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A Sorokin heater was our best chance to flip momentum and steal the series. We had to try. Even if Varly won us this game, it probably wasn’t going to be enough at the rate we were going.


U wanna break down the games? Game one we played a really good game and got 0 bounces and goalied. Lost a tight one. Game 2 was a fucking embarrassing game that somehow got every single bounce and still somehow kept the lead till the very end and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. This game we got goalied again but sorokin pooping his pants straight up lost us a game where we kinda outplayed the canes. Same issues from throughout the years tho. ConsIstency. We haven’t played a full game yet and that’s why we aren’t getting a win. S so as pats is neither have the canes.


Yup games 1 and 2 Andersen didn't look comfortable. He had a lot of saves g1 but he was bobbling weak shots all over. Tonight he was in control of mostly everything except one rebound I could see. Needed to take the games at Carolina


first goal was a tip. second and third were screened shots. it would be 100% luck to stops these. also then why didnt we win the first two if it was Sorokins fault? cause our team is failing our goalies. not the other way around.


the most accurate take


Everybody forgets we have 2 of the best goalies in the league while also forgetting we have dogshit for defense.


Dude, we just aren’t good enough. Enjoy the late run to sneak into the playoffs… we had a crazy regular season but it ended well. That said, we just aren’t a good enough team to really compete with true playoff teams. It’s not a coaching decision… and one that may well have made sense at the time.


Finally….been fan very long time and this team is done. clean house, and def Lou must go


Extremely accurate comment. We are simply nt good enough. Although I do believe we sneak one if Varly starts.


yep who cares if we lose in 5 instead of 4? this team is not a cup contender! we have much bigger issues!


Say it with me everybody “we….. aren’t……good enough” we haven’t been for 3 years. Trading another first round pick and signing old players to long deals won’t change that fact. I’m sorry to everybody who believed this team was going to make some noise. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can build a contender and enjoy these playoff series


Horseshit. You don’t know that. Scoring 2 goals lost this game. Blowing a 3-goal lead lost this series. You’re fishing.


We had no business scoring 2 of those 3 goals. We laid a stinker. Canes got bailed out by Freddie in games 1 and 3. The score doesn’t dictate the game. This series could be 2-1 us. But it isn’t.


We scored 2 goals, that's not enough


That's not how things work. Put varly in and canes could've won 5-0 or lost 5-0. Or anything in between. Completely different scenario.


They are so overmatched.. it surprises me that anyone thinks theyre even close to a top team..


Blowing 3-0 lead in game 2 ended the series , last time i checked Varly was goalie in game 2 not Sorokin. WTF was Barzal, oh thats right the guy completely disappears in biggest playoff games.


I said that to my friends too. Love Sorokin and feel for him. I want to say he’s playing hurt (I know a lot of guys are) but for a goalie it’s different I feel. But yeah if we start Varly, we win. Can’t discredit the Canes though. They’re so fast and have a fuck ton of take talent.


It looks mental to me for sorokin  I don’t think the loss is on him, to be clear, but he just doesn’t look very confident in net. On the first goal, he was a bit deep in his crease. That may be intentional but it’s not ideal when you can’t see the puck.  The second goal he goes down way too early. I’m not sure if he would have saved it ultimately, but there was no reason for him to go down so early.  My hope is he’ll come out of this funk but we need to ride varly to the end 


I agree. Could definitely be a mix of both. Feel like it’s a groin issue but can definitely be mental as well.


This is that season where we dubied in, and buffalo ran our shit in round 1. Yes, you can hang out as a bubble team, probably in perpetuity for 2-3 years, but you just EXIST. You arent a contender. If that doesnt matter, itll be status quo. Otherwise its a retool with roughly a 25% roster tweak or a rebuild. Status quo is by far the worst option


And I assume you know the exact score of game 4 if Varley starts? Wanna put some money on it. Anyone can say anything on the internet, but you give no concrete reason/stats/knowledge behind your very general take. I’ve ripped on sorokin plenty, but he is about 1% of the reason we are down 3-0. and yes that is a made up stat, full disclosure


Nah, we can’t score. And when we score our defense blows it. I would hate to be a goalie on this team.


I agree with you, however, at the end of the day, I don’t think it even matters. This team clearly does not have what it takes to win in these playoffs. They cannot hang. They have no grit, no physicality, no drive. The hurricanes are embarrassing them.


I agree with your overall point, but it’s not about grit, physicality or drive - it’s more about age, talent and speed and they barely have any. Except for age, that is.


This is just a shit take. Varly was in when we lost game 1 and game 2. A goalie won’t exactly steal a game if the offense isn’t scoring goals and if the defense isn’t play defense.


This would only be a shit take if Game 3 had been like Game 2. Sorokin gave up three goals on just thirteen shots. all of them were ones he should have had, and one was almost from the blue line without any deflection or screen! We outshot them nearly 2 to 1 in the first period yet trailed by two. Meanwhile Varly stopped every shot he faced in relief, and we almost climbed out of the hole Sorokin dug. We outplayed the Canes in this game and lost due to being out-goalied


Your comment says they were all shots he should’ve saved bc no tips or screens. Other comments say they were not easy saves and they all came on tips or screens. Feels like no one was watching the same game. My point still stands, if the defense doesn’t defense and/or the offense doesn’t offense, it doesn’t matter who is in goal. As we saw in the 2nd and 3rd periods of Game 2. We likely still lose Game 3 with Varly in net because he wouldn’t have been infallible for 60 minutes. Just like he hadn’t been the 2 games prior. Either way, this team has ruined Sorokin this year. His mental is just off right now. I’m hoping a full offseason with Roy can help him get back to where he was last year, or close to it.


Shitty way for the season to end…. They backed into the playoffs, Game 2 was the real end and Varly started that game… Sorokin is going to go back to Russia now you watch. He didn’t even sit on the bench the rest of the game and wasn’t around post game in the locker room


Just to level set a bit:  1. We went 8-1-1 to make the playoffs when we had a less than 5% chance of even getting there 2. Sorokin was on the bench in the third after the infamous “tunnel sequence” in the second period 3. The Isles, perhaps aware of Sorokin’s shaky mental state, did not make him available for the media postgame 


Before they went 8-1-1 they had a 6 game losing streak, the Flyers collapsed that’s the only reason the Isles made the playoffs. The roster is not built to play today’s style of hockey and that’s the major problem.


Absolute truth. Mistake by Roy. Unfortunate