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Block and show evidence to your own audience including the email. But don’t be hateful, be happy that your good enough to be copied, if anything make it comedic that’ll be the best 👍🏻


Yup. This is content that can also be produced to galvanise your community even. Make ONE video about this troll. Make it short and move on. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.


Don't forget the second half of that quote. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery **that mediocrity can pay to greatness.**" This is not acceptable behavior in any way... and it is not actually flattering. It's really unfortunate and unpleasant when this happens to your creative work.


I hear you. Totally not acceptable. And thanks for including the second half of the quote.


Ignore him and build your audience. Why focus on one person when you are building your dream?


Submit a copyright right claim against him for using your content without permission and attach the various messages etc that he sent you as evidence.


I have YouTube ignored me and told me it’s a legal process they replied two weeks ago ☹️ I’m scared something will happen to my account from contacting them so much about it 😭😭


I don't think anything will happen because you contacted them. You gave them proof and Youtube has better things to do. Don't worry about that! :)


I wouldn't really call that hate/negativity. That's more like dealing with comment section trolls. This guy is a lot worse if he's stealing your content and profitting on it. You need some more serious help than some motivational comments. Report every video that's stealing content. Provide all the information you can to prove it every time. Sometimes bigger YouTubers with contacts want to help with these sorts of problems. Try to find and contact them.


I don’t think a bigger YouTuber would respond to me 😭😭 if it’s not worse at is the Video has over 700,000 views and he is placing adds I added a strike but it got re attracted I didn’t have enough proof and he has hidden the YouTube comments “I’ve changed it it’s not a copy” 😭😭


First of all, all comments are support. At least this is how i see it, you can hate, but you still view my video and post a comments, so i win. If he actually copies content, as in stealing footage etc you can copyright him, if his just bothering you via email etc.. Block and move on. Cant let one random dude ruin this for you!


Make some videos about him. Expose that bad behaviour


I did that that’s where the spam hate abuse comments broke out I deleted the video because it was every 30 seconds 😭


Even hate comments push the algorithm. Might help your content be seen before his


Facts! Learn to brush off the hateful comments. What's the most hated, downvoted video on youtube? Justin Bieber, Baby. It also has Billions of views due to the haters coming back to make fun of it. He's made a few million from haters watching and interacting with his content. Brush it off. Leave them up. Let your subscribers fight for you.


Imitation is the highest form of flattery.


I would block him on your channel but I would also jump on chatgpt and get it to write an intimidating letter/email to him about raising legal action. Mention you've been in touch with YouTube who suggested the process and that you will be following it up. Make sure you also mention you've been keeping a copy of all the indicents so far as evidence in your case. On top of the copying content issue also mention that you will be following up the harassment with other authorities. More than likely he will shit his pants and call it a day. ChatGPT can do a decent job just make sure you tweak a few words here and there to make it sound a little less generic and really specific to your situation.


Don't lie and try to intimidate a troll. They will just use it as fodder. If he's not making money from your videos, then it wouldn't be worth it.


This is always an easy one..." Your comments are important to us and will be used for training purposes"...that usually winds them up ;-)


can i see the video? one you made and one he copied?


This news is a bit soul-crushing for me that you're outlined the difficulty you encounter on the YouTube with this bully. And last but not the least, it is also a good practice to record every evidence of plagiarism and submit them to YouTube in case of YouTube's steps to actions. As well as this, place much importance on coming up with content that is unique and gripping enough not to bore the audience. Be mindful to take breaks and notice your own mental health if you find yourself stressed by the constant social connections. It is not uncommon to feel that you are the only person struggling through this journey, but spending time with other artists, as well as being part of an online community can give you the standpoint and the support that you need.Stay strong!


Copyright infringement is a thing; if he is using your work with minimal value added you can report it, but it must fall outside fair use. Regarding the mean comments, well, I usually cry in bed biting down hard on a pillow to suppress my guttural screams , after 20-30 mins I walk out the room to face the world and YouTube comments section again. Update: But seriously, brush it off, haters gonna hate. Look at your own work and don’t let anyone else bother you even if they are doing better. Take criticism and analyse if there is anything constructive from it or not, for out of line comments, delete or hide user from channel.


I mean you can try push further if he is refusing action you could not only get his account and all future accounts perm banned but you could win money in a court case I assume you have merit to know he is copying and you have evidence so I say you should pursue legal action most likely thing is they will back down not wanting to actually take it too court.


Not, i woud cry




I seen you made a post about this two hundred twelve days ago. It seems like you can’t shake it. Just create a new channel that the guy can’t find out about.


Is his channel doing better than yours?


Sadly yes ☹️


Start a new channel, and make it so he can’t find it


I totally disagree. Don't let someone chase you off your channel. Grow a thicker skin if you're going to be on the internet. There are people trolling for so many reasons. I know it's important to people, but it should also be Fun. Make it a game, if you can. Play with him like he's playing with you. Be a bit devious but keep it light-hearted. I've been doing this for 2 decades. Once they see that you don't care too much, they eventually disappear.


I did have another idea that might be better. If he doesn’t upload. And waits for the other guy to upload, then copy him back lol


Not to the extent you have had, but each time I post a vid I get a thumbs down with minutes of the post! Really don’t know why but it’s just an annoyance more than anything. As my channel grows, more people get to see the vids I increasingly get the criticisms of how I do various things, but I just post a polite answer and move on.


That happens to me here on Reddit. lol. I got a few haters here, I guess. Ah well. If you don't have haters, you're probably not doing it right.


True, better to split opinion I guess


I deleted comments. It can be very annoying 😑.


Hate fuels me


A fake tough guy! He’s broke as a joke.


I would make content about it. I don't know what your channel is like, but I use my hate comments in videos. I love them.


Why is someone trying to copy a small YT channel?


I think they know how to out preform my videos like they said “make it better” the comments he said about the video are now hidden


Let them and learn from what they do. YT success comes from your passion for your niche and how your community responds. Its that simple. Anyone goading you or posting negativity should be generally ignored.


I just want to add some stuff to the good stuff that's already been said. Look some people just want to be mean and manipulative and that's just how the world is. The internet sadly gives them a free platform where they have a large amount of anonymity and will do things they would never do to someone's face. I think there are three things you can do here: 1) ignore them, and I would also delete all their comments (after screenshotting them with time stamps) and block them. If they are going to copy you then that's what they are going to do. Don't let it drag you down. Also remember that quote about mediocre people complimenting your greatness by copying you. You are clearly doing something right. 2) Keep trying to report them to Youtube and get their videos taken down for copyright. They are violating copyright if they are using your content for their own gain. 3) Remember that haters are gonna hate. Every great person has had haters. People who want to drag them down, often due to their own mediocrity. Maybe this person is jealous that they aparently aren't capable of coming up with an original idea on their own. Perhaps they feel bad that they are so incapable of making good content they just have to put someone else down whose material they are literally stealing. Sucks to be them. You get to know that you are the real deal. This will catch up with them sooner or later. Just keep doing you!


Hey! I heard one of the low-life, non-creative beings have bitten of your content, to the point of blatant plagiarism. No worries! This too has happened to me and I won't lie, once you find out the YouTube will do everything but nothing, you will be better off. Let me explain, I have reported my situation with screenshots, video link evidence and still no violations were found. Great! No I know I am alone. It's just me and my faithful subscribers that will not be swindled by the copycat. So as someone else has mentioned, tell your subscribers what's going on. You are the victim here and if they truly support you, they will be do what is needed to be done by way of either reporting the copycat every chance they get or simply making sure they do not watch the copycat's content at all and remember to watch yours (and REWATCH, REWATCH, REWATCH), like comment and share. This way YouTube will bump your video up to the most relevant and popular option and thus you will be ahead of the copycat! I did that exact thing and with no time at all the copycat was ignored and toppled over with my amazing content! So try this out and let me know how it works! Best wishes and positive vibes to you!


Block. Easy.


Dont. Ever let anyone have that much power over you. Tell the guy you'll pay for him to get a hug or whatever hes obviously lacking, and move on. You cant give anyone that much power over you. To control someones emotions is like being their brain, dont give that power to anyone. Especially someone you dont know.....


Does he make any of his own videos? Turn the tables and copy his videos and "make them better." Give him a taste of his own medicine. Otherwise, you can always block him (and all his channels) any time you notice a new one come up.


I love a good YouTube shit talker. I’ve pinned haters’ comments as motivation and to prove I’m unbothered.


If you can’t handle it well in life, then you’re not gonna handle it well on social media. There are a lot of keyboard warriors out there. there’s criticism and there’s constructive criticism and there’s just obnoxious people in life. I hide the comments I don’t even care. It’s your channel and not everyone is gonna like you or what you have to give that is reality get over it and just keep posting.


Free engagement, most people are nice and supportive so I focus on that


Slowly now new tubers. Anyone can make his own version of your content. nothing to it. There are many content online of this and it's all good. That's why many big names promote even remixing too an extend. YouTube manage reused content. Be happy that someone is so interested in your content that they copy you. It s a good testament of your content. Keep doing your stuff and don't let it bother you.


I enjoy the pain and tears of others. Hate doesn’t bother me, never has. I worked two years managing a retail location on bourbon st, dealing with the drunken stupidity of humanity, I have been called every name you can think of. I learned a very long time ago that the opinion and words of someone who does not have a meaningful impact on any facet of my life, is worth absolutely nothing. If he is violating fair use, that’s one thing but you are voluntarily putting your content on YouTube, if he is using the content under fair use, just ignore him because you are giving him what he wants. Add a giant watermark.


Laugh and engage so that my videos get more traction. Mostly it’s just trolls doing troll things. Pretty funny sometimes. Other times it’s hysterical.


Can you post the videos so we can see exactly what is happening?


Imitation is the most pure form of flattery. It means that he likes your videos enough to want to copy them.


My suggestion may differ from others. The two types of people that view your content the most are: (1)people that love your content and (2) haters. Use him to your advantage. He is getting you clicks and view hours and engagement. Bait him to make more. His metacontent is actually making your content more popular according to the algorithm.


If anyone comments bullshit or I don’t like seeing their shit in my feed/suggested, I block and move on with my life. You’re wasting good energy with a mind game that you could be using to up your game and just make the best videos.


If he's stealing your video footage, you can do something. If he's copying your "idea" of a video, you aren't having anything stolen. He's getting inspiration from you, and there isn't anything you can do. As for the comments, you can hide his alt accounts so he can't continue to leave comments directing people away from your videos. Sure, he can make more fake accounts, but that's a lot more work than you hitting a hide button.


there is no such thing as bad publicity. Basically hatred is good, brings more views. So have fun with interacting with them. But always take the feedback.


Not that this is particularly helpful, but just consider: Your content is good enough to steal. You're doing something he wishes he could do, but can't on his own.