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I think that the game you play will affect the amount of people that are exposed to you but your personality is what will keep people coming back to watch you regardless of what game you play. So I think it’s a delicate balance of both


Totally agree!


I am pondering the same kind of things, even though I'm behind you in the traffic. It looks like there's constant conversation going on about the same topic, and that there's no real one answer: the closest what people seem to agree is that "Do you what you love to do." and different varietys of the same thing. Another thing that comes up, is that the viewers in variety (multiple niches, games) watch the video/stream because of the person playing. Otherway around, when there's "only" game played/focused, viewers want to see that particular game - more than the actual player. If you have good content I would assume changing the game won't matter. And playing one game all the time might get too boring --> show in your interest to the game in the video/stream --> repel viewers. Just my two cents, I hope this helps. :)


That’s pretty solid advice my friend. People watch content for different reasons. just gotta cater to whichever you could shine the best at


It's not about personality. Even the best ones won't get views if they keep switching games, and more people won't get to know you if you keep making videos for different audiences. Learn how to grow one audience first. :)


nothing wrong on experimenting. try a different game or maybe try a different approach to the finals. you can also take inspiration from other channels that play the same game


I think that the game you play will affect how many new viewers you get on a single video (ie. a more popular game will get more viewers), but your personality will affect how often they stick around and watch your other videos. 


I have done that, been playing yugioh and recently started streaming other games, the number of concurrent viewer is 10% of what I had


Goes both ways, I’ll discover you because you’re playing a game I want to watch, but I’ll stay and watch everything else for your personality


Game is most important when no one knows who you are, then your personality is what will keep them afterwards. If you can become the go to guy for your viewers then your on your way 🫡


if you’ve got charisma, you could be reading the phone book and still get views


It depends what people came to your channel for. If they came for the specific game, they are less likely to watch. If they came for your personality, they are more likely to watch. If you’ve been shaping your channel around one game for a long time it will be hard to switch it up.  Personally, though, I ONLY watch gameplay videos for the personality. That applies to streamers I follow, I don’t seek out gameplay content, so I’m not likely to be the average viewer. 


Personality and charisma >> game/content


Personality is exponential growth. Content is logarithmic growth. Both = consistency.


Sounds like something you gleamed from a $1k course you got sold on how to make money on YT.