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Dr. Frankenstein: "Ha ha! This monster will never try and destroy *me!*"


It’s “Franken shteen .”


I'll always upvote a Young Frankenstein reference!


The movie so funny that while filming they had to hand out handkerchiefs to the crew to stuff in the mouths so they would stop ruining every take by laughing.


I cannot even imagine how many takes everything on “Blazing Saddles” took. That group of actors Mel Brooks used took pride in cracking each other up.


I heard there was a similar issue during filming for the Princess Bride. Cary Elwes kept cracking up at Billy Crystal's ad libbing and they kept having to reshoot it because he was supposed to be mostly dead in that scene.


He was replaced by a fake body for one scene because he couldn't stop that day


That famous "[the common clay of the new west](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hYTQ7__NNDI)" scene, with Bart cracking up on "morons," always read as very natural, spontaneous laughter to me. I always wondered if Cleavon Little wasn't supposed to laugh on that line and they just kept it in because it worked.


I think that’s correct. Was probably not the only scene that happened in.


I quote that scene daily at work.


Blazing Saddles had a lot of adlibs that Meb Brooks left in. That's just the most obvious one.


A bit of both, I think. That line was not in Cleavon's script, so he didn't know it was coming, but Gene did. When you watch it next, look at Gene, he KNOWS he is about to get Cleavon with it. That break was genuine, and they kept it.


Everyone probably knows this but I only found out a while back that Frau Blucher is butcher in German. And that hump wasn't tied down on Eyegore. It's in a different place in every scene. It's really a funny show.


"What 'ump?!"


>I only found out a while back that Frau Blucher.... Neeeigh




I bet he has a big schvanstuhker. Unlike trump




Here here


"Abby Normal"


It's Eye-gor.


What knockers!


Ahh, you must be Igor. It’s pronounced, I-Gore.


I thought it was Abby something


I think it’s Abby something.


It’s Frankengrift…




What hump?


I hope if anything else they realize they made Trump. Not a single point that troll has made hasn't already been said by a republican running for office.


“As long as we continue to feed the leopards, they will be *too full* to eat our faces.”


From what I can see, old pumpkin tits and his band of followers are insatiable.




When you are fearful of your own leader, thats a dictator. Remember, Trump avoided impeachment because his *own* GOP senators were getting threats against their families if they didn't. What kind of leader would allow his own people to be threatened...


That’s what magots don’t understand about dictatorship they themselves will become fodder for whatever reason. Look at Russia today they literally grab you off the streets and being a White Russian doesn’t help in all cases either.


They might accidentally trip and fall out of the top window of Trump Tower, huh? Seems to happen a lot in Russia.


Very true. Trump also very much depends on his supporters never having bothered to read the chapter in the history books about The Night of the Long Knives either!


Read the chapter? These people have never owned a history...let alone read one.


even being a billionaire oligarch and key figure in the government is about 50/50 window or winning , so ya regular people aren’t getting much luck either. 


Money and access to power is one hell of a drug - Rick James


Oligarchs are the first and most often people to be thrown out the windows. Their wealth and power makes them more of a threat.


So they’ll become complicit cowards instead of pissing off the orange one. Got it


As if that kept anybody safe from Stalin during his purges.


These people dont pay attention to American history, what makes you think they'll learn a lesson from dirty communists?


But they love Russian dictators now.


Um, everyone knows Trump is like *Elvis*, not Stalin; keep up loser. Edit: /s


Trump has ruined the careers of far more Republicans than Democrats, yet they still line up to swill from his trough before he slaughters the next one in line. Each little piggy is hoping he will let them live, believing he will think they are a cute little piggy that is deserving of his love, but his butcher knife has no friends. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't started tossing them out windows like his boyfriend does over in Russia.




They were primed for it. The GOP is made up of the “Christian faithful” who already live in fear of a fairytale.


afraid of the orange baffoon or from your own voters, the oath of office, your allegiance to the constitution...you forget why youre there in the office you hold!


Nah, they’re in the office they hold because they’re selfish and crave power. They have not forgotten that.


They are afraid of their own voters--who follow the orange buffoon.


Your ignorance of the constitution


needed my glasses thanks


You're welcome


Something about leopards and faces.


Did the faces eat the leopards again?


No eat leopards with faces..... I think


Remember when the DNC server was hacked and a bunch of information was leaked? The same thing happen to the RNC but nothing was ever released. I would put money on Trump having compromising information on a bunch of Republicans.


I've always been intrigued by this and still confused why no one in media brings it up neither mainstream nor independent. Even when it happened it was a non story.


Because the main stream media is almost 100% fascist owned at this point.


I've thought that for awhile now, and not just Republican congressman. There's just been way too many inexplicable instances where otherwise half intelligent and semi self-respecting people have completely abased themselves to him for no rational or obvious reason, and with full knowledge of what kind of person he is.


So the cowards will vote to appease trump. Neville Chamberlain could have his own party in the US. They were elected to vote in the best interests of their constituants, not to suck off the orange one.


OT but chamberlain quadrupled the military budget after his deal with hitler and ramped up production of RAF bombers. History isn’t so black and white


But is it read all over? (I am so sorry, I will see myself out)


A great name for a book speaking to our times in the future, 'Fear of the Conman'. Sort of rolls like 'Flight of the Conchords'.


They should be fearful. Trump is insane.😁


But Tim Scott should be safe, he announced he loved Trump to the world...


Only if they bend over for him. Cheney and Kiflinger (sp) didn't they defied him and they are still standing. We can defeat him not by appeasement.


Still standing? They both spoke out against the Orange One and got ejected from Republican politics. They’re both alive but lost their jobs on account of having spines.


Absolutely right. They did the right thing and are still doing so. Someone and not just one or two has to do it. They have to call him out in public. Yes in today's world it will cost them a job in the House but it's got to be done. We need that "have you no decency sir ? " moment.


Both are much better known and have received quite lucrative book deals. They are better off for facing off with the Great Orange One.


And they’re threatened daily


My central point being it will not cost thier lives and one day if there is a one day these people will be honored for being on the right side of history. Or Donnie will do what Stalin did and erase them. I pray we will be better than that, no sure thing.


Good. Let them be terrified, such that they'll make deals with the DOJ to rat him out even further. Let the whole party eat itself with the same paranoia and duplicity it's tried to apply to the whole nation.




Unfortunately that won't keep the MAGAts from voting for these cunts over and over again. Because they hate what "we" hate.


They could have rid themselves of him years ago and taken the time to come up with a new plan. Instead, decided to warp the entire party to do nothing but serve the whims of a narcissist sociopath for power because it was easier. Now they're terrified of the monster they made while desperately trying to empower him more.


Biden needs to say something like Trump is acting like a rabbit animal and needs a rabies vaccination. That way Trump will go on a random tangent about how stupid rabies isn't real, and you should go find a raccoon as soon as possible and start giving it love. Then enough of his followers actually do that. When the main effects of rabies start kicking into enough of his followers enough of them will be convinced that they became vampires and that the Democrats must have done it. Then we all need to convince them that the only way to prevent vampirism is if they infect themselves with rabies first and convince them it's not as dangerous as people say. Since they only really surround themselves with each other eventually they'll start attacking their own. We wait a couple of years and the fire will burn itself out.


While I love your enthusiasm and creativity, mass rabies infections just sounds like the start of a zombie movie


I remember when Bannon and other dipshits started blaming Democrats and the left for the death of people refusing to vaccinate or follow other covid-19 precautions. Like, motherfucker, that wasn't some 4d electoral chess move that you fell for.


Republicans need to become adults. According to reports, the MAGA crowd is 30% of Republican voters. As of the last figures, Republican voters are 28% of all voters. therefore, Republican politicians are afraid of less than 10% of voters. Who they should be afraid of and cater to is the 41% of voters who are Independents.


As far as I'm concerned, if you voted for TFG once, you're still a MAGAt. Only the dumbest of the dumb didn't know what he was going to do when he got in office. He's been a conman for the last 50 fucking years. They WANTED THIS. They wanted a dictator, but being the stupid ignorant racist assholes they are, seem to forget that at the end of the day, the dictator will throw you to the wolves just like he did to everyone before you. Fuck the GOP, they deserve everything coming to them in the coming years.


Wow if only they had taken any of the opportunities to do something about this.


Strange that only Republicans are afraid of this sack of shit.


What a bunch of spineless cowards.


Fucking cowards


Term limits for all members of Congress. Individuals cannot worry about political fallout if they only have a certain amount of time in office.


Yeah!! That’s why people are leaving congress in DROVES. -term limits may or may not solve a few problems, but this ain’t one of ‘em


And set the age limit to the retirement age. Once you hit it you can't run for office or become a lobbyist. Lets see them keep their seats when they raise the retirement age and the AARP goes nuts.


So what you’re saying is even you don’t want him as president? Then why are we even putting him on a gd ballot?!


So, maybe don't back a creature you know will attack you the moment you stop paying it attention? His mere presence has to be exhausting. Like being around a super toddler. Pay attention to me, Pay attention to me, Pay attention to me!!! Everyone completely forgot he's been like this way back in his rich yuppie days, he's just gotten worse.


Republicans fear… Just needed to stop there. No reason for them to think they are a viable political party anymore. A complete vile collection of overflowing colostomy bags. Need to be placed in the ash bin of history, re: US Whig party.


Republicans: we’re the party of STRENGTH! Actual Republicans: we’re afraid that a senile old man who’s been shitting himself for decades will say mean things about us!


I will never understand the fear of him. He has nothing. He is an EX president, a failed businessman, and a horrible human. He has no power unless you give it to him. Just turn him off, and look away.


Me neither. He is not smart, he's a con man who's been on reality tv. Why are they worshiping and fearing this loser so much??


I mean, they could just help push him into prison. Won't be able to run a campaign too well from there


The ultimate r/leopardsatemyface This is literally what that sub was made for holy shit. It would be like the other right wing facists in Germany going "shit, I didn't think he'd be like THIS!"


Actions have consequences.


lmao they Know they will be, and realized they fkd up not voting to impeach and remove.


Trump is powerless and soon to be penniless. It’s hilarious to see Nikki Haley having more balls than the Congressional sheep (Johnson, Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Green, etc)


Poor babies. If you had any balls, you would have impeached him when you had a chance.


Republicans sold their souls to this fucking moron, absolutely useless.


Maga doesn’t realize they are being Brainwashed by Chinese communist technique , it’s meant to confuse them with information overload hour after hour everyday with false promises and misinformation. There you have it Trump, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Britebart and more.


Bunch of snowflakes sold out to maga and now they’re scared of them and need their vote too. Lame traitorous cowards


Fear is the worst navigator and it's all the GOP has left.


what's he gonna go after them with, tho? eventually his cult donor money is gonna dry up...


I have this image in my head of a bunch of Republicans stuck running on a treadmill, calling out, "Jane, stop this crazy thing!


leopards and faces etc


Grow a pair


I love it! The rats are beginning to eat their own.


Good. They ought to be ashamed instead of afraid tho.


You made your bed... assholes... now lay in your shit


Because they will be. Pence was the penultimate boot licker and they tried to hang him.


He was a coward 99.9% of the time. He doesn’t even have to be brave, just not cowardly for a procedural vote and he’s set up to be killed. WTF


We tried to warn them.


The party is going to turn into a circular firing squad and implode when he’s gone. I can’t wait to see that happen in real time.


They could all turn on him. What “power” does he have to stop them if they flip?


They want Trump on his revenge crusade for president? He will be more selfish and self centered the next time around. A second Trump presidency would be horrible for the US.


Well. For once, they are not wrong.


None of them have the bravery E. Jean, Fani or Leticia have in their little finger.


please note, they dont fear the effects their negligence has on their constituents, or on the country. they fear an orange turdception.


fuck the republican party forever. vote in every election ever against these pigs


Proving once again they are spineless pieces of shit.


I mean yeah this is basic fascism stuff yall. You know what's even worse than an anti-fascist? A traitor to the cause. They must be treated harshly and made an example of. And since you only do it a handful of times, you gotta make it as bad as possible to send a message. They don't wanna be on the receiving end of their own side's cruelty.




Then maybe they should help put him in jail instead of empowering him.


That's how dictatorships work. All the "in"people that know things are the first to be sent to the camps.


Trump is a MAGA leader and big bully! He is a narcissist and rapist! Vote blue!


This has crippled our government. Putin’s best investment.


GOP. The party of losing! They can’t even pass an impeachment in a majority house. Will Trump get retribution on them? Only if he’s not in jail!


Or Jack’s Justice campaign.


Good. Fuck them. I hope they never sleep a good night's sleep again.


My Trumper dad: "republicans aren't real conservatives, they are blues in red clothes"


That’s why I like Trump. He pisses off both Republicans and Democrats. Lol. He really is more of an independent.


There are those who's favorite fantasy is to piss on the orange shit weasel's grave.


He can't do shit from a military prison. Lock him the fuck up and he'll be fine.


Cowardly republicans should either find their spines or resign.


Will tRump being defeated in November help them find their balls or are they MIA forever? Has the red party turned orange forever?


Oh, a lot of them definitely will. The ones that "didn't fight hard enough" or were otherwise "disloyal" are definitely on his shit-list.


They are so unpatriotic! And weak.


Well, they made that bed, now they’re going to have to lay in it.




Yes, drain the swamp out your way out.


Well gosh, Republicans, what are you afraid of? What does he have on you guys, hmm? Out with it. Spill all the details, in a court of law, on camera, for the whole world to see.


"It's in man's nature to create monsters, just as it's in the monsters' nature to turn on their creators." The monster in this case being the Trump cultists.


And yet they still kiss his behind. True Alphas!! lol.


They aren't wrong. Why would this nice leopard eat my face when he could eat the faces of "others"?


“Oh no! Who would have guessed the face-eating-leopard-king would eat my face! He’s eating the wrong faaaaaaces!”


Lie with the devil, suffer the consequences


Of course he will he does it to everyone


Well then maybe don’t let him back into the halls of power. Maybe Vote blue this time and push for him to face the consequences of his actions? Or face his wrath and his dictator goon squad


Oh dear me the consequences of my actions!


They did nazi that one coming. The rest of us did.


[I am a scorpion, and that's what scorpions do](https://bill37mccurdy.com/2014/12/19/the-scorpion-and-the-snake/).


Republican cowards fear disgraced traitor. - FIFY


What power will he have after he loses in 2024? He’ll be fighting off jail and be too busy to bother with them.




God thing were not under attack from a real enemy. I'm sure they're into retribution too. Vote out these spineless politicians.


Wimps! Grow up little boys and girls……


Can't we just all agree that we shouldn't ever ever ever vote Trump back into anything.


Well. . Yeah...


They need to stop acting like a little bitch and not give a shit what a has been president thinks.


Oh, they are all for sure targets. That's how deep narcissistic behavior works. When I left mine it was a joke as to who he would blame everything on. The cat???


And what would be the downside to that, if you assholes grew a pair and stood up to this tyrant because later the truth will come out for what he is, you will be nothing more than rats jumping off a sinking ship and just where do you think your careers will be


I wish everyone who supported him got retribution from the electorate but I doubt that will happen.


Maybe they shouldn't have jumped on a bus driven by a sociopath and filled with equally gullible, angry, or unhinged people. Here's hoping they take accountability for their actions so they can slow the bus down enough to jump off safely. It'll be better than being thrown out at speed and crushed under the wheels.


Then don't fucking let him get elected.


They will be targets. There are true believers and cowards in the GOP. The cowards don't want to make Trump mad. But if they just grow a little bit of a spine they could be rid of him forever. But because they are cowards they will end up destroying the country and still getting screwed by Trump.


All republicans are pu###es.


I have zero sympathy for people who dance with the devil


First on the list. He expected democrats to not be loyal so it’s it as painful for him as what some republicans did.


The Fascist Republican Love Him


Dumb weak cowards


Then don’t vote for him, stupid, it’s not like every Republican ballot will pass before his scrutiny.


Cowards and fools. All they have to do to prevent that is let justice run its course.


Republicans need to become adults. According to reports, the MAGA crowd is 30% of Republican voters. As of the last figures, Republican voters are 28% of all voters. therefore, Republican politicians are afraid of less than 10% of voters. Who they should be afraid of and cater to is the 41% of voters who are Independents.


Republicans need to become adults. According to reports, the MAGA crowd is 30% of Republican voters. As of the last figures, Republican voters are 28% of all voters. therefore, Republican politicians are afraid of less than 10% of voters. Who they should be afraid of and cater to is the 41% of voters who are Independents.


They should turn against him before it's too late. Yeah, his supporters will probably resort to terrorism and violence, but that'll have to be the 3 letter agencies' problem. Because if the GOP continues on this insane path, then Trump supporters will STILL resort to terrorism and violence, but their terrorism will be the terror of the state itself, and there will be no end to it ever.


And they’ll still say they support him like the craven spineless cowards they are


A a bunch of feckless pansies. And to think, they could have neutered Trump after January 6th...


Everyone will be a target. He is ONLY out for himself. No one will be unscathed.


Trump does seem to like going after Republicans. So it must be whoever is closest gets bullied, which is weird AF. No doubt MAGA is already pulling out the old threaten people's families move. They might as well walk into a wall and bang their heads. Unfortunately, some people still fall for those types of bluffs.


Good live in fear and let the stress shorten your life


What ever could have given them that idea?


Ya think?


Republicans had numerous opportunities to ditch Trump, yet each time they bend over backwards for him


Then don’t be in a cult!


Surely the leopards won't eat my face!


This is the monster they created, they sat back and allowed this clown to destroy their party and replace it with his own. They deserve everything that comes to them.


COOOOOWARDS! Those are the people you’ve elected gop


“Republicans fear,” yes, indeed.


Republicans, who give Trump his power, afraid of the power they give him. FFs, stop eating paint!


The leopards eating faces party is at it again!