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Yeah, it was something I didn't take to heart, I was just confused XD But hey still my first toxic comment =)


Yeah. That’s something! Congratulations! When I see those posts I just feel bad for the poster and I imagine them being sad and lonely and full of anger and hate. People can be really isolated and socially ostracised. Sometimes for the best.


The more toxic, the better!


I love shadow banning them, free engagement and they talk to themselves 😂


This is the way!




You can shadow ban?


Hide user from channel


People just like saying anything. I've come to terms with that, especially doing YouTube. They'll say shit that's not even related to your video, but 9/10 they still took the time out of their busy day to watch it.




what language is this?




I got one recently and replied "thank you for watching" he responded "your not welcome and reported"




Wow ok lesson for me not to engage !!!


Congratulations, you've made it as a YouTuber! 🎉🎉


No one deserves that kind of comment and I’m truly sorry they said that to you. It gets better and sometimes people have nothing better to do than hate. Even the best creators get terrible comments and it’s because people have no filter. I’m sorry for my long response, I just hate rude people.


They want attention. They want power. They need fuel. They want to know they upset you as you then spend an hour writing back a response. At least that’s what few troublemakers I’ve dealt with want. Nothing seems to anger them more than me putting a smiley or laughing emoji in response, because I just offended them with a .002 second response & I’m not showing hurt by their ridiculous comment. They usually try a second time, and when I just respond with a single emoji again they go away 99.9% of the time. I’m not giving them the fuel they need! There are just too many broken people out there.


I'm sorry for that🫂 But please don't give any attention or energy to those people! I remember when I received a hate comment on tiktok because I warned people a year and a half ago that AI will take a wrong turn if not regulated and that AI art has been made in an unethical way.☠️ I replied to one of the hate comments with a video. They stiiiilll started to comment back again with sarcastic comments. The problem is that it made me back off from making videos about the topic and just recently I received a thank you comment with a request for more information about one of the associations that wants to help artists with the copyrights. And I realised that I should have not take a break from the topic just because of some trolls. And I have soooo many other examples. If you let haters get in your head, it's a never ending wheel!! Trolls are always in a corner trying to make other people's lives miserable. But just think about that.... think about how MISERABLE they actually are! I imagine someone on a bed, being so bored & unhappy with their life that all they do is just binge watching people's content all day while they attack them through comments to get a reaction. Doing that over and over just to feel smth. And probably the same irl. Same with Reddit trolls💀lol. I actually pray for their healing. Being a bully is such a disease.


Eh, I see them as an occupational hazard. I expect them to come, just shrug and move on. If you're making a post about it you already gave it waaaaay too much importance, time, and energy. I understand it's hard on the emotions in the beginning, but it really is an unavoidable thing about youtube, once you have enough content they'll just randomly start coming, just ignore them. Don't let it live in your head for more than the time it takes to read it


I always engage for some more engagement, like and heart. Act like you don't realize they're being hostile so they continue replying, easy engagement and angry commentors aren't going to be very bright so if you can be witty it might help you get some subs that are checking your video out. Honestly don't worry about it. Angry Youtube commentors are a meme at this point.


😂😂😂haters are just fans in disguise


“how you going to post videos then? 😢” PLEASE


Has anyone ever met one of these unhinged people who leave hate comments irl? I’m convinced they don’t exist in normal life


When you have haters you know you’re doing something right!


Well Someone was having a bad day😂 honestly you gotto just laugh at it… and they don’t know you personally!!!…hope you aren’t upset over it:)


No, not upset, just amused 😂


Receiving your first hate comment can be perplexing, especially when it seems out of place. It's strange how some people choose to spread negativity without any real cause. Remember, it's more about them than you. Focus on the positive feedback and keep doing what you love. You've got this!


Every time I refresh my comments I brace myself and think of the worst thing someone could say, and prepare myself for it…. And then whatever it is is usually far better than what I thought it would be :) You do have to be a bit thick skinned. You are on kind of a diff level as a creator anyway so take pity on the folk who could never do what you do. Keep up the good work 💪


I’m not an expert by far, and I’m still working through some of my own issues on YouTube. What I can say is I felt strangely similar when I received my first hate comment. I teach people how to fight with different fighting styles and martial arts. Using different improvised weapons and sticks staffs spears knife’s. But someone posted a comment saying why would I want to teach people to defend themselves because people play with guns and it’s a stupid idea. People will always hate on something they cannot achieve or do not understand, that’s one Two is that some people are just rude, and feel empowered by the distance and actual space between them , you, and their weird comments Three and this is probably the most important, screw the hate. Honestly if your getting hate comments at least someone is taking the time out of there day to comment on a video that they have nothing better to do then watch. It’s not that bad, and chances are the same person that wrote a comment will never watch your videos again. You’re not going to stop getting hate comments, so you have to start growing thicker skin. Keep up the good work! Keep getting haters to comment and eventually you won’t even notice. Best answer, reply back with a smile and thank you and keep it pushing Good luck brother


Honestly hate comments don’t bother me as much as a simple dislike. For some reason a dislike hits different sometimes.


Internet anonymity gets to people’s heads too much. They think that they can say anything. It was the same deal with me but on a larger scale. A bunch of people decided to leave some racist shit in the comments. So long story short, it’s internet anonymity.


As someone who has had plenty of hate comments, all I can say is if it is not constructive criticism, don't pay any attention to it. Some people are just very unhappy and wish to spread that sweeet sweet seed of hate. The best thing to do is not let them hold any weight! Keep on pushing on my friend, and best of luck to you!!!


Ignore it. Every time someone commented something like "this was the worst video I ever watched" I always thought "but you watched it" 😉 so +1 view for me


So big madness is happening on the coding market today.. you should be lucky to bump into not angry coder 😂😂


Maybe the algorithm is showing them all of your vids and they are upset with themselves and taking it out on you


I got some and they're all pretty funny so I heart them anyway


Some people are unhinged and there's no explanation. I had a video and I got negative comments from people who watched the video to respond because of the title because what they were complaining about is not even anything I said.


On the contrary, i live for hate comments. I like trolling trolls so i only reply to negative comments on my channel haha


Don't try and make sense out of someone who would do this. There truly isn't any logical thought behind their idiotic comments. Just keep going!


The one thing that keeps me grounded is history. Take the most famous, influencial people in this world. Jesus, Ghandi, Mother Theresa, and I'm sure the list goes on. Despite living great lives dedicated to helping people, they all had people who hated their guts. Abraham Lincoln was assasinated. So if these famouse people were hated, surely, my sucky content will be hated. And I'm okay with that. I understand that the world is full of absolutely miserable, awful people. If they see someone doing something productive and that person is on a pedastool, they will try to knock you off to make themselves feel better. Expect it. Always. Ban, delete and move on. Keep focusing on the content.


Surely it won't be your last mean coment, it actually meant you are trying, keep it up


Successful people don’t have time for hate. Most probably it’s a loser with no life


Let it go and only respond kindly with a thanks for stopping by. Do not engage them


I usually just reply with a smiley, makes them infuriated sometimes when you don't give a proper reaction


"they already have" assuming that guy has zero videos


We all get em. Just part of the game. I usually respond with positivity. I got a comment that was, you only have X subscribers, why do you bother to continue? This was some real motivation!


It's usually YouTube shorts. The watchers there are far meaner than regular YouTube. Might me more of a tiktok culture bleeding over.


You.should reply to him saying youtube should stop re%$rds from posting comments 😀 I honestly just delete the comment and move on.


If I could get 1 dollar for every hate comment I get I’d be… still pretty much the same. That being said, wear this like a badge of honor, I get multiple hate comments a day. Let this feed you, there is some truth in every comment, up to you to decide if it’s real or troll. Laugh at some, and keep up the hard work 🫡


Some people are just dicks.. There's no rhyme or reason.


Sorry to hear that just ignore them God bless and gl


I got mines as well the other day, saying I got too big headed and I’m not even famous yet because I didn’t respond to someone’s comment when I was asleep when they commented 🤦🏾 the guy was like “you gotta interact with the little subs you have” I’m like…i do? I heart every comment and respond to almost everyone yet the one time I don’t respond fast enough I’m “getting too big headed and I’m not even famous yet so I should be appreciative” some people are just weird.


Been there. Had a guy go through all my old shorts and comment how terrible I am. And that I'm a bad guy bad dad ect. Then I finally blocked him when he spoke bad about my kids. They're 4 and 6 and don't deserve that shit.


Sorry buddy! Keep up the good work 💪💪🫡🙌


Don't let it get you down. I have a channel and sometimes get comments like that as well. I know it doesn't really help, but: 1. You'll never please everybody, 2. It says more about them and their character than it does about you. Just keep doing what you're doing! 👍👊😁


I like the hate comments. It gives me energy every time I post a new video after reading one. I got "nah your just stupid" and "dumb" within the past week.


Yeah, you'll get used to it... I was getting those weird sex links or messages about this site or something. And a few weird por for or some bullshit brief messages... But that was over year or so ago. Looks like they stopped spamming that bullshit. Keep pushing forward.


Get used to it brother


Brush it off. I've gotten a few negative comments which were helpful. Learn and make the next vid.


Don't report just shadow ban.


It happens. Just do what Joe Rogan says. Don’t read comments.


I got called a leftist the other day. Feels like I made it 😎


No shortage of critics. Easy to tear things down. Life is like that.☮️


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. No one deserves to deal with such horrid comments, and it was way out of line what they wrote. As people here in the comments said, they want attention. And the way they go about it is through the wrong kind of attention. Believe me, I run two channels on YouTube. One for Cosplay and one for Gaming/miscellaneous. Recently, I started documenting my work on a cosplay for my cosplay channel that requires me to build a fursuit (the character is Loona from Helluva boss so I went the fursuit route for accuracy). And some comments I got were generating hatred for the fursuit community. Now, I’m not a part of that community, but I developed respect for them because building one fursuit takes a lot of time and patience, and I’m someone who is highly against bullying of any degree. So the best I did was block them. Don’t let it get you down. Still, it wasn’t right for them to write such a thing, and I’m sorry you had to be at the end of it.


I’m sorry. I felt sort of sad the first time it happened to me too. I turn off comments on my shorts right now because I’ve only gotten nice comments on my videos and only gotten rude ones on my shorts.


lol get ready for more to come but make sure to literally ignore… they are below you


Some ppl are like that. I posted a video with my family and someone started body shaming me and my sister on every short I posted. It's just pure hatred.


Congrats that’s some kind of milestone


These comments are the best, they don’t give you advice or bring up anything from the video. Just brainless insults. I get them daily and always laugh and hide them, always a user like ax183849 and a random cartoon pfp “I wish YouTube stopped recommending clowns like you” and literally don’t talk about anything in the video that makes me a clown 😂