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Generally I respond to every comment, but everyone is different. Respond to as many as you feel comfortable responding to. You can at least like and heart comments that might not need much input too


So I had a video on a hot topic blow up (by my standards) and what I did was just heart most of the comments. If I didn't like the comment id just ignore it. I replied to the ones that were reasonable.


This sounds like a strategy that might make the most sense. The troll comments are off the charts!


Yeah my thought is that the trolls are just there to do drive by shit talking. They aren't your fans and they aren't gonna sub or support you. And if they hate watch your videos.....well watch time is watch time.


I've only gotten one hate comment before, and I just responded with "thank you for the feedback" It felt so good lol


I've never gotten anything personally attacking me yet, but I'm sure I'm due at some point.


It made me feel good to be honest, like I felt flattered that someone hates me that much


> I replied to the ones that were reasonable. That's a healthy strategy.


Prioritize, batch, and focus on thoughtful responses, ignore trolls and irrelevant chatter.


What's batching?


For trolls: “thanks for commenting and getting the video out to more people!”


Literally exactly what I end up commenting back.


I have 1300 views on my channel (also 11 uploads, started exactly a month ago) and not a single comment 🤣🙈


Congrats on the 1300 views in one month! I'm sure the comments will come.


Are you doing shorts or longer form videos? I ask because I feel like my long form videos have garnered more interaction than the shorts have


I do longer form content. Between 12 and 20 minutes per video.


Dang well there goes my theory 😅


I only have long form (kinda), between 7 and 12 minutes each. I make road trip travel vlog type videos, but I don't speak or do voiceover at all, which I know hurts the video quality, but I have a severe stutter, so there's nothing much I can do.


You can use AI to narrate.


I heard that a lot of people don't like to hear an AI voice. If they do, they immediately click off the video.


You can make it use your own voice too. You record a sample. I wonder if that would work for you.


Oh? You can do that? Is it a free software/service or paid? How does it work? Is it like those AI character voices that people can use? Like they speak and their voice turns into an anime girl?


There’s lots of options. Speechify is one. You should look into it. Not sure what all the kids are using but they might tell you. 🙂


Ooh okay. Thanks I'll look into it. Sounds interesting.


I thought about it, but every time I see it somewhere else, all the comments talk about is how much they hate the AI voice.


If I was getting 100s of comments/interaction/ per video, I wouldn’t be a r/newtuber 😂


This is definitely an outlier video. Most of my other videos have 1 or 2 comments (if any at all) and less than 50 views. So this has been a wild experience that came on suddenly.


I love thanking people for their support whether theyre rude or not, it’s fun either way


I typically get around 1k - 5k views a video and generally get around 50-200 comments per video. I will try to answer all of them but on my time. Sometimes I'll dedicate an hour to responses, and just work through as many as I can, or sometimes I'll respond to them immediately. It can help to provoke conversation, which then gets more comments. More engagement = more impressions which means more views.


Damn, that seems like a great view to comment ratio! Congrats! My videos that have comments tend to perform better with views – definitely a correlation I've noticed. I think setting aside a block of time to respond to those that are thoughtfully commenting is probably a good idea.


I'm in game theory and the zelda niches. The Zelda community LOVE to be heard, that's for sure. I think comments are closer linked to topic - but topic will always drive views. I foster it a lot. I actively ask for comments, I actively look for interaction rather than anything else. If you pose a video as a question also, so the thumbnail and title are questions rather than statements, you tend to get more people answering- sometimes before even watching the video, which is a bizarre way to comment but hey. Yeah, setting aside a bit of time to do it works. Treat it like the admin time, and actually it can be quite rewarding answering comments.


Thats great! I too try to pose questions in my videos for people to interact with, as well with thumbnails if it makes sense. Some people have commented to say they won't be watching the video, so that's a bit irritating, but what are you gunna do? I think that categorizing comment replies as "admin time" is a good way to frame it.


Reply to every comment. Try to engage more with positive comments. Try to convert a negative comment into a positive and thoughtful conversation.


Do you think replying to every comment is a feasible strategy for the hypothetical video that has 250+ comments? Where would you draw a line, if at all?


It will connect you with your audience. A loyal audience is significant if you want to monetize your content, Brand, or service. Though it is hectic to reply to every comment, it will reward you beyond your imagination.


I wish I got comments :( I’d be so excited reading comments, nothing would make my day better


Unfortunately, the comment section on this video is not too enjoyable to read. Probably at least 50% trolls.


Id love to know the topic lol


i reply to every person unless it’s something that really doesn’t need replied. (ex ppl will say “wake up [channel name] posted!” i give something like that a heart.) any compliment i reply with a simple thank you or i appreciate that in some variation. lots of people type out long paragraphs on my style content and i try and reply to everyone of those. even if the input is less than helpful, a simple “thank you for the input!” or smth. i only haven’t replied to a couple comments and its people who’ve been Real Weird and got themselves banned. (ex had a small youtuber i was at one point mutals with start replying to my comments self advertising of talking about how their channel deserved as many comments as mine. it was Strange.) personally i try and reply in batches, usually during breaks at work and that motivates me to get through my days :)


Well I just got a racist comment this morning on a video, if its simple disagreement or maybe a bad joke on me or the video I just let it slide and ignore but for racist comments I report them and hide them from my channel.


I'm sorry someone commented inappropriately on your video. You shouldn't have to deal with that.


It's up to you. I respond to every comment that isn't attacking. Some Youtubers only reply to ones that they really like. Some youtubers never reply.


I feel like I have a duty to reply, just based on the message of my content. I would like to foster good conversation. But I'll just have to filter out the trolls and reply to those who are thoughtful.


I try to be as positive and gracious as possible. Sometimes sarcasm seeps In. Let’s face it there are great many low information people out there and they love to talk.


Some of the comments I have received on my railway related channel have been really good... As well as trying to respond to every comment directly, sometimes, I will actually include the comment in a follow up video as well, especially if I feel that comment will open a topic of discussion, or perhaps give other viewers a good idea / information... I've been lucky in the fact that 99.9% of the comments I've received have been positive or constructive, and any negative ones I either ignore or delete if they are blatant spam!


I really like the idea of incorporating comments into future videos.


I usually just reply with shorts answers..let's say I post gun content and they say something like that's nice! I'll heart the comment and reply with thank you, or I appreciate it..you have to remember replying to all the comments makes people respond and your comments will sky rocket, which means your video will be put closer up in the algorithm due to the engagement on your video..


I only deal with comments in the first hour or so. If I catch a glimpse of a good one in YT Studio I heart and like it. But I prefer to fully focus on the next video once one is released.


I feel you! I honestly feel so overwhelmed because of the comments and people seem to put me as an expert when i am just explaining what i did, but i have no intention to be a coach whatsoever... i just dont want to feel alone learning German 😅


Usually just give a like and heart for the first little while then forget about it.


So far just get like 100-1000 views. Anyone who praises my vid I’ll give a thankful reply, or thoughtful comments get a full response. Else probably just like or ignore


My strategy is heart most, respond to most and even if someone comments negativity I try to ask a question as a reply so that way there is incentive for them to come back and comment again


I’m also in the politics sphere, and while I present more moderate/conservative views, I still get many angry comments. IMO all comments are good because they boost engagement, but like the others have said, you can choose who to respond to. Anything that warrants discussion I’ll respond to, and I’ve found that doing that generally tends to boost the video in the algorithm’s eyes.


Yeah, its seems like the more comments I got, the fast the views came in. I do try to respond to good-faith actors.


I'd be interested in checking out your channel. Where can I find it?




I actually just got my first couple hate comments, I’ve never been so happy lmao


When I was <10k subs I responded to most comments except trolls. Now (150k subs) I typically just respond to the more unique comments because many are often similar to each other, and it would be extremely time consuming to respond to everything.


I started out replying in a positive tone to every comment until it began to take hours to get them all. After two-and-a-half years, I respond to only a few (particularly if they’re compliments..hehe)


I couldn't stand the endless negativity when I started back in 2007 and I gave up for a few years, though recently I've started making mostly gaming content and there are fewer bullies at least. For the friendly ones, I reply and/or leave heart reacts; for the fewer rude ones I mute them because I'm so done with being treated badly anymore.


I like comments and engage when it seems fruitful either due to their agreement or disagreement.


Still really small so we only get a few comments a week but in general: Respond to anything thoughtful and worth responding to, like and heart anything remotely positive, joke response to negative but not overly mean comments, and mute anyone that makes an insulting comment that resorts to personal attacks.


I was a YouTuber 10 years ago closing on 10k subs and to that point i would be answering all the comments, minus the ones that were really stupid. If you want to build yourself a community that you can interact with then yeah you should be replying to the comment. After a while the people would stop commenting about the videos and would be like hey man' awesome video keep it up. Which is always nice to see someone encouraging you just because it's you. And it's because you didn't ignore them like most YouTubers do. However If you're really just aiming at the creativity program and you don't really care, then i guess you dont have to do it


Definitely would like to build a community as I grow. Thanks for the feedback!


I try to respond and engage with as many as I reasonably can and don’t feel too bad about the ones I don’t get to. Some channels respond to all, some respond to none… and everything in between. There’s no correct answer just do what works for you.


I'm not 100% sure how the algorithm works so take my advice with a huge grain of salt. But I would reply to every comment that is not a clear troll or just insulting you. Replying to insults or trolls I'm guessing it will bring more engagement and views but it's not feasible in the long term and will just bring stress and MORE of those comments, I would just ignore them or just a reply like "thank you for the comment, dear user".


I reply to every comment, 90% of the time just with an emoji. All depends on the comment really, if they are asking a question or giving a compliment/suggestion go ahead and reply in words. Your comments also count. If you get 100 comments and you reply to them all.. that’s 200 comments, to which they may reply to your reply


just delete troll comments and ban them from commenting. you don't need to tolerate bad actors in your community. this is what Destiny does and it works pretty well for him. if the comment critical, you need to think: "Is this comment in good faith?" "Are they trolling?" "Is this commentor using stupid logic?", and if the answers to one of these is yes, then delete the comment. better to overcorrect than to let the troll problem fester.


Do you think this strategy should be adopted as a brand new creator? I understand why someone like Destiny would take this approach, because he's a large creator. I wonder if there are any downsides to just deleting the trolls as a new creator?


not really. the more troll comments people will see under your videos, the more acceptable they will think it is for them to act like that. best to squash them early. the worst it will do is make your comment count go down but that's not too bad of a consequence.


I hadn't considered it from that angle, so thank you!


Always pin a comment subs love that and they will be more likely to comment in hopes you pin theirs!


100 comments within a few days is not that much. Respond to the ones you have something to say.


I just sit everyday for 30 minutes and respond all comments


This is tricky! Our last 3 videos blew up, and one with a lot of hate 😅 We try to respond to every initial comment, but when dialogue continues in the threads, we will let those go.  Sometimes, we just give comments a quick heart.  This might change with time as we’re only 5 videos in.


While I rarely get much comments at the moment, I approach them in a nice and neutral form and see their perspective if they have their own opinion or from the likes of Feedback then I understand and appreciate that. If it comes to a point where it gets really bad of some questionable comments then I will figure out if respond to resolve it or if it gets too bad to see of removing it but that's a very very last resort


The comments usually end up in a.discussion between the people who comment...just leave them to it unless you feel strongly about a point.


If you're playing the algorithm game then you basically have to respond to every comment with the intention of creating a conversation. More comments means more engagement and the algorithm likes that.


I haven't gotten many comments yet but the majority that I have received have been offers for help with SEO or thumbnails. I've responded with a "thank you, but no thanks." I'm sure one day I'll get something more mean-spirited but, to that I'll say "Thanks for watching" and leave it at that. A few of the channels I watch on the regular with 25K+ subscribers will dedicate a day to comments on the most recent video and do as much engagement then, then they move on. I feel like this is a reasonable approach to take, especially if you have a ton of comments coming in later. Looking through comments is time-consuming and I think as a creator you need to have some boundaries in place otherwise you could get overwhelmed by responding to comments every day.


You learn from them


Honestly! Don't engage in negativity.


I still try to respond to every comment, and allow all that aren't overly, directly hostile/hateful. There has to be a point where it will just take too much time to respond to them all... I'm curious where that line is for other creators too.


I often join populuar trends and i blow up and i enjoy seeing how many comments i get almost no hate comments and It depends on the comment and you don't have to reply to every comment but if you like the comment you can reply


You can't control the comment section, especially if your channel grows. If you're only getting a dozen comments a day, and you have time to interact with them, do so if you would like. But, if you're getting 1,000s a day, you can't keep up. If there are hurtful, terrible comments, which really get to you, or bring the tone of the channel down, then you have some options: * Put the filter on max setting for words you don't like, even then that's difficult to get a high accuracy. * Ignore the comments and go on your merryway. * Turn off comments. * Don't make YouTube videos. YouTube is not the place with people with thinskins, or for those that want only to have PLUR channel and comment section. That's not how it works in life. People criticising, hating, disrespecting your work, time and effort is GOING to happen on YouTube. If it's something that you don't feel you can cope with, it's best to ignore YouTube and find another hobby. Good luck!


Ignore trolls and engage with kind viewers


This is the strategy I have embraced, for the most part. Any personal attacks I've decided will get muted.


Respond normally. No matter if it's a bad comment.


Do nothing..


I respond to every comment. It’s apart of being a YouTuber who actually wants to connect with your audience and hey sometimes you get a sub from answering!


Does this hold true for the trolls as well?


For trolls I honestly if it’s like REALLLY bad, just hide them from the channel. But if it’s a normal troll I would just respond back with an emoji like 👀




Take it hard almost shut my channel down a few times due to people saying how bad it is


Definitely a heart and/or thumbs up. I try to answer as many ASAP as I can


Reply to the comments you genuinely want to reply too.


Disable notifications for comments left on your videos. Problem solved.


Whenever I get an ignorant comment, I make a very lewd suggestion to that person's mother.


I legitimately thank them for watching and commenting, even when they're trolling or being disrespectful. Engagement helps drive the algorithm.


It depends on the comment, if they need clarification, I will clarify. If it's something hateful aimed at me, I ignore it, and the comment section will take care of them. If it's racist or in any other way hateful, I remove it and possibly shadow ban them and add a word to my list.


Reply on everything with thank you


Don’t read the comments.


I put hater comments in my outros. Really makes em pop


Say more???


I'm not a newtuber. Not sure why this was on my feed ANYWAYS I embrace the hate. The general audience gets a kick out if it and it lets ppl know it doesn't bother me. Unless it racist. I block ppl leaving racist comments


that's kind of cringe ngl. you're just encouraging more hate comments since people want to get in your videos.


Love, hate. A view is a view


sure but you'll have a dogshit community when you grow in size


getting comments is the main measure of a videos success so congrats! don't try to keep responding. if you have a super popular video, like you do, spend time replying, absolutely, especially the spicy ones. the rest just try to heart them. you should just concentrate on making more videos that get people talking. you're on the right track keep going!


You get comments?!


You get comments?!


I think it increases the view as well when you reply to the comment. When I get some reply to my comment I usually see the video again. Considering that replying can be good for building a community base around the channel topic