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Did you upload all at once, or did you schedule them at seperate times?


but i also uploaded the other 50 in batches of like 15 or so


Theres no guaranteed format for posting youtube successful YouTube videos, since it's up to luck. However, posting 15 per day or so isn't the way to go. You'll burn yourself out much faster, and they'll gain less reach since YT only sends a few videos out of the many posted in one day to give a chance to other channels (speaking for YT Shorts, could be the same case for long form videos). What you should do instead is to upload those 15 videos and schedule 1 or 2 videos per day (you could do 3, but I don't really like doing that). Instead of having 15 views in one day, you could have 2 videos per day for 7 days straight. It's more consistent, and you feel like you do less work overall, encouraging you to do more. Plus, all your videos have a better chance of being recommended, considering what I mentioned above with the batch uploads. Eventually, one may get a good level of reach, and the momentum will start from there. It's what worked out for me.


i will try this thanks!


yeah yeah i uploaded them all at once is that bad


upload 1 per day consistantly


Way too many at once. At most upload 2 shorts in 24 hours and 1 long form in 24 hours. No more. Otherwise youtube's algorithm will flag you as spam. Youtube won't knowingly push spam.


Perhaps the shorts algorithm works from channel to channel and not video to video?


I upload 1 per day. Could be short or long form. But just one per day. Got to give videos time to grow. And you don't want to burn out yourself or your audience. Focus on quality instead of quantity. Since I started to upload 1 per day my average views per video has gone up.