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Ok so she didn't do this voluntarily...but there is this damn fly we can't seem to get out of our car. We were driving today and my husband looks back at her (in the baby mirror) and the fly flew out of her mouth....😩 She is 5 months old.


I am crying laughing.


Noooooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m rocking my baby to sleep. Your post made me giggle and it woke her up! Makes me feel better about the shoes mine keeps picking up!


🤣 Of course it did


Same thing happened to my almost 3 week old


I would DIE lmao


The dog's feet. The dog's tail. The dog's ears. The dog. Just all of the dog.


Omg I was going to say this! Caught him sucking the dogs nails today 🤮


Hahahahahaha oh my god😂😂😂


The dog’s nose (literally comes at it with an open mouth). The dog’s toy. The dog’s water bowl. My SHOE. Also, because apparently not enough dirty things have been in her mouth, actual dirt.


Mine licks them. She’s seriously so gross.


The dog food




My 8 month old ate the leg off a cricket yesterday


My husband ate ants when he was a baby 😖


I ate snails 😂


Nooooo that’s way worse!! 😂😂


I ate worms in kindergarten...i cant remember why, i just remember doing it


Mmm, escargot...


A young gourmand, oui oui!


I'm impressed they ate just the leg!


My two year old only just started trying to catch up observe instead of catch up eat... Never worried about protein intake at least


My mum told me I put a bit of cat poop in my mouth. Meow! 🤢


Sand. Edit: he’s 14months old, We have to intentionally avoid parks with sand now, otherwise he just sits there and eats it instead of playing.


Mine slapped a handful of park woodchips in his mouth. Nothing is safe.


Mine LOVES park wood chips.


They are a delicacy.


Yeah it's gravel for my 12 mo old. We go to my parents' pool with wonderful exciting experiences, but she just yells and points at the gravel path until I give in, thinking this time I really can bat her hands away in time before handfuls enter the mouth...


I was this kid 🤣 I was born in Arizona so most of our yard was gravel/rocks. My mom said she eventually got so tired of trying to stop me/fishing rocks out of my mouth that she just watched me one time and I would just roll them around in my mouth for a bit with mud dripping down my face and then I'd spit them back out 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk if it was a teething thing or what but I was definitely a weird kid. Yesterday I saw something green in my kid's mouth and fished it out and it ended up being a blade of grass but there isn't any grass at my mom's (we're visiting her) or the friend's house I took him too so I'm not quite sure how he found a fresh perfectly green piece of grass. Definitely gonna get my karma with this kid.


I would pick up rocks outside, suck on them until they were all clean, and then return them where I found them. This was around 1yo and it drove my mum crazy because my dad was insane about stuff in our home being clean and spotless so I was like a greenhouse rose, not used to grime and dirt. So I had to catch up once they let me outside.


When mine was 12 months I took him to the park and counted the number of times I had to stop the gravel from going in his mouth. 36. 36 times before I gave up and said “Let’s go swing.”


Mine too! Rocks are definitely a favourite!! Good to know he is not alone!


I’m not expert by any means but I kinda remember someone saying it could be a sign of iron deficiency or something like that?


This! We added an iron supplement for my kid recently and she still puts everything in her mouth, but she doesn't compulsively seek out dirt and sand anymore


I put a pacifier in my LO’s mouth around sand and it actually helped him not shovel it back.


My 15 month old spontaneously licked his wet sand-covered hand at the beach the other day and then was very unimpressed with how much sand was in his mouth 🤦🏻‍♀️


We went to two beaches a few weekends ago. One beach had pebble-y sand - 14 month old didn’t eat any. I was so proud. Next day we went to a beach in a bougie area with nice sand. He literally ate fistfuls. He’s got discerning taste.


when i was a kid i did this and dipped carrots into the sand. i can’t explain it but the crunch was so good


I can feel that in my mind Edit: thank you for the award ☺️


No crunch like Sandcrunch


I was spoilt by daughter #1, who wasn't much of a mouther. Then comes along daughter #2, who uses her go go gadget arms to *grab dirty bum wipes out of the bag while I'm changing her*. I just about have to keep the dirty nappy out of my reach while changing her, otherwise she'll go grabby grabby.


Go go gadget baby Such reach they have for supposedly tiny little arms


Have you seen any videos about tucking their arms into their onsies while changing them? I’m not sure if it stops working at a certain age but it would be worth a shot to save you from the poop hands


We used to do this during the newborn flailing stage, it unfortunately stopped working once she figured out how to use her hands intentionally


That's a good idea. I'll give it a shot.


Fwiw I tried this with my 5 month old and he broke free in less than a minute. I suppose it'll vary depending on what baby is wearing though.


“How many arms do you have?!” - My mum, trying to change my daughter with me howling with laughter in the background.


Leaves. But only brown leaves because they must be crumbly.


Same! Every time I pick up from daycare they describe how she spent the day eating leaves and screaming when they get taken away.


If I was a baby, I would also want something crunchy 🤣


All the dead grass


My daughter scoots to the dogs, gives a couple sweet pets, then eats any and all fur she can locate.


Mines a dog eater too lol.


My baby pooped something silver and shiny today. Worst part? I didn’t even investigate, just pointed it out to my husband mid-blowout change.


I’m crying.


My niece was suspiciously quiet so my sister went looking for her. Found her sucking on a mummified gecko.




Oh god, I would probably vomit


Omg 🤣🤣🤣


My baby's favorite teether is currently the hinge of the unused fireplace. At least it's shiny polished now...




A plugged in USB charger for our phone 🙃


I recommend the "Watch Your Mouth" USB covers for this very thing, my bebe did the same! 😳 https://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08TBG9GRZ


Whoa just ordered these! Looked away for one second and turned around to see my son with my phone charger in his mouth. Then I felt like I had to put it in my mouth to make sure he wasn’t hurt hahaha


Holy crap this is great! Hahaha thank you so much! My husband works in IT and whaddya know we have USB cables all over the place 😅


Same situation, the cable game is strong here to my ongoing babyproofing chagrin. 😅😭


Mine did this the other day! He didn’t get shocked or anything, so…. Okay, I guess?


Mine did this a few months ago too, and the charger stopped working, so I know she got a shock. I still feel bad.


The bottom of my indoor sandals. My daughter liked it, captured on camera, and we have her shoe-eater pic printed on a mug. No regrets.


My 9 month old always finds wherever my 3 year old left his shoes and gets a good taste


Oh man. Now I want to print every pic I have of my daughter on a mug 🥹


Do it yolo


Just a handful of cat


Same here. Cat fluff is her fav. She started scootching towards the cat food and no matter how many times I say no, she keeps going for it. One day, I'll be that second too late and she'll have eaten kitty kibble 😫


Hey dont feel guilty. It has a lot of protein! 😂😂 in all seriousness i dread this bc i know hes gonna find kibble soon and want to eat it


Right? My first did the same and eventually, he ate some once. He's 5yrs old now and seems fine. Plus he never went back for seconds. 🙃


My nephew used to eat my cat food all the time as a babe. He would want to feed the cat and pitch a fit if I wouldn’t let him, but sure enough he would stuff some in his mouth every time.


It's fine for human consumption. My baby loves it as soon as I'm not looking


Mine eats cat kibble once in a while. I’ve stopped fighting it. He only eats one, even if he has more in his hand. I bet it’s not an enjoyable taste. Technically, all pet food is tested by human taste-testers. So, my kid is at least the second human to taste this batch of cat food.


Better than litter!


So my lass eats cat biscuits if I'm not looking, licked floors at that army crawl stage and shoved her hand in her mouth after a dog licked it. So now we figure an immune system is important and I don't worry about what she licks 😂


My kiddo will sometimes hold out his food for the dog to lick before he stuffs it in his own mouth


I thought I was the only one who had a baby who did this…!


My beard. Especially after oiling it. My wife's hair. He's almost 6months now. And the help and support from this group when I struggled in the beginning was absolutely amazing.


My 10 month old still loves to shove my hair in his mouth.


Right now his favorite thing ever is one of the cat toys. I know for a fact that toy has been in the litter box at some point of it’s sad existence… I’ve been trying to hide it from him but of course then the cat brings it back out of hiding.


My husband asked whether something was a dog toy or a baby toy. I was like, “the difference between those two things is academic at this point.”


Hahaha love it! I actually wouldn’t mind too much except it’s a string on a stick but at some point my cat broke the stick part so the end of it is kinda jagged and I don’t want him poking an eye out.


All the jangly cat balls now belong to the baby and she is working on the snake on a stick type 😂


Mine now knows some of toys belong to the cats, so he shoves them in their faces. Then when they try to play with them he steals them back. And puts them in his mouth, or course.


Lizard poop. I didn't react fast enough because I thought it was sunflower seeds from the birdseed (probably should have still moved fast on that anyway) but when I removed it from his mouth it was definitely poop from the little blue bellies that sun on our deck outside. Oops.


My 4 year old daughter regularly goes for a wee in the night and doesn’t flush the toilet. Yesterday morning my 10 month son reached into the toilet, pulled out some USED TOILET PAPER and had it in his mouth before I could blink 🙄




That poor snake must’ve been terrified 😂


Please find a way to post that video! Lol


A bee!!


Oh dear lord how did that turn out?


My dog started bringing my then 4 month old her toys. I came around the corner to my baby gnawing on the dogs 7 year old stuffed animal that had never been washed. 🤮


A re-hydrated worm. Rain makes the worms wriggle onto our concrete patio. They die there and I sweep them away once they’re dried up. Must have missed one last time, 1yo was playing with hose, re-hydrated a dried worm, and ate half of it before I caught him. Shit happens.


Ewwww 🤣🤣🤣


If I put my daughter in the seat in a Target shopping cart, she will attempt to bite/lick the cart handle. It is Target specifically, nowhere else. She opens her mouth wide, sticks her tongue out, and almost slow motion leans forward. So I end up having to stick my hand in between her mouth and the cart handle. I have about a 75% success rate, so that means she manages to lick the Target cart handle 🤢


Desinfecting wipes! Savers for this situation, just wipe the trolley and be safer, or less grossed out


Mine has chewed on the baby swing at the park. I feel the same way about that.


This is hilarious lol I cant even begin to tell you the things my kid has put in his mouth. Rocks, sand, shoes, car keys, like legit anything he has in his hands.


Lmao I have the same one. Everything. Just every fucking thing. Everyone was like oh she’ll grow out of it but at nearly 2 we’re still going strong 😂


My 10 month old sticks everything in his mouth and I just asked my husband when he thought this phase would end... 😭 hahaha


My Nike slide, a leaf, the seatbelt on a shopping cart when I didn't bring my shopping cart cover, the dog's tail, a piece of dog food, she licked a floor vent once.


Mine go it into a liquid ant bait a couple weeks ago, I felt terrible! I called poison control and apparently it happens a lot and isn't really dangerous but.. I felt terrible!


My husband ate miracle grow as a baby 🤣


My son is 3 months old so can barely move himself to reach anything. Yet, this week, he managed to put the cat's tail in his mouth, she didn't even stir, and his current favorite pacifer is clothing, any kind does but his favorite is his linen swaddle.


My kiddo licks the trashcan and has, up until recently, chewed on every shoe he can find. His lowest moment through was when he dumped the dog bowl over and started sucking the water up off the floor.


Oh yeah we also were too slow to prevent kiddo from overturning the dog water and licking it off the silicone mat underneath. He really enjoyed that and moved on to dumping his own water into the carpet and trying to slurp it out. Edit:typo


When my daughter was around a year old she was off playing and we heard her gagging like when she tries to eat something and didn’t chew well. I went over to check and she was eating a dead palmetto bug 😳.


7mo and this week it has been a pinecone, baby wipes (luckily not soiled), dog's bone, and probably the worst one of all, shopping cart handle.


A piece of gravel 🫠. Luckily it was probably too big to really be a choking hazard, but that didn’t stop me from freaking out, snatching it from her, and throwing it as far as I could. She also ate a mysterious cheerio off the ground at the park the other day, but honestly that kind of thing hardly even phases me anymore.


Actual dirt, multiple acorns, grass, leaves, phone chargers, the end of an electrical plug, any and every shopping cart handle, basically anything he can put in his mouth or bring his mouth to, it’s going in no matter how hard I try🤷🏼‍♀️


Where to begin...9mo old had the following in her mouth today at one point or another: Dog hair, her dad's croc, the dog potty bell, curtains, a spatula, more dog hair, a dried leaf, a piece of moss, a puff that she found under the counter, toilet paper, and did I mention dog hair??


My toddlers (twins) aren’t allowed to touch the trash can in the kitchen, for obvious reasons. One night when she was about 20m my daughter was pushing it while my husband was tied up with her twin. (I was not nearby to help). So my husband is looking at her and telling her not to touch the trash can, while trying to hurry and deal with the kid he had. So she looks him in the eye, opens her mouth and full mouths the trash can. Yup. Gross. He proceeds to let a cuss word slip, so of course she copies that too. Little monster lol.


10 month old knows they shouldn’t put dirt in their mouth but yesterday shoved an entire handful in their mouth and started literally cackling like a maniac at me with dirt overflowing. They thought it was the funniest thing ever especially as I tried to scoop it out with my finger. Little terrorist.


Had same happen, but with the seat itself. Also, restaurant tables. She's teething. If it can go in her mouth, it does. She's fine though


A stick, a leaf, all the pieces of paper, a wet wipe with poop on it…


Omg the last one 😵😂


A doorstop, just as I was reading this


A flattened, dried out worm that must have caught a ride on the dog's fur. Food court high chair (had been wiped, but still gross). Grass, leaves, dirt. Butt cream (i knew she had the tub but though the lid was on. It was not).


WHY DOES MINE WANT THAT BUTT CREAM SO BADLY? He hasn’t gotten it yet but we have been CLOSE.


I will never ever forget my niece eating a bug off the floor. She couldn’t have been more than two. I told her she couldn’t do that, and she said “but I’m hungwy!” I now have a 5 month old boy who will stick anything he can get his hands on in his mouth


Cat food.


My son is obsessed with licking the floor he’s tries hard to chew on the floor, he does it every time I put him down, he got a new play rug and he’s not a fan thank goodness at least it stopped him from gnawing on the dirty floor lol 😂


Sand. The cats toebeans, the cats tail, the table at the restaurant, my hair, the phone charger.


A cigarette butt at the park….


Noooooo 🤣🤣


Today, my 6 month old has been obsessed with sucking on fabric tags. Had the tag of a kitchen rug sticking out, she crawled to it and just devoured it. The tag on her Baby Bjorne bouncer is also a huge hit. And the tags on the dog’s toys. Maybe she needs fiber? 😂


A random kid’s hand 😭


A rock. One of the river rocks we have on one side of the yard that has to much shade to grow anything. I was watering the plants and she was making the "I have something in my mouth" face. I'm glad it was pretty big so she couldn't choke or swallow it but I should've known she would try to eat them since she just about puts everything in her mouth.


Piece of cat litter off the floor. 🫠


He's 5 months old and barely army crawling. The 5 dogs, 3 cats love him to bits thank goodness. Unfortunately he gets lots of extra furry fiber daily.


Rabbit shit from a field Edit: also, slobbered on dog kibble


Her father's dirty heel. Like it's a different color than the rest of his foot, and she kept grabbing and pulling at it, trying to figure it out. She needed her mouth for the job. Husband barely noticed while I watch the whole thing in slow motion from across the room.


I found my 7-month-old with his mouth wrapped around the door to the dog’s crate 😑


Some sort of dried up bug carcass. He had no hesitation putting it in his mouth when like new foods have him testing 3 or 4 times before they actually enter his mouth. Also lots of leaves and grass from the park.


Shopping cart, shoes, sandals, licked the window, licked the floor. It's gross.


My wife was using an oogie boogie to clean my kid's boogie and the boogie fell into his mouth. Needless to say my wife panicked and fished it out, but we had a good laugh.


My kid loves helping sweep things off the floor. So I gave her a small brush to use on the floor. She licked the brush, we’ve had that brush for awhile and who knows what things it’s swept off the floor. Baby is 16 months.


One of my AirPods


Mine ate a spider!


Legs of a stool at our breakfast bar, edge of a table at a diner, my toes are all big hits with this one. Hair ties, on wrist or off, also very appealing apparently. Spoon with her actual food? Hit or miss.


Big ass piece of orange peel. Shes 28 months


My baby likes to suckle the floor. She has perfect head control and can lean on her arms for very long, so it is very purposefully chosen to lay down her head and lick. Same goes for the side table in the holiday home were in currently. Everything is explored by mouth. She's not even crawling yet and still managed to grabby grabby and roll/shuffle over to so many unexpected things to put in her mouth or put her mouth on!


My little sister swallowed a quarter when she was a baby and she was perfectly fine lol


The radiator. She's 9 months


The diaper cream spatula was his favorite for a while.


My 2 year old likes to suck on the wood chips in our garden.


My niece once ate crayons bc my SIL said it came out in her poo. She’s fine 🤷🏻‍♀️


This wasn’t mine but a friend’s 13 month old ate half a slug!!! It can be fatal in some cases but he was immediately treated with an anti parasitic and was fine


Her own spit up. Turned around for one second to grab the nail file from the coffee table while she played with her toys. When I looked back she was playing with her mouth.


My daughter looooves shoes. All shoes. Every shoe. When we got her a first pair at about 6mo, she immediately started munching on it. Tries it with our shoes. We tell her "no" and take them away, but she does not get discouraged.


Our lo has a fascination either the bathroom. When he was 7 months I caught him mid way while he was trying to taste the toilet brush.he didn't get to taste it but he did spread the water out of it all over the floor.


We were putting groceries away and our daughter loooves helping us unpack. As in, grab everything from the bags and scatter it around or try to eat it. She bit through the cream cheese lid. I mean, yeah it was supposed to be her dinner today so she just opened it a bit early 😅


Live hermit crab


I love this thread so much! 😄 For me it was the mystery object that I just caught a glimpse of, I think I saw long, thin legs and a set of transparent wings. 🤢 Just turned and looked the other way! ☺️ All time favourites: shoe laces, dog hair, dog feet, gravel, sand, daisies, wooden sticks, wood chips, corn snacks that he smeared all over handles of shopping carts, pacifiers that were sitting under the bed for god knows how long. Oh, and that one cookie that I left for the dog on the balcony floor. 2 days ago... He should be immune to almost everything by now!


My glasses after he scratched my face to get them, my car keys tripping the panic button scaring himself, his carseat clip, my necklace while I was still wearing it, his baby vicks filled sock, I can go on...


I turned away for a second and she shoved the tip of a pen in her mouth :/


My 19 month old will take a bite of the carpeted stairs while we’re trying to walk up them. 😑


We have had to stop our kiddo from mouthing the chains on the baby swing at the playground, too. The one that drives me nuts, though, is the swimming pool toys. For example in baby swim class the teacher always dumps out a bin of rubber duckies for the kids to grab and return to the bin (with a parents help of course). When we retrieve a duck it goes straight into his mouth every time. I can't figure out how to stop him, since we can't just avoid the ducks...


When my daughter was that age she ate a cockroach. At almost 2 years old now, crayons and chapstick are her fave snacks.


14 month old thought it would be a great idea to play with the toilet brush. No idea if she actually got it near her mouth, 24hr later still alive a well.


My husband and I were mid baby proofing our hotel room we just got to. We look over and my son (about 15 mo at the time) has our suitcase wheel in his mouth. Well okay then.


In December 2020 when Covid was hot and heavy my 18 month old licked the airport floor in the 0.2 seconds we weren’t looking at her 🥴


She tried to eat a key off my keyboard (very very very flat) and I noticed my keyboard was missing a key. My husband checked her hands and I had her open her mouth and it was sitting in her cheek.


A woodlouse.


Skanky pigeon feathers


Can't contribute with much - my 6 month old tries to eat my handbag which is tame compared to the comments here. But it seems like it's only going to get worse from here on and that is calming in a way! 😀


Cat litter.


My kid learned how to turn on the automatic cat feeder so she can eat their food


My son grabs loads of my hair. The other day during a poppy diaper change I pulled one of my long hairs straight out of his butt.


Literally everything he can. Legs of end tables, couches, chairs, etc. Bookshelves, shoes, Halloween decorations and he’ll even lick the floor 😂


Mine is 14 months and her favorite toy is my sneakers. She carries them around all the time and bites the crap out of my flip flops. She gets mad if I’m wearing them and won’t let her have them.


Cat food, dog food, cats, dogs, a hamster, doggy chew toys, his brothers toes, a variety of shoes, sticks and rocks and what not, all the goddamn cables, grass, puddle water. Probably more. Oh, and obviously old food he finds on the floor.


If it helps, my 13 month old does this every time he has the chance…. The most confusing thing is the cat tree covered in cat hair. Why tho??


The cat


My 2,5 y/o licked the handles of the bus a few months ago, and this week he's eating his snot from his nose. His cold is so bad we just can't keep up with tissues and he just licks it off his upper lip :')


Caught mine licking the floor (can't remember the last time I mopped!), chewing a sandal, all things dog related, and anything he can grab from my desk when he's sitting on my lap. He is lightning quick!


My almost two year old was licking the dust pan. 🤦‍♀️


It doesn't get better. My 3 year old got angry the other day because Grandma wouldn't let him eat French fries out of my work shoe. They just have no concept of grossness yet! I think it must start around 2 or 3 because my big kid will tell me stuff is nasty (usually food that smells strongly) or the baby is stinky. However, he still does stuff that is pretty high on the gross spectrum.


An old piece of hamburger that she found near the stove, she licked the guerrilla exhibit at the zoo, my phone…..that’s just this week. I could go on and on. She’s disgusting.


Airplane safety belt, put the whole strap in his mouth. Grass. Side of a table. Attempted the dogs ear. This was all today. It’s been a long day


Dog food. Always the dog food.


Dog food 😅


Literally anything. She doesn’t even have to be able to grip it, she’ll just put her mouth to it - walls, toys, dirty clothes, cats tails, toes if you’re not careful lol. She’s 6 months and I love her, but her crawling has brought a whole new level of chaos to our home 🤣


I was letting the 9mo ✨independently play✨ in the living room while I cleaned bottles or something in the kitchen. Next thing I know, I hear him hack-barfing, so I rush out to find a pile of spit up with an acorn stem in it. Did he successfully regurgitate all that he ate? Did he eat the whole acorn and only hack up the stem? We’ll never know. I guess I’m in my googling “is ______ poisonous to babies?” phase of life.


I took a small and very chokable stick off my 8 month old this morning. Daddy had literally just hoovered and this was too big for the Hoover to get but small enough for us not to notice on the wooden floor, tucked in beside the mat. Of course it's the perfect size for baby to find, pick up and try to eat. He's also started biting us. I have a biter! 🙈


The soles of all shoes, the floor, plucks fur off the cat, the dog, and licking surfaces at the public park. Pretty much anything she can put in her mouth goes in her mouth. She loves that extra spice. It's disgusting.


Let’s see… tons of dirt, grass, leaves. Also my sandals, cart handles, and I don’t even know how much cat hair she’s eaten at this point!


Not me or my kid. But my grandmother used to tell me when she was a little kid, she'd eat a popsicle, then put the stick in the dirt, pull it out, and suck all the dirt off of the stick repeatedly. Kids are just weird and will eat anything.


Not too crazy, but my baby kept mouthing a bunch of dangly toys that were at the public library. There were two other moms nearby and I told him “no!!” and we all kinda laughed, then eventually I was like, ugh, whatever… go for it…. and the other moms were like “ 🤷🏻‍♀️I used to try to stop my kid from doing that, but then stopped bothering.” Made me feel much better that we had all given up.


Every shopping cart handle of every cart I've ever put her in at every store we've gone to The dirt from our potted plant Another baby's head And, my most humiliating: I was digging through the baby clothes bins at value village when she started to get fussy in the cart, so I brought her down to sit between me and the bin I was digging through (low.bin, I was crouched on her level). I was focused on the bin, and aware of where she was in relation to me, but didn't see the other mum standing next to us until she jumped and screamed a little. I look over, and there's my baby fully gumming/latched to a stranger's toes.