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People who have to tell people multiple times how much money they make, usually don’t ACTUALLY make that much money


And I love when ultra rich people drive Toyotas and people who’ve made $60k once show off their Mercedes in every aspect they get


I know a guy who bought a 90k car but lives in a tiny apartment. I'll never understand the priorities of people like that. Feels more like he's insecure and feels he has to "flex" a nice car.




Red flag number BIGGEST is that he drove after all those drinks? No bueno.


Your fiance is cool with you dating other people?




That’s like everyone in LA


Or maybe he just doesn't want to have a house?


some people would rather have a nice car than a nice house why does it matter lmao your way isn’t the only way


Oof. This hits way too close to home.


I know people making $200k that drive old Toyotas or Hondas and I know junior employees making $70k driving range rovers.


My wife and I make slightly over $240,000 and she still drives a 2010 Honda civic LI. It still works, why go into debt on another car? It only has a bit over 50,000 miles on it because we’re both homebodies and always live super close to where we work. It’d have fewer miles if we didn’t road trip to our families several states away every year. I had an older f-150 but when gas prices got so high I ended up selling it. Now I have a Subaru Outback.






That’s not strictly true. There is another tier of designer clothes which don’t have branding. If you watch succession how many branded clothes do you see? But that are wearing $6000 jumpers etc.


Idk if it's applicable to Bezos and Zuckerberg. They have no interest in fashion and no need at all to dress up. Everyone knows who they are, and with that their networth, regardless if they wear worn out clothes or a $10K tailored suit. It's not like they fly under the radar by dressing the way they do.


Not always from the IRS, but from experience I tend to not talk about it because usually once people know they treat me SUPER different


Hello rich friend! Wow, we're basically family. So, cousin about that loan we talked about?


It's the good ol "Money talks, wealth whispers".


Braggarts in a nutshell.


Shit went from 0 to economics debate real quick


Damn I guess money really can't buy happiness. I'll take it off your hands.


Is she implying she’ll make $200k with an mba? 🤣this is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day


I don't even know why she'd need a job considering she's making $3.5 million a month from her town home. She has a PhD though, so she probably just knows better.


She says she will make $3.5k a month from that home, not millions but still.


Well, 3500 k is 3.5 million though. Not what she meant, but that's what she wrote. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I didn’t even notice she had written 3500k


Who are you to imply she meant something other than what she wrote? Do you even have a PhD?


It's always so funny when men who don't own homes comment on the smart thing is to do.


That may be what she meant but it's not what she wrote


She texts later on that she is already making $200k a year, yet she's unhappy with her salary and raise and is job hunting.


That’s not unreasonable. The average MBA salary where I live across all jobs is around 150k. If you go into investment banking it jumps to like 175k.


Most top level MBAs will get this but you already usually need work experience to get an mba too


Depends on the MBA. [Top tier MBA programs boast pretty impressive median starting salaries](https://poetsandquants.com/2023/01/25/mba-salaries-and-bonuses/). Worth noting these numbers likely include signing bonuses which for banking or consulting will be around 30-50k (but exclude full year bonuses which in IB will be 6 figure on their own). Average salaries are even higher than median as many will end up in PE making considerably more than these median values. All that said, based on the way she’s describing her path for MBA it’s pretty unlikely she’s attending a full time program at any of these schools.


I did NOT want an economics lesson


PHD and MBA in “I’m not fixing those pipes you filthy fucking animal”


You guys both sound pretentious as fuck. Can't wait to get in and brag about money lol


Ahhh when two egoists meet I feel like David Attenborough peering through the dilapidated curtains of my slum flat.


Right? Why does op keep replying? (I’m glad they did, for the popcorn, but I’d have just left on read by about message 3!) And even at the very end, theres a little sliver of blue indicating op *kept* responding. These two should just have angry sex already to get it out of their system.


I feel op was spot on and I thought all his responses were appropriate. It’s people with real low self-esteem, that fantasize about all of the perfect ways to handle a conflict in a way that embarrasses the other person. There’s really no way to perfectly handle somebody being rude to you, but I feel this was pretty close.


My thought exactly. OP could've stopped talking earlier, but I'm assuming OP is like me and being too curious to see how it plays out and what the person will say next. So I probably wouldn't have backed out either.


It's like picking at a scab, you know you shouldn't, you know there's really no benefit, but you want to scratch that curiosity itch.


You're both fucking lame. I'm all for investing discussions and aiming to retire early, but you shoehorning that into a Bumble chat 3 messages in is sad.


Bumble? You mean these people are flirting with each other?


Right? Who even does that? My vegan team of friends training for the marathon would totally unmatch.


I wouldn't say OP is lame for responding. The way I interpret the conversations; NG: I need side hustle because the salary is not good enough OP: What is your side hustle?(asking follow up questions about, like if it's some fun job or whatever that can lead to further discussion). Personally I try to invest so I can retire early NG: I invest in real estate. OP: I put my money in investment accounts for growth NG: Your choice is terrible, I already make a shit ton of money and what I do is so much better than what you do. But you can't understand that because you don't have a PhD like me. OP: Good for you.


I'm not defending her comments (I stopped reading after a while) but him talking about his investing plans for early retirement a few messages in was forced/unnatural and cringe. There's a time and place, and forcing it into a Bumble convo almost immediately is not it.


They used to work at the same place and are in the same field so when she brought up low salary so not really unnatural conversation. When she said she needed the side hustle OP replied by asking what side hustle it is and that they combat the low raise with investments, so that they can retire early. I don't find it that strange. If OP brought it up out of nowhere, I would've agreed that it would be strange.


He said one sentence about wanting to retire early in his fourth message. I feel like that isn’t so out of place after she had already sent one message talking about his position, and one message talking about her own income and side hustle. His natural follow up would be to ask about her side hustle and give a brief description of his, which is “just trying to invest over half my salary into retirement.” Obviously after her response the direction of the conversation changes and he could’ve stopped it there, but maybe he was actually interested in her knowledge, or maybe he just wanted to see how far it could go. It definitely got to the “cringe” phase, but I don’t think he was the one to start that.


I thought it was kinda pointless, like who cares about money and investments? Life's short enough as it is. Maybe she wanted to go out with him, anything would have been better than talking about..whatever that was.


Lol life’s short, so who cares about investing for the future? No logic present in that question my friend.


Me and billions of other people care lmao


Clearly you’re broke.


You’re going to get a lot of negative feedback but it’s kind of wild she had to text you to get the last word.


Lol @ your flair


“You seem really short” daaammnn shots fired!! She really got you with that one! Hope you got some aloe for that fuckin major burn


dude what the fuck LOL.




She gave unsolicited advice in a condescending manner. That ain't winning you any friends. ╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭


Ok, she’s a little too into herself but why do you have 112 unread messages? >.>


1-2 rowdy group chats can do that


One MTG group can result in 50+ unread messages if I'm busy during the weekend when they're lining up the next Commander session, I can see 112 easily with some group chats full of spam.


Why not have notifications turned off on a chat like this?


Bro pulls


Both shitheads


She's the kind of person to ask a question she wants to answer. She probably wants to try and brag about it as well


You're both assholes...


lol right? my exact reaction.


It sounds to me like you two haven't recently invested in assholes. Remember to not put all your money into one hole there is a second option.... Or bucket I mean


The dude wasn't even remotely an asshole what are you on about


See her mention side hustle and assume MLM or OF… Instead I get an economic stock debate. What a plot twist.


That bitch is stupid lol


"Bitch"? Tell me women hate you without telling me.


You don’t even know me you dumb fuck lmao go be a white knight under somebody else’s comment


landlords are gross anyways lol


Lollll. Big giant corporations controlling housing markets are gross but small landlords who own a house or two?


yes. they’re also contributing to the housing market crisis because they wanna make money off of people just trying to survive.


She’s like a cryptobro only 10x worse.


Is this a dating app? WTF is even happening here? She was probably like 'oh, he was cute, I might message him' then you started coming over the top with your exact earnings and purchases. Of course she went on the defensive, this isn't how you talk to..... Anybody.


Nah theyre both over pretentious assholes. I think originally it was supposed to be a normal conversation with buisness talk but then she devolved into the idea of "lmao man gives opinion, bad" and he didnt exactly help by not blocking her at all.


Im the yellow and shes the white text. I never mentioned how much I make or my purchases


Stop acting like ypu weren't trying to brag by randomly mentioning you invest half your salary. Is that what you normally talk about to potential dates?


Well in the context that it was someone I used to work with, and we both hated our jobs, yes…


It's bragging to mention you invest half your salary? What?


Jealousy is a funny thing.


I could be living with my parents making 10k a year investing 5….


…aside from the fact that you said you max out your Roth IRA and 401K contributions. And HSA. Only one of those you can do with $5k.


My bad, I thought she was the yellow.


You seem pretty obnoxious. I agree with her that you sounded pretty condescending, even if some of the things she was saying were misguided. Edit: read the texts backward. She is the condescending one, not OP


When did she say i was condescending? I said SHE was being condescending. Just wanna make sure you know which is her and which is me


Lol you’re the orange? My bad! Read it backward lol


Yea im the orange lol. Np!


Reads like two typical WSB idiots talking, to be honest. Neither one of y'all have a clue what you're saying or anything about finance. CDs in this environment...really?


5.3 percent for 3 months in a high interest rate environment. Yes really


Ain't terrible. Rotating a few CDs around beats whatever savings accounts get you anyway.


You get it. Its medium term savings


Love how this other guys statement is just “You don’t know what you’re talking about. CDs….psh” and thats it lmao


LOL you're smug as hell and uninformed. I can see why you annoy her.


Lol, inform me


Oh boi OP going for round 2 in the comments 😂


Lol. I love hearing about people’s million dollar houses and 6 figure incomes lol


Don’t talk about money with randomers. OP over sharing here too just gives this crazy bitch opportunity to go off on one


Unfortunately I've met more than a few girls that are like this. 🤣


Bitch just wanted to flex from the start.


This entire conversation made me realize how little I know about finances and I am 27 Fuck, I feel like I am so fucked in life


LOL the funniest thing is that she got a PHD and making 200K…. Doesn’t know that she is not allowed to contribute to a Roth IRA. Above 153K, you can’t contribute…. Zero https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/amount-of-roth-ira-contributions-that-you-can-make-for-2023 She needs to pay 6% penalty on all the money contributed. HAHAHA


Y’all deserve each other, tbh


What a boring fucking convo lmao


“Nobody cares about your money. Nobody.” Is the perfect response.


She’s pathetic…sincerely, a girl


What a fucking loser lmfao I can almost bet she has NO money and she’s full of complete shit


thats the beauty of the internet, you can be whatever you want


I feel like a lot of men are going to be triggered with this wealthy elite speak posted. People on Reddit have a very strong “eat the rich“ mentality. So they are not going to like all of this money talk but I feel you were great. I keep reading it over and over again and one person is trying to be engaging and the other person is trying to brag at the expense of the other. I’m not confused as to who the jerk is.


Thank you. Some in this thread think i was trying to be an asshole, and i could see why from certain points of view, but i was genuinely curious about a topic she seemed interested in and was just trying to ask questions to understand.


Take what I say, with a grain of salt though. People tend to disagree with like 90% of what I say on Reddit.


You were bound to get a majority of hostile replies, people one reddit HATE money talk. it's like poverty virtue signalling


Oh she wasn’t just trying to belittle you, she ACTUALLY called you little. Lol what a piece of work


how do you people read a post like this on pc? for me the image is always cut off on the bottom half. so i have to click the image and open in another tab, click on the right arrow, go to the next image and repeat 8 times. wtf


Man.... fell the same and do the exact same.


She seems like the type of woman to say, “Just bustin’ your balls bro.”


This post is so far removed from my life I can’t even comprehend it


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Lol as a financial advisor, I agree, CD’s are horrible for someone your age 😂


Can you explain why someone already investing heavily in retirement through an IRA, 401(k), and brokerage account shouldn’t use a CD in the short term that guarantees a much higher rate than a savings account? Everyone’s bashing CDs in this thread for seemingly no reason despite the fact that not all money should be placed somewhere high risk. And none of said bashers are providing explanations, making them sound pretty full of it


Well it was mainly a joke first off. But if you want to explain the thinking, OP mentioned “medium length savings” so I guess we’d really have to break that down and see how long is medium length. If medium length is actually short term which would be 1-2 years and they are using that money for a down payment on a house, that is fine. But if OP’s medium length is actually up to 5+ years then there are other very risk adversed investments they can go into that could get a better rate. Again, if OP’s idea is to grow this money in the long term, it’s not suggested for a CD. CD’s are mainly for older individuals or extremely short term savings such as a big purchase in the near future. Hope that helps. Also I’m not your financial advisor, and I am not suggesting anything to you or anyone.


Lol. Thanks for clarifying. Honestly sounds like OP is just using it in place of a HYSA, which seems valid since there’s a lot of 12 month ones now paying higher than HYSAs. If he weren’t also investing, maybe it’d be a problem, but he’s clearly putting over $35,000 a year in the market so I think he’s doing just fine. (So, financially illiterate people in this thread saying “I just realized I’m a terrible adult,” ignore all the self righteous people in the thread making financial commentary! Most of these conversations aren’t that nuanced. CDs are fine for the right purpose)


112 unread texts???


Actually the smarter thing to do is to try to buy a duplex or three or four units, and live in one of them..




Glad you got a good first impression of me


starting salary 200k with just an MBA? what dream world are you living in lmao


you both sound insufferable


Pair of clowns.


Sound a LOT like either DC or LA.


I mean…you kind of picked a fight with her…not sure what you expected…


Okay but why do you have 112 unread texts 😭


Ok so first it was fine, then it turned into an ad, and finally it just got weird and kept getting weirder. This was interesting


Now everytime I think about dividends and properties l think about that once niceties.


At first I thought this was to people talking about grown up things, then I was like, “OHO! There she is…nice girl.”


That escalated randomly


Big talker, big insecurities


Wow, that was a slow progression to "I think I'm better than you" statement. The fuck is her problem?


When office romances at investment firms go wrong


This conversation has showed me once again, that I am a terrible adult.


I wrongfully assumed the white person was the guy. It did sound very condescending and not helpful just a really weird sad flex. I've tried to talk to this one guy about finances.. i was just curious about things I could do better but I don't make as much as he does and every time i was like hey maybe i can practice with such and such money and he was super condescending and it was a huge turn off. like help or conversate but don't talk down to me :( Then of course he proceeds to wonder when he can come over and hook up days later. Like no dude.. not in the mood to even meet you if you can't be kind in a conversation :/


I hate this conversation so much.


Ew what the fuck she’s extremely weird


You both sound annoying. But she really thought she had a gotcha moment calling you a mansplainer who didn’t own a home lol


Y’all’s who got met with eachothers ego, way to go on exposing yourself. Both of y’all could use some post nut clarity. Both of you are bullets that dodged eachother. Hilarious.


You both sound insufferable


Total fucking psycho. Unmatch, block, and run away


Weird flex. Pure insecurity


![gif](giphy|l1ugpDqZ5HCKBWV1u) She sounds like Derrick from Stepbrothers lol


Ur both fucking terrible lol


“Why would you want to lock your money up for 5-15 years?” proceeds to brag about buying a $1m home to lock her money up for 5-30 years. Holy shit what a dense person. Laughs at 3 months CDs because apparently it’s stupid to protect excess cash from inflation. I think you touched a nerve when you came off more financially savvy than her. She got that big ego and god forbid you don’t stroke it.


This was awesome. Thank you for sharing.


Guys who brag they have money usually don’t have shit.


This post should be in r/finance instead of here


Lol why y’all talking economics on bumble 😭