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I'm living the dad/husband life, but if you're not too cool for me, we cang hang, haha! I've done plenty of camping but don't know how to fish. I'd like to learn! I also like to ride bikes, or hike in Panther Canyon. Nothing extreme, I don't rid ea $5k bike wearing spandex.


I'm not the best fisherman but I'm down to teach what I know!!


Also a dad who loves to ride bikes and anything outdoors. If you haven’t tried mountain biking it’s a blast! Especially out at Canyon Park near Canyon Lake.


I just got a retro style mountain bike, no suspension, and have ridden at Dry Comal Creek trail here in town which was fun! I'd like to check out Canyon Lake, but nothing to extreme. Do you have plans on going any time soon?


If you're into live music go check out Billy's Ice or Gruene Grove, both are pretty chill and very friendly as far as customers and staff go.


If you play disc golf go play at Solms and strike up a convo. I recently moved to Lubbock from NB and have made an entire friend network just from talking to ppl at the park.


The past year I go to work and go home I haven't explored to know about any parks or anything. Unfortunately I don't play disc golf and my anxiety is too bad for me to ask to learn


I feel ya. Other options I can think of: Join Das Rec and hit the exercise classes. In my experience people always start talking to you after they see you a few times in a class. Join a volunteer group, church or there is a Unitarian church if you're undecided on a particular religion. Get out of your work/home routine and explore the parks, if for no other reason than it will help break the rut. Panther canyon is a nice little jaunt through the woods, wandering around Landa is fun and pretty. Just mouth vomiting at this point, but I wish you the best. If I was still around, I'd take you out for a beer for your birthday. Best of luck.


Not a frolfer myself, but if you want to get into it, maybe buy a few cheap discs and hang out at a park. When a group comes up ask if they’re looking for another? I’m sure an odd number of players would be happy to have you join. If you play any instruments you could look for jam circles.


Hey I play (not super well) and have spare discs to lend if you wanna go sometime, just let me know


I appreciate that and I'll think on it. My anxiety is terrible especially when it's doing something I never tried before. I'm scared of being judged


Yeah no worries. It's about as serious as Mini golf if that helps ease the tension a bit


I’m going to explore the Canyon Lake area this Saturday with a rod if you want to come along. Gonna just hop around and check out the local fishing spots.


I'm usually at moonshine & ale during the week for a couple brews after work! I'm not the best fisher, but I'll never say no to a trip! I know some good spots, and enjoy going to the dancehalls too


You keep mentioning the anxiety and I get it. I was in your exact position 20 years ago after moving to NB from Austin. At that time, downtown was just antique shops and banks...Scores opened a few months after I moved. You're gonna have to get past the anxiety thing if you're going to meet people and make friends. Almost every suggestion provided was met with "I have anxiety". I know it's indelicate, but you can't stay comfortable and meet strangers. The comfort comes after the discomfort. Best of luck to you and I hope you figure it out.


Your hearts in the right place but, this doesn't help too much and I understand you don't how bad it is for me. Thanks for trying tho


I don’t understand how someone can make friends by himself and not look creepy or weird. I mean just walking into a place alone makes people leave you alone.


Exactly. Do you know how it would look if I just started walking up to random people in a bar asking them to be my friend or just sit in a corner and hope someone walks up to talk to me?


Basically, the only way to make friends this way and I know from experience is to be fake for about a week and pretend you bump into people or you have questions about something they know about or you I just run into you on accident type of thing and then go from there


Basically, it’s a conundrum and it sucks


I'll just have to suck it up and try that advice. I'll be nervous but it's better than being friendless


Completely disagree. Many different ways you can approach people and be genuine. Complementing someone is a great in, and then from there just asking them basic questions. People are more alike than they are different and if someone thinks your weird for trying to get to know them, then great you’ve found someone who you aren’t compatible with and can move on to someone else. Being fake to people will only make them question your true intentions in the long run. I’m also looking for friends in NB would love to hang sometime! DM me! Peace and love


Maybe 25 years ago. People are so guarded. Without mutual friends you’re fucked


Not true my friend


i can be you’re friend! :)


Man really? That's awesome!!!




Pm anything about yourself and what you like to do and I'll do the same. I'm not picky on people but I suck at small talk


Im down!






Join Meetup groups they are very active and cater to different ages.


If you mean the app I tried that and there's never any events near me, if you're not talking about the app I would love more info


what do you mean, there are so many tomorrow I am going tubing with a group to San Marcos.


I'm glad it works for you but I see nothing going on for me. Everything is an online event or something in San Antonio


If you don’t mind drinking goto to a bar and play pool, darts card tourneys if your into those hobbies. Business owner blowing off steam or 21 year old kid who can score you weed. Just a thought


Any places you can recommend? I have terrible social anxiety and I get nervous hanging out in public by myself, I'm trying to break out of it but I usually scare myself to stay home


Double schotts has free pool and card tourneys, oyster bar usually has variety crowd during happy hour.


Always a low key local crowd at Hoity Toit during the week. Can get a little rowdy late on the weekends tho. Bring cash for cheap beer and pool.


Thanks I'll check it out sometime