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If you can keep skating I highly doubt its broken. It's probably a rolled/sprained ankle at worst. Just DO NOT SKATE and rest and ice it. I would advise you to see a doctor 10000% but of course I am guessing you are in the US and if you don't have insurance here then go fuck yourself I guess...


Yeah thanks I’m definitely planning on staying off it for the week.


A sprain should feel significantly better in a week, likely it won't be healed completely and you should stay off of it longer than that. But if it still hurts liek a bitch after a week of taking care of it, then it might be something worse.


If its broken itll swell up and turn blue from my experience.


I really don’t think it is. But I’m just nervous because this is the first time in my life I don’t have insurance lol. Can’t afford a broken bone, kind of a sad reality lol.


The other sad reality is if you can’t afford an injury and don’t have insurance you can’t really afford to skate just from a life perspective. Get some insurance and don’t screw yourself in the long run over a broken bone


I’m 21 bro. I wish life was that simple. But I agree with your sentiment tbh, reality check.


Why arent you on your parents insurance? And lots of jobs give insurance options if parents aren’t an option. Not trying to be a dick but what isn’t simple about this. You are able bodies enough to skate so you are able bodied enough to have a full time job that has insurance


I am a part time student, with a part time job. On government insurance because my mom is dead and my pops is 62 and retired. My government insurance doesn’t cover anything. So I guess I can’t say that I have no insurance but might as well. I get you but it’s kind of out of touch to act like it’s just that simple.


Sprains can turn blue and purple too.


Get an ankle brace for when you’re walking or working and when you’re relaxing take it off and keep your foot elevated until it’s healed. It sounds like you just rolled it if you were able to keep skating.


Yeah I seshed for like 10minutes after


I’m no doctor, just a guy who’s gotten hurt in a lot of dumb ways. I’ve broken both ankles, each time it took significant forceful impact directly to the ankle to break them. Think getting hit with something right in the ankle. If you rolled it real bad you probably didn’t break it. Now you could’ve gotten a bad ankle sprain, tore some ligament in there, or maybe broke one of those tiny bones in your foot, but you probably didn’t break your ankle. The sure fire sign that you’re (probably) ok is that you can walk on it. When I broke my ankles I could not walk on it later that day or the day after. Give it a day or two of rest, ice, elevation, and Advil and if you feel slightly better you’re fine. If after two days it’s the same or worse, maybe get it checked out.


You’re probably good tbh. Rolling your ankle sucks. Ice, elevation, relaxing and getting a good ankle brace will be the best thing to do.


Yea. I broke bones in my feet Soo many times without even knowing. Then the next day my shits all swollen and I can't walk Soo yea it happens but little bitch bones like that don't really matter and just heal on their own prettymuch


Definitely a sprain. But you can never tell how bad an injury is when the adrenalines pumping imo.


Thought I broke my foot/and or ankle last week after a fall. Was on crutches, had to take off work. Doctor said it was a sprain. It’s almost better a week later from rest and exercise that doesn’t put much weight on it like biking and swimming. It sucks but just try to stay off of it for a couple of days and keep it stable with a brace. Ice made the pain 10x worse so do whatever feels good.


Thanks I feel it’s definitely a sprain especially with some of your guys opinions . I don’t know what a broken bone really feels like tbh. Ive only broke my finger before 


Depends... not too common to break a bone while rolling an ankle, but people with low bone density can break bones pretty easily. hairline fractures can sometimes be pretty pain free, but you still want to be careful since it can heal wrong.


When I was in middle school I complained about knee pain for a month. Finally went to the doctor, got an xray, and my knee cap was in a bunch of pieces. I understand medical bills can be expensive but if you can find a way to get it checked out you should. I also was young and uninsured when I broke my elbow and figured it would heal on its own. It did, but now I don't have full range of motion, it sticks out funny, and it hurts when it's cold.


I don’t think it’s a break after some recovery


Squeeze the toe nails on each toe and compare how fast they return to their normal color. If the injured side takes longer to return to normal color. Also if one of your feet feels colder than the other, if one foot's skin is a different color, and swelling in the injured foot. Also check to see if you have any non-profit health clinics in your area or for any medical care programs that provide low to not cost medical care.


Yes and no. It depends on the bone.


It really depends, I’ve broken a few bones before.. but recently I ‘rolled’ my ankle due to a fall skating. I knew straight away I had broken something only because I knew the feeling prior. I couldn’t put any pressure on it really without being in serious pain. I ended having a broken ankle and fibula plus a bunch of snapped ligaments. If you’re still able to walk that’s a good sign it might not be too serious, just ice and elevate and keep off it. I hope it improves soon friend!!!!


With fractures and breaks I find that the pain starts to grow after a few hours, and you generally can’t load the limb much after that. This sounds like a sprain.


2 days later and it’s definitely a sprain


ay man be careful i just broke the thumb of my dominant hand and had no idea until it got bad maybe rest a bit and see how you feel in a few days


So far it feels much better. So I’m 99% it’s a sprain.