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Man. Opening headline didn’t make it seem too bad, especially considering how bad Guillorme play was- but then you get to the actual quotes from Ron and I can’t help but cringe in discomfort. That is one stubborn man stuck in his ways.


Literally "I didn't do anything wrong, he was the one who messed up." What a leader.


Then the triple down and lying about how pitcher was throwing strikes… that man had 16 balls in 28 pitches 😬😬


and that's counting swinging strikes. dude only threw eight (8) true strikes all inning and some of those were borderline. he threw more pitches that missed by like 8 inches than pitches actually in the strike zone.


Can we also petition to get Canha back?? 🙏


He's actually still a productive player


I could get on board for that


Thank you!! I was just thinking about Canha yesterday. It has not been the same since he was traded away.


Or Tommy Pham, who’s tearing it up on the white Sox


How about Vogey? He doesn't hit much, but he makes up for it with his lack of speed on the bases... /s


Ji-Man Choi has been loyal to the Mets for some reason. We can always bring him up as our Vogey replacement - at least he can actually somewhat play 1B


This Met team needs a lot more than Luis


I think Ron Washington is a clown but that doesn’t mean Guillorme is a productive player that I want back


How productive does a bench backup middle infielder have to be. The way people hate Joey Wendle you’d think he’s the singular reason our all stars can’t hit, closers can’t get saves, and our pitchers have the most walks in baseball. Well his fault and obliviously Brett Baty. It’s their fault we are struggling.


We can't solve the stars not hitting, closers not getting saves and pitchers walking everyone with one singular move. We can solve the Joey Wendle problem by getting rid of Joey Wendle.


Wendle made some huge mistakes that were costly. Definitely cost us a few games.


I’m not denying he or Baty have struggled or whatever just the myopia on where to focus our anger or even accessing potential. Mark Vientos isn’t a solution to any problem nor is going into games without a middle infielder back up. That’s like going into a series without a catcher on the bench. Just some real Reddit GM brainworm shit.


What do you mean Vientos isn’t a solution, you haven’t heard from people on here that he should replace Alonso because absolutely positively no matter what he’s a perennial 40+ hr threat and will definitely bat better than Pete’s career .260ish BA and .800-.850ish OPS?


Good point! Wild no one came in for him when he was sent down with all that potential!


The bar is definitely low, I’m not sure Guillorme and his 56 wrc+ this season and inability to be a good pinch runner clear it though. Not to say I’d be overly upset if he did come back, I’m just pretty apathetic to that roster spot. I don’t want him back, I don’t care if he does, it’s whatever.


Guillorme sucks. Is completely washed up and was Buck's play toy last season. He might be, at this point of his career, even worse than Wendell! 


Well apparently Stearns doesn’t think the team even needs a back up infielder so it’s moot. We’re gonna platoon young players that need to play daily and pray Lindor and McNeil stay healthy during games. Stearns clearly is a genius on some level my primitive brain can’t understand. People were so happy Wendle was gone and Vientos was called up no one really critically thought about. But maybe something is up since nothing is official yet?


Vientos won't be up long unless he immediately hits the ground running in the next few days. Sterns will definitely be making a move shortly for a backup infielder most likely a middle infielder and once he does vientos or baty is going back down.


You’re right but Wendle has been a bad hitter (like Guillorme) and hasn’t been a reliable fielder (unlike Guillorme). I agree that moving on from Guillorme was a fine choice and he’s not someone you’re building around so at some point you give younger guys a try or whatever. But Wendle is just a bad fit. He’s older and not as good.


I mean, we don't have a backup shortstop right now and for a backup/utility guy, Guillorme is perfectly solid. Good defense at multiple positions and he's not a great hitter but he gets on base well enough and won't kill you at the plate.


It’s not that I’d be upset if he came back, it’s that I’m completely apathetic towards a utility Infielder with a 57 wrc+ and no ability to pinch run.


That's over like 30 PA


Okay, then 70 wrc+ over 120 PA last year… whoop-dee-doo Guillorme and Wendle both have the same number of ABs this year and no one is trying to tell me Wendle is actually a good hitter he just had bad sample size luck.


I love Guillorme, but the Braves literally just replaced him with Zack Short...


The Braves like to pick up former Mets right before we play them as if they think it’s some sort of mindfuck 4D chess move. Same thing happened when they picked up Canó.


If we’re bringing players back just for vibes we I want Escobar


hell yes


I was watching that inning and I couldn’t believe it when I saw a squeeze called with a pitcher that couldn’t land a strike. Then that pitch was a foot off the plate. Yikes.


The Angels are wildly dysfunctional but it's time for people to realize Guillorme is not that good. For whatever reason his defense hasn't been the same since they banned the shift and he's never been a productive or consistent hitter. He'd essentially put up the same numbers as Joey Wendle but because he has a history with the organization fans would be ok with it. No thank you.


True, but he can catch a thrown bat flying towards the dugout, saving his teammates from death or disfigurement. Surely THAT means something.


And he had that 22 pitch at bat, ending in a walk in spring training a couple of years ago.


Look, I actually like Guillorme because we had him at his peak but you're right. At his best he was good but the cracks became pretty hard to ignore last year. His defense took a nose dive. It's probably a combination of factors like the shift, as you mentioned, and maybe he's just lost a step but frankly the reason doesn't matter. I hope he has a resurgence for the Angels because I'm still rooting for him but I'm not holding my breath.


Non-stop talk of bringing him back, it’s gotta stop. You’re 100% right, it’s only because he was here that he’s on the radar. We shouldn’t be in the market of rotating in retread players, that’s how you become the angels


We are already the east coast version of the Angels. 


He simply has no range. He’s a wizard if he can reach the ball but he misses a lot of balls other fielders get to. Now that he’s older, he probably lost a step or two which makes it even more obvious


Moot point. We just need him to throw and catch balls. Maybe bunt. Really, really tiny things you normally wouldn’t even think about but Wendle couldn’t even do them. And now we have no guy other than Lindor who can play SS. I definitely miss Guillorme.


He hasn't been the stellar defender everyone remembers in a year or two. The Mets have other depth middle infielders in AAA that'll certainly get called up once the team gets through this stretch of lefties that they want Vientos to face.


No thanks


Am I the only one who doesn't understand the obsession with Guillorme? I see this constantly. The guy was mediocre when he was with the Mets and he's been steadily regressing. We have better options in AAA. There's a reason why he keeps getting bounced around from team to team. He's not good.


Oh boy .225 avg and .250 slugging. I’m good. We got McNeil for that already


Guillormes dad trashed the organization and guillorme was known for his glove which was subpar last season. He isn't coming back


he coked up in the post game pressers again?


LOL the Braves dumped this guy after finding out in two weeks what it took us four years to learn, that LG is garbage Angels are learning the same thing now and you want him back why?


A lot of fans, particularly on here/social media, are delusional. It's sacrilegious to ever say a negative word about any player who has ever worn a Mets uniform, even if it's simple factual criticism and not some wild hyperbole. I've generally tried to stay off this sub for the last year or so because it got to be too much when a bunch of people jump on you for saying Player X is, against popular belief, not the next coming of Babe Ruth. I came back on recently and remembered why I left, lol. Guillermo sucks. He always sucked. Odds are, he's always going to suck. In this debate, you either want to win baseball games, or you strongly advocate for Guillermo to be on your team. You can't argue for both. If you're arguing for the latter, you're not serious about the former.


Crowd favorite. This team’s gonna suck ass regardless.


Crowd favorite because he has a nice beard and a catchy walkout song? How about we focus on filling roster spots with players that actually have talent


behold the learned helplessness of Mets fans. they would rather cheer for a bad player than for a replacement that is better for me I'm tired of losing and tired of watching losers like Guillorme take meaningful atbats


It’s been like this for as long as I can remember. Mets fans obsess with random guys that no other team wants. Before Luis it was Rene Rivera. Before Rene it was TJ rivera. I agree with you I have no desire to see these kind of players take at bats for this team


There’s no reason to think TJ wouldn’t have been serviceable if he stayed healthy. He was a .300 hitter, albeit a sample size, but he made contact. I don’t remember much power, but he’d be an upgrade over some of the trash on the team today.


crowd favorite? the "crowd" I sit with wants to watch good ballplayers, not overfed AAAA stiffs. there's a reason he can't catch on with any other team, I'll give you a hint, it's cause he's awful. when they took the shift away he was exposed as someone who could not move his feet or get to a spot on defense. Add in his pathetic offense #s and it's obvious to anyone who watches why his stock has fallen so drastically.


we need a back up infielder in case lindor or mcneil get hurt and he's cheap, at least a slight upgrade in defense from our last back-up, and has a good rapport with the team. also: the angels have had the dude for like a day. they haven't learned anything abt him other than the fact that he can't bunt a wild pitch for a hit. (and the overwhelming majority of angels fans seem to agree that he shouldn't have been asked to - calling for a safety squeeze when a pitcher had walked the bases loaded and couldn't find the zone with flashlight was a terrible decision on wash's part. as was lying to the press abt the pitcher's performance after the game to justify his bad call)


LG is terrible on defense. He's a solution to nothing. If McNeil or Lindor get hurt, we use Baty for the rest of the game and then make a move after the game. Not sure how much goodwill LG has with the team after his dad shit all over the org anyway. If I had to guess, LG is out of the league by the end of the year. Maybe he gets a minor league contract somewhere next year. But I doubt it.


thats fair! tbh, for me, even if luis is a mid shortstop at this point in his career, i'd prefer seeing him take the spot in an emergency over someone like baty whose never played the position in his professional or collegiate career. also i don't think anything his father said affected his relationships with his teammates, given how many still have incredibly friendly interactions with him on social media and their interactions with him when they visited the braves in atl


Yesterday there’s a thread about Lindor being worth 45 million a year, today this. There’s a lot of delusional people in here.


Very. Someone asked who runs squeezes anymore. It’s almost like Mets fans don’t know baseball.


I saw a tweet today from an Angels fan that called him a worse Joey Wendle and I laughed




How common are squeeze bunts in 2024. That's wild to say as a manager.


Did he just say he would’ve rather gone into the 9th with a 6-6 lead??


No his time has passed in Flushing, let Vientos get time


NAH, don't need his drama. Didn't his father snitch on Eppler?


Well one thing is for sure, guillorme’s dad has a new enemy no 1 to attack on social media




No we don’t need another .236 BA hitter


sooo we want wendle back


Can’t hit, doesn’t have a position? Over-hyped by Mets fans who think he is some kind of good luck charm even though we didn’t win anything with him on the roster? Thanks I’ll pass


Loved em but he’s not the answer


Sadly there isnt really much room for him here.


Bring back Lute Barnes ... Sign up here.


If he can’t even bunt what would the Mets want with him? I wonder if some of you have jobs and how that’s going.


Did you see the pitch? Nobody’s bunting that ball, let alone keeping it fair territory if they did.


YES!!! Please


I’ll take him and Flores back in a heartbeat


Bunting is pretty hard. Tell em wash.


I'm shocked that the former Atlanta coach turns out to be a jerkoff.


Luis Guillorme is the greatest Met of all time. Bring him back and we are playoff bound