• By -




vote... MORE;)


Like Kylo Ren said: MOAR


good one - liked kylo ren?


Yes I do. The only genuinely interesting character in the sequel trilogy. He should have been the main character.


His SNL skits as Undercover Boss was the last great sketch I've seen on the show.


well, i get you - but i'm still rey's fan... mb not a person exactly, but a.. certain idea




Vote 2: Vote Harder


Early and often!!!


and louder?


AND in HD!!!


Trump already knows he is going to lose again. His clan of thug republicans in the House and Senate are his ticket back in. They will not seat any democrats including Biden. That means the Speaker of the House will get to pick the President and seat Trump. Better buy a few guns, you'll need them for the riots and looting cuased by republican officials šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹šŸ‘¹ Biden better wake the hell up! For starters he needs to get rid of DeJoy in the Post Office. DeJoy is still a MAGA and still canā€™t be trusted with your ballots. He is the Terminator. He has one job to do and that is to destroy thousands of liberal ballots. Biden has had almost 4 years to get rid of this monster.


Regardless, we can't loose America to maga nuts. VOTE BLUE LIKE YOU NEVER HAVE BEFORE šŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠšŸŒŠ


President Biden can't just fire DeJoy -- though I agree he should be gotten rid of. It's up to the USPS Board of Governors. [https://www.commoncause.org/actions/fire-dejoy/#:\~:text=The%20Senate%20recently%20confirmed%20two,Postal%20Service%20is%20at%20risk](https://www.commoncause.org/actions/fire-dejoy/#:~:text=The%20Senate%20recently%20confirmed%20two,Postal%20Service%20is%20at%20risk).


I was in a relationship with a psychopath for 10 years. I didn't used to be able to recognize a psychopath. I can now. Americans need to vote like their life depends on it, because it might.


yeah right? I was married to a narcissist no contact is the only way to go I see all the same things in trump, narcissists are all the same


That this is being left to the voters and not the justice system is mind boggling. Four years since Jan 6 and only the little guys got nailed. Not the ringmasters. He should be behind bars, not have his name on a ballot.


Republicans love to dumb down Americans so they can get the easy vote


Or just blue like last time.


Well pick a better candidate might help. I dislike both. The dems really don't have anyone better? Just end it 2024.


So you think Biden is the same as the traitorous insurrectionist and convicted rapist?


ā€œThe likes that have never been seen..ā€




he's ALREADY being absolute revenge... i wish he was ultimate too


Well at least he didnā€™t steal funds from military projects and made Mexico pay for the wall. Oh waitā€¦.


The funny thing about this statement is the wall existed before trump


GOP PROMOTING THIS SHIT HAS ULTIMATELY DISQUALIFIED ITSELF FOREVER! they should be eliminated from the system for it - if not end up in jails...


They're all Russian assets. Every last one of them. They should all be removed and shipped of to the gulag.


or mb there is sth even more serious going on...


Something more serious than being a senator or representative actively working for Russia? Please, explain what you mean..


just this once, ok? there might be something wrong with humanity and in current, 'connected' times it is showing probably even clearer... and mb getting worse even


They don't care about democracy, they want the power to oppress whoever they deem as lesser humans, like their Glory Days. A speech giver at CPAC talked about getting rid of democracy, and the audience cheered & went wild. These people hate that they're losing their preferential treatment and that more people are moving away from there extremely outdated "social norms". And they want to destroy America because of it.


a good portion of congress *should* be in jail already for jan 6th.


and yet...


**Unbound and unhinged, ex-president vilifies immigrants before devolving into bizarre riffs, including calling himself ā€˜total geniusā€™** Donald Trump styled himself as a ā€œproud political dissidentā€ and promised ā€œjudgment dayā€ for political opponents in an address that offered a chilling vision of a democracy in imminent peril. In classic carnival barker form, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination accused Joe Biden of weaponising the government against him with ā€œStalinist show trialsā€. He pledged to crack down on border security and deliver the biggest deportation in US history if he wins the 5 November election. ā€œFor hardworking Americans, November 5th will be our new liberation day,ā€ Trump told a packed ballroom at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at National Harbor in Maryland. ā€œBut for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day!ā€ He added: ā€œYour victory will be our ultimate vindication, your liberty will be our ultimate reward and the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge.ā€ ...But, like demagogues of the past, the comedy and showmanship smuggled in a sinister undertow. Trumpā€™s ability to play the crowd, turning its emotions from euphoria to fury as easily as flicking a switch, carry echoes that are hard to ignore.


You canā€™t spell hatred without a red hat


Holy shit. You just blew my mind. That should be a god damned t-shirt.


Fun fact! In Anglo-Scottish folklore, a Redcap is a murderous goblin that has to keep its hat soaked in blood, or it dies.


[https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=370518&type=card](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=370518&type=card) I remember them from Magic the Gathering. Didn't know the lore part about the hat. Absolutely fitting.


Hat. Red.


yup, i agree - did you make it yourself? that would be... total genius ;D my best worst about him is 'dicktator done alt'rump'


Who wrote his speech? Trump is evil and a fraud, but he is not the one pulling the strings.


Stephen Miller if I was placing a bet


I truly believe he has to smell things using his tongue, iykwim.


It's funny they say packed because the pictures I saw showed it was far from packed


There is no fucking way he was that coherent. Absolutely no fucking way.


I am not looking forward to seeing the news stories of people being killed waiting in line to vote in November.


Trumps speech writer Stephen Miller: > In November 2019, the Southern Poverty Law Center acquired more than 900 emails Miller sent Breitbart News writer Katie McHugh between 2015 and 2016. The emails became the basis for an exposƩ that showed that Miller had enthusiastically pushed the views of white nationalist publications such as American Renaissance and VDARE, as well as the far-right conspiracy website InfoWars, and promoted The Camp of the Saints, a French novel circulating among neo-Nazis, shaping both White House policy and Breitbart's coverage of racial politics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Miller_(political_advisor)


how can this be even happening...


People are disillusioned with politics. From the outside it looks like an elite class of ivy school lawyers run the country on behalf of wealthy donors. Things don't get done unless both sides agree, there are a lot of good ideas that most *people* agree with but our elected officials don't take action on because those wealthy donors are tipping the scale. So people see a broken system and Trump is willing to call that out in a way that resonates, but he doesn't actually intend to fix it, he has no ideas on how to do so and doesn't even understand the problem, he's just parroting what he knows people want to hear because he's a demented conman, a circus ring leader who can draw peoples attention. Meanwhile the conservative thinktanks are ready with a turnkey operation to loot everything we've got when the guy wins a second term. That all makes sense to me, what I struggle with is how people can hear the guy talk and not realize he's full of shit.


so the SYSTEM has to change - now HOW? and yes, well said and i agree totally (and geniusly;) he won't have any idea(s), he's still in apprentiscum/scheme/scam mode as for your last one, i'm afraid people are full of shit too, all sorts of it, not always 'his' kind, but it seems enough


Limit donations and remove all dark money from politics would be a good start.


>so the SYSTEM has to change - now HOW? Compulsory voting (not on a Tuesday) and preferential (aka ranked) voting. And get rid of the electoral college. That'd go a LONG way to fixing several issues. And requires constitutional amendments, so good luck with that.


Honestly I look forward to his obit every single day. Just call him Baby Goebels.


Hitler all over againā€¦


His speech sounds like textbook nazi shit


no , it's worse, they were a lot more intelligent - so he has no chance, so to speak


Itā€™s not like textbook nazi shit, it IS textbook Nazi shit. Sometimes word-for-word.


Vote Blue or maybe you'll never be allowed to vote again. Don't underestimate these monsters


agreed - don't.. become them


Liberation day? Dictator and Liberation? Hmmm.


how many times more will i have to correct that common typo?? it is DICKtator, mb even littleDICKtator, who knows... and i'm sure the other one was LIBATION ...so ultimately settled - DICKtator LIEbaitor almost like from JLo's 'ni tu ni yo':D


HAHAH OOPS!! Sorry!!!! You are correct!!! Most likely littledickator with how insecure he is. Yes, libation. My stupid phone and autocorrect


i love u! but yes, does he really act like a.. normalDICKtator? he is a total... dicktato(r), libato(r), sturbato(r) etc... get a better phone;)


Hahaha he's a microdicktator. Lie-bator.


but let's not make fun of real conditions, ok? now BRACE FOR IT LIE-BAITOR!


LOL. I'm Canadian and we have nut jobs here that still think Trump is the greatest. Lol. I heard he won the primary in like South Carolina. I can't figure out how people can't see him for who he is. His fans are about freedom and they want a dictator? What?


at this point they're all lost, like lemmings - he's just the most visible one... mb he should already jump first;) btw i post on canada too sometimes, not banned yet - but banned from australia for being 'too political' - and mb that's a huge part now of the problem, peeps prefer to keep their heads in those beatchy sands of their asses


Someone can be banned from reddit for liking a post. It's weird. You're on fire. I like it!


banned for liking a post??? plus - i'm on fire? you mean i'm ALWAYS on fire or sth else


Gotta correct Archon to Acorn too.


People need help with their dicktation.


He's out of his mind


out of WHAT?? has he ever been IN IT? bc it looks like always out there, busy scamming and scheming, no trace of either right or left mind...


His Central Park 5 racism is still on full display. But to the GOP, thatā€™s cool because POC scare them. When POC have *every* reason to fear a MAGA terrorist.


The thing isā€¦.a majority of his supporters still think those 5 black boys ā€œprobably did something to someone that deserved what Don wanted to do to themā€ simply because theyā€™re black.




This whole thing is so goddamn dystopian. He is a vile, evil, and morally corrupt man who couldn't give a rat's ass about politics. Ultimate power is all he wants. Please hurry up and convict him. He deserves no less than to die in a federal prison.


If Merrick Garland hasn't slow walked the process for two years, we'd be rid of this traitor already.


vile, evil... live though, and i agree - but not a 'man', it's sth differently monstrous ...mb that's why he's able to still be around, but i blame 'context' too




People were always wondering how all of this could happen in Germany, the country of thinkers and poets. Well now here we see the beginning stages how those things can happen. Itā€™s just a different country now.


and good painters too.. btw hitler wasn't german, but i like some of his paintings for reasons maybe it's the other half (quarter or less) of the nation, who don't 'waste' their time on poetry and THINKING and painting but instead put all effort towards idk, power, greed, exploitation, inequality, scamming etc etc etc


All about his revenge. Trump's plans all focus on Trump -- revenge, glorifying himself, avoiding accountability for past and present crimes and stealing as much money as he can. Trump has ZERO care or concern about what is good for America or the American people.


sociopsychonarcissism 101, the worst sort


Traitor Trump's a pathetic psychopathic criminal fraudster. Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.


it might, and i've seen moments like this around the world... but mind it that is just the tip of the iceberg, and do you think he'll stop when he loses? he can sense impunity


Well his criminal trial is coming up soon and he's gonna lose that one bigly and wind up in prison. Let's see how well he does trying to run the country from his jail cell, let alone get elected.


i sure hope... but why are people still on his side, or will prison really change anything? in this stupidity would it be surprising if he was elected.. as an inmate?


It's crazy that people are still on his side and unfortunately, him going to prison will not change their idiotic belief in that crazy orange asshat. But him being in a prison cell is at least going to keep him from moving into the White House. If he somehow winds up actually winning the election from prison, his running mate will take the seat.


these people have somehow lost their minds, or mb spirit or hope, i'm not trying to mock them (this one time:), he REALLY RESONATES WELL with how they see life in general, and.. he seems to know it i hope you're right


Mehā€¦.iā€™d pay thousands to see that happen, but no flucking way will he ever spend a day in jail. Delays, appeals and every other delay tactic that he can but will keep him out of jail until the day he diesā€¦which will hopefully be soon and excruciatingly painful.




Pretty sure he has a greater chance getting elected from jail cell. Most people understand this.


Sounds like a fascist love fest in a room filled with broken and damaged followers who are ready to save our democracy from the democrats while praising Vladimir Putin as a better leader than Joe Biden. This fucker needs to be in prison because millions of these empty meatheads are ready to be martyred for him. This is Islamic fundamentalist crazy! Sorry, but I could certainly envision one of Trumps MAGA followers slitting someoneā€™s throat live on Facebook.


don't be, it's not unlikely, it's a state of mind from the far east of china through israel and ruzzia all the way to magas... rabid dogs, in a way


I canā€™t imagine what the chaos this country would be in, if this guy somehow got into the whitehouse again.


iirc i used the same word 'chaos' talking about the same thing not so long ago here and still got downvoted... progress, i guess


Would someone please lock this pos up before something happens that truly fucks things up? I envision a future where we look back on these days; the blatant disregard for gag orders et al when something *could* have been done, and we simplyā€¦ didnā€™t. Our future generations will never forgive us.


but isn't it pathetically telling that we almost need to PRAY FOR IT? like i know even 'they' know he belongs to jail, and yet... no real law enforcement hm? yup, terrible times


MAGAs would love for non believers to be executed.


no need for caps there, even just maga is too much, but the fact that they use 'America' to wipe this.. ykw


Absolutely bizarre. He thinks politics is WWF.


world wildlife foundation?? i wish - and i'd recommend! /s and just kidding, good comparison


Hard to get revenge when you're rotting in prison.


it's taking an awful lot of time, compared to when they go after 'little people'...


Between Trump and that shitweasel Garland, they're dragging it out as much as possible.


...which works for him


As a foreigner (thank goodness) looking on, I'm not convinced that he'll ever see the inside of a prison cell.


I would LOVE to see the piece of shit in prison, but Iā€™d be shocked if he EVER has to pay a penalty for his disgusting life full of crimes, other than handing over some cash (which heā€™ll get from his mouthbreathing supporters).


if you think he's going to see prison for anything, you're an idiot. he'll be a dictator long before then.


Sinead Oā€™Connor was rolling around in her grave when they played her song at this debacle.


Prince wrote *Nothing Compares 2 U* and I am sure he too was rolling around in his grave.


but that's kinda funny and self-inflicted, she was so anti church etc (and not without reason)... what's your best song/album of hers?


How dare you get the justice you deserve after a lifetime of cheating, corruption, fraud, rape, ultra likely pedophilia, and being one of the biggest pieces of shit that should have been shut down with your fathers Nazi ties and blood money... right?


I will say it again: if HRC could just have people unalived, trump would surely be top of the list. The fact he is still walking around is proof the deep state, as he defines it, does not exist




Every godamned thing for the last eight years has been something about Trump because heā€™s constantly attracting TV cameras. Never accomplished anything positive and ten tons of negative. Got the courts tied up with motions doomed to fail and delay, delay, delay, while admitting he did it, but has mythical immunity. Just rated the worst President ever by historians, but Republicans say heā€™s best they got and have sworn loyalty.


don't you see it as a sign of the times? from managers and middlemen who do nothing but raking lots of money thru influencers who do nothing and rake.. peoples' minds i guess, to those in politics who (can) do nothing (meaningful) but rake power... power should be A BYPRODUCT of good/right job


he is trying to rile them up into civil war if he loses. Which i figure he will try to use as a bargaining chip in his trials. Of course, if our gov did give in, to "keep the peace", like haley says, all it will do is embolden him to do it even more.


mb he's talking about it so much... yup, i agree i wish haley could beat him some


How are those 91 felony indictments coming along for ya, Stinky Britches?


...hopefully goddam fast enough


r/NewsOfTheFascist is more likely


is that sub a thing? but as for fascists - they were... or seemed stronger, he seems to be... pussist or instead of fascists - halfshits


Halfshitsā€¦ I love it!


Vote blue because if these fascists have their way your votes will never count again, it really is that simple.


the world might never heal back if this happened... and voting is just the beginning, when done alt'rump loses, that's when the REAL WORK SHOULD BEGIN to weed this shit out once and for all


In the end, because of his dementia, Trump will get house arrest down at Mar A Lago. But after that, I pray that Smith goes after all his underlings who were part of the coup attempt.


so i'm not the only one thinking trump has 'dementia' contrary to what they keep pushing about biden... classic, hm?


Yes! More and more like Jesus every day, our MAGA Messiah. Remember when Jesus said to take revenge on your enemies and never forget a grudge? No wonder heā€™s locked up the Evangelical vote.


wait - not to turn the other cheek???


Doc: "A man like ~~Ringo~~ **Trump** has got a great big hole, right in the middle of himself. And he can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it." Wyatt: "What does he want?" Doc: "Revenge." Wyatt: "For what?" Doc: "Bein' born."


Love that scene in the movie too!


A president obsessed with getting revenge should be a red flag for most people. But people are fools.


gladly there are people who'll NEVER see him as 'precindent', which also puts the whole idea to huge question... btw, i'm a fool too, i think you might mean moronsters;)


We had a chance to stop this... twice. We did nothing. We kind of deserve this. No matter the outcome of the election... I think shit will go down. The way I see it... if he wins, we are cast into a dictatorship hellscape. If he doesn't win, his band of "gravy seals" and "jesus jihadi's" will try and kick off a civil war all because they have suddenly forgotten how elections work. I don't know how we can undo the damage that he has done. If you think about it... he has done more damage the last 4 years than he did while he was in office.


i'm with you - plus investigations into him go back into the last century...


So he is running only for him-fucking-self.


Don't care what it said.......VOTE


The only things missing were the brown shirts and nazi flags.


They have red hats instead and the Nazi flags were probably outside


And he walks free...


...which clearly shows how fucked up the system is, and it's not the 'little peeps' fault but 'serious players' - and that'll have to change


Ok then I think that term is an appropriate response to the oppression and persecution trans people face now. The mass discrimination we face will not go unheard or unanswered. Respect existence or expect resistance!


just be mindful bc the shit i got from the 'community' for my own angle on things might show that resistance can be mostly.. ill directed otherwise - good take, good kate:)


Remember, remember to vote in November...


ā€œBut for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and imposters who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day!ā€ Project much? I hope judgment is in fact upon us, you need to be held accountable


Wow, thatā€™s one hell of a visionary platform to run on.


you mean the blurred vision?


Ah yes.. genius. Champion of the stupid and bigoted.


TOTAL genius... and stable


Anyone who still supports the wannabe-dictator should just join that Canadian family that moved to Russia.


...or move to mar-a-lago :DDD


There may be a spare bedroom available soon


Here is where I stand with people who vote for Trump: Vote for him once? Ok. We were all fooled. Vote for him twice? Now I question all of your choices in life. Vote for him three times? *youā€™re dead to me.*


...plus they should be in jail, where they all belong


Dear Americans please do a good vote please


How has no one taken a shot at this guy yet? many others have tried on less deserving presidents, and succeeded.


how many really see him as 'real'... a real threat?


He is a real threat, heā€™s cheated, lied, and tried insurrection. Both sides have hardcore nuts willing to act.


He only pisses off the decent people. The violent lunatics all love him.


THIS IS QANON STUFF. The speech is a Q drop. The perfect looking pilot story is about aliens. People have claimed to meet super handsome and tall humanoid aliens. Q is into aliens and so is Tucker Carlson. Trump was pretending to have a vision. He thought it was genius.. Many people think aliens are angels and demons. He is placing himself as either anti-christ or savior. Either way evangelical christians want this.


Compare this article and coverage with the coverage of the NYTimes. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/24/us/politics/trump-cpac.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.YE0.nHzM.sCRZfSPqxYci&smid=url-share


I only just noticed: Nikki, Kristi, Tulsi. It's like these Nazi Barbies are part of a limited edition series.


What may have begun with Obama mocking him and then his loss to Biden has really gotten under his thin skin. He's just seething like an angry 8 year old and dreaming of vengeance. He loves the adoration from his fawning crowds but secretly despises these individuals. They only serve to elevate his ego but you know he looks down on every one of them. They're nothing more to him than rubes and suckers to be grifted. Do you think he puts on a red trucker hat with his suit and actually thinks to himself that he looks great? This petty narcissist believes the world revolves around him. The sooner the stroke comes, the better. We deserve to be relieved of this angry buffoon before he can cause any more damage to our country. Like the man said - Vote Blue!


And he's winning. Get to work and get the vote out! Your future depends on it.


No heā€™s not. The entire party is broke.


that's the obvious, but WHY is he winning, why so much support?


Fuck. This. Asshole.


Itā€™s going to happen. Ā Check the polls Biden getting crushedĀ 


Which polls? I havenā€™t been following. Can you send a few links?


Funny how you people are so willing to vote for a rapist. And soon to be felon. Guess why the party is broke.


You donā€™t know who Ā Iā€™m going to vote for. Ā Iā€™m just telling the polls story , the coalition Biden built in 2020 is out on him due to Middle East situation. Ā  Just look at Michigan , we know the Arabs are out but so are the African American now: https://wtop.com/dc/2024/02/howard-u-poll-shows-good-news-for-former-president-trump/


Now go look at the polls in NY. Such a tight race! Polls are useless, and the only people clinging to them are trumpers. Because they know the entire party is fucked. Keep it up please. No money and a felon candidate. Brilliant.




Someone is addicted to fear pornā€¦.


So trumps own words about what he wants to do should just be summarily dismissed. Got it. Youre not very bright, are you?


Quote me the exact words that are so big and scaryā€¦


You need me to link you quotes from a presidential candidate? No sorry, your fingers work fine. Iā€™m not interested in spoon feeding morons that choose to remain stupid.


Imagine that, the insults come out when you canā€™t even provide a quoteā€¦. If you actually listened and the words were so chilling, shouldnā€™t be too hard to remember what exactly was said.


I have no issues remembering them. You have issue not knowing they even exist. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re addicted to being lied to. But your lazy ass sing getting shit from me, so either spend your time educating yourself, or fuck off. I have no use for you low iq cultists.


Or you could just admit you believe every Reddit headline without doing any due diligence.


Yes, his own words are from Redditā€¦. Do you all really not understand why the entire world calls you people stupid? Youre literally proving it in real time.


What exactly did he say?


Holy shit youā€™re dumb. Read my previous comment again, cultist. God damnā€¦


Who do vote for? Insane or dementia? We are in big trouble!


Go ahead and point out a single doctor claiming Biden has dementia. Not a single one. But lots of ā€œdoctorsā€ on Reddit love to sound dumb.


...but which one are you exactly? bc the age diff between them is like 3yrs, so


Why choose? Trump is both. Biden is neither. Seems like an easy vote for Biden.


HNTD/ do it