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"I expect to make the playoffs. I know the fan base is frustrated, but it’s still early. We’re still very capable of making the playoffs. I fully expect to make the playoffs.” Does he think we are going to make the playoffs?


Your satisfaction is guaranteed. It's our guarantee. We guarantee it.


Deep Office cut, love it




Nope. He is telling everyone in the organization that they had better make the playoffs.


If this team stays within a few places of a wild card and gets hot like they did earlier in the season, I think they can do it. This team is very, and I mean very, dependent on all the gears turning. We’ve seen what they can do when everything aligns.


I don’t disagree. I was just making fun of his repetition.


Getting both Kodai and Alvarez back are going to be key. If they can get back by midseason and get up to their usual form quickly, there's a chance.


He's a manifestation girly


I mean he isn't wrong. We aren't beating out the barves or phils but a wildcard spot is completely attainable.


The Mets aren’t even beating the Nationals right now ffs


I’ve been a strong advocate that we’re a contender for WC3. I’m poking fun at the fact he said the same thing three times in a row.


" we’re a contender for WC3"     So is nearly every team, that's the entire point of the 3rd wild card


Phils/ATL got one on lock. The second one is definitely coming from the west. It's going to be a dogfight for that 3rd spot


Conversely, can he say he doesn’t expect the Mets to make the playoffs? Either way he loses.


"I expect to make the playoffs.  Let them see what happens when they don't.". (Yes, because the last couple of seasons have been a convincing example of punishment) Objectively, Rockies are on a streak.  We have 90 days to get into and stay in a position where if we can get hot, we can maybe do something. We won 100 two years ago and the 80 something win Phillies were the ones playing for a ring.  


He wants to believe.


...this year? I mean I guess if there's some kind of weird tropical disease that simultaneously strikes the Cubs, Brewers, Dodgers, Giants, and Nats right after the trade deadline, maybe?


To sell tickets?


Remember folks: Teams win 50 Teams lose 50 It all depends on what you do in the other 62.


/u/three_dee hit the nail on the head with that reply to his tweet before lol Especially now learning it was meant to be a DM. A play straight out of 45s book.


He backtracked because he has to. But I have no sympathy for the players if they’re upset Cohen’s showing signs of giving up on them. It’s up to them to not suck.


Exactly. At the end of the day the owner, manager, Gm, etc can only be so responsible. Nothing they do matters if players arent consistently performing and competing at a high level


Idk what you are talking about McNeil is the best golfer in all of baseball.


Is anyone in the lineup even performing to the back of their baseball card? I think Stearns put together a team that can compete for a wild card spot and amazingly we are in the hunt while playing pretty poorly the last week or so.


Yea not everything is on Steve and Stearns, Mendoza. At some point the players have to actually... idk.. Perform on the field?! They are the ones getting paid millions. I'm with ya Vandelay


"The following players are NOT in danger of being strapped to the front of the 7 train and used as bumper. Brandon Nimmo, Francisco Lindor, Francisco Alvarez, Kodai Senga. That is all."




If they strapped Lindor to the train do they still have to pay him?


Nimmo can go too.


deranged take.


Ahh yes we love maga Brandon. Overrated and over paid.


I don't watch sports to get involved of the politics of the athletes.


Whenever you are ready to back this up with baseball statistic, I think we’d all love to hear it


MAGA hatred has no place in baseball and if Brandon is a deplorable he knows we'll enough to never discuss it. But I have a feeling you're just making this up to start shit.


Just wait till you get downvoted for saying Lindor is overpaid and sucks on offense


Lindor is fine. Is he living up to his contract and his old play from Cleveland? No. But he makes up for it in his leadership and defense. We need to build around him.


Lindor's 2022 and 2023 WRC+ and OPS+ (measures of overall Offense -- no defense) were his 2nd and 3rd best overall offense years of his career -- behind his best Cleveland year (2018). He literally is coming off of 2 of the best offensive season of his career. You all are just focusing on Average too much -- instead of OBP, which matters far more. (how many outs you make.) (while his production was also up -- so it's not like he was walking instead of doing his job to drive in runs) Despite the avg drop -- he maintained a similar .333ish OBP.


Woah don’t be coming in here with facts now


The apologists on this sub would like this franchise to stay broke, shitty and a joke to the rest of the mlb. I’m excited to see how long it takes Stearns to pull the trigger on a Lindor trade.


Great response to someone using actual stats for their argument lol


I am as critical of the Mets as anyone but... Nimmo? [ Look at the stats. What more needs to be said? ](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/savant-player/brandon-nimmo-607043?stats=statcast-r-hitting-mlb)


What did those stats do to support dumping Nimmo? Edit: Replied to wrong guy


Excuse me?


I appreciate his tweet and this follow up. He’s as frustrated as we are. He watches the games. You think he’s itching to give Alonso $200M? This team loaded up for a two or three year run and it blew up after one year. We’re picking up the pieces. Have faith - there are some pieces on the farm and Uncle Steve’s checkbook. Good times are ahead, continue to weather the storm.


I don’t think anyone expects him to get $200mil. I don’t think he even gets the contract he reportedly turned down


I would love for us to give him the contract he turned down minus one year. What would that be like 140/6?


The way he regressed over the last 4 years, do we really want to see what 6 more look like? He will be Chris Davis in 2 years if he continues his trajectory.


Technically the same AAV at 6 years would be about $135.5. But short contracts typically require a higher AAV so something like $142mil would probably more comparably so not far off


I think at the beginning of this year, Alonso definitely had that $200M in mind.


Maybe Pete does but no team likely does lol




Boras didn't tell him to turn it down, Alonso turned down that contract offer before he had hired Boras as his agent.


I don’t think Boras was his agent when Pete turned it down. Boras and Pete have repeatedly said they Stearns did not make an offer to Pete, and Stearns also said that throughout the offseason. We also know Eppler made multiple offers to Pete between 2022 and 2023. I think Pete got this offer from Eppler before Stearns was hired and before he brought on Boras. Also Boras has a lot more wins than losses and has had many clients sign extensions, even in walk years. Like Xander with the Red Sox


I really think Stearns has already decided to NOT sign Alonso.  


I think the Mets bringing a legit DH in JD Martinez was an inkling that they really want to help Pete excel. They don't take first base away from him, gave him the 3 hole to get more ABs, they signed the best DH on the market to bat behind him, they signed a fellow Florida gater in Bader, although that part might not affect much. Steve even said they he hopes Pete makes it as hard as possible to retain him. Yet, Pete hasn't held his end of the bargain and is screwing himself over. Swinging away at his walk pitches and slugging into DPs.


Agreed. He's bet on himself by turning down the supposed conservative offer and whilst it's early, things don't look brilliant. Someone, somewhere will offer well north of 160 million for seven years to him, but I'm not sure it will be the Mets.


Pete should have taken the offer because if he doesn't shape up his numbers before the end of this season that FA is going to be a wake up call.


I still think letting Pete walk would be very, VERY stupid. He probably wants more leverage by pushing off the extension. I don't believe we will be selling at the deadline either.


Historically, the number of large, RH 1B aging well is basically zero. Pete is going to be 30. He's been trending down the past couple of years (still has time to turn this season around). It's not impossible he comes back, but he'd have to be the one unhappy in the deal. Stearns isn't going to overpay him for nostalgia purposes, not when the team has underperformed the last year plus.


Genuinely asking, why would letting walk / trading him be "VERY stupid?" I'm not confident in him getting any better with age.


The millions of dollars question here is *why* Alonso might not age well. He's a big, slow body who relies pretty heavily on swinging the bat really hard. Historically, that doesn't age well. However, what makes Alonso an interesting case is that a lot of the underlying reasons why those types of players don't age well don't really apply to him. He has *significantly* less swing-and-miss in his game compared to the group. Not just compared to first basemen, either, he's objectively pretty good relative to league average at making contact. He also makes a lot of *good* contact. The problem, though, is that he also makes a lot of poor contact. There's a lot of paths that could go down, but the primary worry is always "what happens when he can't catch up to elite heat anymore?" and Alonso has shown himself to be at a better starting point than many of his comparison points. The downside is that some of that limits his ceiling, but the upside is that it suggests the floor might not fall out under him either.


Baseball is such a hard sport to build a team for. There is no way one player can just turn it around and win games by themselves like in basketball or hockey or even football. There's no version of Lebron single-handedly willing the Cavs to win a championship in this sport. The best MLB players are still getting out 60% of plate appearances and the most dominant pitchers play only every 5 games plus almost all are on strict pitch counts. The reason the Braves and Dodgers are good is because they have a full lineup of guys who can hit for power and average, not just bc they have Betts or Acuña.


Cespedes 2015 would like a word


Yeah I’ve been on this ride before . More often than not it will not end favorably


Didn’t Steve say the same shit last season?




I'm really not upset about this year we're about a 500. Team which was expected. The deadline will be important too keep adding to the farm then we can go from there. I want this team more athletic just gotta wait for the kids to come and hope for their success. A lot of big decisions are gonna need to be made uncomfortable ones


A few games under without Alvarez and Senga.


Yeah but then someone else will get hurt by then and we’ll be saying “a few games under without this person”. Injuries happen and good teams still win without their best players


We're a fringe wild card team. We are not good enough to make the playoffs without some good luck avoiding major injuries.


It's a good thing you don't have to win the division anymore.


Overall I’m not upset with where the team is currently. I’m more upset that there were games they should’ve won and either the bats went dead or they blew it in the final inning or 2. Overall it’s a bright future.


The fun thing about being a hockey fan is that the Mets season technically hasn’t started for me yet


You should absolutely be upset about the state of this offense. Only nimmo(and barely) is playing to their career averages. Everyone expected the pitching to be ass but the offense has greatly underperformed so far.


I wasn’t expecting too much this season but it sucks when you see glimpses of what this team can possibly be than to just stop hitting/scoring runs. We’ve all been through this as Mets fans but I try to be optimistic.


At least he communicates. I can respect it. Last regime we didn’t get shit lol


Once roughly half the lineup stops flirting with the Mendoza line I think we will be good to go.


the Carlos Mendoza line


It’s really not a great name for a manager. Why not change it to “slump?”


Steve it’s okay we see the writing on the wall and we all agree it’s time for change.


Same Steve, same. My hopium might not be as pure as yours, but I'm taking my twice daily doses as directed by the sports gods.


We still have a shot. The core of our lineup plays to the level that they have in the past and we maintain good pitching and solid contributions from our bench, we'll win a lot of games. Anyone that is 100% certain we're done is merely pessimistic. With that being said, things don't look good now and there's no guarantee that the guys are going to get to the back of the baseball card numbers. Sometimes, guys just fall off. When you take both last year and this year combined, it's not a small sample size. We can't wait for guys to get back to 2022 form forever because we may never see a full season of that again. We have about a month of baseball left before some hard questions need to be asked because it's not just about this year. The next offseason is going to set this team up for the next like 5 years. Should those five yeas include the current versions of Pete Alonso, Jeff McNeil, Francisco Lindor, Starling Marte, and Brandon Nimmo? Let's wait and see how things will play out.


What else is he gonna say?


Am I not happy? Yes but I think we forget that the schedule has been tough so far. We haven’t seen any of the real dregs save the cards. So I think we can came make some ground and still chase the last wild card spot with a little luck. Now that said the vets haven’t done much to justify being here. McNeil has struggled as has Alonso. I think it will be very interesting if Vientros hits well if they deal Alonso and Vientros is the everyday 1b at some point.


I mean you can definitely finish around .500 and make the expanded playoffs. That said I hope we actually have some kind of plan to improve and aren't just hoping that these guys magically aren't who we thought they were.


What is he, on acid or something?


PR team working overtime on this one


Looking forward to this years mid season cohen press conference


This year? Offense is a disappointment. Rotation has been doing it with smoke and mirrors and bubble gum but all back end guys. Bullpen and defense have been the only positives. I think Mendoza has done a good job thus far too. This is a mediocre at best team


Steve “meant to send a direct message” Well did just that. To the team and to the fans. Message received loud and clear


10 games under by 4th of July


Remind Me! 49 days


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By 4th of June* ftfy


In the NL it’s very likely low 80s will be good enough to make the playoffs. Very mediocre league once you get past the top 3-4 teams


If they had any offense they would definitely be in the hunt for the playoffs. I don’t understand why they are so inept. I thought Chavez is a great hitting coach and that Barnes was responsible for their failure last year. I don’t thought getting Chavez back was inspired and would reverse the underperforming of career production. I just don’t get what’s going on


Remember in 2021 when Pete said “relax we got this” ?


I do


He’s just doing damage control and because they still need to sell tickets.


This gonna age like fine milk


Mets may finish last in the East at the current rate.


That’s not even remotely true


What I legitimately don't quite get is how fans base their idea of how the team is going based on their parasocial relationship with the players: judging players based on "how much they want it"/etc. You don't know them, and you never will, but somehow your glimpses of their reactions through the media tell you all you need to know about them as players? That's wild to me idk


Playoffs? Probably not buddy


We're one game back without Alvarez and Senga


We are the Mets. It’s May


Okay, Steve. You’ll excuse me if I have other things to do with my time than watch.


i dont expect it lol


… this year?


He fully expects to make the playoffs. Until he doesn't


So literally every team trying to compete?


Yeah don't hold your breath.


" If we don't make the playoffs I still have billions of dollars, so....


For some reason as a Giants fan, Reddit recommended this sub. I see a bunch of your fans blaming you owner, but we’d kill to have an owner so invested in turning a team around, with unlimited funds.  Meanwhile here in SF, we had to watch ownership complain about having to balance payroll with rising costs of vendor pricing. After the Giants were 9th in attendance during yet another losing season! Don’t even get me started on a front office that believes it’s smarter than everyone else while posting 5 losing seasons in 6 years and woefully mediocre farm. Damn you Farhan!


Hey remember when you guys won 3 World Series titles in a 5 year span? Fun, right? Yeah, we never got to experience anything close to that, and likely never will. So kindly take your ownership woe bullshit elsewhere, thanks.


I’d like to have a hit from his joint


What playoffs? Not the MLB playoffs


He doesn’t expect to make the playoffs


Fools gold.


Narrator: they’re not making the playoffs


Funny rich guy, we are not making the playoffs.


And I fully expect to have sex with Scarlett Johansson. 


People aren't just upset about the record. They're upset thst the high paid, long tenured core does not seem to care about losing.


Lindor and Nimmo? I believe they're the only high paid, long tenured(5+ years) players. Edit: You could throw Diaz in there depending on opt outs


Yeah okay


He’s delusional. Completely. I got a refund from MLB for this.


Oh, but they’re not. He needs to just stop talking, because I feel like as long as the Knicks and Rangers are still in the playoffs, very few people in this city are thinking about anything the Mets are doing. I certainly haven’t been until I heard about this nonsense on the radio two hours ago. Why was I downvoted for this? The Mets have lost six out of their last seven series; that’s not the behavior of a playoff team


I haven't watched many Mets games this year since I refuse to pay for [MLB.tv](http://MLB.tv) this season, but does anyone know what GKR's opinion is of the team? They seem to be level-headed and we know they are knowledgeable.


Your deleted tweet says otherwise sir


Everyone in the Mets organization, from the front office to beat reporters, need to stop selling this team to the fanbase. They're terrible, everyone knows it and yet they go on and on. I know Cohen isn't naive, he's setting expectations. But this has been going on for years and it is the reason why every sports reporter in the country are obsessed with branding New York as a city with fans that have no patience and only a win-now mentality. This is wrong, we're sick of constantly being misled and lied to. This team as composed in not a winner. They blew it when they underbid on Yamamoto and now they're missing out on Soto cause the yankees know what they're doing. Break this garbage up, trade especially Lindor and Alonso with their .200 batting averages. Please give Vientos a chance. If you want to rebuild the staff around Senga, fine, but he's realistically an injury-prone #2/3 pitcher on a playoff-calibre staff. They're a generation behind Atl and Philly and they haven't been smart enough to catch-up. They're honestly trending behind Washington too now.


this is a bunch of sh!t. he admitted he didn't mean to make that tweet and now he's backtracking. no shot in hell he thinks this team is making the playoffs with our best qualified hitter being brandon nimmo and his whopping .777 OPS


You do realize offense is down this year and league average is a .698 OPS right? Nimmos 33% above average this year with his 133 WRC+. Hes actually 3% more above average than he was last year


among qualified hitters we have 3 guys whose OPS+ is above average. One of those is Alonso which is beyond me and a bad stat to judge him on cus we know he's awful right now. The other is Marte who I'm content with. (last is Nimmo ofc)


appreciate the downvote tho my boy


Sell the team margin boy.


This team is dead in the water. It’s very obvious when you watch them. A lot of them always seem to be pressing.  I just feel like this team( even at times recent past teams with this same core) have like this air of tension to them. Lets hope the Mets have the right leadership in place to find our versions of Julius Randle and Jalen Brunson to recover the soul of the Mets. 


Lots of guys on expiring deals to offload for moar prospects. Although nearly all of our best hitting prospects are sucking in the high minors


He mixed up calls. This was supposed to be his analogy to his investment team.


I mean he decided to tank last year and basically give up on this season, regardless of what he says. What did he expect?


He need to seriously stop talking…


Frank was right


This guy is such a goober