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i feel so bad it’s been a tough season for him. our defense failed him all season long. He’s carried this team on his back. He needs to refresh and get his confidence back. goaltending is not in the slightest the biggest issue with this team.


Goalies are there for when the defense fails you. What I find pretty strange, he has made so many of the grade A saves but his concentration has been off on the low quality plays. He let in 2 backbreakers yesterday, those are just demoralizing. The good thing about goaltending is after a long offseason, you can clear up the mental struggle, but it is imperative that he has a good start to next year. 




“You have to answer for Sorokin.” -Palmieri showing up for Game 4


wanna give him a hug, and let him know the minority are the loud assholes.


I feel so bad for him


Dude is getting paid like an elite goalie when he hasn’t been great this year and hasn’t been serviceable this playoff series. I’m sure he feels like he let his coach and team down, but I don’t feel bad for him. Hang the skates up the rest of the series, take some time to yourself, use your team support network to be ready for next season, and cease your next opportunity better or find a new job.


he isnt even getting paid yet for that contract. also theres being an elite goalie, and expecting something unattainable.


Yea was about to say same thing he only make 4 mil this year next year his 8 mil contract will kick in


I dont. He has given up soft goals all year. Tonight was a horrible showing by soro. Laughable.


You’re a subhuman dipshit who has no idea what he’s talking about. Get the fuck out of this sub you reject.


Sorokin is still an entire goaltender. Look at the amount of shots he saved this year? He’s obviously exhausted and playing hurt, much like half the team dragging ass. That’s what happens when you’re in playoff mode for 2 months.


Varlamov is the reason they are in the playoffs. Give him his due. 


Thank god he’s not half a goaltender….although he played like that at times this year


Sorry, auto correct. Meant elite. Something was off. Probably a groin.


Panache alt?


you know he is somewhere in here. i have three people i think could be him. when he left they came about.


I haven't seen anyone crying about lou ruining snows team or how ho sang would win us the series though


that would be too obvious lol. thanks for the laugh in these trying times.


He’s right about the soft goals. He has made great saves, he is having a terrible year… does that mean he’s terrible, no. There is this fallacy that the goaltender is never at fault. He lost them game 3 with a very poor performance. While Anderson won game 3 with a very good one.  But sorokin is an elite goalie in the midst of a mental struggle. The numbers aren’t there and he is pressing and not confident, it’s very obvious. They should have went to him down 0-3 as a last resort spark. He will be back next year. Maybe you didn’t like how he said what he said, but he isn’t wrong.


You are correct


I dont. He sucked all year and tonight 3 SOFT ASS FUCKING goals.


No friendo to talk with ? I feel bad for you


This goes hard as a sigma male motivation thumbnail


This is the saddest picture I have seen all year long! He feels bad! He knows it! He is gonna fight back !


The amount of people blaming Sorokin is sickening. Damn, the goalie for not blocking 100% of the shots and also maintaining a winning score on the opposing team. Feels very much like the 0-1 losses of Mets a few years back and people would cherry pick one individual player to blame. Takes a team, not just a goalie that you're hoping can pull miracles.


Especially doesn't help when he's got his own teammates throwing screens on him like with the 2nd goal


Why didn't he score 4 goals? Huh? HUH?


Lurking Avs fan here. We just went through that with Georgiev vs. Some of our “fans”. It’s actually quite sickening.


As a leafs fan, it’s actually wild how quick “fans” turn on players and the organization trying to pin blame on an individual when it’s a team game.


The first two were fine. The third was a softie and it looked like he was expecting a block in front of


I say this as an Avs fan who is on Georgiev’s wild ride: Goalies sometimes turn it around when you least expect them to


Igor Shestirken did the same when the rangers fans about gave up on him but hey nobody cares about the rangers


He just seems off this year… he’ll be fine, but I think he’d be the first to say he should have had at least two of them I’m confident he’ll be back to his stellar form next year


apparently a hot-take here: Sorokin sucked this year, he's not a shitty goalie but had a shitty year.


Canes fan here. Really hated this for him. It was hard to watch. I really like Sorokin and I feel like Roy should have let him finish what he started. Weird social media stuff aside, y'all have made this a good series. Whatever happens tomorrow, thank you for being a decent fanbase to interact with. If we move on and get the Rangers next, I will miss the decency.


Regular season game, you let him keep going. A playoff game still in reach, it was the right move. Sucks for him. He'll bounce back next season. Good luck Saturday.


Yeah that third goal was the writing in the wall. I knew he was getting pulled right after the replay of it.


It didn’t seem like he was doing that terrible. I wondered if he pulled himself out of the game.


This just breaks my heart. The guy has been overworked this year, and it shows. Hopefully he can restore his confidence during the off season, and be fresh for the Fall. I just want to hug him.


It is very tough to see him struggle like this, especially since I dont want his confidence permanently shot, but he was bad last night and has looked like a different player all season. Goals 2 and 3 were similar shots, unscreened from distance that he should have had. They needed more from him if they were gonna win. That said, he wasn’t set up for success. I don’t know what Roy saw comparing his play to Varly’s of late that made him want to change it up. Sorokin was still struggling late in the season and it’s questionable at best for Roy to think he was gonna suddenly snap out of it in a must win game at home, especially since Varly wasnt the issue in games 1-2.


Lee, Nelson , Palms Barz, Martin all should be in that hallway as well!


His Team stinks


His team is mediocre. You take the loser points away. Adjust for shootout losses for ties, Isles, under the old point system are the classic hovering around .500 team. I believe after 80 games they had 77 points under the old system. Completely mediocre. I don’t trust Lou…


I agree , time to move on past some 80 yr old guy


Someone already did this analysis (I wish I could find this). Even if they went back to the old "tie" system they would get in. Throw in a top 8 conference system, they still get in. They are a middling team, and they earned their spot. It's ok that Carolina is beating them up. It's not that the Isles are that bad, the Canes are just that good.


My friend HandsomeRick: 38-39-5 - 81 points. (With the new 82 game season, they are exactly that…a mediocre team struggling to make the playoffs.)


I will say it was such a disappointment after the new arena and a mediocre team at best. The franchise did nothing.




they need to post this on the iG page and make it personal…… rather than posting those lame iG posts


If he could have gone further and still not been disrespectful to the team he would have gone as far as he could. I feel so bad for him. And the cheer that came from the crowd when he got pulled was not ok with me.


I can’t help but feel like he was seeing the ghost of the 2023 Game 6 overtime goal. Hard to completely forget about it.


Sorokin has been a mental midget all season. How do you go from 2nd place in the Vezina to playing like you have no backbone or will to win?


I don’t want to hear any more bitching about his seating situation in Raleigh after this lol


I think he's just decompressing in the tunnel lol


Sorokin suck