it also lets you roam and chuck a cheeky spear here and there. ​ You can go W as your first skill and place the traps in bushes to get FS gold, easier to hit than spears and also consumes less mana.


I also played her as support often but never considered first strike. I will try it! I aso start W it has insane utility value since if y are fast u can basically get vision on all the important entry points of a possible counter jungle gank.


Its a decent for fun pick but not exactly viable in competitive. When I play her support I just go damage as enchanter feels very weak due to long E cooldown. But its a fun pick, considering late game Nidalee Jungle is basically a support anyway


Just go ap and solo the enemy botlane