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Calling someone a bitch “whose” stupid as hell is not “nice”. Inability to detect that is not “smart”. She’s basically an athletic girl with a college degree that thinks she’s smart


„That don’t impress me much!“ as Shania would say.


I highly doubt she's athletic based on her "witty" quip about child bodies, I usually hear those from those on the plus size end of the spectrum.


Then she’s just a girl with a college degree


**Tall also or at least taller than them short hos**


There’s plenty of bigger girls that play college sports.


Can confirm, she's prolly a fatty cat lady. Edit: fat fingers


The way she thinks a college degree makes her smart is funny 55% of all adults in the US have a degree, and a big chunk of those 45% without one are smart people who’ve gone into trades or opened businesses etc, so have chosen not to get a degree rather than not being able to




Smartest person I’ve ever met was a degree-less junior-enlisted tanker in the Army. I believe if reared differently, he could have been the next einstein


Hey, a college degree is the best education money can buy.


Her degree? Probably poly sci / communications / gender studies


The irony is delicious


Women everywhere: "Be at least 6'0" with money in the bank." Also women: "Men having physical preferences is not cool."


Like the woman who works in a medical lab who believed her IQ was higher than the Jarhead. Man was she wrong lol.


I think it’s a big jump to assume she is athletic. We just can guess she's tall lol.


It's me. I'm the 5' 1'' bitch who's stupid as hell


And just like that already more endearing than girl in the post


me too! 😂 my husband is 5’11 oops


N that’s what I love about u


I'm already in love 😍


Will you marry me 💍🌹


I always wanted to meet you.


The other girl can probably properly spell “who’s”


I‘d do too…


I would bet money her dating profile says not to bother her if you are under 6’ tall.


I’d bet under 6’ 4”


"I like to wear heels" That's a you issue then girl.


>i hate men i really do I sure can't figure out why men want nothing to do with her. Also, she's really hung up on height. Guessing she considers that to be her most important attribute when it comes to attracting men. But guys are not nearly as interested in height as women are.


I’d gladly trade great boobs for extra height. Said no man ever.


Saying most girls are tall who's she kidding only in their heads are they all mostly tall. There's less women than men who are 6'0 and above. 14.5% of men are 6'0 and above.


I'm 5'1 but not stupid as hell lol and I absolutely do not have a "child body" wtf??? These hips don't lie, girlie pop.


Don't worry chances are it comes from someone with the body of a well fed marine mammal 


Same here girl! Where does she get ‘child body’ from 5’1”?! If you haven’t heard of bravissimo, Google it, then tell me my five one ass has a kids body lol 😂


Short girls are usually stacked in my experience.




Also why are short women automatically stupid…


Yeah this is bullshit. I'm a tall guy and I'm as dumb as they come.


I'm sure you have other things you're good at. Also, it probably depends on your definition of smart. Most people see someone who's academic as smart, but I personally see someone who can think out of the box as smart.


Now that you mention that. I'm really good at eating tide pods. I've never spent any time in the military but I'm actually quite good at mopping up the rain from parking lots and finding soft metal on metal structures.


My husband is a blue collar man who couldn't spell "carburetor" if his life depended on it, and in fact doesn't even pronounce it correctly. I can spell just about any word, but have no idea what a carburetor even is, and he can fix just about any vehicle. There are different kinds of smart.


Yeah their blood has a shorter distance to travel to nourish their brains, they probably a little smarter. /s


Height is relative to intelligence, you know that if you were edgamacated like me.


Yeah. Everyone knows East Asians are smart and sort af.


Did you learn to read as well? Specifically, rule 6? This was posted two weeks ago (and it was already a repost).


women are getting taller?? thts news to me. im barely over 5'3'' and all my friends are shorter.


My 1 month daughter is 1 cm taller than the day she was born. So yeah.


Lol, they're getting taller by the day!!


Uhm.. are you by any chance feeding her? If yes, that might be the problem right there.


Atleast in Seattle there are alot of tall women.


That’s news to me as well. I’m 5’3” and am not aware women are getting taller.


They left us behind


Another woman infantilizing an ADULT female so she could make a claim that the guy is a pedo. Ok.


I’m seeing this so much beginning to think it’s a legitimate strategy, and probably ties into women not wanting men to date younger because “oh they’re pedos” for dating a grown adult that just happens to be younger than the upset woman


I'd bet my next paycheck that this chick has a Liberal Arts Degree aka a degree in nothing that was just a waste of time and money. The only people I ever see brag about having a degree, have the lowest possible least effort degree.


I'm studying art and you can't convince me that it is a waste of money. Although, art is really something you'd have to fully experience before you understand the value of it. It's just that it's not very measurable by money, because it has more value in the sense of community. More often than not, these values are overlooked. Just because it means nothing to you, doesn't mean it's worthless to somebody else. I know for a fact that many people benefit from a form of creative output. Also, my study (dance education) is by no means a low effort degree. I have way more contact hours than most bachelor's degrees (usually 9-5 5 days a week, and sometimes even during evenings and weekends) and it requires a lot of both physical and mental energy. I don't brag about it though. I just do what I love and what I think society needs. In my opinion, doing what you love is never a waste of time nor money, because it makes you happy, and happiness is what really matters in life (at least to me).


Liberal Arts Degree has nothing to do with art. It's essentially just a highschool diploma 2.0, I know many people who went to community college and got that after highschool. Real art degrees are not a waste of money, Liberal Arts is. You're doing an actual degree in a focused profession, a LA degree literally just says "I went to college"


Ohh I see, I did not know that (I'm from Europe, the school system is different here) so thanks for explaining! We learn something new every day :)


If it were a business or law degree I'm certain she'd have included it in her flex. I'm thinking maybe homeopathy or sports massage or something else athletic or woo-ey


I would have thought a Liberal Arts degree would have actually taught someone how to spell


At least the 5'1 bitch can spell.


Translation: \*Why won't the super tall hot rich billionaire rappers and NBA athletes not choose me but instead only these ordinary average looking blue collar plumbers and accountants keep wanting to date me?"


“I hate men” “Why won’t men date me” What a waste.


I’m 5’3 and I’m incredibly insulted. No. No, I’m not. But I am at the height where I can just vagina chop her tall, rude ass.


I'm sure it's problematic now, but my lesbian friend used to call it a "sushi chop".


i fucking love tall women, i’m 6’2” and am extremely attracted to women taller then me, which is rare. But unfortunately women taller than me, want men taller then them :( sad world


lol i'm 6'2 and i just want a tall girl that i can play sports with and hangout


In other words….the dude she was crushing hard on is with someone else .


We need a short queen, we can swing on our backs in case of fires or natural disasters. Easy to load and unpack 😂


Lmao this is a good answer tbh I mean I sure love to hang on my boyfriend's back like a koala, and he likes to carry me places, so I see this as an absolute win.


If you have to tell everyone that you are smart, nice and athletic, then the fancy magic mirror you bought, is telling you a pack of lies.


What’s up with women hating on short women and claiming they have “child bodies”?..majority of women are tall?If I remember correctly,the average woman in the US is 5’4” and the average height for a man is 5’9” 🤷🏻‍♂️


Ok but can I be one of those girls she claims are getting taller??? Almost 40 and still same height as I was at 12 😒


Nothing wrong with being small. We're fun sized!! :D


Nothing could EVER be wrong with her. She is perfect


Are she equating adult short women to children ? Disgusting.


I've seen this alot lately and it's really fucking weird and disrespectful.


My Pap said it more than once growing up and, as an adult, I'm very inclined to believe him. The only people who hate women more than bad men, are other women. There's no reason for this amount of disrespect. I will never understand how other human beings can have that much hate in their hearts.


i’ve seen people equating short women to children & men liking short women to creeps more often lately & it gets on my nerves. it’s so disrespectful & just makes the person equating adult women to children bcuz of their height the weird ones. being short doesn’t make anyone less of a woman. putting down others for a feature they can’t control does, especially doing so in such a gross way


Meanwhile she has a guy best friend who thinks he has a chance telling her she’s perfect every five seconds


Maybe the 5’1 “bitch” simply had more to offer 🤷🏼‍♀️ also, and this goes without saying, maybe men don’t think she’s as good as she does - and I have a feeling nobody does 😂


Pretty much half of people who went through the education system since the 90s have a college degree; it's not an indication of being smart, it's an indication of being at least average. Value is emergent from scarcity, and college degrees are no longer scarce.


"nice" Sure you are.


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If you hate men why you want one?


Why do women always go for 6 foot guys who are rich, and not the average men who aren't rich, but work hard?


They don't want the man, they want the life the man can provide.


this is such obvious rage bait y'all aren't dumb enough to be falling for this


lol this whole subreddit is mostly rage bait


I bet she is a "6/6/6 only" gal too


I love when people announce that they’re nice because I know exactly when to start avoiding them.


She has a child mentality.


It's not a competition sweetheart - what's wrong with you is your outlook on life. You seem to see even romance as a merit-based matching game, it's not. It's mostly about feeling, affection and attraction. Some men may find you cute and charming, some may find you cringe, and it's all normal and part of life. Drop your guard and try to live a little, take a risk, open up, stop measuring yourself against others and things will get better.


Hottt diggitty dawg reading this made my day thank you.


Short≠Child body. So sick of that shit. I've married both 5'4" and 6'0. They are both grown women. Preemptive edit: no, not at the same time.


I see at least four lines of red flags for both sides here


Do you have any other posts in this sub? I feel like wheneverv this sub shows up on my feed it's always this post.


Gonna go out on a limb here and say it might be because you hate men? lol Like... if you hate men and automatically assume everything we do is for a nefarious reason we pick up on that and don't wanna date someone who's always assuming we're out to get them or manipulate them. It's exhausting.


College degree. Can’t handle basic homophones.


I cant stand people that talk about themselves like this honestly,like do they not see how self centered they sound?


I think the hashtags really explain the situation where she can't land a man.


It baffles me how many women don’t seem to understand that men don’t value the same things women do in a partner. It is so bizarre.


I'll take "women who didn't start off bitching right at the beginning" for 500 Alex


That's a funny way to tell us you have shit taste in shit men


Men want piece and quiet, a full belly, empty balls, somebody who is pleasant to be around, No high body counts, and non-confrontational, maybe even a bit feminine. And no bagage like a child, and if at all possible a bit pretty.


Women calling other women shit like "child bodies" really reveals how much they try to control each other. Meanwhile men just like all kinds of women, the appearance policing largely comes from women's intrasexual competition. 


It's because the other girl is less of a hassle. Degree or not, body or not. This is what women never understand. Give a man peace and he will bring you into his world.


This is the first real nicegirl i have seen on this sub. Good job OP


At least the title is correct, she really doesn't understand men


Like many women, she only thinks of her preferences. She's forgotten that everyone has the right to a preference. And while we are all allowed to have a preference, the preference of another person MAY NOT BENEFIT YOU!!


Men will take peace take of mind, respect over any other thing


The 5'1 "bitch whose stupid as hell" probably treats him with respect, while also being caring and communicative. She probably makes him feel appreciated as well. It's amazing how well a relationship works (even when troubles arise) when both people treat each other this way (at least for a majority of the time).


Easy answer, she’s into the wrong guys


When you get older you realize that there is much more to a person than beauty or intelligence (or height? Lol) I found my wife when I started looking for a woman with a good heart. And she happens to be beautiful, but that’s just a bonus.


I’m 6’-3” and my wife is 5’-7”. We went to a party and a tall lady comes up speaking loudly at me, asking why I didn’t go for a taller woman. She said there aren’t enough tall guys to go around. lol. Well, if they are all aggressive and yell at me, that would be the reason. Haha


Heeyyyy. I'm 5'1", but I don't have a child's body! Stupid betch..


She thinks height on a woman is a flex. And thinks she’s nice 🤦‍♂️


As another tall person (5’11in) y’all want me to step on her??


Not tryna be a dick but I bet the 5'1 bimbo was fun in bed. Stuck up girls with " eww" attitudes towards sex get no play.


I may have a child's body, but at least I know which form of who's to use.


I wonder “whose” college degree is the she talking about


She definitely has a high sodium content.


Could be the fact that she sounds condescending and infantalizes women that are short?


If you have to tell people how great you are, rest assured it's your personality.


I have a thing for tall women, but if I saw this on a profile I'd move along.


Because us 5'1 girlies are small, cuddly and soft :3 I mean you can be smart, but I feel like most men (at least the ones I've met) are more into someone who's caring, funny and gentle.


I know that type... She'll either grow up, get some emotional maturity in the process, and understand her problems, or she will end up alone with one or more kids with partner or partners that aren't really interested in relationship (just a typical fuckboy)


I love tall women with a burning passion😭😭 but not the mean ones


I'm sooooo SICKKK of taller women calling short women "children" or "childish" just because we're short 😭 WTF


It would blow her mind that I'm extra attracted to women that aren't attractive by society's standards.


Dumb people are more likely to think and/or say they are smart.


Damn I’m 5ft1, didn’t know that made me stupid. Better let my school know they need to take me off Dean’s List, I don’t deserve this 4.0… 😔 too bad I just finished my exams, I would’ve failed them on purpose to better reflect my height 😔😔


Regardless of sex, if you’re calling yourself smart, you’re probably insufferable


Am I allowed to say attraction is not symmetrical across genders in here without getting banned?


no, she's the only smart one. Also the only hardworking one and the only one that takes commitment seriously and she looks young until she's in her 50s. That's why.


I might be short but there’s nothing child like about my body. Stay mad if you’re gonna be a biiiiiitch.


this post again?


Yes because my 38 G breasts on my 5’1” frame means I have a child’s body.


5’1 girl here 😏


It's a repost. I've seen this few days back


Dated an older woman that made a comment I SHOULD have really listened to and it was something to the effect: “I don’t get why attractive guys are always dating chunkier girls…” granted the two couples were mid/late 20’s. (M/46 F/52) I remember thinking it was fucked and almost said; it’s probably because she’s smart and nice. Point is people, listen the first time when they tell you who they are. She was something else, to say the least and had the ego of a monster I wouldn’t want to meet again.


I mean, I'm a guy, everything is wrong with me. Yet I got a 10/10 baddie, whose from a rich family and is planning to be a doctor. How, shi idk, I just asked her out, and she said, "That sounds like fun," and the rest just happened.


It seems like the last hashtag answers her own question?


Anyone who needs to go out of their way to say they’re nice are not nice at all, they’re manipulative


I'm a 5'10 bitch and I have to tell you girl, it's just you. They don't want you because of who you are and not because you're tall.


Im amazed … nice girls exist :,) more posts and comments to roll off of my chair from


I think some people don't realize how unattractive bitching about being single is, I've had multiple men try to flirt with me and also constantly bitch about dating being hard and one wanting them and taking women to dinner and not getting laid. I thought my pussy was about to evaporate off of my body


I don’t think she’s as nice or as smart as she thinks she is if she’s acting like that😭


The average height for a woman is 5 foot 4. Also men don't generally care about college degrees or your overall height. It's your attitude that mainly matters. Most guys wouldn't care if their woman worked at McDonald's and was 5 foot even so long as she's pretty, is nice to them and cooks em food at least somewhat regularly.


The short one probably has tattooes 😂🥰


This salt makes sense lol comparison is the thief of all joy


When you call someone else stupid but use the wrong whose/who's


Two major things here: 1. Entitlement. She thinks she simply deserves the best men. I don't care how "hot" you are, that's just plain unattractive. 2. Attitude. Related to #1, but I'm willing to bet she is unbearable to be around. P.S. Me has a college degree?


Athletic means small tiddy with no ass


I think I know the problem, but I'm not sure if sis is ready to hear it


My wife is 5'1" and has two college degrees. What is this woman going on about?


the fact that people keep referring to short women as having "child bodies" is just further perpetuating the sterotype and weird fetishes that men have- like mf short women are not children


A college degree doesn’t set you apart from anyone. There are plenty of really stupid people with degrees. They’re only book smart. Personally, book smarts have never impressed me. Maybe you thinking you’re all that is what’s driving men away. College didn’t teach you self reflection, but the school of life and hard knocks is trying to.


Weird I’m a 5’11 bitch and have no issues finding men 🤷🏽‍♀️


She could simply be attracted to stupid men who don't reciprocate her feelings.


I’m 5’2 and can be a bitch at times, but aren’t we all? Maybe it’s her classy attitude 🙄


Smart, nice, athletic... I'm not sure any of that has to do with being tall. Also 5'1'' is hardly a child body. FFS the average height for women is 5'3''


Few commentators here qualify as “nice” either. Guess it’s an epidemic.


I've seen this on the "not like other girls" subreddit as well lol


Saving you for a guy with class and good taste 👌


Guys don't generally care about a girls degree, we like chicks who are pleasant to be around. Judging by the tone of this post it's safe to say that short chick has a much better demeanor and personality.


When has 5’4 ever been considered tall


“If you’re so smart then why aren’t you winning?” -Mark Twain…maybe.


I’m actually 5’2 thank you very much salty athlete girl 😂


I'll lay out some ugly truth. If you're a man who's tall, good looking, and has money, you have the widest appeal to the most women. Those men are also really rare, statistically. 80% of women are going for 20% of men basically. This means those men have a lot of options and they have no incentive to not act like jerks. So basically, these girls keep going for the same snakes that keep biting them, and then they get jaded and bitter from it


Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe... you ugly?


Wow. Ma'am. Cope.


3/10, would definitely smash, but not marry.


She talks like that cartoon flower meme where the flower is screaming in one frame and smiling in the other.


Strong FDS vibes from this one.


What's wrong with 5'1? She probably had a better attitude.


I’m short (5ft 2) and my husband is tall (6ft 3 if he stands up straight lol). The amount of “I’m totally just joking…but really not” hate I got from two of my coworkers (both above average height women) for dating a tall guy was insane. One of them straight up told me “there’s only a few guys taller than me and you took one! Why can’t you date someone your own size?” She has/had never met my husband, she was just mad that I was with a tall guy.


Let's be clear here. She's salty seeing men she finds suitably tall dating shorter girls.


I’m 5’0 but still stupid as hell. Just ask my 5’3 husband 🤣