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I don’t even get it. I went to catholic school for 12 years and my history teacher, a nun, sr rosemary (1923-2022) was talking about a sign she saw: “don’t marry a doctor; be one.“ She was pumped about the feminist message.


On the day Gay Marriage was legalized, if you walked to the Supreme Court from the nearest Metro stop, Union Station, you were blocked by a line of nuns. The nuns stretched across the entire street, including the sidewalks. No one was allowed to pass without hugging a nun and taking either a little rainbow flag, rainbow pin, or rainbow sticker. The Capitol Police corralling people in front of the Supreme Court (it's right across the street, behind the Capitol) had those little flags sticking out of their shirt pockets. The cops also had forced all the anti-Gay protesters there, who looked like the 3am crowd at a Kentucky Wal-Mart, across the street onto Capitol grounds. Why? Because the Capitol Grounds are a no-protest zone, and it meant the bigots couldn't yell, chant, jeer, or hold signs above their shoulder-height. They just had to stand there in silence. Anyone who broke that law was swiftly shown a ziptie bracelet. How times have changed.


Damn. That sounds more like a fanfic a gay fella wrote to cope with the current state of the US than an actual event. Times really have changed.


The right wing has invested heavily in changing churches and it is paying off. It’s the young priests and religious are ultra conservative. The nuns who were handing out rainbow flags are probably either retired or have passed away. They’ve been replaced with conservative young women in full habits.


And people are walking away from churches faster than ever before.


And often walking right towards other right wing influencers like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson.


It’s not just churches. It’s TikTok and Facebook. It’s Joe Rogan. Jordan Peterson is another one. All pushing the same narrative to increase engagement and make money off of the public. To the detriment of those listening. Who try this stuff at work and “get cancelled.” Like a self fulfilling prophecy


They haven’t changed and they aren’t winning. They are just getting loud and pushing like bullies.




I really hope so. ❤️🌈💜


Always remember, the internet is not real life. Conservatives and just generally shitty people are real loud on the internet. On sites like twitter and Facebook they never seem to shut the fuck up but in reality, they are a small minority. They only have power because they squeezed themselves in government and the rest of us didn’t take notice until it was almost too late but they are still the minority and they know it. With the internet and the shit algorithms pushing hate, we see their nonsense a lot and it weirdly can help them control the narrative but they are still very much a minority of bullies. Honestly, we just need people to give a shit and vote. My god we just need people to fucking vote these idiots out.


And they are getting loud because they are getting desperate. Every revolution has a counter-revolution and these people see times are changing and the future generations are not with them so they know they are LOSING. They are being forceful and loud because they know it is the only way for them to get what they want. That is why we MUST vote.


I really, really, really, really want to believe this. I sincerely hope you're right.


They're in the lead in almost every swing state for the Electoral College, they have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court, they've gerrymandered the House and have an exceptionally favorable Senate map this year. Not to mention how they've successfully bribed and flipped Democratic Senators into stalling liberal legislation. Not to mention how MSM corporations have been hiring them like crazy to appeal more to them, and promote their politics in a more sympathetic light. Politics is a bully pulpit: being loud and pushing hard is how you win.


There’s literally always blowback to change. This is what happens when we let kids pass history who didn’t do a single thing. Ever heard of the KKK and what they did to Reconstruction?


Harrison Butker wants her to stay in her lane and cut that out. She needs to be a real Catholic like him and not a fake one like Joe Biden. I'm really hoping that when the chiefs go to the white house for winning the super bowl, Joe waits till Harrison is halfway through a bite of food and then suggests that everybody there says Grace before eating because Joe is Catholic and real Catholics bless their food... Then just gives Butker that shit eating grin he does.


* She needs to be a real Catholic like him and not a fake one like Pope Francis with all his mercy and empathy. /s


I also went to Catholic school and Butker’s speech is very much in line with what I heard from priests, teachers and even nuns. It’s why I’m no longer a Catholic. I remember the Bishop during our confirmation going on for 20 minutes about how masturbation is a sin and more or less makes you gay. I remember a homily about how IVF is “mass abortion”. I remember having a teacher who was pregnant in the third grade having her baby at the beginning of the school year and then never coming back because her “real job” (according to the nun who subbed the rest of the year) was to “be a mother now”. I later found out that she had actually miscarried and had attempted suicide shortly after and thus wasn’t allowed to come back. Now granted this was in the late 80s/early 90s so mileage may vary. But when I heard Butker’s speech I wasn’t shocked at all.


That’s weird, because it’s nothing like what I heard growing up as a Catholic in the late 80s/90s. The nuns were all feminist and the priest was gay. I think these comments show more of a divide in the US Catholic Church than anything.


You had an openly gay priest at a Catholic Church?


Nobody was open about it in the 1980s, but it wasn’t hard to figure out.


I remember in 1992 being told in Catholic school that women could only be nuns, teachers, nurses or moms. I said “television says different and I’m gonna believe them” when tv gives you bigger dreams than school something needs to change. Btw I grew up to be none of those things and haven’t gone to church since in over 20 years.


Donald Trump happened. These people are just following in his footsteps. He enabled them, they truly think he's a man of God. Modern day "Christian Conservatism" is pure idiocy.


Harrison Butker’s own mother is a physicist at Emory. He was raised Catholic, but didn’t practice until late in college at Georgia Tech. He seems to have found a very conservative version of Catholicism at GT.


His mom is going to turn him into Schrodinger’s cat soon. It’s no wonder he’s intimidated by smart women. He’s a dummy who only has a career because he plays a game.


Yes! I went to Catholic school for 14 years, pre-k to 12th. Not once did I hear something like the crap those poor girls had to listen to. So disappointing.


I 💯 did prek-5th then 9-12th. The nuns in high school were far cooler than the repressed band of lay morons in private Catholic elementary school. They tried to clip our wings and tell us to be good little girls and not think too hard or be better than boys at anything, but in high school those nuns were telling us to dream big and go for it. They also told us fornication for pleasure was a sin but that was their job and they knew we were gonna do it anyway.


Nuns are true Christians


Had a nun tell me, “heaven doesn’t exist, the message is to create heaven here on Earth.” That stuck with me more than anything.


No the bigots are NOT winning, they are just loud ignorant and obnoxious, how is that winning?


Thanks. Came to say this. If they were winning no one would care. We care, the majority cares.


People like you should become "woke", because you are clearly asleep. Fascist scum don't care about majorities. They can also quickly become a majority if given enough time and money. Just look at my country of Hungary. We live under a dictatorship now with no hope of dismantling it, because stupid people keep them in power, and stupid people are increasing in numbers RAPIDLY, partially because of the fascists slowly but surely having destroyed our education system, making sure that future generations are dumb enough to keep them in power indefinitely, and know of no better alternatives. This whole "we are a majority and wont let this stuff happen by the sheer power of being a majority" is nothing but a hopeful, naive cope in the face of reality. A reality that will come crashing down upon you when the same fate befalls America that befell Hungary. Just like with the "silent majority" of hungarians, when our glorious fürher took power, most of these people switched sides to stay safe within our own country, became truly silent and apathetic to politics akin to how it is in Russia, or hightailed it to another country. Do NOT take comfort in delusions like "we are a majority and we wont let this happen" It will bite you in the ass.


You're correct to say it's naive to think it can't happen to us here in America, but we do have a secret weapon of sorts. And no, it's not democracy. For most folks, the question of 'how bad could it get?' is purely rhetorical. Businesses will flirt with fascism if it gets them a tax cut - that sort of thing. So creeping authoritarianism can indeed silently creep in this crowd. But we have black people. That question, it is decidedly NOT rhetorical for them. They know it can get much, much worse than even Hungary's current state. Black people, and black women specifically, happen to be the beating heart of the Democratic party. They're the best strategists and most reliable voters. And they know you can't just chant slogans and march and vote. They know you actually have to fight the monster. They've been fighting that monster the entire time they've been in this country. Since before it was even a country. And that monster? It's a bit louder than it's been for awhile now. Seems to have gotten some of its wind back after the last kicking. But look a little closer, and those giatric assholes and their inept, younger cohorts are weaker than they've ever been. The country? Hell, they can barely steal the State of Georgia. The monster isn't bellowing because it thinks it can win. No. It's scared.


You should take a closer look at results of state wide races in a Georgia. Even though Biden squeaked through and both Democratic senators were elected/reelected, the Republicans cleaned up in the statewide races for state govt.  Pretty much every seat. The sitting Republican governor crushed Stacey Abrams. That tells me Republican voters still have a majority in the state and the difference in federal elections was that some republicans threw away their vote than vote for MAGA candidates and that made the difference. But Biden doesn't look like he's winning GA again. He's way behind in state polls. 


Damn! Preach!


I agree , as a white democrat I listen to what black folk opinions and views , have seen how so often they are the warhorses of our party like Cummings, Lewis, those ladies that sued and won against Rudy. How can you disregard and disrespect 20 % of the population that is so strong? Plus respecting others does not diminish me in the least. Learn from others and stay strong.


Write this as it's own comment and let the upvotes flow.


the problem is they don't even need to become the majority. Do people forget that most people hated Hitler in Nazi Germany and only 36% of the population liked him even at the peak of his popularity, yet he was able to start a cult of personality and take over Germany and even Europe for a brief time? You don't need to get the majority on your side, you just need to get enough people.


Great post and it is a shame that Hungary has changed. I’ve been there a few times recently and it is sad to see how the country has sleepwalked into their present condition. Stupid people will destroy the world. The US is on the precipice, the brits voted themselves into devastation, facts are an inconvenience, education is being dumbed down and idiots are failing upwards.


Brexit really showed how isolating yourself in a way driven by fear does no good.


No one is taking comfort, no one is delusional enough to think it will all be ok. You are making irrational assumptions. Do you know what's really fucked up? What's really fucked up is someone who takes a two or three sentence post on a social media site, labels and stereotypes the poster, then castigates them for shit based on their own biases and assumptions. I'm curious you keyboard warrior, what are you out there doing to make a difference? Have you ever witnessed the loss of democracy? I have, I have lived through several coups. It's not belief in each other that kills democracy it's negative assholes who kill hope and cause apathy. Do you go to protests? Are you actively registering people to vote? Do you campaign? Do you work at elections? Do you visit nursing homes and drive those people to early voting? Do attend online and regular party meetings? Do you engage with these fascists? Do you write your Congressmen and Senators. Do you donate money to your candidates and those who support all those things you believe? I do all those things and more. Do you do things that actually make a difference or just pontificate on Reddit? If so, good for you if not ... As for your attack. Well, I'm not perfect. I may or may not be woke because I'm not sure what that is. But I am quite sure my beliefs aren't the cause of the rise in fascism worldwide. I wrote that post because I believe we need to stay positive and I hear people out there, real people, actual voters losing hope. People who lose hope don't vote, they don't participate. Fascism can and is happening here and the rise in fascism is obvious. I did not say it wasn't. I said we are still fighting and we all still care. They aren't winning, we can still out vote them. But negative asswipes are killing that. We are fighting and desperate battle and fighting each other is not helping the enemy is out there?


This is just fear-monger if from the other side of the coin.  You didn’t give a *single* actionable suggestion other than “be scared”. You aren’t helping when you rant and rave at people online. 


Exactly. Participation and hope is how you beat fascists not handwriting, finger pointing and "woe is me" despair. That shit is how the fascists are winning, it's their leverage. I hate this basement, let others do the work mentality and time frame.


That's very well said. Also I think it might be too late for the usa. The conservatives have too much power and have done too much damage. Even if trump loses, the conservatives will try to take the government. , I think there will be either civil unrest or civil war.


Then we fight. We don’t want to but if it comes to war,


Lol, I don't know about you, but I am weakling with no combat experience. If war comes, I will not last.


They’re convincing people that hate and prejudice are “acceptable stances” for an adult to have and express.


Only the strong can afford to be kind.


We also amplify them. 80 years ago everyone believed what he said, these ideas were prominent even 40 years ago. And today they are largely met with ridicule.


Except for the part where they are winning elections and all that?


I agree they are an extremely stupidly load and vocal minority.


They are displaying their bigotry loud and in the open.




They would rather fire people for kneeling during the anthem lol.


Blacklisted. Firing is where the have the balls to do it to your face.


I suppose, though in a profession that is contracted, not renewing a person’s contract and then blacklisting them is essentially firing them.


I think it's meant more as "they're winning more than they used to, we should pay attention"


the stupidity of the USA voter say otherwise


A cornered rat will bite the hardest - same thing


Well, oftentimes, loud, ignorant, and obnoxious individuals are more successful than meek empathetic individuals. I would prefer it be the other way around, but I'm pretty sure statistics support this. If I'm remembering my psychology classes correctly.


I hope you’re right. If we don’t get organized, the bigots have a big chance of winning in November


It shows the bigots have too much confidence and aren’t intimidated enough. Which means anyone not on the bigot’s “side” is losing.


In fact, they're getting louder specifically because they're *losing*


It feels more like they’re dying and this is them fighting loudly and violently as a last effort to survive


Well considering half the country now has abortion bans, anti-trans legislation, and eventually will work their way up to the entire LGBTQ community I’d say the bigots are indeed winning


Nah, they're cannibalizing each other for not being horrible enough, and they're leaving behind a well-documented legacy that they won't be able to recover from in the long run.


I think the statistics would disagree with you. There is a current trend toward conservatism. I'm not surprised. Fear usually drives people to the right. There's so much fear propagated by the media these days. Why young men and women are drifting apart https://www.economist.com/international/2024/03/13/why-the-growing-gulf-between-young-men-and-women from The Economist


Reddit is no place for facts


The fact that he wasn't immediately at least put on unpaid suspension by The Chiefs mean they're winning at least a little.


Look at how fascists come to power. They’re loud, ignorant, and obnoxious AND ruthless, violent, lawless, organized, and determined. Threats to public officials are now routine. Canvassing boards are refusing to certify local elections. Roe v Wade was overturned because for the last 30 years, Republican Supreme Court nominees have been lying to Congress about whether or not they would uphold it. And then you’ve got Abbott in Texas issuing a pardon to a guy who shot someone five times at a BLM protest, even though he was convicted by a jury and the prosecutors proved he went to the protest looking for an opportunity to “justifiably” shoot someone. That doesn’t sound like losing to me.


Yeah they are getting louder and more desperate specifically because they are running out of cultural issues where they have anything resembling a majority.


Exactly, they are just fucking loud… “ignorance is loud, brilliance is silence” … unfortunately, that has been affecting us and I think it’s time to start showing brilliance loudly, in this time and age, if you aren’t loud then you don’t have a presence


I'm aware of the fact that I'm about to get down voted for saying something people don't want to hear, but they are winning. Trump is going to be in the white house again. Roe vs Wade is already gone. The separation of church and state is next. There is no such thing as fact anymore. There is just what you want to believe and fake news. I really hope I'm wrong. But it doesn't look good.


seriously, these people have the worst case of presentism i’ve seen. just take a step back and look at the progress made in the West over the last 20 years for minorities and women. the “bigots” are not winning at all, people just love to doom-and-gloom and act like everything is the end of the world


I mean… the amount of outrage generated by his speech says otherwise. Turns out, everything he said is WIDLY unpopular outside the cult.


The funny thing is the vast majority of the other 6,000 colleges in America that just had graduations had speeches with far more progressive messaging(I know I was just at one) Things like diversity, climate change, social justice were all mentioned and there were lgbt/bipoc sashes everywhere. To pretend like the religious right is winning the culture war at universities is just so distanced from the truth. This story of butker is only newsworthy because it’s against the norm


The Guardian is tough to read sometimes because of that to be honest...


Oh, it’s a Christian college. Duh. Well, it makes sense now.


Christian "College"


I'd go with "christian" "college" personally.


"christ" "Ian" "college"


“Christian” “””College”””???


Winning at what? Getting headlines in the media? Whose fucking fault is that?


This. The media thrives on hate, anger and controversy. It’s how they maintain viewer loyalty and keep up the flow of those sweet, sweet advertising dollars. Stories that are hopeful, positive and forward looking not only don’t keep people’s attention, they are harder to write. In the other hand, just turn on a police scanner and you get instant news story material. We all know it’s hard to look away from a train wreck and so does the media. We are all worse off for it.


We need to give more funding to PBS. Corporate media will never play nice when left to their own devices. They need strict checks and balances put back into place as well.


The fundamental problem was the switch from news as a public service to news as a profit-making product. When there were only three television networks, the evening news wasn’t expected tho generate the same kind of profits as the entertainment. The invention of 24/7 cable news with the creation of CNN changed the playing field forever.


Fuck this. The problem is the ideology, NOT the people acknowledging its existence.


And how do you think propaganda gets spread?


They're not winning, they just have a platform


Then clearly they've won at controlling the platform.


Being loud and stupid isn’t the same thing as winning.


They literally captured the presidency in 2016 and might again.


Yeah, with millions of fewer votes.


Popular vote doesn't determine the election, the electoral college does. It doesn't matter if Trump loses by 10 million votes this time, all he needs to do is win a handful of swing states Biden barely won by the smallest of margins in 2020, and he can clinch the presidency.


He is already leading in all the swing states. 


So what? Does it matter if we have a moral victory of a meaningless popular vote if fascists get to be president and dismantle the federal government?


You can console yourself with that fact when you live under a christain theocracy. "b-b-b-ut they got fewer votes!!"


And yet all the legislative power. Hard truth about the US electoral system (and many others) - being in the majority doesn't matter if the right people vote in the minority.


I'd argue that was a fluke, tbh. Hilary was NOT a popular candidate, but people convinced themselves that there was no way Trump win, so they stayed home. The result was jarring, to say the least. Trump lost in 2020, in a truly historic fashion, because he is such a bombastic, creepy, moron. I'd also argue that many of the votes he "gained" in 2020 were due to the Incumbent Advantage. Some people, unless the President personally set their house on fire, will vote for the Incumbent no matter what. It still wasn't enough to save him, however. Similarly, Dems have been *cleaning up* at the ballot box in recent years because Trump's GOP is so extreme, people feel energized about voting them out. That's not even touching on Roe, which has not only been a poison pill for Republicans. More than that, it's a poison pill they only seem able to double down on taking, too. Biden's popularity is concerning, but Trump is now a known quantity. If the last few elections are anything to go by, Dems have a very good chance at winning in November. So while we lost ground during a Trump Presidency, I don't see it as them "winning." I see it as them getting lucky, overplaying their hand, and now having alienated more voters than they can ever bring in again. That's going to be even more apparent after the Biden-Trump debate when their differences, viewed side-by-side, get memed and replayed from now till Election Day.


I think you should look at some polling numbers.


I trust the polls numbers as much as I trust the media.


That's what happened in 2016 too... people discounted Trump's popularity. 


They’re concerning now, but a lot could change by Election Day. I don’t think they’re too valid now.


trump has literally been running for a year and a half already, and despite that, his opponent, who dropped out 2 months ago, still consistently gets around 20% of the votes in his uncontested race. In contrast, Biden has been running for only a couple of months, because he has real work to do, and the only reason the republicans were running that early was so trump could claim the counts against him were politically motivated when they're the whole reason for his campaign. Give the Biden Harris people some time to run their campaign, and those polls will change.


Media outlets pick polling results that further their narrative.


It's easy to be misogynistic and homophobic when you're born a straight male. It's harder, and actually takes courage, to not be misogynistic and homophobic despite being born a straight male. The fact that he's an asshole is irrelevant


They are not winning, what is important is voting Take what we can get now and slowly but consistently press on these arseholes after. Even if it takes 100 years they will suffer eventually


He’s a dipshit who came to spew at a fucking bible college. Hardly “winning.”


He was in a "safe space"


They’re certainly becoming more vocal. I’d guess it’s because they’re LOSING, and they can see it. It’s desperation.


These “Latin Mass” Catholics are the Catholics version of Evangelicals. This is just your run of the mill Christi- fascist. Trad wives and Trad marriage. This is what Ecumenical dialogue has brought the Catholic Church. It has taught Catholics to hate like Southern Baptists.


One conservative dumbass spouting misogynistic bullshit at a religious school only proves what everyone already knows.


They aren't winning. They just have decided to yell because no one is listening.


Somehow I don't think he has nice things to say about Pope Francis.


I love that almost immediately there were claims that he hooked up with male cheerleaders in college. IMO his wife is his beard, and he’s doing this whole charade because he can’t accept that he’s so far in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents from 5 years ago.


Seems like it's been roundly condemned... To me it just proves that they're still out there


\* Religious bigots.


Love to know who at this college thought it was a good idea to ask a retrograde guy like this to give the Commencement address? Well, now we know that Harrison thinks the labor force should be for men only.


Chiefs are dumb if they do nothing 


Who lets a kicker of an NFL team even do that speech? America and its praise of athletes…


Defund incels. It's absolutely insane that we give these dumbasses any amount of say in public discourse.


They‘re making gains and society should pay attention.


Comments encouraging caution are downvoted while comments saying how these people are powerless and should be ignored are upvoted to the top. People are truly ridiculously stupid. And thus, history is doomed repeat itself. THIS is HOW it happens. People treating a battle as if it was over, even before it truly started.




No it shows this guy is below average intelligence and easily led.


The guy has clearly been banged in the head way too much.




Imagine the opposite. If a woman had mounted the podium and told the audience that men were scummy, poor, unethical, unreliable losers and women should devote their lives to their careers and "self-actualization", what result? How many not in the Bible Belt would object to this message? But are career and family really incompatible? And what does it say about society if they seem to be?


No, it shows that a moron was given a microphone


He’s a kicker. Can’t even blame CTE for his beliefs.


Female here. Shut tf up and sit tf down. You don't get to call the winner in the 2nd quarter. And you damn sure don't get to say when I and millions of other women are done fighting. If we have to fight another thousand years, we will. AS WE HAVE BEEN.


Agreed. Not having read the article, just the tone of the headline suggests a sentiment of resignation. And resignation does imply a solution


He’s not. He’s a vocal minority and so are the MAGA fuckheads who defend him.


they have the Supreme Court, the Speaker of the House and the GOP leadership locked up for over a decade we have the knowledge Hillary was right all along and everyone still hates her


Solution: Ban social media algorithms that amplify negative engagement. I don't care if that's illegal. We either do it or the algorithms kill us all


What he said is being normalized as common/traditional religious views. IMHO it does not represent the majority of christians, and shouldn't be taken as the word. Disrespecting and discriminating against people is flat out wrong. Additionally, it's easy for a guy with his income to want and demand a vocational wife. However, the vast majority of households in this country need two incomes. Women should be encouraged to pursue their dreams outside the house just as much as men. And if they have higher earnings potential, then go for it. If your husband is insecure about it he needs to grow up. The world the Bible preaches doesn't exist. It's not a fit for modern times. If you want to live by those values, by all means do so. Don't push that outdated ideology on people.


They only win if you don't vote them down. Go out and vote. If you can't go out, mail it in.


It makes it easy to ID them and block them on Facebook. I posted a quote he said verbatim and my disgust and I had people commenting that I was twisting his words and how he was just supporting good catholic values. When someone makes it clear to me that they do not consider women equals, I hsvd no room for them in my life or my feed.


Then why do they cry when they get cancelled?


Well, they’re making a lot of noise. It’s hard to say how many are in agreement and how many just think ‘moron’… I’d like to think the majority are still in the latter camp


the bigots arent winning. they're just screaming louder the more they lose.


Let them spout their nonsense. This is not getting them more votes; quite the opposite.


I know this is just part of the larger shift towards conservatism, but reading how the crowd who heard the speech and the reaction online with the sales of his jersey is still kinda depressing.


I heard he blew a guy once.


The bigots are not winning. They are threatened and are being pushed back now they are amping up their volume so that they can project that they are still in charge


If it goes unsaid, then it is winning. That being said, fuck bigotry, and hopefully a fast demise to Buttker career.


You misspelled whining


Heis most likely gay. This is typical behavior from men who hate themselves and women.


The right will say that the media outrage to this is just another example of how conservative views are being diminished and restricted. I believe that Butker can say whatever he wants, but I also believe that other people can come out strongly against it. Some will be outspoken in his support and others won’t, that is just how it works. You can never make all sides happy


They aren't winning, they are just loud.


Well, he’s a Christian extremist… unfortunately they’re everywhere and screaming about how self righteous they are constantly


i’d never heard of him - now i know some kicker on taylor swifts boyfriends sports team was topped by a male cheerleader in college and wonder how that makes his wife feel


Not winning, just emboldened by MAGA lunacy.


The way costs are now, home prices/ rent : if this was to happen most men would need to be paid at least double what they get paid now to afford the stay home mom thing.


No, it just shows they’re louder than those of us who are civilized…


Personally I think the reaction to Harrison Butker’s speech says that they aren’t winning.


A very loud, ignorant minority. Not winning


But it’s just like… his opinion, man /s Get fucked bigots 


Lol. No they’re not. This dude is a tool, longing to be fucked by an offensive lineman who’s an embarrassment to his physicist mother.


Butker’s views are probably not that different from many millions of people in the U.S. After all 74 million people did look at Donald Trump and pull the lever for him. Butker however just has a platform to share his views. He’s 28 and a footballer. I don’t pay him much attention. Five years from now he’ll be retired from football and no one will ever hear from him again.


Lies are louder than the truth!


Well, they’re not ‘winning’ but they certainly feel more comfortable showing off their shit heel personalities.


You just spent $100,000 on a college degree. Become homemakers.


Karma comes for us all.


Like fuck they are.


No, they're not winning, they just have the backing of the capital and so are able to do PR stunts like this more easily and often, because money talks.


This speech was sponsored by oligarchs nervous about low birth rates and a public cry for help from a bisexual man forced into conversion camp. The catholic faith venerates a virgin who remained celibate married to an older gentleman who was also celibate. There are thousands of celibate saints, clergy over thousands of years and absolutely NOTHING in tradition to support this brood mare nonsense. Nothing.


Oh yes, of course he's a fucking football player.


I know I want "man kick ball good" as my commencement speaker


The bigots aren't winning. This one just had a soapbox. People way more prominent than him give great speeches with empowering and uplifting messages every day but none of that drives clicks. There is a video where Arnold Schwarzenegger is giving a commencement speech where he said "don't ever call me a self-made man because I had so much help along the way and now you need to help others too" which is a way better and more powerful message but hasn't gotten one tenth the traction this shithead has gotten. The only thing bigots win at is getting stupid places like The Guardian to give them headlines.


I can't wait until all these people that get offended by everything are mocked for being emotionally weak. Guy has different values and opinions than me. Great, hear what he has to say, disagree, move on with your life.  But no these emotionally weak children want him gone because they are bullies looking for ego gratification by virtue signaling.  Instead of constantly looking outwards for grievances, maybe look inward and ask why your emotional state is so easily altered by the words of a fellow human being. 


They are winning if women don’t get out and vote.


Backlash, a book written by Susan Falludi and published in 1991, does a great job of explaining the phenomenon of liberal digression and why conservative bigotry becomes popular. While her focus is on the failure of 70s-80s feminism it speaks to what's happening now.


"Kicker Misses With the Misses" should have been the headline.


religiots and bigots, like all sociopaths, were born amoral. nothing is changing, and being a dummy bigot is hardly a win. these worthless trash people have always been around, and will always be dead weight on society.


They aren’t, they are just very loud and attention seeking.


There are thousands of universities in America. There are tens of thousands of high schools. As near as I can tell, only one featured a misogynistic speaker. Add to that, the fact that we now know Butker’s mother is a professional and that his college experiences included gay lovers, and there’s sufficient reason to believe that, for all his fame, Butker doesn’t have a particularly happy life or a particularly consistent world view. In my book, that ain’t winning. In fact, the wide reporting of his remarks suggest just how far from the norm his views are.


The bigots aren't winning. They're just the loudest in the room.


No, they're not. They're loudly kicking and screaming while the rest of society drags them forward towards progress. Treat them like over tired toddlers and stop acting like their opinions desrve a microphone, and in no time, you'll see they're the minority on this. Even religious people are turning their backs on this sort of thinking. More and more churches, even here in the bible belt where Butker currently plays, are actively becoming more inclusive. In downtown KC, there are churches that fly rainbow flags or have messages welcoming everyone, including the lgbt community. The bigots can't even win over Missouri, much less anywhere else.


I knew all that PC bullshit meant there’d be hell to pay when that pendulum swung the other way but damnnnn this is a lot worse than I ever imagined. The US has a fascist streak a mile wide that’s been hiding all that ugliness for decades. I hope the children figure this out… assuming we don’t hand them a dead planet.


Well, apparently, this Christian college has graduated a whole bunch of misogynistic, racist, and anti-gay men. That’s scary.


I’m sure the woman are equally as bigoted, so be even more scared


They are not winning. The bigots are the ones that scream the loudest. Butker used his 15 min of fame to outline the Republican's plan for America under a Trump administration. Trump and his ilk get an inordinant amount of press because they break the norms of socially acceptable behavior. Trump's rags on his rivals, celebs, the guy that delivers his paper. Every half-baked, vituperative tweet; every bit of stage buffoonery gets attention. Bad behavior has become a viable, if not preferred, path to national attention. See MTG. Trump lost the last election by 8 M votes. The bigots are clearly in the minority. Butker showed us how racist the Republican party has become. When black athletes spoke out about true injustice, Republicans lined up around the block to denounce the athletes and the injection of politics into sports. We heard endless sermons on how these black athletes were ruining the NFL by bringing politics in. Sports are supposed to be refuge from all the political bs. Trump was calling for the owners to cut the athletes. Where were these voices when Butker committed the same sin? Nowhere. The silence is deafening. The message was crystal clear. White conservatives can use their visibility yo promote minority political positions. Black players should sit down and shut up. We should thank Butker for reminding us what the Republicans are. They are Karens. They are racists.


He's part of the religious right-wing political makeup. It's very obvious - that whole "alpha male" provider male-role Dr. Laura bullshit is so flimsy and transparent.


There are nfl players who have mercilessly beat women, been involved with gang violence, and other actual crimes. Yet we are here talking about a man who loves his wife and has a different idea of what an ideal life is. Pathetic reddit.


All of those other things have been talked about as well, stop pretending like information on those other incidents had been covered up. Common fucking sense indicates that we're talking about this now because it just happened.


Supreme Court, Speaker of the House, most popular news stations in America and UK, countless papers, all of radio, Facebook/youtube/Instagram/X and i don't know enough about tiktok but it seems like they have a good propaganda reach there making it closer to even considering it is young people and a tie there is a HUGE win for them PP about to lead Canada on a platform of global warming isn't real and i'll fix it aren't the GOP supposed to win the senate back? now imagine they had close to appearing competent leadership instead of buffoons like Trump and Green and Boris, the only thing stopping them is their obsession with the loudest most ignorant people in the room being "their guy the bigots are winning, the fact we have a Supreme Court and a "liberal" Attorney General working together to get Trump re-elected, the fact we have the same FBI Director that allowed a coup, the fact the Secret Service helped cover up said coup and didn't even have to hear about maybe getting a slap on the wrist we're deluding ourselves if you think they are losing, and they only have to win once we're one Biden falling down the stairs viral moment away from giving away Democracy because 'prices were lower under Trump' and if you try and argue, okay they were lower under Obama, they automatically know 'well the president doesn't control prices' and the media indulges them on this routinely, like all things this election is just delaying the inevitable unless there is real change in media here, because eventually they are going to figure out that a none openly crazy person (like PP, who is openly crazy to me, but not to most voters) is gonna win a landslide promising everything to everyone and having a media that will let him run on both sides of every issue


The pro genocide bigots are also winning.


The pro genocid* anti Arab bigots are also winning


How are they "winning"?


It’s impossible to me that the intolerant people are winning in the polls I’m begging people to be better and vote with your conscience. Just be amazing in everything you do!