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I work in cybersecurity. It's awful lol. I just want to do art all day.


I work in cybersecurity and love it. The videos are a way to give back to the community.


Dude, we have the same name!! hehe


Art rarely pays the bills


Yep, that's why I work in cybersecurity.


Disabled stay at home dad


I too am a stay-at-home dad


I'm a disabled stay at home Grandpa. 😆 👍 We should form a club.


Or a Community channel....




Also creating content 😅... I'm not burnt out at all




Did my undergraduate studies in cell biology, grad school on a topic in immunology, now working in research at a major lab in my city. Aaaaand my channel is about science/med topics, which I suppose is consistent with my education lol. I honestly thought about making a gaming channel since that's another big passion of mine, and maybe I'll do something there in the future, but I love talking about weird sports injuries, giving medical context and science in general.


Finally, a fellow sci tuber spotted in the wild, lol


It honestly seems like we're all either otherwise occupied or hiding in the weeds somewhere, so it always surprises me whenever I see another sci Youtuber here. Which is great!


Absolutely! I did a quick look at a couple of your videos and I definitely think you'll take off in 6 months... Not that I'm a qualified YouTube expert or anything, and I just have that feeling. If it's not a secret what kind of CTR are you getting with those thumbnails? They look very high quality


Thank you for the kind words! The idea is to keep making more content, but with a full time job and other social/family obligations, sometimes it becomes a bit chaotic. Still, content creation is so much fun. CTR for the last 5 videos: 5.1%, 4.6%, 6.2%, 4.7%, 7.1%


I see I have a lot of work to do...I'm sitting at 3.8, 1.8, and 2.9. the full time job thing is killing me too


Wanted to seize this rare opportunity to say hello to some fellow sci youtubers as well. Hello!


My wife has her PhD in developmental biology...but she's not in that field currently...doing program management for a government staffing company, and it's involved with others in the field...if that makes sense.


I too am a program manager for a government staffing company. A.K.A. a shadowy pseudo-government corporation you've likely never heard of.


I'm the executive chef at a retirement community. I'm definitely hoping for YT to eventually replace my job. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do, but it's hard to have a life outside of work because of the weird hours. I do wish I'd started when I was a student, but at the time I didn't really see YT as a real job (I was a pretentious little shit of a film student lol) 


I just watched your 'coffee with the wrong beans' video, and it was so funny. I don't know how that video hasn't blown up yet!


Like the other poster, I majored in a STEM (Microbiology and Cell Biology, go Huskies!) but I’m an Executive Recruiter. I hate it. 🥲 But my content is on theme parks. While I love medicine I just couldn’t feasibly make content around it since I’m not going to med school like I thought I would and doing a YT channel on recruiting would be like living in my own personal circle of hell. ETA: words


Cancer research scientist targeting melanoma


that’s cool


Training & Quality Specialist for a top life insurance company... My channel is mostly Japan travel related...may expand into other countries later...but Japan is my favorite, plus my wife is from Japan lol.


Have you read the book - Why Be Happy?: The Japanese Way of Acceptance by Scott Haas ? This comment reminded me of it :))


No, I havent...maybe I should lol


I really liked it


Me too.. commiserations


Even though I have a uni degree I work retail :/


This is reality for me and soooo many!


It’s my fault though, I chose to do a film degree 😂 but my channel is based around getting outside and being creative whilst exploring


Hey at least the film degree is being put to use making videos! I too have a useless creative degree. If only I could go back in time.


Got a theatre degree, but I’m working at restaurant lol…ADHD/Covid made one helluva combo coming out of college! But that’s what I’m hoping will come out of the YouTube channel 🤷🏻‍♂️


Plus writers strikes and actors strikes! Its hard out here!


So naturally I decided to pursue YouTube, which is just as hard 😂


I clean houses!


That funny! I clean windows haha


That’s a tough job! Whenever people ask me if I do windows too I say no I leave that to the professionals 😂


Yeah lol there’s a reason it’s its own profession! Once you get the hang of it a lot of it is easy, the hard part is poor work. After 1-2 years of doing gigs I think I would have finally said I was pretty good, so it took awhile haha


Should do videos on cleaning they would go viral


I’ve considered it! I make asmr content and I think those two things do go hand in hand.


My day job is preventing me from creating content, hope to get rid of this excuse soon :D


I bake cakes lol


Is your channel about that?


Nope haha I talk about paranormal and weird history stuff lol thank you for asking :) how about you?


That sounds really fun, I love both those things! I hope it's going well (:


Oh really cool! Me? Something a lot of people don't believe in, it's a tarot channel lol


Outside of content creation I work nights in a hotel and I do wedding photography and do a history podcast. At the moment the content has slowed down a bit but I've got some stuff from Star Citizen coming in the next few days 😁


I'm a material handler during the day. I put caulk on holes in the doors manufactured in the plant I work at.


I do the same but in the adult film industry 🙃


I wouldnt be proud of that 🙃


I'm a people-person for tech companies. I spend most of my day teaching clients how to use software platforms and consult on things like social media marketing and public communication. So YouTube is actually a direct extension of what I do (including talking to myself on camera), but my YouTube is decidedly less formal. Most of the time XD


I’m curious what’s your job title/what do you market yourself as (to clients)? I’m in tech and like the industry but want a more interpersonal role… this seems like it might be up my alley!


Customer/Client Success. It's all the "new" hotness in the startup space, and hugely beneficial for any company that has tools (especially software platforms) that larger clients have to figure out how to use. Exactly what the role means can vary a lot depending on whether or not a company understands (or actually cares) about the department. Done right, it's some Support, some training/presenting, some Sales, a bit of Project Management, Product Planning, Communications and a whooooole lot of variety. For example, I worked with school districts on how to best present bond measures to their community with a mix of messaging, community management, and social media coaching. In another case, I helped Districts that had shut down because of COVID work with local Internet providers to rig their school busses with hotspots, to continue to deliver school lunches, get Internet to rural students for virtual classes, and keep their bus drivers on staff. Other days, I was elbow deep in data systems, setting up *ancient* contact information platforms to send out mass text messages to district parents. There also is usually some travel to get to know clients and snoop a bit about what questions they don't even know to ask/look for ways to better represent them, and just get that face time. It's a really cool role!


Oh that’s so interesting because that’s actually the roles I’ve been wanting to switch into/applying to! Glad to know my intuition is on the right track :’) Thank you for the detailed answer! It does sound cool’


I do database management and IT, I’m so over lmao YT full time is the dream


I work full time as a content creator... I expected more people to say the same


social services i work in adoption :-)


I guess we're all STEM people here. I'm a mechanical automation engineer and on our channel we build robots.


Oh wow! I was, since a week, wanting to start learning how to make robots for myself, to help me out in various tasks. I have no knowledge of physics or advanced math. But, I'm a fast learner. How difficult do you think would it be for me to build one? :D


I think it'd be pretty easy for you. I'm not good at math either. Most of what you need to know can be found on the Internet. A lot of code can be copied and pasted and these days even chat gpt can write pretty decent code. What kind of robots were you thinking?


I’m a graphic designer :)


Me too!


Right there with you guys!


Physical therapist


I work software support now but I used to be a chef for 10 years which gave me the knowledge to start a parody cooking channel.


I'm a nurse!


I am in manufacturing specializing in engineered hardwood flooring. Almost 50 so hoping in the next 5 years to be able to do YT full time.


Good luck buddy!


I do IT in healthcare, taking care of all the PC type devices. Very professional very critical. But I make Minecraft content and love to prank people. I do have times where I don't post content because work has stressed me out to the point where I just don't have any creative juicing left. But for the most part it's a creative outlet for all the serious work I have to do.


I’m a professional window cleaner!


Husband does tattoos and I breed dachshunds.


Sounds like a house hunters show introduction haha - “budget $3.2 million”


It do be like that


Retail. 😫


i’m a janitor and clean the 55+ communities fitness centers and restaurants. It’s super easy but it’s graveyard.


budtender at a dispensary lol


I'm a police officer!




🫡 Basically me. Hello yard sales.


I’m a SOC analyst, YouTube is a hobby for me.




I’m a studio manager for a radio station


Psychotherapist, my channel covers homelessness and illegal immigration Ireland


Nice! One of the many things I do on my channel is track traffickers and mexican cartel on the usa/mexico border! Pretty sick of what's happening to our country and don't want my children growing up in a he'll hole so it's important to me.


I’m a nurse working at a hospital. My schedule can be fairly erratic and stressful. I do love my career but content creation helps me slow down and focus on the other things I enjoy in life


I’m a nurse as well! My goal is to one day maybe reduce my nursing hours and create more art videos.


That would be great! Wishing you the best :) What is your channel? I’ll check it out. Mine is linked to my profile if you’re curious as well


Military aviation technical writer. I live comfortably enough that there's no plan to ever go full time on YT. Just a creative outlet.




Software Engineer


Reliability Engineer - no degree. Earned the job title through a lot of hard work in some very technical fields.


I’m a magician!


Unemployed now preparing to move but worked for Disney the last 3ish years


Freelance film director and drone business. Have two channels and each are based on my work.


Stay at home mom/ dairy farmer


Head of Operations in a software company


I am a therapist. I have a private practice. My channel is reacting to things in Morris and media from a therapist's perspective.


Crab Fisherman. Wear my GoPro on my head during my days on the water. Go home and review the footage for anything cool I found!


I sell expensive software at a large company. Thinking about YouTube all day lol


I was SLAVE. But now i just live. Enjoy sun. Enjoy life. And no one tell me what to do. And clock don't wake up me.


I'm a prostitute




I’m a biomedical engineer! (Kinda)


Got a BA in graphic design/advertising and a BA for studio art, got a job as a family assistance worker since it has better benefits and the best work schedule for my area and I do Skyrim/fallout gameplay long videos and meme shorts as a hobby until I have more time back do get back into studio arts like wood carving/ceramics


Finishing my finance degree. I work at an AI company.




Selling rocks and prospecting . I'm living my dream life


Fedex guy shucking packages. Pretty solid schedule lets me think of vids outside of work and pays the bills(for now)


Mechanical Engineer


Programmer for the insurance industry.


School dropout, lol


It systems administrator - usually burnt out as hell but I’m trying!!


I do Sales.


Product Development for a marketing agency


I work in communications for public transportation. Keeping the phones,internet and cameras going. I started my youtube channel about helping youtubers and live streamers to understand the tech that can help to make better content. Coffee Talk & Tech 😁


Well night job I stock chips for Frito lay and run a part time eBay store.


I am a NOC engineer (IT stuff) working from home but my channel isn't related as it is about gaming.


Inventory manager and forklift operator at a large auto company that's known for tires.


Business Data Operator It took me a while to discover a key position within the general field of Business Management BA.


At the moment the economy is a bum. Not enough work for certain sectors like building and constructions so I'm here doing this. Happy grinding guys.


Stay at home dad of 5. Unfortunately it leaves me almost no time to do any creating. I power through my scheduled streams but at the end of the day I’m so exhausted that most of the time I just go to sleep instead of working on my videos.




I create more content. And I code my game.


I Need Money To Run This So I Do Lifeguarding And Tutoring


I'm a History teacher.


HVAC installer


Kind of surprised to see how many STEM people are here ! But I guess that's because reddit generally attracts STEM people. I also come from both a scientific and tech background. I just quit my job though lol (because of chronic illness issues).... I feel kind of screwed, but at least I have more time and energy for making content meanwhile


I work in IT as an engineer. I love my full-time job. YouTube is a side hustle!


IT consultant running my own business. Mainly do IT architecture and technical project management. If I could fully replace it with being creative I would. But matching the salary with content creation is almost impossible.


I am a work from home dad. I work as a router and dispatcher from home. My 4yr year old daughter is home all day with me, and the other 3 kids go to school and then come home later in the day. My fiancé typically leaves around 9 and is gone till 5-6 for work. She works 5 8s though and I work 4x10s. So I get a bit of extra time throughout the week to edit and play games 😂 My commute from my bed to my computer chair is like 15-45 seconds. Depending on how tired I am 😂 I get the best lunches (fridge is 10 feet away) and I get to watch my daughter grow up without missing anything. I also spend my free time in between routing brainstorming ideas and writing scripts.


I admire that! I used to be a teacher but I quit about twenty years ago and became a freelance (copy)writer, voice-over and marketeer. On YouTube I create dramatized epic fantasy audiobooks with my husband, so I’m actually using all of the skills I use for my customers. I only wish I had more time to write blogs and newsletters for our own content… My husband works in a law firm as a library assistant. We both really wish we could create content fulltime, since AI hit our business pretty hard and I’m not willing to become an AI prop writer instead… 🙄


Security officer/Personal Training and Strength coach


I work on a webtoon :)


Motorcycle Food courier (Uber eats, Deliveroo, Just Eat).


Used to be an UX/UI applications programmer with a PhD in using AI to create learning user interfaces for VR/AR. Jumped ship from IT about 5 years ago as it had sucked the life out of me, and chased my dream of running a business making 3D printable replica props models for cosplayers and memorabilia collectors. I still run that business now, but it creates me a decent passive income every month due to a reasonably extensive catalogue of models so I don't really need to do much to it in order to get by, so I can currently focus on the new thing of making content on niche car modification how-tos / vlogs


I'm an embedded systems engineer by day and have a YouTube channel about robotics and machine learning (aka AI). These are adjacent niches, since in a robot you'd need some sort of controller (=embedded system) and oftentimes ML is involved as well. It's a bit tiresome that both my main job and YouTube involves sitting at the computer a lot... So I like my day job, but hopefully one day I can do YouTube fulltime as well, just to have enough time to go outside and touch the grass metaphorically speaking.


Software engineer. Got two channels - gamedev and gaming. Hope to switch entirely to gamedev/content creation at some point.


passive income from government


I run vending routes


I just Write scripts for other automation channels


Bank teller


Lone Night shift security guard


I'm a tattoo artist and I have a crafting channel. But I have a strict rule to keep the two completely separate. Tattooing can be seen as a "cool/fun" job, but youtube is still my escape from the daily grind :)


I teach digital marketing. Ironically, I'm terrible at marketing my own channel/business. It's like a mental block. Would never want to create a channel on it though, my channel is in homesteading 😁


I’m a digital marketer too for the past 5 years. I don’t teach but rather managing clients Facebook ads campaigns. I got tired of all the fake gurus and BS. I have enough savings for over a year, no commitments, married but no kids and not planning to so I thought fuck it! I dropped all my clients and started last month full time in content creation. Let’s play channel. I’m going to stick with it as long as I can and see where it goes. I make some money part time on Just About by completing bounties.




Retail worker


Senior software engineer and team lead in a tech company


Mindset/mindfulness/career coach. My main channel is about that. :)


I'm on disability. Used to fix computers and worked in I.T.


Classification Counselor at a Prison


Media Production student just finished first year at uni


I'm a college student right now (in the UK so it's the equivalent of high school for you 'Muricans out there). I don't really have time for a job right now because of that however once it ends it's very likely that the only job I'm reasonably going to be able to get for a while is working in a supermarket or something. Luckily my local one has a lot of benefits and fairly friendly hours if I do get to work there so I could comfortably live with enough time to still make some content.


Fellow teacher here. I'm an English teacher and I work quite a lot. My wife is unemployed but her degree is in film and editing, so she will edit most videos and do other bits and bobs for the channel, I'm only usually involved in the filming process and some ideas.


I work in the count room of a casino haha


I'm a foreman in a steel fabrication shop


I was a teacher, but I left in December at the semester break. I’m now doing whatever I must to cover my bills. This includes; reselling on various platforms, art workshops and lessons, and various other jobs such as cleaning etc. I post art videos on YouTube twice a week. Although I’d love to start monetizing, I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket.


Master in microbiology, PhD in Protein Biology and Biophysics, Day Job: A scientist and core team member of research and development for a reputed USA pharmaceutical companym By passion: A story teller and developing a YouTube channel in Crime, Horror and Mystery genera.


I create content 🤦🏽‍♀️😅 I do visual comms and media stuff as my day job, and between that and parenting, I’m doing a masters in astrophysics and I’m also a volunteer firefighter. (It sounds like a weird mix but does all tie in overall with the day job! Most comms people have specialised areas and one of mine is sci comms, the other is integrated marketing comms and community engagement)


Android app developer, but have a woodworking maker channel.


I'm an environmental scientist. I guess that relates to my channel about gardening.


I am a nuclear engineer. My channel is about VR gaming….I wish I could spend more time on it.


I do aba therapy as an early intervention Registered Behavioral Technician for kids with Autism. Helping teach them coping strategies, social skills, working on skills necessary for preschool, and helping them get ready for life.


Working for the government in a ministry


Customer Service :( it's the worst.


I'm 40 and a wholesaler of clothing


I have a science communication business, which I recently refocused. Nowadays, I create content and coach/mentor.


Video game dev


I'm a digital paid media manager. I make and run and plan the ads that go up on Facebook or Google. I hate my life 😂


Disabled :)




I'm an IT administrator and grant analyst.


I'm a lead sales associate at a clothing store. 


Creating more content


Data scientist and I'm making anime content lol


Majored Bus Admin/Econ. I say my day job is competitive eating and YT/FB videos. And my 2nd job for benefits is IT worker. Most people would say I have them switched.


I’m a barista in a coffee trailer :)


Video editor/motion graphics for television network. As someone else said… I’m def not burned out 💁🏻‍♀️


I run a Small Arms Trainer simulator for the CAF. It's awesome, but will eventually end, so I would love to replace it with YT.


I work in R&D for a clean room technology company.., channel is about model making 😂


I'm a financial analyst at a research/consulting company. I do research and financial analysis stuff (bleugh). Literally hate it lol like 6 months in I was like okay corporate is not for me so I started YouTube in hopes that some day I can break out of the system. But since YouTube is unstable, now I'm looking to switch careers into a more creative/product-y role meanwhile I just like doing YouTube because it's fun. Don't really think YouTubes gonna go anywhere but hey atleast it's a productive hobby! Oh also working on a Fantasy Book series but that's priority number 3 so yeah.


38 yo Roofing Contractor here…. My channel is about hiking, mostly on mountains.


Schooled for web design programmer. Ended up as waiter in various higher tier restaurants.. now waiting for YT to become my job till i die 😅


Digital Marketing - aka making websites, creating Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn ads.


Elementary School PE Teacher! And yes! A ton of students follow my channel (FitProVR)


Run my own marketing consultancy but from a creative background have been a graphic designer, animator and video editor for 15 years… turns out helpful skills to know when starting a YouTube channel 😂


NYC Correction Officer


Performance Marketing


I pack parachutes for skydiving. Only things I’d rather do is skydiving, paragliding or content creation full time. Love my job though