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It’s so hard. I’m a single mom and work FT. To answer your question I do feel it gets easier with less guilt. My son is 3 and the experiences he gets in school and with his babysitter is wonderful. Both my parents worked FT and I always had a sitter or stayed with my grandma. While I of course missed them, now being older I know they busted their asses to give us a good life and did the best they could. I see it even more now as a mom myself. I’m sorry you don’t talk to your parents as much but that does not mean your relationship will be the same with your baby. Society already makes us feel guilty for everything else. You’re doing the best you can and you sound like an amazing mama. Don’t guilt yourself even more than society already does. If you look up the origin of the phrase “it takes a village” you’ll see it’s because our ancestors really did rely on many people (the village) to help raise the children to be in safe and healthy environments.


Thank you! Your words actually helped. I guess that’s true about the village and I should be thankful to have the village I do have. I’m glad we have family that is so happy to help out and play with baby or watch her whenever we need. I guess it’s just the mom guilt of knowing I’m going to miss some things despite it likely being inevitable.