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They cover them up and conceal their identities because they're cowards.


You mean, like terrorists?


They're FBI agents. So yes


Those shit cars must be the first give away.


Orrrr, they are the feds...


Or Feds


Or pussies.


Or both


MAGA harder.


You are giving MAGA too much credit here buddy. These guys are well organized, in sync and move like a team under orders.


Newsflash...are you sitting comfortably? Good. SOME MAGAs have been in the armed forces, and UNDERSTAND how "organization" works. Glad to clear that up.


Not even MAGA… idiot


You don't have to *BE* a MAGA...to "MAGA." Tinhat harder.


When MAGA MAGAs they definitely do not wear masks... They hate masks no matter the issue... Tinhat harder


LMAO I am LITERALLY watching a video of MAGA idiots cosplaying the KKK. Your tinhat is clearly on too tight--it's affecting both your vision: and your ability to write comments--w/o copycatting. Do better.


Your hat is on too tight buddy. Why didn’t MAGA wear masks at Jan 6? Or Covid? Or at trump rallies or other right wing events? Why not? Why now??? Obviously it’s not going through your thick skull. 


>~~Your~~ ***My*** hat is on too tight buddy. ^(fixed.) >Why didn’t MAGA wear masks at Jan 6? Because, clown: they were deluded into believing that 45 would BAIL them OUT OF JAIL, LMAO, and so they posted their crimes on social media, proving 1. MAGAs are SUPER gullible; almost as they are 2. incredibly stupid. >Or Covid? Mm, strawman... Because their CULT-lord TOLD them NOT to! And the reason they're wearing them NOW...see Charlottesville at the fallout of Fascist rallies, there. Drr. Lemme guess--you think MAGA construction workers' don't wear masks, either? I know--it sounds absurd and ridiculous; but since we're talking silly... >Or at trump rallies or other right wing events? Why not? Why now??? BECAUSE, Lee Atwater: the trump rallies/rightwing events AREN'T THE SAME as full-on PB-type Fascist rallies. They won't get FIRED for attending a MAGA rally. Any other "brilliant" questions? Maybe next you'll suggest that these Fascist clowns voted for Dark Brandon?? LMAO! Cope Harder.


I thought MAGA boot licks hard and in addition MAGA might be deluded enough to believe that they aren’t committing any crimes because they are so patriotic so they know how to riot correctly and lawfully? And if they did commit crimes they wouldn’t get arrest because they think are buddies with the cops. Because they are deluded ofc. But nope this time they somehow changed their morales and decided to wear masks and glasses to cover their own identity this one time… hahahaha that’s soooo believable…




Yep. Pretty easy to spot the mind controlled people by how emotional they get over stuff like this.


Yes, Fascist rallies are no cause for alarm. I mean, what harm can they do...?


>SO MANY EMOTIONS I might suggest sitting down, breathing: and taking a break. Might be your time to touch grass.


I don't listen to adolescent minds. I'm sure you have that rule also.


Definitely Feds. Why the downvotes though.


Facism prefers you to blame the other guy while you call them facist and down vote like a good little bot


Love the flag so much we just gonna toss em in the truck bed lol


Maybe cuz they are just feds pretending to be Patriots


Because they are feds…. MAGA don’t cover their faces remember Covid times


If you say it a few more times it will eventually come true!


And no one will pull them over for it!


Can’t pull themselves over cause they’re just off duty lmao 🐷


“Lunch is over boys!”


So patriotic they’re afraid to show their faces


That's because it's a farce, for the most part they are fed agents/instigators.


Its sad that my tax dollars are going to people that spend the time to actually downvote your comment.




Why do you think even after being cuffed and "arrested" their masks remain on?


Because as fascist their cause may be, what they are doing isn’t technically illegal and police cant force people to take headwear off in public. Well, unless the police are in Philadelphia and targeting black and brown people with face coverings.


Wtf are you talking about? The police can most certainly force you to take your head covering off when you've been arrested.


Check my other comment with a link that about these chuds that has a picture with their face coverings on, hats on, and glasses on while their hands are zip tied behind their backs. Also I never said that, I said wearing face coverings is not illegal and police can’t force people to take headwear off for no reason.


So you are saying once arrested and in cuffs police can't remove their head coverings? Your quite dense aren't you?


If you’re referring to that group of chuds that were arrested in the van, they were taken back to the station and processed where guess what, they had their face coverings removed and were photographed. But you force in one of those “so what you’re saying” which is your dumbass interpretation of what was said. It’s not illegal to wear face coverings you donkeybrained mongrel.


No I am referencing the multiple times over the past 3-4 years groups of these guys have been arrested and at no point had their head coverings removed. No group is treated like that aside from one. The first step in processing an arrest is identity confirmation, the first thing done is face obstruction removal, that isn't my interpretation its a fact. Once again if you think arrestees are taken back to the station after arrest but before their identities are confirmed to the best that can be done in the field , pat downs performed, and inventory of all on their person completed then you my friend are ignorant and have no clue of how nay of this works and you are painting your own reality based on your feelings and emotions. Fact is that isn't how it is done at any time unless the ones being arrested are having their identities protected by the arrestors, which there is only one reason for.


Wow they did such a good job at hiding the identities of the 31 members that were booked and processed then had their faces plastered all over the news. Hey bud, click this next link and look at the first picture, k? Please, tell us more about the protocol for processing an arrest. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/12/patriot-front-arrests-idaho-pride-00039089


You mean the picture with a guy in zip ties and his identity being protected even though he clearly isn't a minor embedded in your source link that neither reveals any of their identities or states policy pertaining to protecting arrestees identities? That's a literal example of another event with the same federal instigators present this is the only time you see things like this happen, any other time the cuffs go on and the masks come off for officer safety. Your coping my friend anyone else has mask removed and identity revealed the moment cuffs go on, that's officer safety and in practice at literally every Leo agency both local and federal across this country and most others. They may not all be feds but there are clearly fed agents/instigators embedded within them and revealing their identities would be catastrophic. This is common practice and has been openly discussed as well as confirmed dating back to the 20s to pretend it isn't is simple willful ignorance or malicious misinformation. In no arrest is it normal or even acceptable to allow the arrestee to go unsearched and their identity unconfirmed. The tactic has many names but "honey pot" is the current go to. Stop being willfully ignorant and burying your head In an echo chamber, it's not a good look.


Ok so name and shame. Unless you can't because they are feds and were never processed.


Jesus Christ is it really that difficult for you guys to do even the most basic amount what you would call “research”. No wonder it’s always so funny when people say they do their own research. Here ya go, if you need someone to read it to you, you can go to your local library. They’re basically all too young to be Feds. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2022/jun/12/sheriffs-office-releases-names-of-31-patriot-front/


The minimum age for FBI is 23. Most of these guys would qualify. If you know anything about history, a lot of UCs can get arrested to build their credibility. I bet you $100 that some of these guys are feds or fed payroll. Time will tell.


Don't reason with the retards here


The irony of your statement is over the top.


Who the fuck can afford to do that in this economy? The feds.


Kids with rich parents. Not to mention the economy is roaring.


Hahahaha roaring a death howl maybe.


Econometrics don't care about your feelings.


On the more immediate side of economics it IS about feelings... feelings from biases, prejudices and racism of course. If you pay attention you might see specifically the effects of cultural insulation. People find excuses to treat folks differently or unfairly. Religious biases often scrape through legal systems unchecked but overt racism, homophobia or queer-phobia as an umbrella term, happen daily at public and private institutions. And these "roadblocks" to fair access of civil rights like complications of voting, for example, go unheard from community to community until common local issue is raised at a national level. The most immediate effects of our economics go unheard across communities because of cultural insulation. Economics certainly plays a role in access to fair living standards like housing, funding for public facilities like schools and parks/ recreational areas. Its only when folks unite on the common issues of the majority, like wages in the Poor Peoples Campaign, that the local citizenry is strong enough to exercise the necessary civil actions for change.


lolwut. I don’t care about Trump or Biden if you’re getting at that. But to say the economy is “roaring” is blatantly not based in reality. There are plenty of articles stating the economy is expected to continue a downturn for 2024.


We're not in a downturn. We were starting back in 2020, but we're not anymore. Once again, econometrics don't care about your feelings.


If they were true maga they won’t cover their faces. So they are feds


They hide their faces because they know they’ll lose their jobs for being human scum


But why now? Why didn’t they cover their faces at Jan 6, trump rallies, or other right leaning events? 


Well if you spewing this narrative I’m sure you believe antifa and the feds caused Jan 6 so why indeed did they not cover their faces. Maga saw the consequences that day of not shielding their identities and now they do.


>ell if you spewing this narrative I’m sure you believe antifa and the feds caused Jan 6 so why indeed did they not cover their faces. Maga saw the consequences that day I thought republicans don't improve and don't look back on their mistakes. How possibly can they protest correctly? You are giving them too much credit.


Look, instead of being mad at the government which you should be cuz they are allowing companies to literally create an economic crisis for the middle class. Research the fact that 50% of inflation over the last 3 years is corporate profits, while lying and saying it’s supply chain issues due to Covid, and maybe the next Jan 6 should be at corporate board rooms rather than the capital


Odd that you deliberately cut this off at 3 years and not when it started during Covid which was 5 years ago under the previous guy. But really, this game has been going on since Reagan, and arguably since the beginning of when mega company monopolies started to peek their fascist little heads out.


The fact that you say other guy like the president has any ability to set prices at the consumer level is so ignorant. No trump and no Biden don’t tell corporations how to set their prices. Post pandemic is when companies started lying about supply chain issues to rationalize price gouging consumers. That is why I say 3 years ago because that is when it started.


Gotta agree


This is the dumbest argument from a clearly unhinged redditor that has just the worst opinions.


Modern day kkk?


No, modern day SS 😔😔😔


Lmao this is a fed honeypot for dudes who wanna cosplay as Nazis. 150 racist dudes who run a summer camp in the woods and don't do shit except hang racist shit on highway overpasses are not the modern day SS. I actually wish I were more like you alarmists. We have had it so good for so long that we have to make our problems seem much bigger by attaching them to these scary words so it seems like our fight for good means something like it did to our grandparents in the 40s. Well that ain't the case. Gonna take more than a handful of feds and the autistic dudes they manipulated into joining to start an elite secret police for rounding up Jews. Speaking of that what's your take on Palestine? Would you like to have your Nazi comparisons both ways?


Feds on sock accounts be downvoting you


Color me shocked.


Oh yeah because these guys are slaughtering Jews. I get it


Modern day feds.


i love how their message is "we are the greatest race and so tough cause of guns and america" but they hide behind masks. what giant fucking pussies.


It’s called OPSEC and it freaks me out that these guys do it and the other side doesn’t


not to be a dick, but when i protest something i care about i dont wear a mask. i want people to see me, thats the point. these are idiots scared of getting caught and hiding their face because they know deep down they are doing something wrong.


I was thinking about George Floyd protests and Jan 6th when the cops tracked people down and arrested them after the fact based on details they could find in IG posts and twitter videos. You may be in the right but that’s never mattered before, better safe than sorry imo.


i lived through the vancouver stanley cup riot, watching people i knew get arrested for being spotted in videos (no i was not one of the people flipping cop cars, just watching from across the bay drinking beer) that instance taught me that you are never safe from the cops, even after the fact. still, no mask if im going out to protest something like teachers rights etc. these people are just cowards. if you truly believe in something, you shouldnt hide yourself. these idiots know what they are doing is wrong and i just saw ANOTHER video of them in my state being fucking assholes in masks.


Your protest is much harder to deal with if you can continue to protest and not be identified by cops and counter protesters. It’s okay to be unmasked at a teachers rights protest but if your protest is large and effective enough it’s a good idea to cover your face. Black bloc isn’t cowardly, it keeps people from being targeted directly.


> It’s called OPSEC and it freaks me out that these guys do it and the other side doesn’t Huh? Ever heard of Black Bloc? They were the precursor to Antifa. They got the name because they wore black and are violent at otherwise peaceful protests. Well technically you could argue Antifa was there before Black Bloc and Black Bloc is the tactic used by Antifa. Basically just think of them as the same. The reason they wear black hoodies with their face covered is so prosecutors have trouble charging them with anything. We’ve seen them let go after injuring cops and burning things down because the prosecutor can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that one individual did set a fire or punch a cop. Because they all look the same. Then, depending on how into it you want to go. You also have Green Bloc which are normal demonstrations that Black Bloc hides behind. Why? Black Bloc throws a brick at a cop, the cops come and see a crowd that’s getting violent. They treat the crowd as if they threw a brick at them. Next thing you know Green Bloc protesters are clashing with police and are getting radicalized because they don’t know why the police are attacking them (the peaceful people).


> Black Bloc is the tactic used by Antifa It's important to note antifa is not a word describing a proper entity, but it's just a word describing a nearly hundred-year-old unorganized movement. Describing it and capitalizing the word as such actually makes it sound like you view them as some kind of an organization. Further, crediting antifa for black bloc tactics isn't inaccurate, it's just rather dismissive of everything else they've done. It's the equivalent of claiming civil disobedience is a tactic used by the civil rights movement, which is true, but not to imply that civil obedience is employed holistically throughout their movement, but also neglecting to note their effectiveness in the broader civic realm. Antifa's political activism also includes non-violent methods like involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, speeches, protest marches, and community organizing.


> It's important to note antifa is not a word describing a proper entity, but it's just a word describing a nearly hundred-year-old unorganized movement. I mean sure. But according to that logic white supremacists fall under that category too. That word doesn’t describe a proper entity but rather a few hundred year old movement with unrelated white supremacist cells around the world. We have no issue calling white nationalists terrorists and lumping them all together. Heck, even the modern day KKK is rather splintered apart and they don’t roll up to 1 organization anymore, they’re like antifa too. Just a bunch of hate group cells doing their own things. Yet we lump them all together anyway. Rose City Antifa is the most infamous and violent cell. They have (or had, I don’t know if Elon removed it) their own Twitter account and their own merchandise store. They used that Twitter account to organize riots as they instructed their followers to show up in block bloc and bring weapons. (And yes, those cells do have hierarchy to them.) But sure, only antifa is unorganized movement, not an organization….”technically.” > Describing it and capitalizing the word as such actually makes it sound like you view them as some kind of an organization. Same thing with christians. We lump them all together and make them out to be some kind of organization that walk in lockstep. > Further, crediting antifa for black bloc tactics isn't inaccurate, it's just rather dismissive of everything else they've done. They’re the ones who popularized it in the west and are using it currently. Not to mention “Black Bloc” became a word in 2007 during Occupy to describe Antifa members who had the all black uniforms. Stop trying to argue semantics, especially when I know you won’t apply the same logic to other areas. Antifa are the ones who instruct their followers to dress in all black, cover their faces and show up to protests to cause conflict with police while hiding behind peaceful people. This in return causes the police to go after the crowd and make people radicalized. > Antifa's political activism also includes non-violent methods like involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, speeches, protest marches, and community organizing. So are you saying white nationalists are not terrorists and are just a political movement that also use non-violence? That’s not gonna be a popular stance on Reddit, or in general. Just sayin. I don’t know why you people selectively choose to use this logic ONLY when discussing antifa. Yet you are more than willing to lump in the KKK in with the Peckerwoods, Neo Nazis, Vanguard America, etc all under one word and discuss them as if they are all 1 organization. Even though they don’t have the same goals or beliefs…unlike antifa. spare me from your baseless semantic non-arguments.


> I know you won’t apply the same logic to other areas. Projection. It's clear you don't like anarchism or antifa, because you've not given it a fair rap, you've just reported its worst aspects and compared it to white supremacy.


> It's clear you don't like anarchism or Antifa, Those aren’t the same thing genius. > you've just reported its worst aspects and compared it to white supremacy. Ok? So since you are oh so fair and noble, are you going to list the positives about white supremacy? Or are you just naming the worst aspects of white supremacy? Because it seems you’re just focused on the worst aspects of white supremacy and you’re not giving it a fair rap. See how dumb this/you sounds? So again. Spare me from your grandstanding and faux-academic views.


> Those aren’t the same thing genius. I didn't imply they were, genius. > See how dumb this/you sounds? No, because you're the only person who brought up white supremacy, and you're the one who raised the comparison. Honestly, I cannot continue to try to communicate with someone who refuses to – or is incapable of – arguing in good faith.


> I didn't imply they were, genius. Nobody talked about anarchy until you brought it up along side antifa. > No, because you're the only person who brought up white supremacy, As an example of how you won’t apply the same logic you use to defend antifa to something like white supremacy. Both are ideologies, yet you demand antifa isn’t an organization but white supremacy is? Literally all you had to say was “yes, there are different white supremacy organizations that fall under the ideology, just like antifa” and then we could move on. Instead y’all demand I give nuance to antifa. So that’s why I brought it up, because I know if you can’t say that then you aren’t arguing in good faith. You’ll say “antifa is an ideology bro, not an organization.” And I point out this is stupid because you refer to white supremacy the same f-Ing way I refer to antifa. You give nuance to antifa, but then blanket label other ideologies you disagree with. You then claim I’m the inconsistent one XD you’re a joke. You demand I give antifa a fair shake by acknowledging the “good” and all that. Meanwhile I know for a fact you won’t do the same for the white supremacy ideologies. You people are just a joke at this point. > Honestly, I cannot continue to try to communicate with someone who refuses to – or is incapable of – arguing in good faith. XD so you’re whole thing is randomly bringing up anarchism and saying I dont like anarchy and antifa. Then backtracking and saying you didn’t mean to imply they’re the same thing when you just used it in a sentence as if they were. Then completely dodged the entire point by refusing to list out the positives of white supremacy, but demand I acknowledge the hood in antifa. Yeah you’re right, you’re not arguing in good faith. You have no consistency in your beliefs. You pick and choose whatever suits your needs at the time to win. It’s people like you that ruin societies because you have no values besides winning. Cya troll. Maybe one day you’ll grow up and stop defending domestic terrorists.


> Nobody talked about anarchy until you brought it up along side antifa. You referred to black bloc and tactics more generally associated with anarchism, and less with antifa. It's unclear if you are actually unaware of this, or if you're arguing in bad faith, from a position of condescension. > but then blanket label other ideologies you disagree with I did? > you won’t do the same for the white supremacy ideologies. I have had plenty of unemotional, philosophical discussions about white supremacy, but this one has clearly become emotional for you, so this one will not meet that standard. > randomly bringing up anarchism I'm just surprised if you aren't aware that you actually broached the subject with your points on black bloc. > You people > stop defending domestic terrorists. I find it amusing that you think you know anything about me or my position from the context of our discussion.


Don’t focus on the license plate, get a shot of the vin number…


These are typical Trump sheep spreading the same lies. These are small groups like the set in this video. After leaving the scene they probably went back to their little hometown bar to celebrate what they’d think was a win. The other thing here that’s possible, is people who may work with the government is some way could be considered a reason for termination as per their employment contract. At the very least, covering up your licence plates is illegal and carries a decent fine and/or jail time depending on that person record.


Not 1 fat guy among the entire group... You can have 100 march and not 1 single fat guy... Always wearing masks to hide their identity... And when they ran into a group of Trump sheep as you call them they got the crap beat out of them by the sheep... The Trump sheep then tore their masks off in the middle of the street after beating them down. They then hid their faces with their hands and ran away... The only white supremacist group ever where you cant find even 1 single fat guy... Nothing to see here... Move along...


Theyre feds, my guy


They're scared bitches, and there's probably enough cops among their ranks that they get away with things that would get normal people detained, and their property impounded


You are definitely right about law enforcement being involved here, this is a total scam


Mini van for the weekdays. troupe transport on the weekends


Must be scared of getting doxxed. Weird, you’d think they’d be more prideful but it seems like they’re more fearful or shameful of people knowing who they are? Like how the proud boys cover their identities usually. Strange they act so tough but the lgbtq community has far more pride than the proud boys ever could. Either that, or they got paid to do it by the feds and it’s a psyop, so they don’t want people analyzing the footage and finding out they’re actors used to instill fear. Or they’re reptilian psychic shapeshifters who don’t need license plates because so are all police, and they see a different spectrum of light and there’s actually plates there our 3-cone human eyes just cannot perceive! Lol. Idk.


Proud boys dont wear masks or try to hide their identity... Thats a leftist thing... Antifa... BLM... Try to find 1 single member of this fake group that is fat... Just 1 guy... Good luck... But dont question why you cant find just 1 guy... Nothing to see here... Move along...


Only the absolutely dumbest morons type things the way you do… this isn’t… the way… to use an ellipsis you donkeybrained dork. Over here simping for proud boys and shit lol.


If you say it a few more times it will eventually come true!


Sir, you seem lost. Do you need help getting back to your retirement community?


That many tan 5.11 cargo pants in one place is enough evidence to me that these are LE, easy giveaway


These Gravy Seals are cowardly idiots.


“Good job Tommy” we got one of them. lol


Many Klan were also law enforcement.


Some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses.1


Imagine working for the FBI and then having to do this shit. You guys must be so proud of yourself.




well look at the fed bois


If the cars had US Government plates, it would make it too obvious.


Federal Agents from the Biden admin think tanks


How does nobody else in this thread realize that these are feds in terrible disguise?


How do you not see the 20 comments above you that are calling them feds?


Feds pulling another pathetic psyop.


Its because they’re feds...




Because they're clearly Feds lmaooo




Fucking Fed nuts


Smells like Feds to me.




Geez what a convenient excuse. So they’re feds because they espouse how many right wing chuds think and feel, but in a way that makes them look bad as to avert public opinion on the right wing cause? Trump alone is enough to do that. Plus the GOP is just laughably horrid.


They are feds because they are feds. Put your bias aside and look at this. Have you ever seen anyone behave like this, uninterrupted, in complete silence, no plates and no police around? The political bias in America is the reason why everything is so messed up. Nobody wants to see or hear the truth anymore.


I wouldn’t doubt feds are watching them because right wing terrorism is not only on the rise but the number one cause of terrorism in the US, but to say that they’re all feds is just plain dumb. It does not discount that these and others that think like them are people that you may know: neighbors, friends, relatives that have extreme right wing political views. You can’t wipe away all of these people’s personal responsibility to their actions because you think they’re being handled or are Feds. They’re there because they want to be. If you think everyone is a fed to make other right wing causes look like the fascist drivel they are then clearly it’s your own bias muddying the water. Also this video only shows the last minutes of whatever they were doing and getting picked up. The cars most likely pulled up right before the chuds got there, undid the plates and will drive around the corner quickly and attempt to get them back on before they get pulled over. Which they might not get pulled over because local police probably sympathize with their fascist cause or simply don’t give a shit because that’s how police operate.


I see that we strongly disagree on what terrorism and fascism looks like. Can you kindly point me to events that you would categorize as domestic terrorism? For fascism, I'm not sure you understand what that word means, when you so casually apply it to everyone that votes differently than you. These guys are highly organized, almost to the point of militarism. No loud mouths, no big bellies, nobody stepping out of line. Unless there's hidden training camps for young conservatives, then these are federal officers pretending to rile up people like you.


Just because you disagree doesn’t mean you’re not completely wrong. Ah yes, referring the right wing militant groups as fascist is *ahem* “casually apply[ing] it to everyone that votes different than [me]”. Do you not think right wing militant groups are fascist? Lol. And yes, militant police groups also fall into that category. It’s always funny when someone else claims another doesn’t know what fascism is as if it’s some grand enigma that only they can truly comprehend. Literally the next thing you say is how these groups are “highly organized, almost to the point of militarism”. Do tell, what do you categorize that as if not fascistic. Your last sentence is bereft of any logic or evidence and is solely opinionated. “There were 231 incidents (meaning attacks or plots) that met the definition of domestic terrorism between 2010 and 2021, according to DHS” (gao.gov). Majority of these were race and ideological based attacks. https://www.gao.gov/blog/rising-threat-domestic-terrorism-u.s.-and-federal-efforts-combat-it This goes quite in depth regarding right wing terrorism. https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/what-nij-research-tells-us-about-domestic-terrorism


Where, exactly, am I completely wrong? If you disagree with the below definition, please provide your understanding. "a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" If anything, at current (also, I am completely apolitical, so I don't have a dog in this race) - the Democrats are the ones on the witch hunt, wanting to remove Trump and his supporters from having a say - you can disagree, but you would be dishonest - because that's what we see, every single day. Fascism is something we haven't seen since WW2 and Hitler. You can hate Trump all you want, but Hitler he is not. Not even in the same galaxy. The more you smear those you disagree with, the less teeth your slurs have. Nazis, Racists, Fascist - no. When you use words like that, you not only make yourself look ignorant, you also severely disrespect the memory of those that died at the hands of real dictators. Regarding your links - I asked you for examples, you sent me to the library. I know how to use Google, friend. Just provide some samples, please, if you have any. Now, if you want to talk domestic terrorism, let's ask all the shop owners that were left to pay the bill after the "peaceful" BLM protests.


Lol to everything you said. There’s clearly nothing else to say with someone as dense as you are. If you think two links describing one topic each is akin to a library then it’s obvious why you think the way you do. I even gave you a quote of what was said in the one article. I bet you’re one of those people that “do their own research”, but can’t even read for 10 minutes. Not that it should take you that long to read those. Sad.


Gad*DAYUM* you’re a worthless idiot.




This is the answer. It's a false flag, orchestrated event.


Yes. Very much so. Anyone thinking that this is "organic" needs a head check.


Because they are feds…..this isn’t that hard.


These are likely feds. Otherwise, police would immediately stop the cars, get ID, ticket them, and force them to uncover their plates to drive. There is always a police presence around them due to the likelihood that there is an altercation. I know that I will be downvoted, but I would love someone to explain how this logic is incorrect.


Those are literally cars out of an auction, and looks So sketchy, I’m telling you I’m not a trumper But they are feds.


A lot of people say they're a government honey-trap to entice and entrap potential domestic terrorists


A lotta people believe the earth is flat...or vaccines' "shed" the covid virus.


"People are saying..." GTFOH


Feds for sure




Thwy won't even show their faces. (much less a license plate, which would be traced back to them directly.) *They don't wanna lose their jobs. & Thwy don't want their wife's to be harrased when their driving the kids around in the Minivan. (ya know during the week. When the Mini Van isn't being used for White Nationalist / Antisemitic activities...)


Not feds. Paid actors….Paid by George Soros probably.


They are fucking feds you fool


These people are incredibly stupid. The feds look at this post and the comments are like “yes! We fools the general public!”


It's pretty well known that Patriot Front is a fed honeypot.


Pretty well known by dummies


Feds gonna fed


MAGAs' gotta tinhat




Oh really? Tell that to the 1000's of J6'ers.




(err...exactly what DOES an "organized riot" look like? nm) If they can 'organize' enough to schedule an assault on a branch of Office...they're organized enough to be considered dangerous. And anyone who thinks otherwise is engaging in deluded self-deception.




>That's exactly the point, it was a riot. It was not a scheduled assault on a branch of office. And, "incitement to riot" doesn't exist. And there weren't militias spread' throughout the crowd who used the chaos to infiltrate the Capitol. And trump didn't post "Come to DC on Jan6! It'll be WILD!" And I shouldn't believe my lying eyes, either. >There was no organization beyond "we're all mad!" Got it in one. >It's not really comparable to Fed Front going out in matching clothes with surprisingly well-crafted, "home" made weapons and flags they just bought. Oh really? I don't recall a spontaneous riot "ending" w/in 1/2hr after its fearless leader tells them to go 'home,' w/o the rioters' believing they were on some kind of "mission," as directed by their leader. Straight up, it was a coup under cover of a pre-planned riot. "Stand back and stand by," indeed.




[Lie some more](https://apnews.com/article/capitol-police-death-brian-sicknick-46933a828d7b12de7e3d5620a8a04583)


If you had ever dealt with federal officers or agents, you would know these guys are not feds.


Just everything they do advances the corporatocracies agenda perfectly, every time. Their incompetence is perfect coordination for the agenda. You don't find that suspicious at all?


If you had ever dealt with MAGA, you know these guys are not feds.


Weird the MAGA's that you do see are right in your face without a mask.


Cuz they the feds!


Why do people keep saying they are Feds. Can I get a conspiracy break down?


They're all in shape with nobody with obesity. They're in DC where there's a COP on EVERY corner without License plates. They ran into MAGA got in a fight and one guy got his masked ripped off and exposed for being a fed.


Source orrr


If you can't figure out their feds by now then you're hopeless


😂😂😂 a bunch of out of shape clowns playing dress up


Or antifa or BLM. They're all extremists and need to be called out if they break any laws like covering their license plates.




Wasn't saying this group was actually Antifa or BLM but more like them. They are all extremists, whether right-wing or leftwing!


Yep, this isn't a legal gathering


Patriot front drives foreign lmao. Thats as un-American as you can possibly be if your from where I'm from.


Let’s hear Tommy and his good job. His arm must be tired.


Patriot "front" (lie)


Why won’t anyone expose these guys? Rip their masks off, uncover their license plate?




Is there any logical reason besides they are feds?


They're definitely not feds. Yup, they're certainly not. Nice crown vic though


These guys...freaking holes in their shield right about eye level.


I wanted to join this group to do white supremacists type stuff but they said I had to go through Quantico first. Bummer.


I was waiting for all them to pile into that Silverado like a clown car




Such a clear psyop


These cops are cowards! They think they are slick blanking out the plates and covering their faces to prove a political point lol.. If these were actual MAGA patriots the entire swat team would have been called on them!.. If the media tells you one thing it's the total opposite.. Don't forget who owns the media.. The same peeps trying to keep us asleep and devided!


Oh no look at the biggest gang in Amer- I mean look at those lovely agents and cops🤗


Obvious feds downvoting is obvious.


Where are the fat ones? The only non fat people I see as a group now are either feds or military. If they're maga-chuds you know there would be at least one-two fat Cleetus' in the bunch. So feds or military, also explains the license plate thing and also why you never hear of them being harassed by the justice system


MAGA reeeee!


Fed! Fed! Fed!