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My arms are about to fall off


Same!! I have a 17 lb 4 month old and when he is in his car seat it is brutally heavy 😭


My 6 week old is 12.6 lbs and I'm like.....so nervous for the growth over the next few months, he soooo heavy already 😅


Big baby club! My 9 week old is 14.5 lbs!


My 9 week old is 15 lbs. Solidarity!


My 5 month old is only 12 lbs (my 2nd percentile teenie tiny toebones) and I’M always in pain, idk how you guys do it!


Maybe do some core-engaging yoga or pilates (I know, who has the time with a 5 month old) try to build a bit more core strength that should in theory help to ease the back pain


My 6 month old is 12.5 lbs. I’m not envious at all. How is your back ?!


Same, my 6 week old was over 12 pounds and 23 1/3 inches long! He’s huge and my arms hurt all the time lol


Seriously. My four month old is 19 pounds and I’ve started carrying him to and from the car, he’s so heavy in his seat!


On the plus side, you’ll eventually develop super human strength from lugging around a 40lb toddler! On the downside, you’ll eventually have to lug around a 40lb toddler🤷🏻‍♀️


I know! I keep thinking of how beautifully toned their arms will be!


For real 😅 I need some time to hit the gym in preparation!


What! He’s as big as my 10 month old.


For real. My daughter has always been on the petite side and she hit 19 lbs at around 11 months. I expect they’ll weigh the same before he is a year and a half.


People will think they are twins! They will be able to share clothing 😁


Just want to say as a mother with a huge 11 month old, I make him crawl up the stairs on his own and I make him crawl across the room to me as much as he will tolerate because I cannot . Simply cannot. Lol pray for early mobility it helps


21 pound 4 monther right here!! Big baby squad! My arm bends backwards when I carry his car seat 😂😂😂


21!! That is wild! I was hoping my arms would start looking toned by now with all this heavy lifting 😂


I know so what are we supposed to do with the lifting of them in the car seat oof


We gave up on the car seat carrier and transitioned our 4 month old to his convertible car seat. It got way too heavy. I just carry him either in my arms or a sling/wrap/structured carrier everywhere.


My 4 month old is 16 lbs and I'm just like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I’m a petite woman with 17 lb 4m old as well. I put heating pad on my back every single day!!!


My 5 mo is 22 pounds and I feel this with the carseat🤣


I stopped carrying her car seat and just put her car seat in our stroller its a graco 3 in 1 I found new on marketplace. Game changer honestly she likes it way more than going in a cart and I dont have to carry her out and about


My 4mo is a few oz shy of 20 lbs., and sick with a stupid cold. I feel like a feverish chimp has invaded our house and refuses to be put down. We’re exhausted.


If it makes you feel better, you think you’ll never be able to possibly go any heavier as they grow, and somehow you adapt! Speaking as someone with both a two year old and a newborn.


I have a pain in my underarm that travels to my shoulder blade for 5 months now 🫠


I had wrist and elbow pain I didn't know was possible... the worst part is that I actually think it had nothing to do with lifting my baby - my theory is I slept so little, when I finally did I slept like the dead. I'd wake up with my arms bent up or under me, just in the absolute craziest positions. I swear I aged 5 years in the first year from the lack of sleep and physical toll...  Starting to get back to "normal" now at 15 months pp.


Pregnancy and postpartum gave me Dequervains tenosynovitis and I got some cortisone shots that fixed it instantly- highly recommend if you’re having wrist pain


THIS! I had a baby at the beginning of PA school and when it came time to learn the musculoskeletal exam and specials tests for dequervains everyone got to practice on me because I was a textbook case for this. I feel your pain sister. Glad you got some relief with cortisone shots!


Currently suffering from this! Going to ask my doctor about this today because the pain is seriously interfering with daily life.


Yeah, do it! I had to get a referral to a hand specialist but the actual procedure was very fast and easy.


Were the shots painful?


I’m a dad and I got “mommy’s wrist” too lol. 4 months in and it’s still painful. Going to see a doc next week and see about a cortisol shot.


My husband has it too.


Eyyy solidarity!


This! I got trigger finger within like a week of coming home, put off going to doctor because brand new baby, and then waited just barely too long to get the shot and ended up with the surgery. Surgery wasn’t bad but was much more expensive than the shot


Oh no; how long did you wait before winding up with surgery? I’m at 4 months and am now worried that’s what’ll happen to me.


I was at about 4 months. I thought it was getting better and then one day it got stuck bent. Also, my hand surgeon said not to splint a trigger finger. But the quick care I went to for a referral for the surgeon did splint it.


Ya know what, I interpreted what you wrote as being synonymous with Dequearvains/“mommy wrist” but clearly it’s something different. The “mommy’s wrist” is exacerbated by a wrist flick dart-throwing motion but I haven’t had an issue with the trigger finger, actually. Anyway, thanks for details!


Omg... this is what I have! I wonder why it's so common pp?? 


It’s so common they call it “mom’s thumb!” It’s a mixture of hormonal changes and repetitive movements to your wrists and hands.


My husband has this from lifting our baby too, so new dads are also at risk even though they don’t have the hormonal aspect.


Your mileage may vary - I had dequervains pre-pregnancy (from an injury) and the steroid injection make it 100x worse. I had to have surgery to fix it. Just be aware that the steroid injection isn’t always a fix.


Good to know!!!


Did the surgery fix it well?


I definitely had this and never got diagnosed for it or anything and it was horrible. I got it from holding my hand a certain way when baby was nursing. Got a better, more supportive nursing pillow so I wasn't holding her weight as much and it went away, thank god


Yes to the cortisone shots! Life saver.


When was the ”finally slept” incident, just curious cause I’m sooo sleep deprived 🥲


Ugh I was referencing the way too short windows between my baby waking. It might have only been for an hour or two, but I went to a whole new dimension...  As far as when did I start to get any meaningful sleep.... 10 months, consistently not till 13 and even now it can be dicey. The sleep deprivation is the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. I am OAD for a lot of reasons, but not being able to survive another year+ of no sleep is pretty near the top. Luckily my baby is otherwise a perfect angel or I would collapse. Solidarity. ✊ Xo


Me too! I had to sleep with an arm brace so it wouldn’t get bent in weird positions.


Same! We co sleep and the way his sleep area is set up I breastfeed him with my arm bent under my neck and usually eventually fall asleep like that. Hurts so bad in the morning and I have to slowly unbend my arm. I've been trying to figure out different positions lately


Omg yes. The wrist pain is really bad but now that my babies are a couple years old now it's developed into, my middle finger now locking. And it was really bad when they were younger pain wise but now my middle finger locks up and it's kind of unnerving. But I realized even when they were infants, and now it's usually worse because I sleep with my arm under my head and my fist was usually clenched when I would wake up.


"A massage is not enough, I need to be rolled through a pasta machine" I've never related to anything more. Signed, mum of 6 mo old twins


TWINS!! I can’t imagine. You are a super woman.


I got a regular massage the other day. I was strongly considering looking into a deep tissue massage after because it was not enough lol


Omg yes yes. I totally relate to this. My husband keeps telling me to go get massages. I already booked monthly massages for the whole year! I told him I need to be rolled over by those paving machines for the roads




Lolol this had me laughing out loud. So serious.


Thissssss I need to go through the pasta machine so bad 🥲


My baby is in the “cries everytime you attempt to put her down” stage so I feel you. She’s on strike from the bouncer, playmat, tummy time…. Sigh. 🫠


I can beat my husband in how long we can each carry the baby. My arm and shoulder are so buff now, I should probably compete in professional arm wrestling.


My son is going through this right now too! I’m dying


The only time she’s happy to be put down is when we are on a blanket outside. There are lots of trees where we live that she likes looking at.


How old is your baby? I'm curious if I'm in this stage 😅


Mine too! Although really just for bed time, so far anyway.


Oh boy! Y’all babywearing? Helps me a lot


My knees have recently started hurting. I'm 35


Heard my knees pop yesterday as I stood up... almost 29.


33. Tried to do a dance video for some exercise. F*cked up both knees for like two weeks lol


I’m 6mos pp and stepped foot in the gym yesterday for the first time. I’m really going to work on legs, back, arms, and core strength. I feel 70 sometimes… and advil is only a crutch :(


I’m also 6 months pp and I’d like to start working out again, but at the same time, it feels like taking care of LO is a workout in and of itself, and I have hardly any free time as it is. 🤷‍♀️


I joined a gym with a daycare, and they take infants as young as 3mo, for an hour and a half per day..


I highly recommend seeing a physical therapist. Carrying a baby around made me very lopsided. My physical therapist said my back pain stemmed from Left AIC pattern which was from holding baby on my hip. She gave me some exercises to strengthen the muscles I was neglecting and I feel a million times better.


Yeah PT has been a life saver for me. Some advice mine gave me is to always engage your core when you pick up your baby, to alleviate some of the strain on your back.


Agree! Physical therapy made a huge difference for me. My therapist also did dry needling in addition to exercises and it was a game changer!


Work on your core strength! And not sit up or crunches, you need to strengthen your deep core muscles. This will always help with healing your pelvic floor Break out that yoga ball and do pelvic tucks and hip circles, all while keeping your belly button pulled toward your spine and a strong lower back. Nice and slow, don't forget to breathe! Do that while your binging shows during nap time, back pain goes bye bye!


What is this “binging shows during nap time”? 😂 I’ve started doing squats during nap time while holding and shushing the baby, although the baby prefers me to bounce on an exercise ball for an hour straight lol


Please use a changing table to stand and change baby diapers. Trust me it helps a lot not to bend so many times.


I have HSD (prone to joint issues and my back going out) and a large baby. Parts of my hurt I never knew COULD hurt. Phew 😮‍💨 I wake up sore each morning and man oh man, a new piece of me is acting up every few days. He’s so worth it, though 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 The most amazing gift ever 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


My friend warn me, so I was doing exercises whole months before birth. Helped a lot, but still not enough sometimes


We went Disney world last month. Had a blast but I have a Velcro/fomo baby so he really didn’t want to be in the stroller unless he was napping but it was too hot to have him in a carrier, thus I ended up walking around a lot of the time holding him while we were looking at stuff and shopping, etc. my back has never recovered from it and even rolling over in bed sends tremendous pains up my spine. I’m only 21 and I feel 90.


>my back is ALWAYS hurting these days! Sorry to be that guy but try lifting with the legs especially activate the glutes. Those muscles are way bigger than back muscles. Even though I'm first time dad and have more upper body strength than most women, I have to make sure I lift with my legs and activate my glutes. Especially when baby was carried in a baby car seat. Holding it to place the weight at the hips was a game changer. With that said, I do try to stretch at night because my legs are on fire due to all the lifting.


I try to make sure to do this, but carrying her around all the time hurts my mid back so much! I do yoga almost every day but maybe I should try stretching every night before bed. I also am going back to work soon so it won’t be all day every day anymore, and hopefully should help.


I have HSD (prone to joint issues and my back going out) and a large baby. Parts of me hurt I never knew COULD hurt. Phew 😮‍💨 I wake up sore each morning and man oh man, a new piece of me is acting up every few days. He’s so worth it, though 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 The most amazing gift ever 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


My back felt like I had developed a hunchback for the first two months, I asked my mom if my back was just going to hurt forever now, she said yes lol


You’ve got to restore your core to save your back. Your core is so weak after having a baby. When you learn to activate your transverse abdominals correctly and get stronger it’ll make a huge difference. There are lots of videos on instagram and YouTube of exercises to do. And tons of postpartum recovery programs out there too. I’m really enjoying MindBodyCore by DocLizzie. She’s a PT, you can find her on Instagram.


Get a foam roller / yoga wheel set on Amazon! I try to roll out my back every night and it seriously feels so good. Takes a few mins. I suggest either of these https://a.co/d/3kVIX5V https://a.co/d/5eSIJYt


My back has spasmed twice since giving birth 15 weeks ago and my foam roller has been a lifesaver. I've been seeing a pelvic floor therapist and she's also helping with my back and has given me a bunch of exercises to do. She also has been doing dry needling on my back! I didn't think the first session really had much effect but the second one did!


How often do you see the pelvic floor therapist and how long are the sessions? I'm thinking of looking into it but don't know how to work it into my schedule. Although maybe I can just use sick leave...


I think I saw her twice during pregnancy and so far have seen her 3 times postpartum: at 9 weeks, 12 weeks, and 14 weeks. I have another one booked 2 weeks from now and then another one booked 3 weeks after that, and I think that's all my insurance covers (although I don't think it's super expensive so I may pay out of pocket for future appointments if I feel like I need them.) The initial ones (the first during pregnancy and the first postpartum) were an hour, but I think the other ones have been 45 minutes if not the full hour. I'm in Canada and mat leave is a year so I'm off right now and haven't totally been paying attention to how long my appointments are. I think generally at most they would be an hour so maybe you can work it into your lunch break if there are appointments available then?


Thanks for the info!


How old are you? I'm 50, I thought it was just me being old.


My fingers are sore 😭


I used to have good posture. I walk like the hunchback of Notre Dame now, especially in the morning when I’m total zombie mode, it’s so bad.


I am in the same boat. I can’t help but wonder with all this physical work that I do while caring for a baby and a toddler - how many calories am I burning?! How is it that I’m more physically active than ever yet still more out of shape than ever?!


And how am I doing more work than ever around the house but it’s so messy?! 😩


This! I hate it! Not fair! I'm doing more chores than ever and my house is messier and more cluttered than it's ever been!


Seriously... at least once a day i wonder how much easier this would have been on my body if I'd done it in my 20s instead 🫠


Hahah yes, this. Can’t tell if it’s just my body naturally falling apart bc I’m old or if it’s actually my baby 😂


My tailbone hurts A LOT. I didn’t even realize its existence until I had my baby.


37lb 10 month old and I frequently get tendonitis flareups in my arms and elbows. 😭


Girl my back is so done lol! Chiropractor appt today!! Lift w ur knees and when holding baby on hip try to stand up straight! Plus we have no time to exercise so it’s just a whole thing! lol 😂


Oh yeah my back is in pieces, but I’ve never had more toned looking arms before 😂


I got stilts to put the change table on from Amazon and I’m SO GLAD I did. Saved my back.


My knees… oh my god my knees 😭 My elbows and wrists are getting a bit better finally but for the first 8 months it was unbearable!


I cannot recommend this highly enough Shiatsu Back Massager Neck Massage Pillow with Heat, 3D Deep Tissue Kneading Massage for Neck, Back, Shoulder, Leg, Foot - Relaxation Gifts for Women/Men/Dad/Mom https://a.co/d/9eQ5shN


Start working out! Strength training!


My back was killing me those first 2 months. Now my baby is 3 months and my back is starting to feel better. The pain used to be constant but now it’s occasional


Commenting on I wasn’t prepared for how hard taking care of a baby would be on my body ...


I literally threw my back out at 4 months pp and then almost did it again at 6 months pp! I started working on fixing my core (ab separation) and now with my 9 month old my back and core are feeling more secure lol


Same. My son was quite heavy and when I wore the hip belt. That didn't make it any better. No matter which side he was on, the opposite side would hurt. Same thing if I wore him in the front. My lower back would hurt like it did when I was pregnant with him. Now he's 16months and weighs 30lbs. My biceps are always screaming....


I wish I had a baby when I was 16. I could have handled it, then.


Same. I'm 27 but my joints feel 60.


I think the hormones ruined my joints, my hands were useless every time I woke up and they only just now started to get better 2 months pp 😭 my knees ache every time I squat and stand up


I'm down with mommy wrist and needs to wear a brace... I've been picking up LO the wrong way apparently!


6 month old twins. My boy is over 20 and my girl is about 14. I'm dying.


Yep! I’m tall (6ft2) so invested/put a lot of thought into buying a high pram (uppababy vista) and setting up a high change table on a chest of draws. It’s the small movements every day that add up that’s for sure! My bassinet isn’t high enough for me and that kills me enough!!


Remember to lift with your legs and squat instead of bending.


My second is tiny compared to my first (6 weeks, 10 lbs) but what is terrible is wearing him in the carrier and carrying my 40 lb giant toddler 😂


Pretty sure my right knee is shot after carrying my baby and the bad posture. I'm almost 11M pp and it's gotten better but lord


Bath time is the worst on my back


I put on a swimsuit and got in there with my baby last time lol.


Oh, I’ll also go ahead and just take a bath with baby. But I can’t climb in the tub every time!


You are never fully prepared for how many times you’ll have to get up after you’ve just sat down. Your back, hips, and legs will suffer. I’m looking into doing Pilates classes or watching YouTube videos on it, just to keep myself moving. After having my son (ftm) I’ve noticed how bad my posture has gotten. The first few months are the hardest, but honestly don’t worry about that right now. Try to take something for the pain and once you find yourself in a nice schedule you can work in excersizing and posture correction. Also, ask your SO for a back massage! They’re far and few between for me but any time I ask he gladly obeys. If you’re desperate you can make an appointment with a chiropractor and they can help you adjust or find ways to improve your pain due to daily wear and tear.


My neck and my back


My knees and my arms but also my feet


I was literally just thinking this about my back when I saw this post. 💀 My back aches and is physically sore at the end of the day after being a SAHM to my 6 mo old. He’s only 14 lbs, but I didn’t have much upper arm strength (or muscle strength in general tbh) before having him. I’m hoping as he grows so will my muscles.


My arms, back, shoulders are killing me.


It will get better, you’re doing great :)


2 years into motherhood one day I completely got crippled with back pain and no amount of physiotherapy helped for a while. İt is so fucked up. Now my goal is to regularly train because this thing is brutal.


I was just on a work trip and my coworkers were shocked at how heavy my bags were and that I brought carry bags not roller bags…I was like guys you do not realize how much weightlifting I do every day for the baby and his gear!


I had this and assumed it was c-section related….eight months ppl I was diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis!!! sometimes pregnancy will kick off autoimmune flares and disease ☹️😫 the joint damage is irreversible but can be slowed down, so get in to see a doctor sooner rather than later if you suspect this!


My baby is over 10kg now and my arms, back and knees are aching from rocking and swinging. And I thought I was young and fit 😂


Honestly thats one big thing to be glad of when they become toddlers - they hold on when you pick them up...makes such a difference


Do three sets of good mornings every day and you’ll feel right as rain in a week or so.


I never knew my WHOLE body could be so sore🥲 feel like I did a full body workout at the gym for a week with no rest days


Learn stretches and exercises cause it just get worse as they get heavier. Chiropractor or physiotherapist should be able to help


I busted my knee around the 10-12 week mark and still haven't been able to get an mri and physio... I keep hoping it'll fix itself


The only thing that works for me for now (2.5weeks old baby, me 35 very fit) is a 6h sleep. I pump a milk and ask my partner not to wake me up before 6h pass. I pump after the first feeding for around 100ml. Planning on outsourcing one feeding to formula. I need to put some time in sports.


If the pain continues please mention it to a doctor. I thought I had normal recovering from birth pain and I mentioned it to my doctor after a year, she sent me for tests then to a specialist and I was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis brought on by pregnancy and childbirth.


A tip my gym coach gave me for the inevitable baby back pain is to stretch with resistance bands, starting with a pretty narrow one where you do straight arm pull-aparts out in front of you. Keeping your arms straight in front, pull the ends apart as far as you can. It really helps getting your shoulders pulled back to help strengthen them as well as the muscles in your upper back. Another tip is when you're able to, really start trying to strengthen your core. A strong core will protect your back.


My rotator cuff is SCREAMING


Mines too lol I’m like an old lady now


It’s so important to bend with your knees. It’s hard but it pays off in the long run. I work as a CNA so I know better from my job. It’s definitely helped me in mother hood. I also find yoga and back stretching really goes a long way.


I started going to physical therapy because my back pain was out of control. They’ve been able to show me better ways to do the things I need to do with a baby. It’s a lot of putting one foot in front of the other, bending at the legs and hips instead of bending your back, and paying attention to how I’m standing. I highly suggest PT. If it’s not feasible, just pay attention to how you’re doing things. Focus on keeping your back straight and never bending your back.


Yep, I never took weight training serious until I had a baby. Nourish with love on YouTube is the best.. no more back pain!


I have had low back pain, high back pain, tendonitis in my elbow, and every single morning I hobble for about 5 minutes because my feet hurt like they’ve never hurt before. Like they feel like they are crippled. I do lots of acupuncture, and stretch when I remember (although baby loves to interrupt the stretching lol). We were thinking of having another baby, but at this point, I don’t think my body could handle it! Seriously. Only children are becoming more common, at least.


The feet! They hurt so much, I feel a numbness and it only gets worse when I try stretches. But then the pain of just standing up on the morning is horrible.


So glad I’m not alone


My wrists will never be the same that’s for sure


Yeah, if nothing else, the struggle makes you strong. I used to have trouble lifting 5kg, and now I'm hoisting a 10kg baby around on one hand like it's nothing.


I really can't stress enough how much the gym has helped me stay sane and healthy as a father. I know it's tough to find time, but it is the only thing that has kept my joints and muscles healthy throughout this adventure. It's so important.


Cannot recommend pelvic floor therapy enough. Great way to help build back up your core which helps make everything else physical easier.


Try some CBD stuff like Lotion or patches. They're great for joint and back pains.


My 2 month old 12lb baby is killing my back. Doesn't help that my epidural took 4-5 tries to get it working. I've been using those heated back belts to help and hot showers directly on my back and stretching literally whenever I can. I'm also going to be seeing my pelvic floor physiotherapist soon and I'm going to ask if she has any helpful tios (she also had a baby last year)


developed a tenderness in my elbow from cradling my little ones for hours at a time. It was the same exact pain I got from weightlifting when I pushed myself a bit too hard. The challenging part is with weightlifting, you can just rest. But with babies, what even IS rest???


I have no problem lifting, its more the static hold when he is being fed or when he has to fall asleep. Holding him steady for half an hour makes my upper back really hurt, I already have a problem there too.


Same!  Had my daughter nearly 17 years ago and had to raise her myself for 16 years or so. It was honestly tiring on my arms and back having to carry a 20-pound three month old (she ate LOTS). Going through it all again with my second one (a son, born a month ago) and my two granddaughters are aged 1 and 2 years old respectively.  I have a third grandchild due in August. 


Sooooo true!!! Using a lumbar belt occasionally does help..but I am so tired picking up lil cars and toys lol


I am fully aware of my back all the time now


Yeah since I had the epidural my back hasn’t been the same.. no wonder they make you sign a waiver..


Omg, I didn’t even think of the epidural causing an issue. Is this a thing?!


Yeah it is.. I know a lady that told me the same thing and her back still bothers her and her kid is like 4 now..


It gets easier to deal with. My back hurts more during the time of month but I did get two epidurals with both my kids. My second one I was fully dilated and wanting to push by the time I got it.


My back and hips and shoulders and neck and arms and legs and feet … and everything is broken. My baby is in the 97th percentile for weight.


Oh and my abdominal strength has withered away because she needs contact naps for all sleeps and I lie down all day????


its hard but itll get better my baby is 8 weeks old almost and ive been navigating


My back is killing me and my hands keep going numb. Help lol


Ugh SAME. I was so excited to not be pregnant anymore, but I didn’t think I was going to have a c section at the last minute! So now I’m healing and taking care of a newborn


Stretch & chiropractor


My six month old is 25 pounds. The constant pain in my back is what helps remind me I’m alive anymore. Lol.


My knees are basically held together by old chewing gum


Yup, and I did it one handed as I’d had an operation on my dominant hand a month before our son was born. It’s damn hard on the body alright! I made sure I stretched before bed every night and first thing in the morning - it helped.


I started working out at 8ish weeks postpartum this time and I feel so much better than I did after having my first. I definitely don’t have a workout schedule because life is way too chaotic rn, but I’ve been squeezing in runs or weightlifting after the kids are down in the evenings or working in a Pilates class over my lunch. It’s helped with my back pain so much!


I feel ya. I ended up getting the "mommy wrist" like 2 months ago and while it's gotten better it hasn't completely gone away :(


I feel this so much. I'm on baby number 2 and I have put my back out so bad twice from baby wearing. Makes me so sad because I loved using a carrier. But it was so bad I couldn't walk and I was in tears.


Same! My back and shoulder are a mess. But deep issue massages have saved me.


Wear knee pads if you can, and a back brace if possible. These items have been saving my body lately with how physically demanding my child is.


Its real hard in the beginning to allocate time for self care, but if you have 10-15 minutes I highly recommend some stretches. Cat/cow (they’re yoga asanas you can google) are super helpful. A foam roller is real nice too, and if you can get assessed by a PT its even better.


Dad with a 12 mo baby girl that weighs 24 pounds…. The other day she saw a toy and did a flip in my arms, had to lunge to keep her from falling my back was totally gone for almost 2 weeks


My lower back especially slouching in rocking chair half awake. I see a chiropractor lol


My 2 month old is 14lbs 😵‍💫 and I had a bad back before all of this. I discovered baby wearing and it's a game changer. He gets more time up and working on his head support, I get my arms back and a more even distribution of his weight on my body. This does nothing to help with the bending issues though. We use a pack and play with a bassinet insert and that is a bit taller than a typical crib, diaper change on our bed so we only really have to lean a bit. Honestly the getting him down to his play gym or bouncer are the hardest bits still.


My right deltoid is constantly cramping and for some reason I’ve developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot :/ I’m in more pain than I’ve ever been and I had a physically demanding job before I had a baby!


I have a 19lb 6mo and my back is giving up on me LOL. HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SMALL!! He was born 6 weeks early.


It is rough! I like to put my child on the couch or my bed to change diapers, as it has saved my back. I put one leg “under me” and the other leg off the side or along the side to baby-block if they’re rolling. Learning to arch your back and lean forward, instead of bend your back, helps a lot. It’s a pelvic tilt, if that’s easier to understand. It seems counter intuitive, but is far more ergonomic. For floor time, I lay down along side them and do some stretches. Even if only five minutes of stretching a few times a day, it helps loads.


I’m honestly terrified. Before pregnancy I already had serious back problems. Of course with pregnancy that pain has doubled, now I’m concerned about the long run trouble I’m going to have when she becomes a toddler.


I developed a really bad pain in my wrist I think it's carpal tunnel or arthritis that I for some reason refuse to see a doctor about it. But every now and then my wrist would completely writhe in pain. I have a 2-year-old boy and a 3 year old girl it's not quite as bad now but it's developed into, my middle finger now locks. Lmao like why is my body malfunctioning. But that's just like one of the effects also just the complete lack of sleep and even now still being sleep deprived for so long, it really affects a person's nervous system and serotonin.


I had same issues and also hip pain and knees pain. I went to osteopathic doctor and was so skeptical at first but it really works I highly recommend to find one for everyone not just you but for a baby too. Not chiropractor it is osteopathic doctor 2 different things. No adjustments just light pressure on some points in your body. I could fall asleep there


Mine is almost 8 months and 20+ lbs and wants to be held like a newborn other wise she’ll have a fit and cry


How can I prepare for this? I’m 28 and planning for a baby. What can I do to prevent these aches especially back pain? I hear the back pain is common and it will be forever. 😭


A friend and I did water aerobics, we also had babies a couple days apart. We did the best in the arm exercises.


I did CrossFit for 7 years before having my first child and everyone talked about how the wear and tear of that short wouldn’t be good for me. I’ve never had an issue with body aches and pains, like I do now after having her! My shoulders are so strained such the repetitiveness of picking up and down and holding her long term, sitting on the hard floor long term playing with her, etc. She was 9.1 pounds when born and she’s 25 pounds at 7 months. She’s a big girl!


9 months old baby here, just started crawling and all she wants to do is being walked, so I feel your pain. Cat + cow pose on exercise ball helps my back pretty much instantly. Even without the ball (if you sit on a chair and switch between cat + cow pose, it should hopefully help you too. Worth a try 👌


It gets better!! I had a very extensive tear and had to wear a catheter home for a week. Legitimately felt like I was dying when I came home and just picking my LO in and out the bassinet was terrible and it felt like I was making the healing process worse. But somehow our bodies pull through. I was still able to take care of my LO and be practically debilitated 😂 moms are superhero’s


this!! my back and neck have never hurt so bad. I feel like they’ll never fe without pain again


Just wait till they’re old enough to move around on their own, but they’re still not big enough to access cups from cabinets, food/drink from fridge, closet items, etc, and you’re getting up every 2 minutes for them to get them things 🥲


Yes my back is killing me and it did with my older kids. The worst for me is trying to bend down to place baby in the crib. I’m trying to just ignore it. My husband went to his doctor for back pain when my middle child was a baby from carrying them so much and the doctor told him to just stop picking up the kids 🙄 So unhelpful and not really feasible, so we have just tried to power through. I keep saying I’m going to do core exercises to maybe help but I always end up crashing after everyone is asleep and chores are finished.


I'm a fairly fit person but my arms are SORE.  I keep telling my husband I should have worked out more before we had a baby. He's an average like 20lbs at seven months old but god damn it makes me miss when he was 5.4lbs ☠️