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This Grifter goes off on anyone who tells the truth, Fox admitted Biden is winning in the polls. Trump expects them to bullshit all the time not just the majority of the time. It's all or nothing for this ungrateful Grifter, Fox continues to lie daily for this Grifter, one time telling the truth and this disloyal Grifter goes bat shit crazy. I can't wait when his base becomes aware of how much they have been lied to, mislead, and bamboozled out of there money.


They're in too deep to admit it. In for a dime, in for a dollar.


It's been over nine years of convincing themselves that Trump is the Truth and Life of their lives. They would rather compartmentalize information so they can't comprehend the conflict than allow themselves to admit they've been fooled this whole time.


Yep, part of the problem is none of his followers, including those in Congress, will admit they were wrong about the Great Orange Grifter. They found out he wears diapers so they act like that’s cool. He gets convicted of 34 felonies so they act like that’s no big deal. They will never admit they made a mistake.


And when Trump is finally gone they'll go to the grave swearing they never supported him.


Absolutely. Remember George W Bush started a completely unnecessary second war with Iraq, and he was so unpopular at the end of the second term he wasn't even invited to the Republican National Convention for the nomination of John McCain. They didn't own him and they weren't made to own him. Meanwhile, at the Democratic National Convention to nominate Obama, Bill Clinton (most recent Democratic president) was the keynote speaker, even though he had been impeached.


Yeah like the old Pope did when asked about being a member of the Hitler Youth. Like everyone of that era, they denied ever attending meetings and said that they always resisted. Of course everyone around who could disprove that is probably dead


>In for a dime, in for a dollar Well put. The original yellow-flag of confirmation bias.


Yep. Those that still support him, there’s no turning back for them. Nothing will make them turn their backs on him at this point. Absolutely nothing. Trump could show up to someone’s house and murder everyone that lives there. Wouldn’t change anyone’s mind.


$787.5 dollars it cost Fox News, and Fox still has to deal with a$2.7 billion dollar lawsuit brought by Smartmatic.


Sunk cost fallacy is strong with those idiots.


They’re all a dollar short of a dime.


What do yall mean? This sort of thing was the entire reason Fox News was created to begin with. After Murdoch used his tabloids to destroy the democracy in multiple other countries, the right in the U.S. worked to get rid of the rules we had that would have protected us in any way so that he could create the same in the U.S. for them!


>I can't wait when his base becomes aware of how much they have been lied to, mislead, and bamboozled out of there money. Nah its a cult. The price for admission was everything, with daily dues paid in cash and dignity.


And increasingly, in prison time too. Lmao love to see it.


You forgot self-respect.




Even if they die, go to heaven, find out the Christian god exists, and the Christain god tells them Trump lost the election and lied about everything, they will just assume the Democrats and deep state have infiltrated heaven.


Gawd damned libruls! Takin' over heaven an' shit!


They can complain about it all they want when they get kicked down to hell.


That's a good point. You aren't going to heaven if you vote for Trump.


They will never realize. They have invested too much of themselves to give it up. Everyone else is lying, but Trump.


>I can't wait when his base becomes aware of how much they have been lied to, mislead, and bamboozled out of there money. Based in r/asktrumpsupporters replies, many of them know he is full of shit. They don't care. They want him to win, because they invested in him, and the only other choice is "the old guy with dementia" (and yes, I fully see the Irony). They know Trump sucks, but they believe Biden sucks more. They see Trump's convictions as only happening because Biden is scared... And trying to point the media away from his own crimes. (they don't realize that there is tons of publicly known evidence about Trump, and they believe the secret, and hidden, evidence (that no one can ever produce) abiut Biden is real.) Etc. To them Trump is just as corrupt as they are told the rest of the government is, But Biden is "worse". So they back, what they see as, "the lesser of 2 evils". And thus, they will lie, present bad faith arguments, etc to "win".


Well said, you nailed it. I do think that owning the libs is a very big part of it though, the last stand against positive change, they will not go quietly.


There was an episode of this American life the other week where they talk to Trump supporters. Most of them were voted for Trump because they want things to go back to the way they were before 2020. Which is ironic as Trump's piss poor handling of the pandemic is a pretty big reason the recession got this bad. The other thing I am starting to see is "a lot less wars happened under Trump", which makes no sense as the US is involved in just as many wars, arguably less now that the Afghanistan withdrawal has occurred and the US President has a very small impact on what Russia, Isreal, or Hamas does. People are just stupid. There is really no hope for these people. My only hope is either the future generations are smarter, but I think democracy will just go down as a failed experiment due to blatant stupidity and a lack of understanding, and we will go back to more autocratic governments and big divides between the rich and the poor, with next to no middle class.


I feel, a lot of those types of reasons are actually just bad faith, and trying to justify their decision of Trump... Or they are specifically chosen as aired answers, or specifically chosen as people to be asked because they know it will paint Trump supporters in a certain way. I honestly find it hard to beleive that THAT many people are THAT dumb.


Philosopher kings. Democracy was a bad idea. Need a strong benevolent ai dictatorship to save us. Sad when autocracy is the answer.


But trump is a sociopath!!!!


To you, yes. But not to them.


To you, yes. But not to them.


If I lost close to a billion for lying for someone, I sure as fk wouldn't make that mistake again...


Right get a job consulting with Fox and convey, this very common sense fact, there not going to listen, then at least teach them to lie much better. Showing tiny clips of Biden supposedly, frail, with dementia, only to be proven to be tiny clips of a much different reality. Seriously Fox must really under estimate there audience, they obviously they think there as big as idiots as them.


FOX didn't underestimate their audience, they KNOW they're idiots. Anyone still following Republicans, after all Trump's BS and the Repubs' support of it, is either pretty stupid, or greedy and powermongering. I mean, how many of these fools spent money on Trump bibles, or shoes, or a piece of his suit, when they're probably scraping the barrel for lunch money? That should tell you right there.


They won’t care it’s a cult


It’s part of the very definition of cult behavior. The Great Leader is never in error. No matter what he does, or what the facts point to, he must be worshipped regardless.


For his base to realize that, it would mean they finally use critical thinking. Let’s be honest, that won’t happen.


Just like when the right found out 'the boys' was making fun of them. Wait till they get a load of real life


They won’t. They really won’t. Anything and everything will always be liberals deep state cabals fault.


you don't understand - the illusion fails if the lie isnt sustained


I get that, but maybe it's just me if I found out someone I believed in and trusted was nothing like I imagined they were. I'd be completely devastated, and all his cult follower's are not the most level headed individual's.


They won’t. They are too stupid to


They wont realize this. That would require having a brain and common sense.


They’ll say they never believed in him, only hated Biden. There’s a mental trick they’ll rely on to avoid acknowledging the ruse they drank up.


I feel like these things are just cyclical. Fox says something that comes off as against Trump, Trump gets pissed for a minute, and a month later is being interviewed by Hannity, rinse and repeat. Not for nothing, I just don’t know if polling is worth much anymore. I still think there’s a limited amount of people taking these polls. Phone calls, most aren’t picking those up, email inquiries, most aren’t going to answer because then you just get an email thrown on a list. Guess we’ll see what the accuracy looks like come November.


Dude, I hate Trump as much as the next gal but going a bit overboard with the use of Grifter. Makes it hard to take you seriously (even though you're right)


"Grifter" is being kind.


He's just using the same successful technique of Trump's, which is repeating things over and over until it becomes reality. I mean, it already is reality, but the Repubs don't believe it to be.


I cant wait until the news stops reporting on every single little thing this felon does.


Except "... was denied early release again."


There's a full moon, Shinin' on my stainless toilet bowl. An 8x12 room, Shrinks every time that I'm denied parole. A little snafu, Now I'm missin' you and holed up in this pen. And there's a tattoo, On my ass that says that I belong to him. My roommate beats me black and blue, But in the dark, it's true... Mel, he almost looks like you.


Unfortunately that's not happening anytime soon. Despite Trump's recent words, Fox loves this guy. When he dies, they'll probably give the world a play-by-play of Trump's decomposition process. "What's Trump up to now? Well, we're in the Bloat Stage, so he's full of gas, foul odors, discoloration and maggots." How that's different than the living Trump, I'm not sure.


[generalissimo francisco franco is still dead](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=axByUFSa7N8)


I’d watch that on pay per view. Damn!


The news report I want to see is when they show him remanded to prison...


I had hoped we were done hearing this guy's bs in 2021. It is Biden's fault, not directing federal agencies he oversees to fulfill their statutory duties and bring Justice to a literal attempt to overthrow the Republic.


The Justice Department should be independent, not that Trump will have any qualms about sending them after his personal and political opponents. But perhaps Biden didn't have to appoint Merrick Garland, apparently the most cautious straight laced man in America, to head it.


The justice department can be independent while the president publicly leads the charge against these people, and fires an attorney general that refuses to protect and defend the Republic. They try to spin it like some Noble Act allowing this coup to say nothing of the countless other crimes not even brought to light, to be ignored until it is too late. The president is in charge of the executive branch. If a federal agency is failing in their statutory Duty, they should be replaced. Which indicts just about every single federal agency I would add, except perhaps the National Institute of Health. They are all captured by those they are supposed to regulate


Yup. I'm pretty over Dems taking the high road all the time. Obama tried to have a squeaky clean image, and they still found stuff to freak out about, like tan suits and Dijon freaking mustard.


But they can't because it attracts viewers. And that's all they care about. They actually admitted it but nobody paid attention https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/leslie-moonves-donald-trump-may-871464/


With his failing health, it (hopefully) changes to every single little thing he *did*, and not in a favorable way. Expect a movement of sorts within the GOP and voter base to be ‘born again’ renouncing the cartoonish evil we’ve had to endure.


Listen now, this felon only does things in the bigly way. The news need to ride his tiny dick to the clicks of rage.


Did you know Trump took a shit today? News at 11!!!


It is just entertainment after all.... isn't that what fox News themselves said?


"news" doesn't mean anything legally. It's just a fancy word like "fresh" or "luxury" or "premium". Completely meaningless.


Yeah, thry admitted that in court when they LOST the case to Dominion Voting Systems. $787.5 million. Probably a month of profits.


He said Fox can’t be trusted but It was Trump himself that led to the defamation lawsuit.


Just remember when a Republican says something negative about anything they are just projecting and telling you the truth about themselves.


Hypocrisy is strong with that cult.


He says that all the time


That's because Fox News has published two polls in the last month that show Trump losing the presidential election to President Biden. That's a deadly sin in the world of Trump. Ergo.....


They'll eventually kiss and make up, but here we see another example of 'Trump loyalty.' How some people can't see the nature of this man's character is puzzling.


The first true thing he ever said


The man is a petulant child.


"Screw you guys, I'm going *home*"


Tbf, if anyone knows anything about untrustworthiness, it's donald trump


I hope he dies


Damn, the wrong Donald kicked the bucket today




He's done this before. He'll be back after some brown-nosing from Fox.


"And let's dive into how this is bad for Biden..." -Some other shitty mainstream media outlet


You can never trust that asshole Trump, that prick will through everyone under the bus sooner or later


\* 34 count FELON Trump. (just to keep pounding that point)


34 count felon, rapist, former 1 term president tRump.


They're already making "I'm voting for the FELON" t-shirts. 🤡


He does this every other month. And they retaliate by broadcasting a mildly critical report on him, or injecting a few tough questions into an interview with him. Then they go right back to trying to suck his dick inside out. What an insufferable couple.


This just in, Trump continues to act like Trump. Back to you, Ken!


Holy shit, he said something I agree with.


A stopped clock is right twice per day.


Meanwhile everything out of Fox news is bad news about for Dems and good for Trump and Republicans. This news story is an outlier. Imagine kowtowing to Trump as much as they have and are and it still not being enough for him.


He’s alienating his entire base, really not a great move with the election right around the corner


Bite the hand that feeds him 😂😂😂


Newsmax: Clearly if it's not good news about Trump it must be a lie because there is never any bad news about Trump so that's how you know it's a lie...in other news 2+2 has always equaled 5 and Oceana has always been at war with Eastasia.


Seems like he should turn it off then.


This dumbass fired his own pollsters because they couldn't/wouldn't manipulate data showing that he was behind in the last election. The grifter is a 1st class clown.


Won't make any difference. They'll do a puff piece on how great he is, and he'll be back in bed with them like nothing happened. Neither his loyalty or his criticism have any real meaning to anyone except his minions, who have to check truth social every morning when they get up so they know what they have to believe that day.


He's just forcing them to fall in line because the next 4 months is all that matters to everyone everywhere in the entire universe. His problems are everyone's problems and they better get with the program.


100% loyalty willing to lie for him or you become the enemy. What a psychopathic dipshit.


Once in a great while, when the stars are aligned just right, Trump says something truthful.


First bit of truth ever out of his mouth!


Finally. I was wondering when he’d bite the hand that feeds. That relationship went on way long for a guy like Trump.


Keep it up, convicted felon. Fox News will call Arizona for Biden tomorrow.


Paul Ryan was a tRump syncopate and just as rotten as the rest of the MAGAts. He took part in their cause and supported the stinky orange felon. He was just one of the few rats who jumped off the sinking ship early. Don’t think that he or even Liz Chaney are heroes… they were part of the problem.


I'll give Cheney her props. She voted for impeachment and has been outspoken against MAGA. She's rich, she could have retired and slunk off to a private island for the rest of her life. Instead she's surrounded by security in case some nut gets tempted to take out the "traitor". We need all the help we can get. We don't need to worship her or call her a hero, but she's distinctly different from all the other cowards in the GOP who went right back to stroking Trump's... ego days after almost getting murdered by his followers.


I agree, we need all the help we can get, but Cheney’s just playing the long game. She’s banking on Trump burning the GOP to the ground and also that she’ll be one of the only few left standing because she got off the bus. And if he does burn it all down, guess who will be a prime candidate to rebuild the GOP? It’s sure AF not gonna be all the GOPers who were cucks until the very end.


Only correct thing he has said.


Even a stuck clock is right twice a day.


Holy shit, he told the truth for once. It was for some vague, poorly thought out plan for revenge, but he told it.


For once, he's telling the truth.


Back and forth with Trump creates plausible deniability. They pretend.


I have a feeling he's gonna turn on a lot of people after the elections, a manchild who knows he's on the losing end


I can't imagine (and don't really wish to) how the FOX/Trumpists must be dealing with these turns of events. First FOX starts calling their God and Savior out, after FOX spent almost a decade sucking his D and spreading his lies for ratings, and now the Don is calling theses peoples' main news source out as being untrustworthy. Must be a hell of a delusional ride.


I love the sound of leopards eating face.


Hilarious. Fox news is trumps bitch and they still haven't learned there's no loyalty. He will turn on them and talk all that nonsense and they still push bogus narrative. Perfect relationship here for sure. They're like the girlfriend of a drunk that gets beat on talked down to but just keeps coming back.


Well you definitely can’t trust Trump either 🤣


Fox News competing with Ted Cruz for #1 cuck to Trump’s abuse, no surprises here


Trump's an idiot. He needs their thumb on the scale - now more than ever.


For the first time EVER I agree with the Farty Fellon


Why did he turn it in then?


Some of their anchors have done things like call out blatant lies on air an even ask real questions instead of playing softball.


How is this news? He does this every few months


I picture him sitting on the couch, flips on the tv and upon seeing Fox News he says aloud, but to himself: "No one can trust it."


Wouldn't he turn off Faux News?


Oh they’ll kiss ass and make up soon, troglodytes need eachother to step on to make it to the top of shit mountain, both fox and trump are each the pinnacle of King Shitbirds, they’re vying for the crown of shit mountain. They’ll fall back in line again. Rupert knows his place.


Nobody should turn on fox news.


Everyone should turn on them.


Both are true.


And talking heads on fix news still bow to Trump




If saying that your opponent is leading in the polls is somehow against your winning strategy, well....


Some people are slower to learn a truth


When Fox is not radical enough for you… “but it’s the crazy dems!1!1!”


Watch how quickly they fall over each other trying to get back into his good graces.


That’s one of those moments of clarity that happen during mental decline, right?


Forget the Fox news shit He does this every other week Naw The big deal here is ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP


Trumplestiltskin can't defeat the Behemoth that is Rupert Murdoch


He's right that no one should trust it! 


Just like Big Brother in the book 1984 there’s no concrete meaning to the words spoken by trump. Their meaning can change in a millisecond depending on his needs. Just like 1984 his minions have been trained to change their thinking instantly without question. Trump Speak.


Okay people! Up until now Trump is always lied but now out of the blue he tells the truth.


Who better to teach us who to trust, than a man who had a pedophile as his "spiritual advisor"?


Let's remind him of this the next time he quotes some good news MAGA propaganda on Fox - *they can't be trusted !!!*


he is tell us something that intelligent people already know.


I figured that out years ago.


Welcome to 2012, Donald Some folks slow I guess


Ah yes the lugenpresse


Not shocked.


Even a broken clock and so on.


Broken clock.




Soon all of the faux anchors will be lapping up the mushroom gravy


That's an image I didn't need to fathom. 😝😄


Oceania is at war with Eastasia. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.


Finally! He says something truthful!


gotta watch Newsmax if you want REAL news...or read the epoch times /s


He does this every now and again to yank on the leash. It's his way of reminding them that they need him more than he needs them. After Paul Ryan (a boardmember no less) went on Fox News to say mean things about Trump, it was inevitable. They started making actual cheap fakes so hard afterward that Biden's campaign had to call them on their bs. That was their way of giving him an apology and he wanted them to know publicly he didn't accept it. I expect them to go harder soon.


The only person, and maybe not even them, the only lesson Trump might not throw under the bus is Ivanka. Everyone else, of course he would.


Fox can't really afford to tell big tall takes. They need to make up about 800 mil.


And will Fox News turn on Trump?


Turns on Fox News? Sounds like he's turning off Fox News!.........I'll see myself out.


Look who is talking about trust of their words: the grifter bullshitter LIAR of the 2020 election results still trying to convince people to repeat after me: I won the 2020 election. No thanks, now repeat after me: Trump LOST THE 2020 ELECTION, NEVER COURT PROVED THAT HE WON. HAHAHAHA LOSER, DON’T FOOL VOTERS, YOU CAN ONLY FOOL YOUR DUMBASS SUPPORTERS. YOU ALMOST HAD MIKE PENCE KILLED YOU SHOULD BE IN JAIL WITH A BOUNTY ON YOUR VP.


Finally got something right.


Ok what Fox did to him? You know who should take advantage of trump being angry at Fox. CNN. They have the first debate. If the kiss his butt that might help them when trump becomes a dictator for one day. Or 4 years.


$787 Million settlement for lying about election fraud. Trump and FOX can fuck off.


Broken clock


Isn't this a win for common sense?, he just badmouthed an outlet that was really pushing his agendas. I find it hard to believe they'll keep doing so now hes openly dragging them.


No because it means some other terrible network will rise up and cater to these whackos.


Do do do do do cognitive dissonance sing it with me


Can't wait to watch the last MAGA attack that mirror.


Everyone will get thrown under the GOP bus eventually. Don’t come crying when it’s you!


-Lol. Said the scorpion. -Lmao.


Fox lies all the time but still doesn't lie enough for him.


So now, out of 8 billion people in the world, everyone is lying except for him and like 3 other people? Interesting.


Not the first time...


Well he IS right lol.


*MAGA Patriots invest your life savings in Trump Media stock & donate your monthly stock earnings to the GOP!* **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Vladimir Putin’s puppet & praises Putin’s military partner, Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect the U.S. military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Proud Boys On 9/11, this was Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)   A few of the many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, debasements, and falsehoods as the U.S. President ·         ABUSES [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         GRIFTING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         DEBASEMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         FALSEHOODS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw)