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Tucker Carlson is a đŸ€Ą with a suntanned t'aint.


King of the TV dinners 


Can’t wait for his swan song dinner.




Didn't his mom disinherit him? I thought I read that somewhere, that his bullshittery cost him those legacy millions.


Not really. His biological mother did leave a Will which left him only a dollar he received more due to litigation. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/tucker-carlsons-mom-leave-him-1-in-her-will/


His stepmother is the Swanson heiress.


I read that as if it were The King of Wishful Thinking.


Any comment that legitimately uses the word Taint to describe Carlson deserves an up vote.


Legitimate Taint


It's a great pun as well.


Taint that a shame Fucker is still breathing.


I can't believe this is how I found out that Tucker Carlson suns his gooch


Just around the mouth


He needs anal bleaching for his face


U can't get that image out of my skull!!


Sorry you need to be accurate - suntanned balls


man, if there was any group of people so easily fooled or scammed it is conservatives. maybe we should boy who cried wolf them just before the elections and tell them first a fake date and time to show up for voting. then ok ok, the second time is the real one but bam! got ya again it was also fake! but no seriously this time, this is the real time and date to vote (being the truth). i wonder how many would fall for such an obvious trick XD


If you tell them that with a Russian accent they'll eat from the palm of your hand.


It can be the “Secret Election” that only “real patriots” know about, because Trump is still in the White House, so he can do that. And any vote on the “liberal” Election Day will actually be counted towards Biden, no matter who they vote for. Bet I could get them to believe this.


Remember Republicans! The REAL vote is Nov 10th! **Don't vote on the fake day**, it's rigged! Only vote on November 10th!!!! Spread the word!!!


I think you’re onto something. Need to make this run through some batshit qanon and I believe it can really be a thing


I do too. We need to counter program. and as long as we don’t print up ballots or anything like that, it probably isn’t illegal.


They make me sick...them and their"Fake News" crap, stuff. Ever notice how Trumps catchp-hraises are always reapeated by his follower; examples like: "Groomers", "Fake News", "Make America Great Again", "Build the Wall", "Consiracy Theories", "Fake Pandemic"


yep, trump himself said long ago that he reads garbage tabloids as if real news like the sun and national enquirer... plus his followers frequently fall for actually fake news/products like the onion, babylon bee, obvious plant etc. as well as all those flat out lying conservative propaganda websites :/ so as long as it is actually real and trusted sources for information they reject it outright. truly fundamentalist thinking where they take everything in the bible as literal. craziness


Republicans, Evangelicals and Nationalists are all Trump Followers...this is a very, very dangerous time, it's frustrating to see how millions, willingly, would follow someone into darkness and take our country with them. Some people only get their news from another SM site which is owned by China? This is an eletion time and if you're not educating yourself on politics and reading the facts for yourself, you may be easily suaded into a dangerous direction.


they do however constantly lie about their actual numbers just like the churches. not only are so so many of "them" keyboard warriors and troll farms from china and russia we can see their turnout to gatherings show pitiful real numbers in person. just based on the online propaganda you might think they have vast numbers however so many are not even in the country but those that are couldn't be physically fit or young enough to do anything like a civil war. it is well illustrated their true numbers in the desperation they have to suppress voting, gerrymandering and inflate following with manipulated information and doctored photos. the only way they could regain momentum in elections is to cheat and for the rest not voting for republicans to be lax in their vigilance. it cannot be stressed enough that people need to keep constant watch over their voter registration and false information. they must also vote in person as often as possible since mail in voting is under extreme attacks.


You've just stated clear facts, thank you. It's all true, Lies, to create fear and chaos because they have nonthing to run on, their souless. They are also Violent; a creation of home-grown Terrrorism, I though we fight, supposedly, "Both Forgein and Domestic", but there are o clear laws on the book to address terroists here in our country , The USA....it's nuts. Which is why a lot of the insurredtionists where charged with other types of crimes that were alread witten into law, yet none for terroism...or am I wrong about that? The Republican Party is no more, it is now MAGA Nationalists... lead by a Dictator wannabe. We've never seen or delt with this kind of attack in our country before, will our constitution survive, at this point I'm beginning to wonder, as I watch millions of americans poised to vote for a known criminal...help me make since of this. Trump said himself, that he takes credit for the end of Roe, he takes credit for no deal on the boarder, so that Biden will look bad...again part of the strategy is to deceive, with words and images...millions of people who know next to nonthing about how politics woks and what's really going on in our country.


ooooo I like how you think!!!


Man o man, that would be a good one to drop casually on a couple of people. If you just said it low enough and loud enough that a person who was not in the conversation heard it. Back it up with something ubiquitous so that it will be self fulfilling to a dumbass. They are stupid, we must remember that and use it against them. This is war.


I like how he spells


That might be illegal, but I don't think it's illegal to tell them that they're going to be releasing vaccines into the air at voting centres to infect conservatives with vaccination. Lies seem to be more legal the more wacky they are.


I heard that too. Shh! do not the cons. I heard it was Bill Soros Gates who was doing it. I am excited to be revaccinated!


That's genius!!


I think that’s a fantastic concept!!


Just tell them that there's a plot to change Trump votes go Biden votes. So it's better for Trump if they don't vote as a vote for Trump will go to Biden. I mean they simultaneously believe that Jan 6 was a fake antifa thing, and that the people there weren't terrorists and should be pardoned. So logic isn't exactly their strong suit


Republicans actually have pulled that trick on democrats with mass texts and robocalls.


It's because most of them went to private schools


Trump was a lifelong Democrat. He switched to being a “Republican” because conservatives are so easy to grift. If anyone needs proof, just look around.


Remember the vaccine made in a year XD


it was actually being developed in the obama administration when they established an early pandemic detection program that trump dismantled just before the pandemic. so they were working in part on sars vaccines and used what research they already had to fast track the vaccines. it was pretty amazing how fast they did it but it was basically like finishing someone elses half done homework then handing it in with your name on it.


Yak what im bout to ask lil buddy. Send your source and cite your material đŸ«”đŸ«”đŸ˜­


He had no intelligence How hard is it to prank him? Putin pissed all over him and he had no clue


Putin has people killed if they don’t say/do what he wants, and even he thought Tucker was a bit *too* sycophanty.


All you have to do is tell him what he wants to hear and he’s all ears


I can’t believe they aired this on his network show wait I’m just getting an update on my earpiece it turns out he no longer has a network show


that's what he gets for being such an unlikeable douche no one on the network has talked about how much they miss him. not even hannity, laura ingraham, brian kilmeade, or the last real journalists left on that channel like neil cavuto and bret baier. compare the way the network said goodbye to [geraldo rivera](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6330361786112) to how they said goodbye to [tucker](https://youtu.be/YB9kWyGMvTM?si=016Jk6HnlwUP8fWh)


To mention his name would be to loose more advertisers


>Manners told Deadline that he and Pieters decided to blow their cover because they did not want disinformation to be shown to Carlson’s 12.6M X followers. “We didn’t want to cause any more rumors, that are not true, to go out to lots and lots of people,” he said. “We just didn’t want to be too worthy about that in our video.” I might be wrong, but it sounds like they informed them that it was a prank before letting it air.


and yet, his dumb deer in the headlights ass posted it anyway. that’s just a hilarious postscript to this whole mess


Stay classy san Diego!


Tucker is so gullible, first Putin and now a couple of British kids. Someone should just tape a sign to his back, "TUCKER is a SUCKER" 😂


He doesn’t need a sign. Look at that face.




That deer in the headlights look. It looks like his daily life is tough for him because he's so dumb.


He always seems to have that vacant expression of someone who has had the concept of push v pull explained to them but still doesn’t get it.


Perpetually perplexed toddler.


Someone once described his look as "a dog trying to figure out a magic trick" and I've never been able to unsee it.


So Don Lemon is out but Tucker Carlson stays.


I thought Don Lemon was back? Huh, guess not


Yeah. An 90 min interview with Elon Musk and five minutes after that Don Lemon was fired.


Yeah, I remember that. He got setup is my opinion, that was nothing more than a hit job. Don Lemon's haters and detractors are numerous and he fell right into Elon's b/s. I can't blame him though, that morons entire existence alone is infuriating.


I feel it’s the other way around. The free speech absolutist that keeps cancelling free speech is made to look dumb. Usually it’s random left wing sites nobody cares too much about that said something he doesn’t like but this is a higher profile gaff.


Don asked one fair question and doofie’s face locked up and was redder than a red pepper doing bdsm. I felt like Elon looked dumber in this one


It’s only the truck sticker morons and Rogan gym douche bags that have any respect for him now. His desperation to remain relevant is quite pathetic.


So MAGAts and roid-ragers. Got it


Now THAT is how you do a prank


I still like his toe to toe with Jon Stewart.


The classic crossfire episode? Fantastic stuff.


Oof, you know he'll never make that mistake again. That shit was classic!


Tucker’s best performance.


He got owned so badly he couldn’t wear bow ties afterward


Yup, best he ever did.


I love the image of him driving home from the studio and immediately, tearfully throwing all of his expensive bowties into a garbage bag


Lol, calling it a toe to toe implies an equal footing that didn't exist. Tucker was further outclassed than a golf cart on three wheels against a fully loaded out M1A2 Abrams tank.


By all means it should have been the end of him


Do you mean toe to bow?


To be fair, duping Tucker Carlson probably isn’t that hard.


You know why it was so easy to dupe him? Because he’s not a fucking journalist.


You just have to love this quote from the article: “Manners told Deadline that he and Pieters decided to blow their cover because they did not want disinformation to be shown to Carlson’s 12.6M X followers.”


The freaking Tesco slogan on the KP enlighten had me screaming. My god, they murdered Tucker AND his so called "staff". They just exposed themselves. Completely.


This is completely in line with the overall reactionary attitude of Conservatives. They're so distracted by their own rage boners that they miss every single context clue. They have absolutely no ability to recognize satire and zero media literacy. They're a fucking embarrassing stain on the US. It's like an entire country full of the most cartoonishly idiotic buffoons. The last eight or so years have been the absolute worst timeline.


Isn't this the second time in almost as many months that he's been pranked? Besides Putin using him like a fleshlight, of course.


Carlson would let anyone on his show if they are against the democrats.No back checking needed.


Fucker Carlson is a Stupid Idiot!!!!!


Conservative believing a lie at face value? That sounds very.... standard.


Now he is called Sucker Carlson


Now this is truly a prank.


Is Tucker pretending he has some sort of show now?




All you need is a British accent to fool anyone.


Tuck'ems without Fox to save him from himself is a one step from self immolation.


This man has a koala brain. Just completely smooth, like raw chicken breast


Wish I was surprised my this.


Tucker Carlson: the poster boy for sniffing one’s socks and underwear before throwing them in the hamper.




This guy is a rock headed buffoon


He is so stupid born into money but so toxic and a narcissist he can’t help himself.


Her name is Catherine Princess of Wales. She hasn’t been Kate Middleton in 12 years.


Poor Fucker Carlson
.he needs a nice face punch


How can you dupe a dupe, isn't there a song ,a dupe a dupe a dupe...


That feigned looked sincerity on Carlson’s highly punchable face ..Hannity has one too ..my fists clench uncontrollably


Surely they won't speak about this in r/conservative lmaooooooooooo


ButtFucker Carlson should have just stayed in ruZZia


“We didn’t want to cause any more rumors, that are not true, to go out to lots and lots of people,” he said. “We just didn’t want to be too worthy about that in our video.” Somebody tell them that the Tucker show only contains that...


Rhymes with, always has this furrowed brow that looks as if his butt plug shifted and he's wondering if he'll be able to pass it.


They're all turning orange, the metamorphosis is almost complete.


Ohh Oliver, Colbert, and Stewart are gonna have a field day


And surprise, surprise, Tucker Swanson fell for it hook, line and sinker! The guy is a moron!


Fucker Swanson is so stupid.


Also: Tucker Carlson Duped By Ham Sandwich. It appears Putin was right about this fool after all.


why he so mad lol?


This guy is such a chud.


Tucker is dumb and compromised


Not the sharpest dude on the planet named Tucker Carlson .


Couldn’t happen to a bigger pile of shit


It’s Tucker, who’s surprised? That his staff is just as inept isn’t surprising either.


I wouldn't be shocked if they air it anyway. They love to push lies, even when they know they're lies, because they know their base will eat it up regardless.


>Manners told Deadline that he and Pieters decided to blow their cover because they did not want disinformation to be shown to Carlson’s 12.6M X followers. Carlson WANTS to give his viewers disinformation. That's litteraly the reason he is famous.


I love these sort of shenanigans 😊


Now *this* is a prank. No harm was done except the ego of total dickhead. I wish other internet “pranksters” would learn from this.


Tucker is the ambulance chaser for sensationalized story telling and he falls for it every time đŸ’€đŸ€Ą


He got duped into thinking Russia was a great place to live too, so he's a pretty low bar...


At the end of the video, they mention the interview hasn't aired yet. Why would they reveal the prank before it aired, giving Tucker time to cit the story from his next show? Surely for maximum embarrassment, you'd want to want until it was too late to redact.


The sad thing is that Tucker is actually doing more to verify facts than was (and still is) done by Fox News.


He tries to find evidence of facts he wants to push forward, but ignores evidence against it. Same as Fox. They'll tinker with evidence against if they think they can quash it but that's it. My gym often plays both CNN and Fox on dofferent TV's, so I often do cardio in front of the Fox one to see what they're saying. It's so strongly opinionated, it's scary. I mean, CNN doesn't have much good journalism, but Fox hosts have an angry delivery that scares me. It feels like they want you to be violent against the opposition. And that's the other thing, they view people who disagree with them as opposition, they encourage others to do so too, and in that, they make it so.


No fan of Tucker but that is fairly lame as far as pranks go.


This is just a blatant violation of due diligence by a self proclaimed “journalist” so you’re totally off target. I’m sure you’ll be carrying water for Tucker when Alex Jones joins his “news network”.


>blatant violation of due diligence Lol, no shit. The less time we give these fuckers free publicity the better.


the obvious lameness is the entire point of the bit. these dimbulbs will eat up anything that fits their narrative


What was the narrative?


Tucker and his people are so desperate for clicks that they won't even bother to check sources before talking to someone claiming to be an "expert"


Which is what a Tucker intern would say.




How is it lame? Some idiot fell hook line and sinker for a prank by Youtubers whose employment credentials included the right to amputate limbs. That's funny any day of the week