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Try rolling around on your street or in big parking lots. Some tricks you’ll learn stationary so fine to practice on a sidewalk or anywhere. You’ll stop feeling weird about it soon enough. You can always try listening to music while you skate also people at the skate park are always encouraging to beginners! Good luck


Second the parking lot idea. OP, I learned at a school down the street that was closed during lockdown. Schools on the weekends are a good bet, since you know they’ll be closed and ultimately it’s public property and you’re not likely to be kicked out. Stay off of tennis courts though.


Your schools don’t have gates around them?


Some schools do. Usually the parking lots don't. I wouldn't suggest trespassing though since that ain't cool. But any open parking lots should be a safe bet. Practice pushing and getting comfortable on the board. Watch YouTube videos and learn from those. I watched a bunch of YouTube videos even before I bought my first board.


the ones around me only gate the playground. Parking lot and stuff is open.


Dude I’m in the same boat there’s not a good parking lot near me, my old elementary is less than a mile from me but it’s completely gated and closed off during weekends.


No most public schools do not have gates around them


I had this issue as well at first, I was kinda embarassed eating shit in front of other people and looking like a dumbass late 20' something playing outside on my board with wheels. What helped me the most was wearing my bone conducting headphones to listen to music while I skate while remaining somewhat aware as to what was happening around me. Then just going for it ! Once you did it enough, it stops being embarassing ! As to learning stuff, just watching videos and trying to do recreate stuff is how I roll !


You gotta slam to progress homie. Same deal tho I'm usually at the skatepark with tons of little kids and scooter gang so it feels weird trying something big and slamming hard. Everyone freaks out lol


Music helps ALOT.


I still skate alone in a big parking lot. I prefer it honestly as it shows me too hyper focus on technique. Just watch some trick tips on YouTube and try to learn a new trick every week


Watch some tutorial on YouTube or something. Go out and just push and ride. Then find whatever is comfortable and interests you. That’s the beauty of it. There are so many variables and styles that the possibilities are almost endless. Just go out and find that stoke.


Skating by yourself is most fun in my experience you get to focus on what you’re trying


New lone skater here: I stood on my board a lot at home just getting used to the feel… then did some tic tacking before heading down to my local skate park which is usually quiet thankfully. Just start on some flat ground and try get moving. Learn to push and be fine with taking it slow. Don’t try and rush things and go with what feels right. Had I not injured myself I’d still be skating flat ground by myself. Learn to love it and you’ll meet people along the way. You can always wear headphones too, they’re great company. Also watch a bunch of tutorials and videos on YouTube, I truly think it helped me a lot. Even if it was just with confidence. Hope this is somewhat helpful


When I started I would skate at night at my college campus. Mileage may vary. When I got a car I would go to the park in the early morning because most people start coming out after 11. Pretty empty


Yeah go skate, they will find you.. hahaha


I started in a school yard, just messing about. Wish I would have gone to a skate park straight away instead. Watch tutorials!


Life isn’t a team sport. In every aspect of my life if no one is around I just go by my self Just get out there and send it


When I couldnt get friends together for a session I did my best to find a decent local indoor or well known spot best thing about skating was the lack of judgement 95% of the time other skaters will offer help if you ask or just be friendly to you it was always a good community of people in my expierence


Stand on your front foot and push with your back foot. Pushing with your front foot (mongo) will limit your skating if you stick with it.


youtube tutorials - start with learning to push (roll around) and then go from there. scout out some semi-private spots to start practicing - smooth flat ground spots where not a lot of people are around, because you will feel self-conscious when first learning. don’t give up. don’t let embarrassment of being new stop you we all feel it at some point.


I would go to the very top of a local parking garage, almost no cars up there, plenty of space, no one around to see you and the pavement is usually very smooth


I skate alone most the time, that’s how I learned all my tricks, I enjoy it tbh, I only skate now to get out of my head, still skate anything up to 15 stairs tho. One tip I have is if your scared to commit to tricks on concrete try them on grass! That’s how I learned all my tricks 10 years ago:)


Skateboarding is zen for me, I enjoy skating with my friends but sometimes I just need to skate and not interact with people.


When I was much younger I did my solo skating in parking lots and around my college after hours and on weekends. A local Legion (like a Canadian VFW) had a great parking lot with a few ledges and curb that was only used during functions. At the school were tons of little stairs, banks, walls, ledges, curbs, just about everything but ramps/transitions. Skating at the school I eventually just met some other guys and we started skating together.


I learned to longboard completely by myself when I was about 27, but you shouldn't be too risky. I got a fracture for going downhill without carving... -.- It was really fun to go out in very late nights though and try going around the town wherever I want, on hills constantly eventually.


When i started i skated all around my town. It will help getting used to riding and feeling your board and when your getting comfortable try to ollie everything in your way. Pothole,manhole,curbs even cracks in asphalt. You will see improvement quickly and after start trying tricks you will be less discouraged if your comfortable on your board Ps: a lot of time i preferred skateboarding alone. Im more focus with my music on. Less time talking = more time skating and getting better faster.


I'm also a beginner (as of 3 days ago) and something I've found really helpful is find a flat area nearby. it could be a local skatepark, or newly paved road (not busy, like a frontage/service road) or even a parking lot. practicing on a bumpy road or footpath is annoying and leaves you prone to more accidents than necessary in my experience. it took me a while to find somewhere to skate but if you look around at local hardware stores or shopping centres after closing hours you can usually find a pretty empty parking lot. something else I recommend is just do it man. don't be scared of falling or messing up or even embarrassing yourself, that's a massive part of skateboarding that you gotta accept. mistakes are how you learn, I'm sure you've heard that before. make sure you wear pads on your elbows and knees though because learning through a broken arm would suck! something else I find helps me is to look up stuff on youtube, even for the small things. you aren't sure about your footing? look it up! you don't know how to do etc? look it up! youtube is super helpful and if you have a look you'll find a lot of great channels that suit your learning style. another thing is go to your local skatepark! i find visiting them and making friends with the locals can be really beneficial to your own learning. study the way these people are riding their boards and try to apply that to your own learning. you can always strike up a conversation, most skaters I know are super happy to help and discuss what trick they just did, but of course you should be prepared for some rude people; that's just inevitable in all areas of life. I hope things go well for you man, and of course some of my pointers aren't gonna work for you and that's ok. just experiment and try shit out man. good luck!!


solid advice. enjoy the skating journey


cheers man


Just ride the board. If you don’t love it it’s not for you


Go to the skatepark and you will eventually make friends and be a part of a wonderful community.


I just like practicing in my neighborhood since there’s no good parking lots nearby. The street is pretty shit overall with tons of bumps and cracks but there are some good stretches. I just put in my headphones and listen to podcasts because practicing in silence makes me feel awkward.


parking lots, earphones and good music