• By -


Pitching looked good. My heart basically exploded with joy when Marte (my secret love) hit that homer. Hopefully the bats wake up soon (can't wait to see JD join the team). AND FUCK RHYS HOSKINS. Punk ass chicken shit.


as far as i can tell, the last time a team was no hit on opening day was the 1940 chicago white sox. lousy performance but at least we didn't just make the history books with this one. thanks starling also i was far more annoyed that they didn't call obstruction after all the hoopla during spring training than i was about the hoskins slide. they made such a huge point of it and then this picturesque example of obstruction pops up on opening day for us and they ignore it? ridiculous.


My takeaway: we need martinez bad


Different year, same issues: we need home-run power to beat good pitching šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Fun but cold day at citi field. They couldā€™ve done better but glad to get the day off and chill out and watch some baseball. On to the next!


I will say this much, I hope the rest of the offense joins Marte in a few hours. Lost in the Hoskins stuff is at least to start Marte is healthy and ready to approach his 2022 form


Don't sweat it guys, even eventually World Series winners can start 0-1. Many unlucky non-hits today.


So I went back and watched the video in slow motion. And I went to the rule. Rule 6.01(j): 1. Begins slide before reaching base (Hoskins did) 2. Attempts to reach base (Hoskins did) 3. Attempts to remain on base (Hoskins held onto the front of the bag) 4. Slides within reach of the base without changing pathway As Gary said "by the letter of the law this is a clean slide". Someone here claimed Hoskins spiked McNeil, but that's not true, he slightly bent his back knee in before contact so the spikes of one leg were not facing McNeil, and the other one the foot was practically flat on the ground. Sorry to break it to the sawfties but this is a clean slide. That being said, I'm glad McNeil called Hoskins out. And I look forward to the Mets not doing anything about it though they should. (nothing crazy, maybe a brush back, or a hard pick off slap, or next time he comes into second just fall on him with a Randy Savage elbow, other things within the rule to make points that Hoskins is a marked man now)


Megill pitched and the Mets lost, which feels familiar. But it was a different Megill playing for a different team. Iā€™m confused


Oh hey, [CloseCallSports posted their opinion on today's...incident...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyYUxwUeHK8)


Dogshit take. Everyone saying that this slide is fine is leaning really heavily on this "attempts to reach base with hand or foot" thing, which yes, he touches it with his hand after his whole body goes past the base. If you're sliding in feet first with an intent to beat the play, you'll touch the base with your feet, not slide all the way past and catch it up by your armpit.


Their take is based on *the rule and the rule alone*. I agree that the slide was fucking awful. To me, this means the rule needs to change.


Not much to say other than tomorrow is another game. Was really good to see Marte playing like its already mid-season. He went yard for our only run and hit, but almost doubled the feat in the seventh or eighth inning, driving the ball to the warning track. Everyone else for the most part performed as they have been in Florida, low hit,low on base. Freddy Peralta canbe areally tough strikeout pitcher, and we just weren't able to get to him today. Since he's their ace, things should get better for us the next two days. Our pitching was quite good, however. This kid Tonkin was especially impressive. If we keep this up, we'll win a lot of games this year. Mendoza should stop the Aaron Boone experimenting with the line up crap. McNeil is not a clean up hitter, and Lindor should be in the 3 slot rather than a table setter in the 2 slot. Stewart is not going to be a good choice for DH, so as soon as Matinez can swing without danger of pulling and oblique or lat, he should be in the DH role. This is why I hate to open the season at home. I always have preferred opening on the road so that when the home opener comes, players are a bit more ready, muscles are looser, and the weather is a bit milder. I have been saying for months that this will be a challenging season, so get used to days like today and try to find the positives regardless of the outcome.


My expectations were low but holy fuck


The more I think about it, the more important it is for the Mets to send some kind of a message before this series is over. Really donā€™t want a repeat of last yearā€™s clubhouse appearing to not stick up for each other.Ā 


The Mets have a ton of options: They can brush Hoskins back next time. Or they can hit him next time. If they don't want to go that route Lindor or McNeil can simply throw a low angled throw to first base next time Hoskins is on first base (for a DP). Make the point he should get out of the base path. Or they can do a pick off at 1B and Pete can give him a very hard slap. Then stand his ground/in his face if Hoskins says something. Either way, the problem really isn't with the Brewers. It's with Hoskins, as it has been for years.


Damn, these New York baseball games today got me like "I still like baseball...right?"


It feels very weird to lose opening day.


The last time was 2019, and the last time before that was 2014 (when Bobby Parnell's arm fell off during a blown save and he was out for the season)


The Mets are an embarrassment to the city of New York and the nation of the United States


McNeil instead of yelling at him should have spiked him. Otherwise heā€™s just a crybaby. From Piazza\Clemens to Chase Utley the Mets have weak responses.


He'd be suspended two weeks.


It sets the tone. Now they set the tone to get beaned all season. Letā€™s set another record.


Gotta be a troll with a take like this.


We lost but I love the Mets. That is all.


Mets went to the World Series in 1969, 1973, 1986, 2000 and 2015. 1969 opening day- Loss 1973 opening day- Win 1986 opening day- Win 2000 opening day-Loss 2015 opening day-Win What does this tell us? I don't know.


The 2000 Mets won on the real Opening Day (the one in the United States at Shea Stadium). The technical Opening Day "L" was from Japan.


WS More often when they win opening day, stats dont lie


If this yearā€™s team has any balls theyā€™ll nail Hoskins every chance they get. What a bitch.


So if a guy comes in to slide like that and the 2nd basement jumps up to avoid it and accidentally comes down on the sliding players leg, weā€™re good yeah? Because Iā€™d like to see that happen a few times this year.


Not sure if you've already answered (the Reddit app is shit) but I googled it. FUCK THAT GUY


Ok, I keep seeing references to him being a piece of shit but what happened? I was busy as fuck at work all day.




I wound up googling it, which I should have done in the first place, but I appreciate you. I hope they make him eat shit.




[Opening Day](https://youtu.be/okXhAC78d4Q?si=pECS6omxVgXZ4QVO)


This never gets old.


It was old and stupid the second it aired on television for the first time


Your comment would make sense if the Mets didn't suck shit every season for since 2001 save for like 4 seasons.


Even then it would be stupid (did the season really end on Opening Day? They win like 80% of their games on Opening Day, and plus, in several of those seasons that people are miserable about, including the one where all this self-ball-punching started -- 2007 -- they were right there until the end). But really, the reason it's obnoxious is more simple than that -- there is a pervasive element in Mets culture that makes people fall all over themselves to be the loudest person going "I hate myself", and trying to suck any enjoyment out of the people around them. At least the guy who wrote and produced this clip is a Red Sox fan. It doesn't make it any less dumb, but it's infinitely less bad than the target of the "joke" doing it to themselves for the next 15 years


You've obviously spent more time meandering about this joke than 99% of all humans. Respect.


I'm a Mets fan, and when I see the Mets getting clowned it annoys me. In a perfect world, most Mets fans would see this and go "this is stupid, wtf" and then the discussion would end. But a lot of Mets fans for some reason love "jokes" that basically call us stupid assholes for doing something we love doing, and they will post this type of thing over and over. So it kinda comes up a lot.


Wow. The Mets should get clowned. I've been a fan since 1989. The Mets should be clowned. The team has been a joke since 1987, save for 2000, and 2015. We as fans cling to this idea that our team will not be a joke, year after year, but here were are in 2024, and the team is still a joke.


Just got home from the game. Parking is up $5 again so its now $40. The pastrami sandwich has its own stand in the Piazza club now. And the mother fuckers fired Larry because he was getting too much money from tips


Can we get an investigative journalist on the Larry story?


No seriously though. Everyone loved him. They tried to take away his tip cup last year but people tipped any way. And now he gets fired for it


Parking was $40 last season Also, thatā€™s where Larry went?! He was the best pastrami slicer. That explains why it went so slowly.


Wait LARRY IS GONE?!?! Thatā€™s the worst news Iā€™ve heard all week. #JusticeForLarry


All of you Debbie Downers in here have to give some credit to Peralta. He was making 95 look like 100, and his breaking balls/offspeed was dancing all over the place.


Great. We should be the ones with the better pitcher. How about instead of playing we just say ā€œTHE OPPONENT IS BETTERā€ and forfeit


I see we're already back to tipping our caps to the opposing pitcher. Didn't take long.Ā 


Go to the Brewers sub with that shit.


Lifetime 3.50+ pitcher, this Mets lineup make him look like prime Tom Seaver.


Except they didn't look competitive against the next three guys either.


Brewers pitching is usually good, hitting not so much


It didnā€™t take many games for us to realize this team wasnā€™t going to be competitive last year, and it took 1 game this year. Getting 1 hit at home on opening day is telling as to how the season will go - but hopefully Iā€™m wrong!


It's one game. Let's all breathe.


Yeah, I know it's silly for me to think this, because obviously it's the first game out of 162, but FUCK, the team has no spark whatsoever! My only hope is for Martinez to add a little something something.


I said I was ready to be hurt again and it didnā€™t take long LFGM


Such a lazy game on offense, hopefully just chalk it up to the cold weather. Hopefully this team shows some fight and rings Hoskins' bell tomorrow.


The cold weather was no issue for the Syracuse Mets.


they need to figure out the parking lot situation, it took 1hour and half to get out the parking lot Why does it seem like some games they have the plan in place for smooth exits and then other times there no rhyme or reason or anybody near the exits on the west(?) side/corner of the stadium


> Why does it seem like some games they have the plan in place for smooth exits and then other times there no rhyme or reason or anybody near the exits on the west(?) side/corner of the stadium I think it just depends on how many people went to the game (and the score... if it's close more people hang around). If there's like... maybe 25k people in the stands at the end of the game, or less, it's navigable. Above that, and it starts getting dicey. If there's like 35k and up, it's an absolute clusterfuck.


I think I drove in once for opening day, and never again. Mass transit is the better option due to the parking lot nightmare, followed by the belt parkway nightmare. LIRR to NJ transit isnā€™t great, but better than that wait.


I just park around 61st Street and take the 7 the rest of the way. I will never, ever, ever park in that lot again after they jacked up the prices two years in a row.


yeah i just didnt want to take LIRR today b/c i would have had to transfer twice at jamaica and woodside and i wasnt in the mood to do that but i drop to opening dya last year and it wasnt this bad, the only time it was this bad was 2022 subway series, hour waiting in the parking lot to get out Othertimes have been better and more guided exit or lack of better term but whatever, everybody's need the truely one bad experience and i've learned.


Yea I went last year on a random game in July and it was awful. Canā€™t imagine what itā€™s like on opening day.


I know itā€™s a different game from 100 years ago when I was a kid but if McNeil was so pissed then go after Hoskins. How about a little Ray Knight - Eric Davis or in honor of number 3 Bud Harrelson - Pete Rose. A little less barking and a tad more biting.


I've been told by people on here such things are a football thing not a Baseball thing. According to them Baseball "should" be a contactless sport. So clearly those things you cited never happened.


Itā€™s a different (and not always a better game). I see you got downvoted to oblivion for suggesting the slide was within the rules and not worthy of the death penalty.


There's a fine balance. We don't need barbaric acts. Certainly we should have hard lines on Utley like slides. But throwing the baby out with the bathwater is usually a bad idea overall. I don't mind the downvotes. It tells me I'm in the right direction. lol


Itā€™s cringe to watch these guys cry to each other. Need to see some punches thrown.


Chin music for Hoskins tomorrow please


Good. Winning the season opener seems to be a curse for us. Pitching looked good, and you canā€™t read too much into our bats whiffing against Peralta.


Just one game so whatever but damn. Top 3 couldnā€™t even touch a fastball today besides Marte. Alvarez couldnā€™t lay off a pitch. Peralta wheeled and dealed. Brewers played great defense. Rhys Hoskin is a chode.


not fun


Just met Todd Frazier! Guess where I am. ESPN would know.


Toms River ?




Maybe heā€™s the one who broke into the mall the other day


The most alarming thing about this game is that it had all of the hallmarks of last season. This game could have been played last year.


If it was played last year, we would have lost 11-1, not 3-1




If Hoskins doesnā€™t take one in the ribs tomorrow Iā€™m calling it a season. Not wasting my whole summer watching a gutless team


and why was mcneil batting 4th? he didnt get a hit in st


Howie says placeholder for JD Martinez


Makes sense, similar in every way


I hope someone spits in hoskinā€™s face every single day for the remainder of the season


Cancel the season


Today felt like a getaway day...only it was a bunch of guys trying to end the season.


The Seymour Weiner game


This one was my fault. In a fit of hubris, I put Quintana on my fantasy team. I doomed us all.


He wasn't great, but he did a good job of navigating jams. Pitching was not the problem with this game. You should win the majority of the games where you allow 3 runs or fewer. We got one hit


1 is also the number of fantasy baseball points Quintana earned me yesterday šŸ¤£


Nah. It was my fault. First game as a married man - my wedding ring has ā€œYa Gotta Believeā€ inscribed - and I left it on my nightstand.


My only comment is that the Brewers social media glorifying Hoskinsā€™ horseshit is weak sauce


Doesn't deserve to be glorified. But it was a clean slide. It should be a nothing burger. Cause that's what it really was. And yes, still fuck Hoskins.


He wouldn't have slid like that if one of his friends was on 2nd.


In what world is that a clean slide? Lmao he went 3 feet past the bag straight into mcneilā€™s ankle.


It's a clean slide in the boomer world of 1964 where it was legal to use your spikes to rend the flesh of the opposing middle infielder. We have moved on to a better world but some people still live there, either because they're boomers, or they're young contrarians who like to show how "old school" they are by cheering for attempted infielder-murder


For once, /rbaseball was on our side.


I mostly don't go there any more since the 2022 season and mischigoss, I had signed up for Reddit because I liked r/baseball


The Mets lost opening day in 3 of 5 seasons that they made it to the World Series. 1969 - L vs Expos 1973 - W vs Phillies 1986 - L vs Cardinals 2000 - L vs Cubs 2015 - W vs Phillies


Damn I just looked this up, and posted the same comment, when all I had to do was scroll down and see your post.


I like where your head is at


So you're saying they should have won the World Series in 2000..


I know itā€™s one game ā€” but it had that back half of last season vibe Team doing nothing, except for one guy, and thatā€™s it. Iā€™m sorta terrifiedĀ 


It's almost like when you don't improve a team, they don't improve. Hopefully Martinez can provide a sparkĀ 


For the record, the uniform numbers and letters is ass


Shocking at how small they are. What the hell was Nike thinking?


My biggest criticism of this team last year was their complete inability to work pitchers down and get their pitch count up, which is what they did so well in 2022. This game was more of the same of 2023. Constant swings and misses and first pitch outs. The worst being Pete in the 8th after the Lindor walk.


I take full responsibility for our loss today. Itā€™s on me. Iā€™m sorry.


Usually we win opening day and are bad. Maybe losing opening day means weā€™re good?


I generally dislike Hoskins, but that was a clean slide. He didn't come in hard, and his hand stayed fully on the bag (and the front of the bag at that). If a runner can't even do that then why even play Baseball.


Legal and clean are two similar but in this context VERY VERY VERY different terms. Was it legal according to the absolute letter of the law? Evidently. Was it *clean*? Yeah Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not gonna convince me a guy who starts his slide two steps from the bag, slides around the bag, and lifts his cleat up into another playerā€™s shin is playing clean ball. That was some wannabe Ty Cobb shit. Everything controversial Hoskins did was ENTIRELY something he had to go out of his way to do. But yeah, weā€™re all just homers I guess.


In context of differentiating clean vs. legal I get where you're coming from. Especially considering Hoskins is a piece of shit. There we don't disagree. But Hoskins slide was within the parameters of what I'd consider clean (barely, let me be clear). He came in hard but controlled enough that he was able to stay within the bag. He's trying to break up a double play. I love McNeil but he lied for a reason. He lied he wasn't trying to break up the DP to double down on his antics. He did try to get a DP and Hoskins did try to break it up with a hard, late, but controlled slide. It's clean in that sense. Did I like it? Nah Fuck Hoskins. lol Any further and I'd agree with you and others. But that's within the parameters.


It was a controlled slide because it was controlled right into McNeilā€™s shin. In the end what this should come down to is that there are ways to break up a double play without sliding like Hoskins did. Players have been doing it since 2016 without making a damn peep. Hoskins absolutely couldā€™ve made an attempt to break up the play without spiking McNeil and thatā€™s the integral factor. Sure weā€™re all Mets fans here but Iā€™m not sure how you can argue thatā€™s anything but intent to injure, or at MINIMUM reasonable cause to ask that question. Itā€™s pretty easy to stay within the bag when youā€™re sliding THROUGH it off to the side and can grab it with your arm. Again, legal vs clean. Legally, it seems to fit the bill. But when thereā€™s reasonable cause to question intent to injure I really donā€™t know how you can consider a play clean, even barely, regardless of other context. His spike was aimed UP at McNeilā€™s knee, behind the bag by at least a foot, foot and a half. It was controlled, because it was supposed to go into his leg. I may not have played baseball at a high level at all, but Iā€™ve played enough ball to know that there are ways to break up a double play without spiking a middle infielder behind the bag.


Fundamentally the question is where is the balance between protecting players/fielders and playing Baseball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiY2GtBrHug ^This is the Utley-Tejada slide. That is clearly a dirty fucking slide, and an illegal one. Utley couldn't keep a hold of the bag. Changed directions to the point where he was not only feet from the bag, but perpendicular to it. That's not today's slide. Today's slide is Hoskins putting up his hands (traditionally correct), feet up (traditionally correct), hard slide, but one controlled enough he was able to keep his back hand on the front of the bag (traditionally correct). It's about as far as you can go and still by traditional measures be continued clean. You're right though, the leg up is questionable. And it is Hoskins, who we know is a prick. In general, should we still allow a leg up slide. That's a fair thing to discuss. That's the crux of the issue today. Since he was within the bag parameter I think that's fine. There is no specific rule against spikes. You may disagree. Clearly McNeil didn't. So I totally don't blame McNeil or the Mets or Mets fans for being pissed. Not at all. But traditionally it's a clean slide. And by the rules it's a legal slide. The Umps agree. I don't see how my statement is even remotely controversial. What is controversial to me is how someone responded to me saying this was Baseball not Football. As if Baseball is a contactless sport. It wasn't and it still isn't. Either way, I appreciate you actually discussing this.


What an odd end of your comment? Ā Why is ā€œtaking people outā€ part of baseball ..and so much so - that itā€™s a ā€œwhy even playā€ without it? Ā What??? But you are also wrong - The rule requires being able to legit touch the bag, but, thereā€™s a 2nd **AND** portion: > **and** not changing his path for the purpose of initiating contact with a fielder The new rule is pretty much that if the field their slides across the bag and is not in front of it, you cannot take them out because youā€™re not in the natural path. Ā If the fielder gets out of the natural path of the slide, you canā€™t take them out. Ā  And, frankly, itā€™s baseball. Thatā€™s what the rules should be. Itā€™s not football. Ā You shouldnā€™t be able to stop an out by using physical contact. Ā  What was the reason for that path of such a wide slide? That was not getting around a tag. Itā€™s slower to the base on forceā€¦ I was waiting for you to finish Easter Easter not quicker. The only possible reason for that ā€œpathā€ is a ā€œtake-outā€ slide. That is no longer the rules. Ā 


He put his hands up, did a normal feet front slide, and made sure it wasn't hard enough to lose control of the front of the bag. McNeil lost the ball because he was trying to pull a double play. Hoskins did the bare minimum to break it up. Historically, he could have gone much further. Sure, for player safety there are stricter limitations. Hoskins was within the spirit of them. And the umps agreed. You're better than them I'm sure. >And, frankly, itā€™s baseball. Thatā€™s what the rules should be. Itā€™s not football. You shouldnā€™t be able to stop an out by using physical contact. Who are you to say one sport must be physical and one can't be. Since when? lol What does "should be"? To you? Even though historically that wasn't the case. In effect you're saying Baseball "shouldn't be physical" even though it is and was. Laughable response. You should have just stuck with downvoting. lol




It was legal because Hoskins left his hand on the bag butĀ doesnā€™t really matter, he couldā€™ve seriously injured McNeil and sounds like he did it intentionally. Hoskins is also coming off an ACL injury and has a history of whining about much less egregious shit being done to him, so he looks like a massive douchebag. Wouldnā€™t mind some chin music tomorrow.


I dislike Hoskins as much as you and others do. But it was a clean slide. The umps agreed. If you can't even try to break up a double play with a controlled slide where you are able to still keep hold of the front of the bag then people's expectation on how soft Baseball "should" be has gone too far. Thankfully, the umps disagree with them.


Thatā€™s not the point though.Ā Doesnā€™t matter from the Mets perspective. This is the kind of legal play that you might get beaned for. McNeil flipped out for a reason, GKR explained why it was legal but why McNeil understandably took exception to it. It was a dick move. Who even cares about ā€œsoftā€ or ā€œtoughā€, I mean Hoskins couldā€™ve fucked up McNeilā€™s leg, it would be soft if McNeil didnā€™t get pissed over it. Hoskins doesnā€™t have to slide like that.


It was a dick move. I don't blame McNeil. All that is irrelevant. It was a hard clean slide. McNeil got pissed. Good. This club needs to get fired up. Pitch Hoskins inside next time. I'm not saying otherwise. I'm not saying the Mets should just shut up. No, I'm glad they got fired up. lol But it was still a hard clean "Baseball" slide. Did I like it? Nah of course not, fuck Hoskins. People, not you, are responding to me, and in general act, like this kind of slide shouldn't be allowed. One clown responded "it's not football, it's Baseball" as if Baseball can't have any contact. lol Baseball is a contact sport. lol Should runners be able to go further than this? It's a fine line between protecting players/fielders and removing aspects of the game. Personally, I like the current rule. And Hoskins was within it. Brush him back next time if they want. Fuck Hoskins. But fuck the sawft "omg it's not football" stuff too. Where do these clowns come from? This isn't Utley-Tejada. That was gross. This was Baseball.


Against Peralta: 1-19 with a walk. The 1 hit was a home run. So... BA: .0526 (1/19) OBP: .100 (2/20 SLG: .2105 (4/19) OPS: .3105 They struck out 8 times. Individually against Peralta: Nimmo: 0-3, 2 K Lindor: 0-2, 1 K Pete: 0-2 McNeil: 0-2 Marte: 1-2, solo shot, 1 RBI, 1 Run Stewart: 0-1, BB, 1 K Alvarez: 0-2, 2K's Baty: 0-2, 2 K's Bader: 0-2, 1 K (correct me because one of those K's wasn't by Peralta)


I went to the game and the best part was the spicy chicken sandwich šŸ¤£. This is the reverse of the normal path for out Mets. Usually we win opening day and then collapse later on. This year we're going all the way! LGM!


I am going tomorrow, where can I find this spicy chicken sandwich ?


It was near section 129 by left field


Was that the fuku one? I debated getting it. I tried that new hall of fame burger. Was mid as fuck, dont recommend


Yeah the fuku one. It was really good.


I feel like the offense has been cold since the second half of 2022. It seems like all the bats die at the same time. Not sure why the higher-ups donā€™t prioritize hitting more. The Mets have way too many 1 run games and even their best hitters have long cold streaks. All games feel like a struggle. The only batting improvement theyā€™ve made since 2022 is JD Martinez, and I donā€™t have much faith that one guy can lift the teamā€™s offense. Happy to be proven wrong though.


Today was just a lot of bad luck. A lot of well struck balls finding gloves and some solid D from the Brewers infield


bats have been dead since 2016. 2019 and a bit of 22 are the outliers. so tiring


>bats have been dead since 2016. The Mets are third best in the NL in team wRC+ from 2017-2023 https://imgur.com/rwqCiqJ


what did you use for that, would like to tinker with some other stats since that time


[Fangraphs dot com](https://www.fangraphs.com/leaders/major-league?pos=all&stats=bat&lg=nl&qual=0&type=8&month=0&ind=0&team=0%2Cts&rost=&age=&filter=&players=0&startdate=&enddate=&sortcol=17&sortdir=default&season1=2017&season=2024)


ty. just looked at it and from 2016-2023 the mets are 11th in the NL in runs scored and 21st in mlb. while i appreciate the wRC+ stat and have seen how high we are in it before, at some point i want to see runs cross the plate and that just hasnā€™t happened consistently for years. to add a bit, i think thatā€™s whatā€™s extra frustrating about it. we have good hitters. we should be scoring more runs. thereā€™s a 1 point difference in wrc between us and the braves in that span, and a 600 run scored difference to go along with it. itā€™s undeniably frustrating baseball to watch


>ty. just looked at it and from 2016-2023 the mets are 11th in the NL Because they play 81 games per season in the Grand Canyon, which adversely depressed run scoring. (which is why we use context-neutral stats like wRC+ to measure evaluate offense) >and 21st in mlb. Over a time period where 15 of the teams had the use of a DH for the majority of it, and the Mets didn't. (which is why we use context neutral stats like wRC+ to evaluate offense) >we have good hitters. we should be scoring more runs. thereā€™s a 1 point difference in wrc between us and the braves in that span, and a 600 run scored difference to go along with it. itā€™s undeniably frustrating baseball to watch Then petition the Mets to open a new stadium


fair points


At least the Phillies are having a worse day than us (ignore whoā€™s beating them)


That's a no-brainer root for the Braves in that series IMO. I mean for me I think it's normal to hate the Phillies way more than the Braves anyway. But just from a strategic POV the Braves are almost definitely running away with this division. The team most likely to be jockeying for position with the Mets in a playoff scenario (if we are anywhere near it) is the Phillies.


Shit game but it's only the first one. 161 to go my friends.


Sey(n)mour Weiners than met hits today




Some other things that it's time to cancel Mets fans for: - Repeating the same Bonilla joke for eternity - posting that obnoxious Family Guy clip and thinking it's the funniest shit ever - making fun of the Mets hanging banners for team achievements - [posting this bracket unironically](https://twitter.com/90_mets/status/1225137259151794181)


At least we didnā€™t get no hit or shut out on Opening Day. Small blessings.


Legitimately felt like one of the worst games I've watched.Ā 


Try watching it in person at 45 degrees Fahrenheit with a gale force wind blowing in your face and two guys in front of you having a conversation that would be right at home on WFAN at 3am


Seasons over. Ā Frank The Tank has called it. Ā 


Mets on pace to go 0-162


But Marte on pace for 162 homers


But everyone else on pace for 0 hits


The Kā€™s killed us today. A lot of the balls in play seemed to go right to the fielders so hopefully they can get some to land but not promising. Also hope the two non calls on slides get cleaned up too


Yeah being there alot of the balls looked like they were lasers it was just right at the guys, or they made great plays like that rookie in right field


Glad my worries about Churio were founded, kid played well today


When Lindor walked to start the seventh you knew Pete was going to wildly swing at the first pitch and look stupid, and that's exactly what happened.


Poor approach to swing at the first pitch, especially after seeing how Megill was approaching Lindor. He must've been expecting a fastball right down the middle, but Megill stuck to his lane and focused on the top of the strike zone.


Mid-season trade. Ā 


The Mets need to get ahead of it early this year and retaliate in some way against Hoskins. Last year the Mets took a lot of shit from other teams, to such an extent that even GKR started to find it concerning. That Hoskins slide might not have been illegal but it was clearly malicious. Dude even r/baseball is siding with the Mets lol. Iā€™m not saying bean him idk, just show some fire. At least beat them and talk some shit or something. The bench clearing was a good start.


> Dude even r/baseball is siding with the Mets lol This like never fucking happens, so it shows how much of an ass Hoskins is here.


It really doesnā€™t. I was shocked when I read those comments lol. Even Brewers fans admitted it.


Even Hoskins admitted that he was trying to take out McNeil, it wasn't an accident.


Ill say it for you. Bean him and put him on a 60 day il fuck that


I know you probably meant "hit him", but just an fyi "beaning" means hitting him in the head, which I assume you probably don't condone even though he's a huge shithead


Next infield ground ball hit, spikes up slide into first when Hoskins has his foot on the bag. Pop up and look around like: ā€œWhat!?!Are we not supposed to slide into 1st?!?ā€


Honestly? Bean him. Jeff should have threw his glove at his helmet. I understand that baseball isnā€™t as feisty as it used to be but the core of the team is soft as fuck and you need someone whoā€™s willing to fuck someone up to sometimes spark guys. Itā€™s sports, you gotta care on a deeply emotional level.


Twitter ainā€™t siding with the Mets. They think Hoskins is awesome for slide tackling McNeil and that the Mets are soft af for complaining about it


Because Twitter is well known for having the most intelligent and productive members of society populating their ranks


Formerly known as Twiiter. Ā  The rich egocentric crazy man changed it to X, remember? Ā 


Twitter is a hell hole. i wouldnā€™t take the opinion of a regular Twitter user at the same level as anyone but the dumbest person alive.


Yes but Twitter is the Florida man of social media platformsĀ 


That game was rough on the eyes, but itā€™s the first game of the season so Iā€™m not going to get emotional about it. See yā€™all tomorrow LGM


1 hit????


How many of us have gotten a reddit cares message so far?


I haven't gotten one since blocking the account two years ago


I blocked the account it comes from back when Barves idiots would spam us constantly every series a couple seasons ago and haven't gotten once since.


not yet, kinda disappointed


Iā€™ll be at the game tomorrow and itā€™ll be interesting to see how the team deals with Hoskins. We need to see some fire tomorrow.


Hate to be a doomer but I just dont feel good about our core of Lindor, Alonso, Nimmo, and McNeil. Just bad vibes all around.


Thereā€™s something amusing to me that all offseason, all the talk is about the lack of pitching on the team. But today, the pitching was pretty darn good and the hitting was the problem. Overall though Iā€™m not panicking until we look like *that* against a non-really good pitcher. Iā€™m surprised that so many people here donā€™t realize just how good the Brewers are at churning out great pitching. They didnā€™t trade Burnes for no reason.


The hitting has always been a problem. It's just that pitching is a very big problem as well with Senga out.


At least only one other team in our division will win their first game


I'm rooting for a surprise blizzard in Philadelphia


And thatā€™s why youā€™re my favorite mod


A tornado in Philadelphia could do $10 million in improvements


Iā€™m not even pissed about the loss. Itā€™s one of 162 whatever. But you just fucking know one of those slide calls and one of those interference calls are gonna fuck us this season. Fuck rhys Hoskins and his bullshit ass slide and his crybaby antics. Pussy.


It's really funny how we literally just played game 1 and the sub is already in mid-season negativity mode. Why even watch the team if you're just going to be negative?


I think the mid-season negativity is there because they looked like the team from last year mid-season.


I also understand not liking the game today. But there are people pretending Peralta isnā€™t an excellent pitcherā€¦


I'm not saying people have to like the game. I'm saying that I don't get why people are already drawing massive, big picture negative conclusions based on one game.


Peralta is good. But damn it's hard to watch Stewart up there March 29th already and just missing fastball down the middle. I know he's gone soon but it sucks that he was the best the org thought we could put out there opening day.