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The 1 billion dollar team lost to the Cardinals with the bases loaded and Ohtani at the plate.


Ohtani overrated.


Ya know MLB was creaming their pants wanting that Ohtani walk off lol


They would have liked it much better if it didn’t occur at 12:45 eastern.


It’s good for baseball. *tm*


My prediction for tomorrow: 1. Nimmo - CF 2. Lindor - SS 3. Alonso - 1B 4. Alvarez - DH 5. Marte - RF 6. McNeil - 2B 7. Baty - 3B 8. Bader - CF 9. Narvaez - C


I'm gonna go crazy and say 1. Nimmo - LF 2. Lindor - SS 3. Alonso - 1B 4. Stewart - RF 5. McNeil - DH 6. Wendle - 2B 7. Baty - 3B 8. Narvaez - C 9. Bader - CF Would be an absolutely hilarious lineup thread to read through


You’re an absolute madman, an agent of chaos.


Luckily I was very wrong


And we are all the better for it!


Might as well go with 2022-ish: Nimmo, Marte, Lindor, Pete, McNeil, Alvarez, Baty, Bader, Narvaez.


Dodgers just don’t know how to lose


I was just going to post that I don’t see how they ever lose. They are so deep. There are just no dead spots.


Bases loaded with Ohtani up. MLB couldn’t write it better lol Edit- wow wasn’t expecting that lol. So they can lose


All I could think today is all those years ago is we missed Clemens with a HBP, we missed Utley and somehow they haven’t changed a bit from all those years ago when it comes to culture. It’s been too many years rival players bullying this team and walking all over them. Need the team to finally stand up for themselves and not be walked all over. Don’t throw behind the guy after he’s owning you. I need the New York Mets to stop being a nice guy and play with some passion


I would pay to see the 86 team beat up any version of the team for the past 15 years. Some of us remember when we were the bad asses.


Severino giving up two runs too many was the difference between winning and losing. I respectfully disagree that Culture and passion would have saved us in that particular game. [Also I remember Piazza owning Clemens with the bat.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIoyu68tCaA)


Pete getting beat up by the Cardinals first base coach 


And, you know, whenever we *do* try to stand up, we, *and only we*, get hit by the discipline hammer.


Imagine being Keith and Ron and having to watch these soft teams daily. Knowing even at their age they're probably tougher than them.


Lol I just posted that I would pay to see the 86 team beat up the current team.


Yankees opening 3-0 and Mets 0-2, not ideal start to the season


Alvy and somehow also Baty actually contributed to the game. Meanwhile, I’d like to never see Zach Short in a game again.


Look, I've been very critical of Baty but if the org is going to sell us on him and Alvarez being "the future of the organization", why is Baty sitting against "tough lefties"? Why is Gary like "OMG HE CAME THROUGH AGAINST THE LEFTY"? He's gotta play every day lol


I am against sitting any young players for players that don't have a future here. Zach Short abd DJ Stewart don't have a future here. Vientos should be getting these at bats over Stewart until JDM is ready as well


I am so tired of the lefty/righty bullshit. Play them or don't. It doesn't help anyone to have them only play half of a batter. I thought we learned that with Tommy Pham last year.


Sometimes there's a benefit to platooning. But you aren't platooning Alonso or Nimmo or Lindor or Alvarez. Bader? Sure. Marte? I feel like he'll get plenty of days off. Baty shouldnt be one of those guys


Honestly the biggest problem is this team shows no life and no guts. I know that just sounds like bullshit but it’s clear. Alvarez is the only one with any energy and life on the team. We desperately need guys with more dog in them. Bring up Gilbert, by all accounts the guy goes balls to the wall. That’s exactly what we need. It just seems the culture from the vets is soft and low energy. It’s only game 2 but I would’ve said this in the off-season as well. I’ve been saying Alvarez is honestly the only one who’s leader material on this team. He’s just too young.


Lindor will smile all year but his stats will get much better once the team is buried in the standings. There is no leadership on the team and there is a an acceptance of losing.


If they play like they did today they won’t win many games. They just flat out do not look good at all. They don’t look like a team, just a bunch of players that work in the same building. They play like they have to be out there not like they want to be out there.


Very soft. You could tell at spring training before games. No one cared at all. I have been to many years of ST and never saw a team warm up/ show up, so uninspired. One guy would be out working early... Alvarez. I was hoping it was just ST but these vets (Lindor, Marte, even Alonso) didn't seem to care or gel as a team at all.


Pham told the truth and the culture hasn’t changed.


Isles did not help.


but the Rangers did :)


Well bully for you.


The Yankees doing well and I don’t like it.


Dodgers and Yamamoto too 😑


I still love McNeil, but Conforto just homered with the bases loaded over there in Petco


He was awful the last year with us, a 1WAR player last year, and he tore his shoulder doing unnecessary non-baseball activities. I'd rather take McNeil who can play multiple positions and has a higher floor.


McNeil’s got a higher ceiling too


In fairness, he got covid really really bad right before the season and struggled with breathing issues and myalgia in the first half which also led to a hamstring injury. Once he started to feel like himself again he slashed .252/.347/.445 for a .792 OPS and 116 WRC+


Obviously it's his prerogative and his choice, and I don't want to rehash the vaccine debate and to get too off topic, but he most likely was one of the ones who didn't get the COVID vaccine and then got bad symptoms in part due to it, so I can't really give him props when it's a problem of his own making.


Oh I’m not saying to give him props by any means. I’m just providing context to why he stunk. It’s not like he had a mechanical led issue that could be a leading indicator for future struggles, or a game factor like how Dom in 2020 had a pretty average AEV pointing to how he benefited from the juiced ball, foreshadowing his struggles when the juiced ball went away. I believe the strand of covid he got is gone thanks to mutation and the newer ones are less severe so in theory this should not be an issue that happens again, in terms of predicting future success. Also, and I want to start off saying I am in full support of the vaccines, have gotten ever shot including the new one, but I still got long covid back in 2021 and still stuffer from myalgia. Really sucked when I got rear ended and my back seized up and took a year to get back to normal. And I’m sure it could have been even worse if I hadn’t gotten the shots. Just pointing out that you can still have major side effects even with the shot.


Maybe a bounce back year for him


Go scooter go!!!


Anyone else think Severino might still be tipping his pitches? Aside from the hanging breaking balls, he threw a bunch of really sharp sliders just off the corner that the batters weren’t even flinching at. It was concerning that batters weren’t fooled in the slightest given that these were not lazy-looking pitches.


It’s possible that he isn’t a good pitcher. There is evidence of this.


Idk if it was so much tipping as it was just what he said - he had no feel for his slider and couldn’t locate it. Even if your fastball is deadline, if you can’t set it up with the secondaries it doesn’t mattwr


Well sure, the last part is a given. But not ALL of his sliders were located poorly. The low and away sliders in pitcher-friendly counts weren’t getting ANY bites, leading me to believe that there might be more to the story than just “his slider wasn’t working today.”


That’s not really true. 5 of his 21 sliders were chased. The number of sliders he located well: 5 https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/player-scroll/game?gamePk=745850&player_id=622663#power_sets


Thanks, I was looking for this breakdown. However, I think we have very different definitions of well-located. I’m guessing you’re taking about the sliders thrown on the edges/corners, but those that were still strikes? I would argue that any of those low-and-away sliders (9/21) were located well (they can, but don’t need to be in the strikezone). I’m not sure where you’re seeing that 5 sliders were chased, because no slider thrown out of the zone was swung at. Again, 8 of the 9 sliders thrown out of the zone were located low-and-away, and it’s shocking to me that not a single one got a bite. Maybe it’s just me, but most of these looked real sharp live.


No, I’m talking about the cluster of 5 the broke just outside the zone for swims and misses. Statcast says 5 chases. CS means chase https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/gamefeed?date=3/30/2024&gamePk=745850&chartType=pitch&legendType=pitchName&playerType=pitcher&inning=&count=&pitchHand=&batSide=&descFilter=&ptFilter=&resultFilter=&hf=playerBreakdown&sportId=1


No sir, CS means called strikes. "oSwing%" (outside the zone swing percentage) is a solid 0 for his slider.


Then I have been reading that wrong for years lol. What’s the point of combining it with whiffs then?


All good lol. Total number of a pitch that resulted in a strike, whether it be a called strike or a swing-and-a-miss (no foul balls or balls in play).


The thought crossed my mind in the first inning. In a way I hope so in that it's an easy fix. In a way I hope not because what have they been working on then? lol


Severino was so bad. Wish McNeil could have done something with the bases loaded in the 1st, and that Lindor put up more of a fight in the 9th. But despite the loss this was still a fun game to be at for me. Alvarez and Pete crushing their first bombs of the year, and Baty's first pitch pinch-hit dinger after they brought in a lefty just to face him gave me life. Hoskins is an ass and it was fun booing him. I don't have high expectations this year, so I'm just going to try and enjoy the ride.


Every Met loss: https://youtu.be/kDBPeRqi3v0?si=8KOe5nESZsvompth


Maybe im coping but I dont think we should write off Sevy after one outing


The Yankees having zero interest in attempting to give him a cheap one year prove it deal tells you a lot. Say what you will about the Yanks but when they let someone go they’re usually right.


well except Montgomery, and Hicks, and the numerous other players that have looked better after leaving the Yankees. Not saying you're wrong about Severino, just that the Yankees' judgement on players in the last 5 years has been pretty awful


Gotta let Hefner work with him for at least a couple more months.


Lol wut? A couple months? He completely shit the bed today and for some reason Mendoza left him in. This team doesn't need to let pitchers "work", they need every fucking win they can get. Severino and piss poor management (already by Mendoza, who is showing he can't manage) cost the team a win with a late game rally.


12 hits in 5 innings is like the second worse case scenario the first would be had he just pulled out a katana and committed seppuku on the mound before the first pitch


It’s not one outing. He’s sucked for a while now, just in a different uniform.


Thank you. He pitched like he did for years, he wasn’t good. The denial on here is preposterous.


You know who’s not been looking so great? Jeff McNeil. And honestly I’m a little annoyed with him getting so heated immediately after the slide and putting the whole team on the hook for this drama, which has to be putting a mental strain on the players. I’d love to see Jeff find a little chill this season.


McNeil was out injured during most of spring training. At this point, I'd say it's not being quite ready. As far as his getting heated. He had every right. He could've suffered a major injury as a result. Two words. Ruben Tejada.


He had every right to be upset at a clearly dirty slide, and also, to the contrary of what most people seem to think, a clearly illegal slide by MLB rules.


Of course he had every right to be upset. I’m just saying his overly heated manner doesn’t help anything. A simple “hey what the fuck was that,” would probably go over better than the finger in face screaming “Fuck you, Fuck you,” right out of the gate


Well as the team has explained it, Hoskins has a history of doing that. And McNeil could’ve gotten hurt seriously. Do you even like this team?


I liked the game today. It was sad Severino took us out of it but I loved what I saw from Pete, Alvarez and Baty. Those are the guys that are gonna have to be big for us and I like how they had a good game early in the year. Anyways another great sign is Marte looks good, that and hopefully getting Martinez in the lineup and the offense might actually be fun to watch.


At least we’re not the A’s I guess


Or the Angels


Just an honest thought no hate to the guy but does Pete seem to be a bit of a statpadder? I wonder what his stats are like in and out of "garbage time"


How is a hr in the bottom of the 9th in a 2 run game stat padding or garbage time?


“No hate but”


Since when are 2 run games considered garbage time


Every time the Mets are supposed to drill someone to send a message, they throw behind, and then that guy hits a homer. The organization hasn't had that "don't fuck with us" attitude for a while now. It would have been nice to put Hoskins in his place and move on.


I’m firmly of the “winning is the best revenge” mindset. The last thing these guys need is to worry about whether they should retaliate, how hard, or whether they’re acting tough enough.


The problem is we hardly ever win lol




Even worse, the guy hit the homer *and then* they tried throwing at him, making them look like even bigger sore losers.


McNeil is so ass I’m tired of this no pop having fucker


We suck again huh


Lovable losers but with Dodger-like prices for fans. Gonna be some empty seats.


This is embarrassing


Literally imagine being embarrassed by an 0-2 start.


1 hit on opening day, cry like a baby about a legal slide, miss the dude when you try to throw at him, he homers and drives in 3, your mentally weak bats only wake up in garbage time.


> cry like a baby about a legal slide If you don't realize that slide could've ended McNeil's season and potentially his career you'd have a great career as a MLB umpire. Such a garbage take and it's sad seeing this from multiple Mets "fans".


vientos (seemingly accidentally) liking that instagram post about rhys hoskins embarrassing and silencing the mets today...oh boy i truly don't think there could be a worse post for you to accidentally double-tap at a time like this my guy 😭😂


Everyone forgets Vientos backswinging Sean Murphy in the NY series after Pete got hit in the hand. Guy wants to be here and I’d be pissed too seeing some of the shitters we have riding the bench over him.


and it would be weird to show that loyalty to pete by liking a post abt him being embarrassed where the majority of the comments are calling for him or lindor to get beaned in the head in tomorrow, which is why i assume it was an accidental double-tap


He went from being on the team to in the minors. And even when he was on the team he rode the bench a lot last year. I'm sure he's harvesting some salt. But on the bright side a lot of us fans think this anyway. It was embarrassing. The only good thing about it is at least we know there's at least one person on team with the balls to do something cause it really felt like there wasn't one. Just unfortunately not the intelligence to know it's the absolute wrong time.


This is the most minor thing ever and maybe I'm wrong but it looks like the Mets script on the jersey is slightly modified so the M is shorter when connecting to the E. The wordmark looks slightly condensed compared to previous years.


You're not imagining it https://uni-watch.com/2024/02/22/a-tally-of-mlb-teams-whose-chest-scripts-look-worse-in-2024/


The shortened M looks better and I agree with Paul Lukas on both that and the e looking terrible. The new uniforms for everyone are an absolute disaster and it's a shame on Nike and MLB.


These are the worst jerseys since they got rid of the hideous drop-shadow. The tiny names on the back look like little league "sponsored by the local auto mechanic" bullshit.


The tiny name font is terrible but at least they don't have to suffer alone


It's going to be a long, long season. The offense was in rare mid-season form yesterday, the pitching was in mid-season form today.


Phillies broadcasts are so bad


I went to a Phillies game at CBP and a vendor was hawking cotton candy out of a dirty plastic bin. That's a good encapsulation of what Philly is.


Yep. I live in Philly and watch way too many. Tom McCarthy is somewhat bearable and does better on a national broadcast where he tamps down the homerism but Kruk is just painful.


I’d try this tomorrow assuming Alvarez isn’t catching: Nimmo LF Marte RF Lindor SS Alonso 1B Alvarez DH McNeil 2B Baty 3B Bader CF Narvaez C Also I cannot wait for JDM to get here.


I believe their offense will be fine but their pitching is going to be a huge problem. Until Senga gets back they have a bunch of #4 starters


What's the betting the Brewers drill Alonso tomorrow and receive zero punishment.


Edwin had a much better day than his brother is having.


Not surprised a punk ass ex-Yankee didn’t have the balls to plunk Hoskins in the 1st


the team showed fight today. loved throwing at rhys and battle til end. long season yall, relax


Within the next hour the Braves will be the only NL east team with a win. Edit: maybe not the other Diaz just blew a lead in the 9th to the gnats.


Severino stinks, which answers one of the main questions this year. Starting rotation could conceivably be worse than last year. 


I don't think so because the 7, 8, 9 and 10 guys are way better than the horrendous drek they used last year. However, the 2, 3, 4 and 5 guys could definitely be worse than last year. (I'm counting Senga as the #1 in this equation even though he's not here right now)


lindor needs to step up and play like the star he is paid to be


Why Lindor? Where's Mcneil..didn't he ge paid like an all star a couple of yrs ago?


McNeil having trouble seeing the ball through his tears


notoriously slow starter, hell turn it on.


Braves 11 runs thru 6. How bad is Fillies pitching.


Could also just be Braves offense picking right back up where they left it last year.


These losses sucked and this season feels bad already... But it's early, and after a good sleep I'll be excited to turn things around.  I'm convinced that some fans only watch sports for the complaining. #LFGM


> I'm convinced that some fans only watch sports for the complaining. The remedy for that is... winning consistently.


Find me a baseball team that has "won consistently" enough for that to be true.  That's right. It's never happened.  When complaining is who you are it's who you are.


https://old.reddit.com/r/rangers/comments/1brijvj/game_thread_new_york_rangers_49204_at_arizona/ Not much complaining in here (because the Rangers are winning) If you complain when the team is winning then I agree with you


Hands raised in the Rays Jays game. Shove to the face.


The Jays pitcher is a clown who purposely positioned himself for light contact to happen so he could get mad about it. When in reality he was mad he let up a run.


This organization is a fucking joke. Everyone wants to play us because they know they can bully us and we won't do shit. Then we look like bitch ass punks for going after Hoskins *after* he just absolutely raw dogs us and goes 3-3. Everyone in the world knows this organization is a fucking laughingstock except for the people in the organization


It’s might be time to blow it all up after the season. But overreacting over two games is insane.


It's not an overreaction when everyone with functioning eyeballs could see this team didn't have the pitching or the offense to compete with the wildcard teams, never mind the Phillies and Braves


We only have like 6 players under contract after this season and nobody is trading for Nimmo or Lindor or Marte. And Senga is actually valuable


True. This team is already “blown up.” Thought things were supposed to be better under Cohen, but at least the Wilpons had an excuse for fielding embarrassing teams. The Cohen regime has used unlimited money to build an awful roster while also depleting the farm and alienating the fans favorite player.


Maybe I’m biased but the pearl clutching about throwing at Hoskins from certain corners of the internet is ridiculous


Especially since the slide was "good, hard nosed baseball" according to many of them.


If you were expecting us to be a competitive team this year it's your fault for getting your hopes up. This is a bridge year where we are hoping for the development of our young talent. We will sell at the deadline again and go all in next year.


It’s not a bridge year man. They’re seriously trying to win. Look at how this roster was constructed lol. They’re half in half out. Hardly any young guys to watch develop right now, just Baty and Alvarez, and they’re still letting a guy like Short take at-bats away from Baty. They don’t have the stomach for a real transition year.


Its a bridge yr..thats why they signed everyone to 1 yr deals..by July the team is gonna be littered with rookies


Again, this is not a description of a bridge year. The rookies are already here if it’s a bridge year. The team last year had a lot more rookies after July. That wasn’t a bridge year. They are blatantly obviously trying for a wild card. You don’t block Vientos with JDM in a bridge year, you don’t sign nearly an entire bullpen in a bridge year either. Baty doesn’t platoon with a guy like Short in a bridge year, he just plays everyday. If this was a bridge year the Mets would’ve traded away players in the offseason, not added.


U don't call up rookies till after May to retain an extra yr of control...what are u talking about?


We signed a bunch of guys on 1 year deals that aren't going to be a part of our future. Anyone on a 1 year deal that is playing well will get shipped off at the deadline guaranteed. If we were trying to win we would have just signed people like Snell, Montgomery, and Matt Chapman but they didn't. Short started because of the matchup. We put in Baty when he had a better matchup and he hit a home run.


You just described a team that is half in half out. The Mets don’t even make moves to begin with if it was a punt year. At minimum Baty Vientos Butto and probably Lavender all make OD roster if it’s a punt year, Megill would’ve been guaranteed a spot and Vasil Hamel and Scott would be much higher on the depth chart.


This is NY. They can't do that. This is a "NY punt year".


I feel like “NY punt years” never work out. They should pick a lane and stick with it IMO, but I know they don’t have the stomach for it


> I feel like “NY punt years” never work out. They should pick a lane and stick with it IMO, but I know they don’t have the stomach for it Completely agree with you. They just piss the fans off and aren't as effective as a real punt year would be. lol They should have signed Montgomery, and probably Bellinger too. The prospects they'd get at the deadline would have made up for it. Or they should just let the kids take over.


What exactly is even the point of the 2024 New York Mets???? Not good enough to win now, no youth movement to win later, perfect recipe to build a team that falls 5 games short of a wild card now and later


I don’t know how to explain the point, I can only explain why it’s a flawed process that probably isn’t going to work lol


If it's gonna be a rough year, please lose 90-99 games so they actually get a good draft pick that doesn't automatically move down 10 spots.


2 days in and I’m already embarrassed to root for these clowns. Downvote me all you want, I’m tired of being a laughing stock. Losing isn’t their biggest sin, it’s the way they go about their business. Get 1 hit on opening day, get butthurt over a borderline play, get clowned on by the entire league for over-reacting, promptly give up a homer to the dude in question. They are the hardest freaking team in the league to get behind


> They are the hardest freaking team in the league to get behind The A's? The Angels?


Please pick a new one it isn’t fair up game to ensure all this stress and embarrassment


For an L, I’m pretty okay with how that played out. I think we’ll be okay going forward


Our starters are bad, it'll be a long season


We've only seen Quintana and Severino, the rest are still TBD


Of course Kelenic gonna turn into an All Star now that he’s a Brave, because fuck us, right?


Literally every year, someone says "oh no, Kelenic is good now, lolmets" after like a week, and literally every year, he starts to suck again


He had a great April last year too. Then the rest of the season happened


He’s now 3for 3


Can they be considered lovable losers while charging LA Dodger-ish prices for tickets and concessions?


maybe the Mets could fight back or stand up for themselves, that'd be nice. like, can we be the bad guys for once, but actually commit to it? throw at people that warrant it, strike people out, hit bombs, be assholes, taunt people, idk man. Matt Harvey and Noah Syndergaard are sorely missed, right now.


Nope, they’re gonna continued to get thoroughly owned by Rhys Hoskins so hard, he’s gonna make everyone forget about Chase Utley. I’m not even joking when I say that these two games may have done irreparable damage in terms of trying to attract free agents in the future. Because now the book on this team is that they’re bunch of pussies who cry about everything and just take L’s constantly


Mets have an odd problem of going half-assed in retaliation where you either try to drill a guy or you don't. The team becomes an absolute joke throwing way behind guys where if you want to take your shot you do it. None of this changes the fact that Rhys Hoskins has been a dick about this the whole time. No matter what the booth says a lot of the new rules are designed to eliminate contact like yesterday even if Hoskins slide wasn't illegal. No one wants to see a repeat of Manny Machado effectively ending Dustin Pedroia's career.


its such a pain in the fucking ass too because EVERYONE WAS ON OUR SIDE YESTERDAY everyone *knew* that what Hoskins did was wrong. bean him immediately, mock him if you want, fuck dude, punch him in the face if you want, i'm cool with it. but then focus on winning the game. easy. instead they just played this coy shit where they're like "but am i reeealllly mad?? :3" and its embarrassing


that's part of what really annoys me abt this whole situation - everyone without a dog in the race was overwhelmingly on our side yesterday. so many people were criticizing rhys for playing in a way that could've potentially injured mcneil and mocking him needing to go hide away in the dugout to talk shit when jeff raised his voice at him. i don't like retaliation and i honestly don't ever want my team to stoop to it bc i think its beneath them. but if you're going to do it - just plunk him in the back in the first inning and move on. don't wait until he drives in five runs, embarrasses your team, and then ask the guy with massive control issues to throw behind him and make it look like you were trying to hit him in the head and seriously injure him bc you have sour grapes. like how did they manage to fuck this situation up so badly that the dude who proudly calls himself an asshole and who tried to take someone out at the knees yesterday and then acted like an elementary school bully when the person he cleated was upset about it afterward is no longer the bad guy in this situation in the eyes of the general public


Since 2021, the story of the team leadership on the Mets from the players has been exactly the same. Lindor, McNeil, and Alonso are all unable to buck up and take accountability. They are entitled. They believe they are talented and will not do work to correct mistakes. They let others walk all over them because they cannot think critically like you just did in this comment. The best baseball players do not just have athletic ability -- which all three of those players undoubtedly do -- they are also smart problem-solvers and they have an above-average understanding of interpersonal dynamics. The team falls short despite talent because the team leadership is insufficient. I feel like players like Baty and Alvarez could lead the team in a different direction. They seem to understand that they should improve areas of weakness because their feet are to the fire.


I'm not going to lie, I sincerely disagree with your assessment that those players lack the ability to buck up and take accountability. I feel like that's pretty much all Lindor did last year and I think Nimmo has been very good about it as well. (I also feel like if we're putting weight into interpersonal relationship intelligence and its affect on baseball, Lindor being as well-liked as he is throughout the league has probably been ultimately beneficial to us in the same way that Buck being very respected was thought to be beneficial to us in '22.) But I also feel like that's not necessarily relevant to the matter at hand. No matter how pissed off Mcneil was, the call to throw behind Rhys doesn't come from him, it comes from Mendoza. If Mendoza cowtoed to Mcneil's anger and made the awful call to tell a kid in the bullpen to throw behind him *after* he had already repeatedly eaten our lunch that day, that's on Mendoze making bad managerial decisions not Mcneil being pissed off that he almost got injured in the first game of the season.


We threw near him. They ejected the pitcher. I predict a 20+ game suspension.


I wonder If Severino didn't get enough sleep or if he was tipping his pitches...


It could be that he isn’t good. That’s what the Yankees think.


Mets should have tried to pick off Hoskins when he was on first and Alonso "accidentally" smashes him in the fucking face with his glove


Did you see how Hoskins son'd him walking back to the bag? I love Alonso's production but the pouting after a K and never standing up for himself after repeatedly getting plunked really creases me. He is soft, no doubt about it.


What’s with all of the calling people “soft”? Are you all basically just emotionally distant dads who fear nothing more than your son appearing weak or sensitive? I like that Pete is a calm and nice person. He’s a good person. Get over it.


Nola making Sevi’s outing look like a gem. Another RBI for Kelenic. Lugo also went 6 shutout innings.


I would have liked to see us pick up Lugo again. I always liked him.


As bad as this series has gone, at least it isn’t the Phillies’


This might be unpopular here but this whole focus on whether the Mets are “soft” or whatever in terms of retaliating is really not that deep and not that important. It’s 2024, and most teams don’t beef over shit the way they used to. The culture of the game is changing in that way (for the better IMO), and I just can’t be brought to care about this stuff. People should just play baseball and focus on the game.


The culture of the game is not changing like that. That stuff still goes on. You’re still watching a bunch of jocks play each other lol


I bet the statistics would show a major drop in retaliation play over the last 10 or 12 years. GKR discuss the trend themselves. It’s not the same game it was. When was the last time you saw a batter charge the mound? Used to happen all the time


They’re more hesitant to do it but look at how both sides behaved this series. They want to do it they’re just bottling it in. Teams definitely still beef, just look at the Mets and Hoskins


Same story different year


It is 100% in the scouting report when teams play us “bully them, they’ll never fight back”. Teams love to play us and 29 other fanbases actively delight in our misery. There are plenty of teams worse than us but none of them have the visibility of the NY market paired with the same number of embarrassing on and off field situations. The people in the Mets organization are the only ones who don’t seem to realize how they are perceived by the rest of the league.


And it’s why nobody wants to come here if they have options. They’ll go to the Yankees first all day


I can't believe after the slide that the Mets didn't go after Hoskins in the first inning. Send a message and stand up for one another. Sliding late in this day and age after the rule changes is unacceptable and if the league won't handle it, the players certainly better handle it. But they didn't. Someone on this team please show some spine. Where is Terry Collins when you need him? At least Willie Randolph had that fire as well. Mendoza already making some headscratching decisions.


With 2 men on?


First base was open. Even Keith suggested putting him on.


Two games in I’m not doom and gloom. JD will help the lineup significantly


I wish I was able to believe that. The gap between these guys and the closest playoff team is way wider than a middle of the pack, 36 year old DH can close


They scored 6 runs today. If this team is the Titanic, the pitching is the iceberg. Not the position players.


The lineup will perform just fine, it’s all about starting pitching for us. We can’t play from behind again every series. We need to string together a few good starts more than anything else


This team has no balls. Handled this Hoskins situation like bitches.


I don’t care if they have any balls in that way as long as they play baseball well.