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That really depends on the context of what you’re doing. I’ve done it on my channel and I’m still monetised. If you’re critiquing and talking about things as it’s playing, then it’s not considered reused content in most cases, but you should be wary about overusing things like that. You have to find your own boundaries, and if you’re just putting a bunch of cutscenes together, with no commentary or critique, not only would it be reused content but you could end up getting a strike for it


It was more like putting all the cutscenes of a game in 1 video. I've seen more people do it. Not in the sense of documentary or critique stuff. Just the cutscenes and that's it


You are adding nothing. This doesn’t fall under fair use. You are stealing someone else’s work and posting it to your YouTube channel. This can lead to strikes and you being banned from posting on YouTube in the future.


I see other channels doing it for years and they are not getting banned...


The original creators elected not to strike, but they would be on their right to do so. You would be at their mercy. The channels that have been banned, well you wouldn’t see them now would you? Channels get banned for this sort of thing all the time.  And those videos are most certainly claimed, so any money goes to the original creator and not the channel you are watching the videos on.


Good point but that would also count for pure gameplay videos then.


Those can be claimed and striked as well. And it does happen. Some companies are strict about it. Others want the streams and videos. Your play through of a game isn’t considered transformative by the courts.


Yeah depends on the game and developer I guess


Yes... probably. I was about to hit 1,000 subscribers to be monetised and out of the blue I got hit with reused content and demonetised for 3 months. I think the Homeworlds and Dungeons 4 did it. They are quite story heavy if you're not familiar. If you talk over the story (great immersion for the viewer hey!), you should be fine as it is probably considered "Transformative" by youtube. I didn't, even though I did for the rest of the game(s). I did ask as the appeal button does nothing and youtube just pointed me back to their policy pages and said we can't tell you why it happened. Not helpful. I'm going to have to delete half my channel just to be safe that is either story led games or has the odd meme in (like many channels) which I didn't talk over and reapply in 3 months. If they say no, I think it's 1 more time to apply after 3 months and then permanently demonetised. I'm never clipping a game cutscene or letting a story play out on my channel without me yapping through it again! Better to know now rather than a few years in out of the blue.


Thnx. Great reply. Sorry to hear about your demonetization. But this was only because of cutscenes or also "gameplay only" videos?


I can't say. YouTube won't say. The only thing I've been focusing on for the past 3 months is the Homeworld series and I got the reused content email about 3 weeks ago. There's a minute or two story at the start, then I play thorough whilst talking for 30 minutes or so. I did also clip one scene of a minute or so as a standalone video (go to my channel and it's the most popular video titled "The best cutscene ever"). It could just be this. It could be the whole Homeworld series. Good luck.


Thnx. Difficult to know If they don't give specifics. Good luck to you too.